@pyromanHeidi could identify with Jean's story. When she came here, her mutation hadn't made her very popular either. But unlike Jean, Heidi did change herself. She didn't try to. It just happened. She became quieter, and shy, and before she knew it she was scared to do anything that attracted attention to herself. It was only recently, and with Dr. Blake's help and advice, that she was starting to undo the damage she did to herself. And like Jean said, it was all about leaps, and saying what you want; saying the first thing that came to your head. Shawn. He was the one who was himself around her, and made her comfortable, and in turn act more like herself. Not that they were comparable to Jean and Scott in a romantic sense! He was just the only male friend she had. In fact, he was the only real friend she had full stop. They weren't more than that. Or were they? Not from a purely logical standpoint, no. But emotional?...She didn't know. Not yet, at least.
She noticed Jean turned and started to walk, which Heidi was glad of because it gave her time to suppress the blush that had just formed on her face. That's when Jean asked Heidi if she thought Shawn liked her back. Jean would be able to see Heidi opening doors in her mind, replying memories, studying body language and tone of voice of Shawn in every interaction they'd had in the last two days. But after all that, she replied with "I'm...not sure. To be honest, I'm not sure how I could tell."