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They're not just close, they were occupying the same space XD

Always to remember to read other people's posts.

Well, he met Heidi without antagonizing her :3
Gets ignored, then almost gets shot. This is why Heidi doesn't talk to people >.>
Heidi saw Shawn go down. He needed help. She started to run towards him, always keeping an eye on the drones above her, and running in large, leaping strides to minimize contact with the ground. The drones opened fire on her again, and she dodged accordingly, rolling back onto her feet again. She was exerting herself quite a lot, and though she wasn't tired, she couldn't keep this pace up. She couldn't run and dodge forever. She needed to dodge forever. She had noticed that without weapons, the vampire was also less effective than usual. They could both greatly use firearms.

She reached Shawn, and grabbed the handcuffs, looking to see how they could be opened. "Shawn, I can't see behind me. If anything's about to fire on me, tell me!" she commanded in what was nothing like her usual shy demeanor, before returning her attention to the handcuffs.
Heidi quickly analysed the surroundings. They weren't fighting each other, and co-operation was in fact encouraged. That was good. It meant that all she has to worry about was the room itself. What was worrying is that the drones themselves were not level four. There was probably something else that she couldn't see. She couldn't see any other obstacles, no traces of lasers, which only left one option.

"Be careful, everyone!" She shouted to her teammates. "They're using trap panels! Watch your footing!"

She then looked to see how many drones she had attracted with her outburst. She could tell three for sure. The more on her, the less on everybody else, and she knew she could dodge between five and ten depending on how much she's surrounded. They opened fire, and she dives to the left, taking the rolling impact on her shoulders and back, and landing back on her feet in one smooth motion. She spared a quick glance to see how the people with mutations that actually let them attack back were doing.
So what stuff is in the Danger Room this session? Traps? Machines? Hostile holograms?
I'm waiting for more Danger Room stuff before I post again myself. Hyped, though.

Skyline Galea, Sopor
Galea Maejor Resort
Executive Conference Room
Rear Right Standing Zone

Taleste was only half paying attention to what her new boss was saying, and half looking for easy marks among the emptying room. Most of these suits either gave the impression that stealing from them would be a very stupid idea, or were very tightly guarded in the presence of such riff-raff. This was definitely a different country to the one she came from. It was far rich, and far more dangerous. Taleste had to trust in her boss just as much, if not more, than trusting in her own skills to stay alive. As for her co-workers...trust was a strong word. 'mutual respect and distance' might be a better philosophy there. She definitely wasn't going to steal from them. An enemy cut from these dangerous aliens would be one deadly foe.

In a conversation with one of the weirder aliens, her boss had indirectly given her her first order, and it was something she was familiar with; being a posse. But this time, she wasn't just pretending to be a dangerous thug. She was pretending to be a classy dangerous thug. This would be a true test of her acting skills, and she also needed a nice dress. She gave a thumbs up to the weird alien who's just relayed the order like a parrot. 'Please tell me she's not going to be a brown-nosing middle management type,' she thought to herself as she turned and headed out the door. 'I hate those pricks'

Skyline Galea, Sopor
Spektrox Plaza
Glitz Boutique

On a shopping street ten minutes away, Taleste had found a nice dress shop. After trying a few dresses on, she found one she liked; a grey dress that was the right amounts of classy, promiscuous, and a little bit punky on account of it's buckles. It was perfect to catch some eyes and keep them there so that their brains would see the 'punky' vibe her facial expression, hair and the buckles would give to the ensemble and think 'she looks like she could be trouble'. She ran her electronic lockpick over the tag to de-magnetize it, waited until nobody was looking (including the rotating security camera), and then just walked right out the door, pulling off the tags and disposing of them in the nearest bin.

Skyline Galea, Sopor
Galea Maejor Resort

Taleste made it to the rendezvous with two minutes to spare, now dressed in her new, illegally acquired apparel. She hadn't changed her boots. She wasn't going to sacrifice practicality for fashion. Besides, they matched her hair aesthetically.
I'm not sure whether Pyro's waiting for me again, or I'm waiting for him, because Heidi's already at the Danger Room

Skyline Galea, Sopor
Galea Maejor Resort
Executive Conference Room
Rear Right Standing Zone

Taleste was paying attention to this speech, but only retained anything that was of interest to her, which wasn't much of it. All she gathered from this is that her new boss had an agenda that didn't concern her, and many of the people around her were aliens. She could have guessed that much. In fact, it was fair to say she was only a handful of the new employees who were actually born on this planet.

Throughout the speech, the male crooks surrounding Taleste sneered at her, gave low wolf whistles, stared at her cleavage, and occasionally put their hands on her. Every time they did, she glared at them and they stopped. She was no threat to them, but they didn't know that. Most people hired here were ruthless killers. All she had to do was act like she was the type of person who will cut off your hand if you try that again, and they believed her and backed off.

By the end of the speech, she had stolen money from every crook standing around her. That was why she had opted to wear this distracting vest, despite the air conditioning in this room making it rather cool and making her wish she was wearing something a little warmer. After all, what she'd taken was small change. She'd rather be warm right now. She just had no love for aliens who come to this planet and take the most prestigious jobs. Then again, that's the luxury afforded by reputation, and Taleste knew she had the skill for such a one. She just needed the opportunity, and this job was going to give it to her.

The people were clearing out now. She made her way over to one of the segmented floating palm trees adorning either side of the door out, and stood with her back to the wall, letting everybody file out. Probably to go and get drunk. She'd leave last, behind all the rich guys in suits. Now they'd probably be carrying round some decent cash. And they wouldn't find her waiting there suspicious. She just wanted to talk to the boss, if they asked.
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