Avatar of Silver Carrot


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I haven't been here the past year but things do seem different.

It feels like There are less interest checks being posted, and way more variations on the same idea (post-apocolyptic military survival, anyone?), fewer fandom-based rps, and...what happened to the friend system? I can't find my friends list.

There also used to be way more canons that were developed enough to be more than "I had this very basic idea but I haven't filled in the gaps yet" but less excessive than "here are a couple on 3000 word essays on the lore, history, setting, religion, government, races, technology..." Nowadays those seem to be the only two kinds of canon you find.
I'm very interested
Awesome! Now to play catch-up when I have time lol
Is this still open?
I assumed they were all part of the same tribe. Also, posted a character. Forgot how to hide pictures too.
Name: Grek

Age: 31

Gender: Male


Personality: Grek is a naturally nervous and careful, yet sneaky Kobold. Years of being seen as a bit of a runt and a weakling have taken their toll on his self-confidence and as such he's not much of a socialite. However he is not anti-social as such, and will join in a conversation if invited or feels welcome to. He has great admiration for Kobolds who are strong and brave, though he naturally prefers being with Kobolds such as himself, as he has more in common with them, and feels on their level.

In combat he will end to avoid meeting the opponent head-on, instead trying to outflank them and gain any advantage he can, fighting with his brain rather than his brawn

History: Grek was born a sickly child, constantly bullied through his childhood and berated by the adults of his tribe for being, in their words, "A waste of food and shelter" as there was seemingly nothing he wasn't bad at, and no task where he helped more than hindered. He spent many of his first 20 years working in a mine, though he lacked the physical stamina or endurance to last very long before getting too exhausted to work.

The Tribe's leader was under pressure to cast him out, but being fair and kind, decided to see how he would handle trapmaking. Grek immediately took a shine to it, and with very little teaching or training, quickly became the best trapmaker in the tribe, using brains he had always possessed but never had the chance to use.

Yup, still interested
I am incredibly interested. I'm tempted to use a renegade Colonel Violet. That or one of the really early Androids, like 2 or 3, who are stronger than humans but still not strong enough to be any match for the Red Ribbon Army by themselves.

I'unno. Just somebody who has ties to the Army but isn't on their side would be interesting.
This seems like it could be fun. i'm in.
Noice. Are CSs needed here?
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