Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ayita's claws clicked against the floor as the boy shot into the air. Startled more than anything. She had not meant to panic him, scare him a few steps away and make a point. However as he game to land on the ground against her fur bristled, in rage. Fleas indeed! Pest indeed! She growled her eyes gleaming as she stood. The tiger instincts within her say him as weak, prey. 'Live prey. Live frightened prey.' She thought rather annoyed and tempted to teach the pompous brat a lesson. Standing Ayita prowled towards the bow as he turned his gaze from her. Amber eyes all too keen on provoking mischief for the insults. Also insults towards the other mutant was unwelcome. Though she was a animal, Ayita had some manners, and was keen to teach this 'Christopher' some!

Loath to take human form, she gave Jacob a almost apologetic look. Her ears forward, as she turned her attention towards the insulting brat. All she had been doing was going to her rooms, storing away her bag before testing out this form and it's benefits. A simple enough trip, diverted by the questioning actions going on. The floor here was far too smooth for furry paws and Ayita grumbled a growl, wanting the feel of soil and earth beneath her paws. To shape it to aid her stride. Snapping her claws out she flattened her ears, tail waving back and forth. In a dog it could be thought of as gladness, in a cat however it was anger. Her fur puffed up as she gave a snarl, this boy sounded too much like her mother and the tiger instinct demanded she answer the challenge Christopher put before her. Brushing past the back of his legs she circled about glaring up at him. Long teeth bared in warning for him to mind himself. Batting his arm hard with a large paw in scolding motion. How dare he come in here and start insulting! Humans!

@Almosegosum @GrizzTheMauler @rocketrobie2
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, it was a start, Mystique thought to herself. Zack and Griffin Introduced themselves. Well, one of them did. Maybe the two didn't feel comfortable about telling everyone about the two of them. She wasn't going to make them admit it if they weren't ready.

"It's no trouble to me." Charles answered back to the young Nate. Though, he did find it strange that Karma had not been having students guide the new students around, or even her go through the trouble herself. Maybe her personal work was just more important? Hopefully not, but Charles did have a feeling of some sort.

He guided Nate out of the elevator and into the danger room. Just like every door, it was locked only to those without clearance, but it opened to Charles without any hesitation.

When the door opened, a few heads turned to look at Charles and Nate, namely Raven's own, as well as Shawn.

"Professor, I'm glad you could bring Mister Snider to the class. I don't like all of the newcomers just walking around without direction." Raven bowed slightly to the headmaster in greeting.

"I'll have to talk to Karma when I have the chance. Maybe even Ororo." He nodded back at her. He turned to Nate. "If you need anything, all you need to do is ask a teacher, and my door is always open, Nate." Before long, Charles wheeled himself out of the room. He didn't get far before he recieved an alert through the interface on his chair. It was a simple system, something not unlike the simple buttons and disks like the captain's chair from the original Star Trek series. He tapped the button, and the call became clear.

"Professor, there's a little problem in one of the dorms. A problem involving a very large and very sentient cat." It was Sage, the woman in charge of the infiltration and stealth classes. Of course her classes were just about as hands on as Raven's, which was why it seemed evident that she was probably looking through a window, or through the cameras around the perimeter.

"Send in Blake. It may be just another student playing a prank." Kids these days were so intense with their pranking and joking, it was almost hard to keep up with. If it was just another student, then Blake could easily talk them down and out of their animal form. If not, then He'd have the jet prepared to drop off the creature at the nearest zoo, though that second option seemed very unlikely.

"Oh, and there's another problem Booker might be able to help with on the news."

"I'm glad you could join us, Mister Snider." Raven allowed the young man to stand with the rest. Now that almost everyone was here, they could finally get started. Raven clapped her blue hands together to grab everyone's attention. "Now, lets get to work! We're going to be starting you all on level four out of ten. We'll see how each of you match up against what the Danger room can throw at you, and how you can all work together to keep yourselves alive. You get hit three times by the room's defences, you'll be out for this exercise. And, it'll go on for... However long Forge and I decide to keep you in here." She didn't seem to mention what would happen to those who were out. Not if they would be able to leave the room, if they would be put in stasis or something, or anything at all.

Shawn found it weird, but he looked at Raven as she started making her way to the door that led to the control room. As she turned away, she seemed to have been smirking, but he could hardly catch it before her back was turned to all of them.

