Avatar of Silver Carrot


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I know nothing about D&D but a fantasy slice of life RPG such as this sounds intriguing. I'm in.
This looks really promising.

I haven't RPed in a year, so I might be a little rusty, but I actually have free time now so this could be fun. Count me in.
I need to get back into this. Sorry. I've been really busy.
I'm still here
If my CS isn't done by tomorrow, consider me dropped out, as that means I won't be able to contribute enough with my current lifestyle.
It's you and Soufflegirl to post in Beta, ye.
"Of course!" Chimed Liz, "I'm happy to help!"

Liz heard the whistling. It was so unnatural, she couldn't help bit pick up on it. It cut through the ambient sounds of the street and stood alone, out of place. Excalibat was getting increasingly testy, as the urge to lift the bat and block was getting stronger.

One of the suits was coming towards her. The instinct kicked in before he even began to telegraph his attack, which was fortunate as he was fast! She raised the bat to her face just as he punched, and his fist connected with Excalibat, which felt like the equivalent of getting fired fist first into a concrete block. Before the suit could register how many bones in his hand were broken, Liz twirled round, both hands on Excalibat, bringing it up over her head and then diagonally down onto the suit's head, making an incredibly satisfying hollow smacking sound.

She thrust one leg forward, held the bat horizontally, and stayed on guard. She could sense the other suits approaching. She wasn't sure if she could fight them all, but she could sure as hell try.

"Stay close," she warned the old lady.
I have ideas, but my job as a night shift leaves me really tired from 3pm-8pm (from when I wake up to when I get ready to leave again.)

Plus I was at the cinema today.

Fingers crossed I'll have enough free time to do my CS tomorrow.
Laura stirred, and then her eyes immediately shot open. Her body could sense that this was not her bed. Why wouldn't she be in her bed? What happened last night?

She shot upright, eyes wide open. The whole gang had been busted. She must be in prison! She glanced around. It certainly looked like prison, but the room was too large, and upon closer inspection, she was in a bunk bed. A hostel, then? Why was she in a hostel? She'd just been arrested. Maybe this was some kind of holding place. Maybe the rest of the guys were here too. She needed more light to see, though. Where was her phone? She reached into her pocket, and there wasn't a pocket there. She jumped out of bed and padded herself down. Her jacket was gone too. In fact, the clothes she was wearing were definitely not her own clothes.

It was then, that the lights turned on. She had to shield her eyes until they slowly got used to it, but was grateful that she could see now. At least, she'd be able to see when the black spots went away.

The room slowly came into focus, and she looked around. Her mates weren't here at all, just four other strangers about her age in bunk beds similar to hers, and one mirror on the far wall. There were no windows or radiators, so she doubted this was a hostel. Not prison, not a hostel. What was this place? A sudden voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

“What I am about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone else. If you do, there will be severe consequences. My name is Flynn James, a.k.a. Ghost. Don’t worry. You’ll figure out why they call me Ghost later. You have been chosen for your skills, brains, and personality to be a part of the U. M. F., also known as the Underground Mission Force. We are not CIA, or FBI. We are not related to the government. We have called you here today for you to accept and begin your training with us. If you choose not to accept, your memory will be wiped and you will be sent home to live a normal, happy, dull life. But, if you do accept, you will leave your family, friends, and life behind and you will begin an entirely new life here. Are you willing to leave everything you know for the betterment of humanity? Each one of you must step up to the window and deliver your answer. There will be no questions, no explanations of who we are, what we do, and what your role is until we have gotten acceptance from those who want to be one of us. The door will not open until everyone has given their answer. Understood? Good. Now, one at a time, step up to the window to deliver your answer.”

That explained a few things, but just opened up a lot more questions. Questions that she didn't have the brainpower to try to answer now. Still, it's not as if she had any kind of choice. Her options were jail, or the unknown. Not exactly a dilemma.

Laura stepped forward. "I'm in, I guess."
Sorry. I'll try and post tomorrow, but I'm really busy right now.
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