Duncan listened to the speech. It gave him some information he didn't know, and left out some things he did know. The complete picture was not a pleasant one, and he was actually scared. A student had been killed by some kind of beast. It could have been a fellow centaur from the hoof marks, though that was unlikely, unless it was an absolute giant freak of nature, and that was possibly scarier than it being a beast. The restrictions seemed...not excessive. In his opinion, they couldn't do enough to protect everyone. They weren't Dawnslayers yet. It would take them years of studying at this school, just to earn the title, and further work to earn enough prestige to be taken seriously. It was still a bummer to hear. At least they'll be able to walk around in groups. The curfew was also unwelcome news. Hopefully this issue was resolved soon, not just for Duncan's peace of mind and security but also so he could be allowed to be a teenager!
And with that, they were to be dismissed to socialise for what little remained of the day until sunset, which wasn't long enough for Duncan. He got to his hooves and was about to leave, when Roland spoke up. Duncan listened with admiration, though he'd be lying if he said he shared Roland's frustrations. Duncan was nowhere near a Dawnslayer yet. That's what he had come here to learn. He was yet no match for even the weakest of foes a Dawnslayer would have to face, unless he got very lucky with an arrow. Duncan was thankful for being watched over if not quite as happy with the method. He did however, admire Roland's gall to challenge a teacher on something he believed strongly in. The admiration was clear on Duncan's face.
"Sorry, I’ll hitting the track at 4. Can you make it 5:30?"
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
| | A G E | |
18, November 7th
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
Currently single
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | D R E A M S | |
It has been expected by Madison from a lot of people that she take up the tights and become a wrestler like her parents, but Madison is more competitive than that, and would prefer to enter the world of athletics when she graduates. She is particularly good at running.
| | L I K E S | |
Hard workers
Helping people out who ask her for help
80’s rock. The cheesier, the better
| | D I S L I K E S | |
People who complain about problems they could solve themselves with some actual effort.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Madison is the daughter of two former AWE megastars. Her father was the ‘Hammer Of The Gods’, Dylan Weaver, former AWE World Champion. Her mother, Dawn, was known by the ring name Sydney Ellis, and was one of the most dominant women to ever grace the AWE ring. She was also a former AWE Women’s Champion. The two met as part of the ‘Valentine Brand’ stable, and whilst working together, fell in love, which was ironic given the group’s name.
While they were monsters on screen, they were both loving and funny parents off-camera, and Madison had a good childhood. Dawn made sure she was never spoiled, and taught her the groundworks for a lifetime of physical fitness. Madison, however, never showed much of an interest in wrestling. She would watch it, but wouldn’t get overly excited about any match that didn’t feature her parents, and never showed any desire to learn to wrestle. She did, however, even from her first sports day, love to run.
Her parents’ money greased the path to Beverly Hills High School, where she’d get some of the finest physical, and academic, education available. And Madison wasn’t about to complain. Her three years at the school so far have seen her risen to a fairly well liked girl all round, though she has never expressed interest in joining the Candies. In fact, she is one of the few Cheerleaders not a Candy. She’s just here to have fun and put smiles on people’s faces, and getting involved in cliques seems a little too ‘politic’-y to her.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
Running Club
Cheerleading Team
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
Gym (obviously)
| W O R S T |
History. She finds history fascinating but has a terrible memory for dates.
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is turkey wraps
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
Face Claim: Alica Schmidt. Font Color: #2eb82e
Gabriela Ana Sofia Garcia, Age 15
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you let me borrow the new Star Trek film!"
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
Double G
| | A G E | |
15, April 26th
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | D R E A M S | |
Wants to become an author or game designer when she leaves high school.
| | L I K E S | |
Dungeons and Dragons
| | D I S L I K E S | |
micro-transactions in full priced games
Being judged for what she enjoys
Programming bugs
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Gabby is half-Mexican by virtue of both of her parents being half-Mexican. Her mother, Daniela Johnson, met her father, Brian Garcia, while both happened to be on vacation in Canada. They soon fell in love and raised two children; a boy and a girl. The boy, the elder of the two, went to the local high school, left as soon as possible and went off to pave his own path through life. Gabby, on the other hand, was always much closer to her parents, especially her mother. Gabby saw her mom as an amazing and beautiful woman who had amassed a fair amount of money as a moderately successful authoress, though hardly what anyone would call 'famous'. It was her mom, as a very shy teen herself, who taught Gabby that there was nothing more important for a child than to make friends, though her own geeky tastes did rub off on her daughter, as well as her love of fantasy and literature.