Moments later, the intercom in the Danger Room sounded off.

"Alright everyone," Raven spoke over the intercom. "Don't die."

By her command, panels lifted away and revealed a plethora of drones. They flew about, registering their targets before flying towards them. In addition to the drones, some of the panels on the floor were waiting to be activated, just waiting for some unlucky sod to walk or land on them.

The conversation between Emma and Booker carried on for a bit after that, but was cut short as Booker received a call on his personal phone. "Hello?"

"Blake, it's me." Sage spoke on the other end of the line. "We have two problems for you. The first one is waiting in Jacob Grendurr's dorm. I'm sure you've memorized where everyone is sleeping by now." Even Emma, who sat across from him, could hear the smile worn by Sage.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds awfully weird," He almost seemed hurt, but at the same time he was accepting her jab. "I'm sure I'll just find it when I hear commotion. I'll call you back for that second problem when I'm done with this one."

"You better, you'll finally be able to get that team of yours a trial run."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Heidi quickly analysed the surroundings. They weren't fighting each other, and co-operation was in fact encouraged. That was good. It meant that all she has to worry about was the room itself. What was worrying is that the drones themselves were not level four. There was probably something else that she couldn't see. She couldn't see any other obstacles, no traces of lasers, which only left one option.

"Be careful, everyone!" She shouted to her teammates. "They're using trap panels! Watch your footing!"

She then looked to see how many drones she had attracted with her outburst. She could tell three for sure. The more on her, the less on everybody else, and she knew she could dodge between five and ten depending on how much she's surrounded. They opened fire, and she dives to the left, taking the rolling impact on her shoulders and back, and landing back on her feet in one smooth motion. She spared a quick glance to see how the people with mutations that actually let them attack back were doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate's mind snaps to the constant training and talks his father held. "Stay together, but don't bunch up, cover each others backs." Nate says loud enough to be heard as he vaults into the air, to land in a crouch five feet to the left bending the light around him and several other students in a ten foot area. Glancing around at the drones, Nate causes the bubble to shift, causing them to be hidden. Anyone who looks from that side will just see a blank spot, all heat and body sign hidden.
Nate sets himself in a low stance, balancing on the balls of his feet, a grin settling across his face, his blood pumping. He just hopes his team mates don't end up under him on his next jump.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana was a little disappointed four drones, she wanted something harder. She could deal with this on her own. To get on one of the X-Teams she had to show she could work with a team. She wished she was in a class with students with more combat experience. She ripped up a floor panel. She mentally calculated several options. She picked one, it wouldn't do the most damage but enough. She tossed it, it blocked several shots by a drone that was going to hit a classmate in the back and embedded itself into a drone which fell to the floor with a dull thud. She wished she could fight some of those Sentinels. She always wondered how it's mutant detection tech would work on a mutant Dhampir. She also wished she could carry her weapons, she felt naked without them. She remembered she still had one of those attention grabbing IEDs she was demonstrating earlier. She tossed it away from the others the drones which turned to fire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys sighs. "Can you both calm down... Let's not get in a fight. Save that for the Danger Room." Chrys shakes his head and takes a step back, crouching as he shifts to the very roof. He'd only wanted to calm the situation. But ended up escalating it. Just like it always happened back home. "How did you ever think I would be a peacekeeper..." Chrys sighs, shaking his head and shifts himself to a safer location, ending up by Breakstone Lake. He immediately took a liking to the quiet area, sitting down next to a tree.

"Well, I have some time before my next class.... Might as well rest..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

An astute observation by Heidi, Shawn nodded. Drones on their own weren't that much of a challenge. Miss Darkholme must have paired them up with something else to make things more difficult. Shawn was still learning the limits of his powers and how he could use them in combat. Of course, he could just shoot things with lightning, but in a metal room, he could easily hit everyone. Instead, he wanted to try something that he had watched on TV.

Ki, as Shawn understood it, could be perceived as the electrical charges and pulses in ones body. One of the most notable shows that he had been using to study was Dragon Ball, where people used their Ki in order to shoot lasers. Electric lasers! He had to at least give it a try in a safe area. His hands joined together, and Shawn began to generate and condense electricity between his hands, crushing it down as far as he could, pushing it further and further into his closed hands until he found a suitable drone for a target. He opened his hands just a crack, shooting a condensed bolt of energy at one of the drones.

