Heidi looked down, and seeing the panels were opening up on her side of the floor, suddenly leapt up, taking all the weight on her arms, and swinging the rest of her body over Shawn as she then dragged him away from the pit, before drawing her attention back to the handcuffs. Now she finally had an uninterrupted split-second to examine it, she figured out how to unlock it. It was complex, but as long as she was uninterrupted, she should be able to break the lock. She shifted her body so that her boot was now between the cuffs and Shawn's body, and pulled the cuffs towards her.
"Pull back as I pull! I need to put pressure on the cuffs! This is the fastest way to break them!"
Then she delivered a very fast blow with her hand, and the lock broke. She removed the cuffs from Shawn and then wiped the blood from her hand. Doing that had cut the side of her hand open, and the blood could make it harder if she needed a good grip. She was shutting out the pain completely for now. There was time to be hurt later.
Heidi looked around the room, finding a downed drone, she ran to it, once again, near-jumping across the floor in case of traps, and scooped up the drone. She wasted no time in ripping both guns from it, remodelling the wires into rudimentary triggers, and then throwing one gun to Tatiana, though not without giving the girl who used her as a target one of her sourest stares.
Weapon in hand, she wheeled back and began systematically shooting at and downing the three drones who were converging on Shawn's location.