Name: Kasuke Mina
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Mina is quiet, mature and serious. She carries herself with an air of superiority. Though she would not admit to having a high-and-mighty attitude, she does, but if you asked her, it's everyone else who has the attitude problem. She's simply minding her own business. She does take a subdued pride in maintaining her academic reputation, and is very studious.
Due to her nature, she doesn't have many friends, though she may occasionally get a girl who thinks that people will think that they're smart if she follows Mina everywhere and bullies people, or a guy who thinks he's Prince Charming, and falls for her beauty. Do they really think they're actually being charming when they talk about roses and moonlight like they're rehearsing Shakespeare? Shrugging these leeches off has only worsened her reputation as a stuck up "too-good-for-everyone-else" type, while making Mina herself more cautious about making new friends.
If there's one thing she can't stand, it's the loud, obnoxious mouth-over-brain type. Because of this, she has a slight bias against Augmenters. Stating that you're an Augmenter will not make a good first impression if you don't want Mina to look down on you.
Backstory:Mina is the only child of a very wealthy and prestigious family. Raised to meet her parents' lofty expectations, she not only met them, but surpassed them. She was nothing short of a child prodigy, and her family was very proud. Then, shortly after her 15th birthday, her powers manifested, and all the plans that had been made for her went out the widow once she received the offer to study her new abilities at then institute. She had to put her foot down and oppose her parent's wishes to pursue a higher education. She was still going to pursue a doctorate (though she hasn't decided in what field yet) but her newfound channelling abilities come first. She was given them for a reason, she she was going to find out what.
Her first year at the institute was unsurprisingly a good year. She scored highest marks of the class in every academic subject. There were students with more impressive powers than her, but she still received very high marks in her physically classes for clever combinations of her light manipulation and her hand-to-hand fighting, honed from years of private self-defence classes. She made a fair few enemies that year, apparently. She didn't notice. She had no time for that sort of thing. Let the other kids be jealous. It wasn't her fault they cant' apply themselves well enough to match her grades.
Equipment: A plentiful supply of fountain pens and quality notebooks inside her designer satchel. Also a smartphone.
Abilities: Mina was taught self-defence based martial arts from a young age, for the purpose of protecting herself. She's also incredibly intelligent and a very quick learner. She can also play piano like an expert and cook like an adult.
Channeller category: Wavecaster
Description of power: Mina can create and manipulate light, currently only being able to light up her body and 'glow', or project it from her hands in torch-like beams, though she has the potential to be able to concentrate her light to create laser beams, and to remove light from a lit area, effectively making her able to manipulate darkness.
Names/descriptions of moves: Mina does not give her abilities special combat names. That's an immature waste of time.
-Glowing body
-Torch beam
-Blinding Flash
-Laser beams from her eyes and index fingers (eventually)
-Blackout (eventually)
Character theme song:
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Mina is quiet, mature and serious. She carries herself with an air of superiority. Though she would not admit to having a high-and-mighty attitude, she does, but if you asked her, it's everyone else who has the attitude problem. She's simply minding her own business. She does take a subdued pride in maintaining her academic reputation, and is very studious.
Due to her nature, she doesn't have many friends, though she may occasionally get a girl who thinks that people will think that they're smart if she follows Mina everywhere and bullies people, or a guy who thinks he's Prince Charming, and falls for her beauty. Do they really think they're actually being charming when they talk about roses and moonlight like they're rehearsing Shakespeare? Shrugging these leeches off has only worsened her reputation as a stuck up "too-good-for-everyone-else" type, while making Mina herself more cautious about making new friends.
If there's one thing she can't stand, it's the loud, obnoxious mouth-over-brain type. Because of this, she has a slight bias against Augmenters. Stating that you're an Augmenter will not make a good first impression if you don't want Mina to look down on you.
Backstory:Mina is the only child of a very wealthy and prestigious family. Raised to meet her parents' lofty expectations, she not only met them, but surpassed them. She was nothing short of a child prodigy, and her family was very proud. Then, shortly after her 15th birthday, her powers manifested, and all the plans that had been made for her went out the widow once she received the offer to study her new abilities at then institute. She had to put her foot down and oppose her parent's wishes to pursue a higher education. She was still going to pursue a doctorate (though she hasn't decided in what field yet) but her newfound channelling abilities come first. She was given them for a reason, she she was going to find out what.
Her first year at the institute was unsurprisingly a good year. She scored highest marks of the class in every academic subject. There were students with more impressive powers than her, but she still received very high marks in her physically classes for clever combinations of her light manipulation and her hand-to-hand fighting, honed from years of private self-defence classes. She made a fair few enemies that year, apparently. She didn't notice. She had no time for that sort of thing. Let the other kids be jealous. It wasn't her fault they cant' apply themselves well enough to match her grades.

Equipment: A plentiful supply of fountain pens and quality notebooks inside her designer satchel. Also a smartphone.
Abilities: Mina was taught self-defence based martial arts from a young age, for the purpose of protecting herself. She's also incredibly intelligent and a very quick learner. She can also play piano like an expert and cook like an adult.
Channeller category: Wavecaster
Description of power: Mina can create and manipulate light, currently only being able to light up her body and 'glow', or project it from her hands in torch-like beams, though she has the potential to be able to concentrate her light to create laser beams, and to remove light from a lit area, effectively making her able to manipulate darkness.
Names/descriptions of moves: Mina does not give her abilities special combat names. That's an immature waste of time.
-Glowing body
-Torch beam
-Blinding Flash
-Laser beams from her eyes and index fingers (eventually)
-Blackout (eventually)
Character theme song: