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@Havoccultist Sounds great with me so far! As for numbers, hundreds of thousands or millions is a fair range for the ASI machines.
@Havoccultist Maaaybe scale down the numbers a notch, but otherwise, I'm good with it. :)
@Havoccultist The setting does have its fair share of superstructures, forge worlds, and city worlds. Sadly though, I'm afraid that Dyson Spheres/Swarms and above would be prohibited, sorry about that.
what are your thoughts on a reactivated artificial general or superintelligence created by certain members within the Federation military to ensure a reclamation of the sector in the event of the polity's fall? As a nation concept that is.

Completely fine with it! Even considered going that route but opted for my current nation.
Discord link had previously been mostly "private"(In that I just personally send invites to anyone interested), but figure now is the time for the link to be public.
@Nivi That we do. I did just send the link personally, but maybe now is the time to set up the link in the OOC.
@DX3214 Yup! We're still taking in new people.
A small bump. We're still active and still are accepting new players!

Capital City of New Yulzonus

New Yulzonus, built over the corpse of Argos, the former capital of the Columbian Republic. To those that remain and remember, this city continues to be an eyesore, a mockery of what once stood in its place, a spiteful reminder from the Yulzan that they’re here to stay, and if they’re not stopped, this world will be one of many in their coming empire, although, every empire shows its cracks.

Adrian Thorin, a young man in his mid-twenties strolled through a bustling Market square, bombarded by a cacophony of a thousand voices from market goers, and sellers, it was disorienting, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He quickly scanned his surroundings, taking notice of security drones zooming over the masses, the ever-watchful eyes of the High Ascendants looking down on their lessers, and in every corner of the market, one couldn’t go without notice a pair of janissaries patrolling the market square, yet another reminder of the Yulzan’s reach.

He shut off the world, looking for a particular stall, pushing through the crowds, it wouldn’t be long before he eyes locked on his target, a stall with an assortment of random items, run by a rather girthy, aged Dathu, he took notice of Adrian, a smile forming across his face. “Adrian! My boy! How you doing?” He exclaimed, the old Dathu quickly leaving the stall, giving the young man a tight embrace. Adrian giving a wide smile. “Doing great Uncle Aroh. Mom and Ruby send their love. Sorry to keep this short…but do you have what it?”

Aroh nodded, gesturing Adrian to follow him to the stall. Once they arrived, Aroh searched below, digging through assorted junk before. “Ahh! Here we go!” He said before placing a medium-sized box on the stall. “It took a while, but I managed to “acquire” it from the Noble District, Jhaq Tea, your mother’s favorite.” Aroh said, raising the lid open to reveal neatly packed teabags, all disguised in plain packaging of course. Adrian nodded and pulled the box towards his chest.

“….And I snuck in a little bonus….give your friends my regards.”

Adrian nodded once more. “I will, thanks Uncle.”

“Anytime and….good luck.”

Some time had passed since Adrian’s little excursion to the market square, carrying the box around him as he ventured off to the outskirts of the eastern district, near a less pristine part of the city. The trip was a rather heart-pounding one, as Adrian did his best to evade Janissary patrols, they’ve been rather antsy as of late, and for good reason. Adrian would pass by Janissaries randomly searching citizens, trying to root out “subversive” elements, and if anyone acted up, they either quickly found their faces meeting the butt of a rifle, were arrested, or worse. The whole city felt on edge, the war seemed to be heating up to a degree not seen before.

Along the way, large airships scoured the skies as propaganda messages played in irregular intervals by the Grand Primarch, the mouthpiece of the High Ascendants. “Do not falter my fellow faithful! The end of the war is near! Our most divine Lords will not stand by and let the heathens of the galaxy stand in their way of their grand vision! Our mighty fleets and armies continue to push the traitorous rebels on the brink, and soon, all of Americana will fall!” All the while as he spoke, footage of the ongoing war played, showing a more skewed view of the conflict, Adrian simply tuned out the Primarch’s ravings, and continued down his path, till he finally arrived at a tall apartment building.