But he missed.

The bolt fired off and hit one of the walls, missing the drone almost entirely, and gaining its attention while he was at it. But he knew that it could be done. Now, all he had to do was channel all of the electricity into his hands without having to physically crush it down with both hands. He just needed to learn to compress it and fire it like finger guns.

He couldn't take much more time to play around, though. Heidi, one of the few mutants who did not have an offensive mutation, might need a little help with fighting off the drones. She was quite capable in her own right, having a supercomputer for a brain and pretty much having the capacity to outlast any of the drones in the room, but the exercise was all about teamwork, and nobody really seemed to be stepping up to the plate. Nate pitched in, and he was completely right. They needed to be close enough to help, but not bunch up so much that they restricted other people's movements.

"We need those brains!" Shawn was fairly sure he knew how it was going to go. If they weren't going to be making any progress in working together to beat the drones and traps, then Raven would surely up the tempo to force them together. "Nate, you can mess with light, right? Can you scramble the drone sensors so it's harder for them to see us?"

He ran towards Nate and Heidi, his foot being pulled down as he activated one of the traps. A tube from across the room shot something at Shawn. His hands shot forward in an attempt to electrocute whatever it was flying towards him. It didn't work, and before he knew it, his hands had been cuffed behind his back. They were insulating, too. Nothing he could to could electrocute them or fry them off. He'd need some help getting them off. For now, he was stuck with just kicking electric waves at robots around him.

Booker and Emma walked through the halls of the mansion. Emma wanted to tag along to see what kind of trouble was happening, as well as how Booker was going to handle it. Surely, whatever happened would be interesting.

Just as he entered the room, someone teleported out of it. He figured he knew who it was, and was sure that they didn't feed the fires of conflict before shifting out of the area.

She could see the new boy. Christopher, as she prodded his mind briefly as their eyes connected only for the slightest of moments back in the foyer. He was hovering about, and there was a tigress prowling on the ground. Another boy seemed a little more calm, but the situation was indeed tense. She felt it was best not to prod the Tigress' mind, but found that the other boy was Jacob, and he and the floating boy were now roommates.

"Alright, alright." Booker didn't seem worried at all. A green glow started from the center of the room. From that glow came a panel that spread across the room, exactly half way up the walls to divide Christopher from whom he could only assume was Ayita, or another shifter. Whoever it was, they were now being encouraged to help in bringing down the situation. "Christopher." He nodded at the newcomer in a greeting manner. "Now, can any of you tell me what happened here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob didn't hear any answer to his question on Christopher's powers, whether he had told him or not, as he was now staring at the tiger in their now shared room. Jacob stood completely still as he was paralyzed with fear but made no action to even attempt to move as he knew full well that a tiger would rip through him like nobodies business. So rather than take the heroic role and use what little powers he had to hopefully subdue the beast in the room, Jacob simply stood there and seemingly calmly stared at the creature.

I wasn't until the intervention of Dr.Smith did Jacob finally put two and two together and realize this might not be an actual tiger and it may infact simply be another student. If Jacob had to guess he'd think whoever this was in the tiger form had been put up to this by Shawn as a way to get back at Jacob. Jacob began to make his first movements which had seemed like a lifetime in the form of a chuckle which was quickly cut off by Jacob puking right on the floor of his room with a small amount of silk laced in with it.

"All things considered" Jacob began as he recovered from blowing chunks "That was a pretty good prank."

@pyroman@LadyRunic@GrizzTheMauler @Almosegosum
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

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Christopher Harris

Christopher stared at the man for a few moments, his nails shifting against his palms as he tried to control himself. All of his instincts told him to lash out, to blame others for his shortcomings... his father's shortcomings. He felt his teeth bite into his lower lip, wincing when he finally felt his left thumb nail cut through the skin on his left forefinger. The sudden pain shocked him out of his stupor, as he the voices of his siblings and parents disappeared from his mind. With sudden clarity he looked at the people in the room once more - the boy that had disappeared. Shit. He had just wanted to help. And the Tiger clearly was a mutant. It probably meant nothing. And his roommate - must probably think he is most stuck up... that was exactly what he was. A racist, entitled failure dressed up as a snob.

"A mistake. A mistake happened. I will be leaving now. This will not work." He stared at the man, his hands shaking and his chest constricting. He looked at the others in the room - unsure if they will be able to hear him. "I am sorry. I meant none of it.(he looked to Emma Frost - fearing that the telepath would be invading his mind) Good day." He rushed past the man, and down the hallway - ignoring the other students he saw along the way - his breathing quickening as he desperately looked for a door to the outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Heidi saw Shawn go down. He needed help. She started to run towards him, always keeping an eye on the drones above her, and running in large, leaping strides to minimize contact with the ground. The drones opened fire on her again, and she dodged accordingly, rolling back onto her feet again. She was exerting herself quite a lot, and though she wasn't tired, she couldn't keep this pace up. She couldn't run and dodge forever. She needed to dodge forever. She had noticed that without weapons, the vampire was also less effective than usual. They could both greatly use firearms.

She reached Shawn, and grabbed the handcuffs, looking to see how they could be opened. "Shawn, I can't see behind me. If anything's about to fire on me, tell me!" she commanded in what was nothing like her usual shy demeanor, before returning her attention to the handcuffs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ayita grumbled at Jacob's assumption of her form being some prank. Though she did retreat from the people, the tiger side of her annoyed and worried about these new threats. Struggling between instinct and the sheer wonder of this form Ayite sat focusing on shifting. Trying to anways, a human foem was so weak and slow, far less enjoyable than the tiger she wore. The need to hunt, to run only increased when Christopher 'fled' as the tiger saw it. Craahing her will down on the inatincts the ahifter held herself in place, cursing her forgetfulness about tigers and herself. The raven had taken her strongly and ahe supposed if she ever took the form of the great orca it would be just the same. The tiger was a powerful beast, and she was a tiger. Sorting through that to reach human form would take time. Til then she was stuck.

Casting apologetic look, or what she hoped counted as a apologetic look towards the two newcomers, Ayita withdrew into herself. Sorting through what was tiger and what was something else. More thab once she set aside feather as dark as night and wicked gleaming black eyes, the raven ever present in her mind.Disgusted, Ayita lurched to her feet trotting out behind the panicked boy as she attempted to squeeze between the two blocking her way, snatch up her bag and hit a retreat to her den- room, she shrieked at the instincts.

"Blasted idiot. Not a prank, i dont do pranks. I'm going to bite someone at this rate. Fleas, now pranks!" Ayita gave a disgusted grumble very characteristic of her. "I knew coming here was a bad idea. I was better off up North. Less people." If a anyone peered inside her mind telepathically or otherwise they would find a raging sea of tiger instinct and Ayita struggling to swim abreast of it and piece herself together. The excitement and fury the flea comment off set a wave of the need to hunt and run down her prey. Though with the barrier effect it was more along the lines of tackle and bat.

@Almosegosum @rocketrobie2 @pyroman

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Seeing Heidi grab Shawn's cuffs, Nate moves near by, expending his field. This should cover them all from energy. He feels the floor start to give as a trap door opens under him. "Hurry lass, my shield should help a wee bit. As for me I'm just gonna hang around."
So saying Nate rides the door as it swings open, exposing a twenty foot drop, ending in a pool of foul smelling liquid, oddly reminding Nate of fuel. "Could be a hot situation." Nate mumbles.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana became curious about the traps. She ripped up another floor tile to use as a shield. She began stepping on tiles at random. Took five tries, when she succeeded ten more drones were launched. Tatiana jumped on top of one of the drones she ripped off its rotars and proceeded to throw them like daggers at two of the drones. She studied what was left her drone. It was still trying to target them. She decided to use that to her advantage. She allowed it to target Heidi but seconds before it fired she repositioned it to fire on one of the other drones. The drone short circuited and dropped to the floor. That set off a spring trap which sent the short circuited drone flying into the ceiling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The panels below Shawn, Heidi, and Nate slid open slowly to reveal a rather large vat of something below them. It wasn't fast enough to make them fall over or even into it, but more of a revealing opening to present a new challenge or even tool, if used right. Shawn shifted a little as the floor underneath him moved, but he wasn't too shaken over it. Meanwhile, he did everything he could to help Heidi and Nate not get attacked by drones. That meant flicking a foot awkwardly around to shoot some lightning waves to even hocking electric loogies to short circuit anything. Good thing he was a bit of a disgusting showman to be able to spit far. It was a wonderful talent. Really.

