Kasuke Mina
Mina raised her eyebrow when Tomoe got physically close to Jett and said some uspect things, but after the way the small girl greeted her, and Jett's behaviour or lack of it, it was fair to say that's just how Tomoe was. She turned to Erza, a wry smile on her face.
"I don't think Jett's as dangerous around girls as Tomoe is around boys. And girls."Mina then noticed the two approaching figures of Adriane Haven and Manda Alengaurd, she was awestruck. Being such a fan of Heroes as a child, she'd naturally hard of them both. And because they were kickass tomboys, she idolized them almost as hard as her own mother. She had no idea Adrianne was Jett's mother, and was awestruck for the entire time that Adrianne and Manda were with them. When they left, she finally reclaimed her ability to speak, and the first thing she said, grinning at Jett, was
"Jetty, huh?"@Aerandir@Artymis@liferusher

Maeda Hitomi
Hitomi listened intently to the briefing from the teacher she did not fully recognize yet, though his voice was familiar. Though her ears were trained on the teachers words, her eyes were trained on the map. She was thinking. Her sidekick training had a module on tactics. Sometimes, a sidekick might be helping a hero with a strong quirk and a good heart with no brains. Hopefully her teammates didn't fall into that category.
When the briefing was over, Hitomi collected the communicator for her group.