Avatar of Silver Carrot


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What can I have Heidi say that'd bring something new to the table?
There are more characters in a position for the latter...

My character could be your character's sister
Screw it. I'll join as a shy girl

"Roger that! Finally, somethin' useful that I'm good at; a lookout!"

Taleste sat down in the co-pilot's seat, and stared at the control for a few seconds. In spite of her lack of useful knowledge about any aspect of working on a ship, Taleste was a very quick and intelligent woman, and it didn't take her long to figure out how to use the camera of this console. She even understood what Tibulus was doing in theory, though couldn't replicate the same results with those alien (to her) controls.

So far, space was clear as far as the scanners could pick up, but Talest knew that when you're dealing with things that travel as fast as the Alliance's interplanetary ships, for example, things could go from clear on the longest range scan to 'oh god, we've for forty battleships up our tail!' in a matter of mere seconds, so Taleste remained vigilant and kept staring at the co-pilot's screen.
Btw what's the next mission, or is it a secret?

Oh, the shipping hasn't even started yet, my friend!

Heidi was starting to regret having asked for advice. She was getting lots of it now, and all of it embarrassed her. She wasn't even sure if she was ready for a boyfriend. She just knew that she...liked Shawn. Still, the advice from both women was to get a better grasp of psychology and reading people. Besides, that would be useful in missions too. The notion of 'getting Shawn to look at her like that' was very embarrassing, not to mention she felt like it was absolutely undoable with her shyness. Even so, her mind was already dedicating itself to thinking up ways of doing this and she couldn't stop it. The poor teenager was now blushing bright red. Both Jean and Emma would be able to see hypothetical scenes play out of Heidi wearing vests more often, to being more chatty, to being outright flirtatious and girly. It was at this point where these scenarios were quickly locked behind a door that neither Jean nor Emma could see through. Ah, to be a young girl in the throes of puberty again.

"um, I'd rather just keep things as they are for now and watch Shawn for any signs that he has any feelings for me," she said aloud to them both.

Heidi could identify with Jean's story. When she came here, her mutation hadn't made her very popular either. But unlike Jean, Heidi did change herself. She didn't try to. It just happened. She became quieter, and shy, and before she knew it she was scared to do anything that attracted attention to herself. It was only recently, and with Dr. Blake's help and advice, that she was starting to undo the damage she did to herself. And like Jean said, it was all about leaps, and saying what you want; saying the first thing that came to your head. Shawn. He was the one who was himself around her, and made her comfortable, and in turn act more like herself. Not that they were comparable to Jean and Scott in a romantic sense! He was just the only male friend she had. In fact, he was the only real friend she had full stop. They weren't more than that. Or were they? Not from a purely logical standpoint, no. But emotional?...She didn't know. Not yet, at least.

She noticed Jean turned and started to walk, which Heidi was glad of because it gave her time to suppress the blush that had just formed on her face. That's when Jean asked Heidi if she thought Shawn liked her back. Jean would be able to see Heidi opening doors in her mind, replying memories, studying body language and tone of voice of Shawn in every interaction they'd had in the last two days. But after all that, she replied with "I'm...not sure. To be honest, I'm not sure how I could tell."

"Not mental mutants. Just me. And it wouldn't even be a problem if I could just feel instead of think. But this ability...it limits every good point it has in terms of field advantages. At least that's what it feels like. Maybe I just do need to take more leaps. Speaking of taking leaps..."

Heidi stops, and is clearly counting down in her head to calm her down. And she's blushing a little.

"...Do you have any tips for talking to boys?"
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