At the same time, though, he needed to be careful to only start charging electricity in his legs and his head, keeping his arms and torso as shock-free as possible to try and not hurt Heidi. Being as close as she was to him, surely she'd feel a little static off of Shawn. Like that feeling when you rubbed a balloon on your hair and then put it on your face. Hopefully, he assumed, hopefully Shawn would keep it to that sort of level at his arms and chest to not shock anyone.

Booker could not let Christopher go. Not just yet. He knew the boy was embarrassed and most likely full of regret, got his reaction to the situation, but there still needed to be an explanation. The tiger was kept in the room too, or at least he hoped. Making a lot of constructs, especially well fortified ones, meant more focus on his powers, and less on moving around to actually see what was going on.

He didn't even move. Before Christopher could get far, Booker created another wall of light in front of the young man, keeping him from progressing much further than past the door into the room.

"Nobody will be going anywhere until this situation is explained, and everything is sorted out." He cast a small glance in Christopher's direction. "The Professor wouldn't have reached out in the first place if he thought you didn't have what it takes to be here. The road to the endgame is a long one, but don't compare yourself now to what you could be in the best case scenario years from now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher stared at the slightly glowing wall that appeared in front of him. His eyes flicked to the sides, erratically moving across the pane trying to find a way out. He turned around slowly - his teeth clenching as he looked at the man. Dammit! He could hear his father's voice again - rising quickly - How dare this halfwit presume to tell you what to do. He has no authority. Tell him to fuck off and force your way out of this... Do it! Do IT! He forced his thumb nail deeper into the cut on his forefinger - and he could feel a small pool of blood start to collect in his palm. He can't stay here. He was not meant to be among people like these. They did not spend their whole lives in selective isolation. They could act like normal people, react like normal people... not like him. Charming when everything is calm and good, yet blows up at the first sign of discord. HE could feel his breathing start to quicken.

"I need to leave Dr. Booker. I take full responsibility for the strained situation. I... (he used his unbloodied hand to grip his chest, pounding it rather violently, causing him to visibly winch - the act seeming to force his breathing to calm a little bit) I overreacted when another student clearly played a light prank - In my shock I offended the group, as a coping mechanism. This is not something I expected, as I had very rarely before had to defend myself. The fact that my first instinctive recourse is such a violent one, affirms that I am not supposed to be here. It would be best for me to develop these skills on my own, where I am not subject to bouts of irrational distress." As he spoke he could feel his shoulders relaxing, his face taking on his usual practiced calm. He felt his hands relax for the first time since he first saw the tiger - and he offered a small smile. Yes... this was good. This was what he was good at. Feel nothing. Calm, serene - emptiness. The best mood for lying. "I am actually relieved, I had been worried if my various neurosis might offend anyone - the confirmation brings a curious relief. I shall be going now. Goodbye, and sorry for wasting your time." He turned again, and stared at the wall, calmly waiting for it to lower.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Jacob recovered from his sickness as quickly as he could as he tried to go after Christopher but stopped short as the wall came up and Christopher began to talk to Dr.Booker. Jacob wiped up some of his stomach discharge off of the ground with one of his many homemade scarves and walked up to Christopher.

"Hey, I think you reacted pretty decently. I mean how many X-men do you know of that just freeze up when something dangerous comes along. I'd say this probably the best place for you to be. Plus I've been dying to have a roommate since I saw that second bed." Jacob explained with a smile, hoping change Christopher's mind about leaving the school.

"Plus it'd... uhh help if I had an extra set of hands to clean this place up a little." Jacob said as he stared down at his half hearted attempt at cleaning up his puke from before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Almosegosum @rocketrobie2 @pyroman

Ayita gave pause as the two did not seem to let her by. The great cat within her wanted to snarl and rake them with her claws, to teach them to deny their natural predator. Squashing down that instinct Ayita paced before Frost as Brooker seemed to turn his back to her, a opening the tiger wanted to take. Struggling abreast of the instinct that ruled the primal form, the Alaskan girl struggled to shift to human. Listening to the new mutant, she slightly wanted to bite him herself. A sentiment the tiger shared. If he thought this was irrational then what would he be like in the wild facing down a bear or wolf for food! The food would be horribly raw and scraps of course, but one could not be picky and choice pieces could be carried away if they could be won from such a foe. Ayita winced slightly remembering the failed about of thievery of carcasses. The sting of bites and smack of huge paws. It had taken a few times before she learned to take her raven form, which was so much better to steal with. A fox could be run down, if the victim of her crime was keen enough with hunger to do so.