Adrian found himself before an apartment door, room 907, knocking several times. “Who is it?” He heard a muffled voice speak. “Thorin.” Adrian replied, waiting a moment before the door slide open revealing an older man on the other end. “Right on time.” The man said, Adrian nodded back to him as he was let in. Inside was a dimly light apartment, all the windows closed, no light source other than the small traces of artificial light illuminated the darkness, in the dead center of the living space was a stack of crates, a pile of weapons, and five other individuals, several humans and Dathu, and a lone Aldzir. “You’ve come prepared?” one of them spoke.

“Yup.” Adrian replied as he placed the tea box on a table, opening a secret compartment to reveal a submachine gun hidden underneath, along with a small set of documents. “Uncle Aroh always provides.”

The Older man nodded. “Good, we have what we need to move forward.” The man said as he grabbed the one of the documents, taking a cursory scan, forming a grin. “In 0800 hours, we make our move.”

Columbia High Orbit
Yulzan Throneship

Members of the High Ascendant Council were seated in one of the many audience chambers aboard the Throneship, encircling a single large hologram projector, the image of a human man in Janissary officer attire standing at attention. The man in his mid-forties was…clearly intimidated. “Admiral Farley.” One of the High Ascendants spoke, a Yulzan woman by the name of Alin’sha. “We’ve reviewed your reports from both you and your subordinates…and we are not pleased with we’ve seen thus far.”

“Your past gains in the last few months are on the verge of total collapse, we stand to once again lose shared control of the Gateway!” Another High Ascendant spoke in an agitated tone, Nrac’shul was his name.

“A-a-apologies my lords and ladies…” Admiral Farley stuttered rather embarrassingly. “The tolls taken from the New Terran War have only just now reared its head, we’re stretched thin, just as the rebels are….” He paused, followed by a gulp. “But they’ve started receiving more aid from allies from beyond the gate, Ishtari and Azulvistan fleets stalling our advance…and reinforcing their lines.” The council was at a pause for a moment, muttering amongst themselves, a few “damned interlopers” snuck in. The silence was broken as one of the High Ascendants, Zalos, the Guard-Master, spoke. “Admiral, with these developments.” Zalos spoke. “This will for now, absolve you of any acts of…perceived incompetence.” A rather scathing praise…but in the presence of a “god”-like being, it will have to do.

“Nonetheless, this will not go without a response.” He paused as he looked to his fellow council members. “Fellow Ascendants, as Master of the Throne Guard, I hereby authorize feel deployment of my legions. For too long we’ve sat idly by, it’s time to remind these humans of Yulzan might! Is this agreed?”

“Aye.” They all respond unanimously. Zalos nodded in approval, before his eyes met the Admiral’s. “Admiral Farley, while your current station will remain untouched, you, and all your fellow officers will answer to me.”

“Y-y-yes! Of course, my lord!” Farley stuttered once more. “We will fight to the fullest, knowing you will lead us once more!”

Zalos nodded again. “Good, leave us.” Admiral Farley made a slight bow before the connection was terminated. “This is not good…” Edanir, another High Ascendant spoke. “We find ourselves boxed in by humanity on all corners.”

“The Admiral mentioned the Azulvistans…I recall this name with special interest.” Alin’sha spoke, pondering, starting a train of different thoughts and ideas. “If I recall from past reports and intel, they fight their own war against our once lost brethren.”

“And theres the matter of those….ughh, “half-breeds” that we’ve heard of.” Nrac’shul said in utter disgust. “Abominations all of them…but, they may have their uses.”

The central figure among the High Ascendants, Tulzak nodded in agreement. “Perhaps its finally time to make proper contact with our wayward brothers and sisters, wouldn’t you say?”
@LustForDecay@Helios@Crusader Lord I do apologize for the delay, but I'm happy to inform you that your sheets are approved!
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