Bones snapped, Ayita sank her claws into those memories as she felt the remembrance of her human form. It would take time, a fair amount of it to return to human form. But, if the tiger didn't retake her, she saw no reason. Skin was splitting and fur shifting to human 'fur'. She doubted she would be able to keep her human form for long. True it was her natural form, but after this fiasco, she fancied a flight. A flight that would carry her far away from the embarrassment that pure instinct of a tiger had caused. Curse the creature for following a strangeness that had brought her this route and curse her for not recognizing it. Even with ears and a tail, her body warping to human form as she set the bones correctly and the muscles over it, Ayita could feel the need for feathers and flight. The need of being able to be unreadable, a ebony bird among many. Yes, once she was human and had caught her breathe she would shift to raven once more. Then she would leave, but not for good. Her mother's threat still rung true. Even though she hated the woman, there was still some part that wanted merely for her to accept her and knowing that would never happen. She doubted anyone here would miss her for a few days, and if she got lucky perhaps the school would catch on fire and she could fake her death.

That would not be a bad idea. To fly to the north. Live as she was meant to. Yes, that was a wonderful thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys stares out into the water of the lake. His mind wanders to times when his father showed him to fish and hunt. He said that you had to always be prepared for any outcome. But that wasn't easy. He had been able to blend in with society, his mutant power was rather mild.

But not Chrys's.

He looks out in the water, waving a hand and shifting parts of it around. Water was the hardest to move. It doesn't have a form, is constantly moving, and doesn't like being Shifted. Chrys drops his hand and sighs. "I don't know why I'm here anymore... Sure, it keeps me away from harming others with how reactive my power is... But that's just about it... A way out of the glares, the violence and the hate.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Heidi looked down, and seeing the panels were opening up on her side of the floor, suddenly leapt up, taking all the weight on her arms, and swinging the rest of her body over Shawn as she then dragged him away from the pit, before drawing her attention back to the handcuffs. Now she finally had an uninterrupted split-second to examine it, she figured out how to unlock it. It was complex, but as long as she was uninterrupted, she should be able to break the lock. She shifted her body so that her boot was now between the cuffs and Shawn's body, and pulled the cuffs towards her.

"Pull back as I pull! I need to put pressure on the cuffs! This is the fastest way to break them!"

Then she delivered a very fast blow with her hand, and the lock broke. She removed the cuffs from Shawn and then wiped the blood from her hand. Doing that had cut the side of her hand open, and the blood could make it harder if she needed a good grip. She was shutting out the pain completely for now. There was time to be hurt later.

Heidi looked around the room, finding a downed drone, she ran to it, once again, near-jumping across the floor in case of traps, and scooped up the drone. She wasted no time in ripping both guns from it, remodelling the wires into rudimentary triggers, and then throwing one gun to Tatiana, though not without giving the girl who used her as a target one of her sourest stares.

Weapon in hand, she wheeled back and began systematically shooting at and downing the three drones who were converging on Shawn's location.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana examnined the gun. It was good work for jury rigging. She could smell th blood coming from the girl. Her every instinct told her to feed, to drain her dry. She licked the blood off the gun. It was the first time she would ever knowingly taste a mutant. She could taste the similarity to humans, but it was sweeter, reminded her of dessert. This made her want to drain the girl even more, to drain them all. She took a shot to the back, it stung like hell, she turned and lept at the drone that shot her or another it didn't matter which. She tore it apart with her bare hands wildly throwing parts of it any various directions, not caring who or what might be in the way. When she was finished with that drone she jumped at another repeating the process. Her actions were fueled by a lust for blood and self lothing for allowing this thing to dare attack her, distracting her self with mindless destruction was the only thing keeping her classmates alive for the moment. She needed human or mutant blood, living off animal blood was only serving to slowly create a monster who was going to one day snap into an uncontainable frenzy of bloodlust, indescrimately killing Xavier's students. As it was she was draining animals on the property on top of the blood the school provided. One student had a pet hamster, that is now "missing."
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