Now, a Freshman at Beverly Hills High, Gabby cannot wait to make new friends, and start a new chapter of her life.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
Computer Club
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
| W O R S T |
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is chocolate pop tarts
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
Face Claim: Selena Gomez. Font Color: #9999ff
Pamela Spencer, Age 17
"You say 'freak' like it's a bad thing."
| | N I C K N A M E | |
| | A G E | |
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | H A B I T S | Q U I R K S | O D D I T I E S | |
There is a LOT odd about Panda. She is a freak, and proud of it. Her internet history tells a thousand stories that are better left untold, her movie collection is violent, and her game collection chosen solely by attractiveness of the female lead.
Habits and nervous ticks of hers include biting her nails, drumming them against the table, and brushing hair from her face.
Dyes her hair every couple of months, but there is no hard and fast rule. Whenever she feels like a change, she dyes it. Right now, it's pink, due to a comment Shiloh made about how the next time Panda dyed her hair (jet black with a purple streak at the time) it better not be pink. Panda took that as a challenge >:)
| | D R E A M S | |
Panda only has one dream; to make it big as a bassist. She's not counting on it and her job goals are to become a teacher later in life, but her dream and her passion is music, the louder, the better.
| | L I K E S | |
Spicy food
Alternative metal
Her family, even if the feeling isn't always mutual
Charity especially
| | D I S L I K E S | |
Sweet foods
Homophobia, sexism or racism, ESPECIALLY if the offender claims religious reasons.
Warm weather
| | F E A R S | |
Her sister turning against her.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Pamela’s family, the Spencers, are a very wealthy old money family, though hardly among the richest of Beverly Hills’ elite, and a far cry from their former glory, they are still rich enough to live incredibly comfortably in the modern world. Her parents are both devout Christians, and she was also raised as such, and she was a good christian child, if a bit of a tomboy in comparison to her more feminine younger sister.
Puberty hit Pamela like a goddamn train. Suddenly white dresses were out, as Pamela made two very important discoveries. First of all, that she was a Lesbian. Her parents didn't take the news particularly well, but kept things rather hush hush. In contrast, her sister, a true Christian and a true saint, withheld her absolutely no love, and did not judge her. This just made Pamela love Charity more than ever.
Pamela did not deliberately go out of her way to rebel against her parents, but their 'betrayal' in her eyes and the pain and hormonal angst she had to hide inside while pretending to be a good little Spencer maybe have been the main factor in why the Emo culture spoke to her so much. It was exactly what she was missing. And the music! Did the people who wrote these lyrics read her mind? When she discovered it, it was like she had finally found the medicine for a sickness she had been suffering with for over a year!
Her 'phase' was, of course, met with venomous disapproval, but Pamela continued to love her parents and show that she wasn't trying to rebel or distance herself from them. She was still their daughter and she still loved them. Over time, they came to grudgingly tolerate her choices of expression when their fears of her losing her way completely began to dissipate. They told her it was just a phase. She shrugged and replied "Probably, but it's a phase I feel I need."
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
She's in a band
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
| W O R S T |
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is hot cheetos. No, Shiloh. Get your own.
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
Face Claim: Alex Dorame. Font Color: #f3a8f7
Charity Spencer, Age 16
"'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'; This is a quote to live by."
| | N I C K N A M E | |
| | A G E | |
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | H A B I T S | Q U I R K S | O D D I T I E S | |
Charity dresses in very expensive and flashy clothes and always wears makeup. She does not feel guilty about this as she feels no pride or vanity in her heart. She merely believes it would be a bigger act of vanity to dress plainly and stand out like a special snowflake in Beverly Hills High. If she receives compliments, she will accept them humbly.
Though they are clichés, she is still prone to praying or crossing herself without thinking sometimes, especially in tense situations.
She nods a lot during conversations. It's a sign she's listening.
| | D R E A M S | |
Charity wishes to do something in her adult life to make the world a better place, like freelance journalism, to bring attention to the less fortunate, or possibly a volunteer in a war-torn country, doing her part to save people’s lives.
| | L I K E S | |
Pears, strawberries and other sweet fruits.
The occasional naughty chocolate caramel wafer. Forgiveness can be prayed for.
| | D I S L I K E S | |
Apples (and figs to be on the safe side)
Homophobia, sexism or racism, ESPECIALLY if the offender claims religious reasons.
Cold weather
| | F E A R S | |
Charity fears her friends becoming intolerant or losing faith. She has similar fears of the world descending into hatred and chaos.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Charity’s family, the Spencers, are a very wealthy old money family, though hardly among the richest of Beverly Hills’ elite, and a far cry from their former glory, they are still rich enough to live incredibly comfortably in the modern world.
Her parents are both devout Christians, and she was also raised as such, but no child ever seemed to be made for Christianity quite like Charity, who truly lived up to her namesake. She wasn’t interested in learning about the rewards she’d get, or letting her agenda shape her Christianity. Her Christianity, instead, shaped her, and she took the bible’s lessons to heart, especially the new testament.
It often puzzled her why Jesus’ will was associated with so much hateful thinking. Did people really believe that Jesus Christ would want to see this much marginalisation and oppression? More baffling to her were the people who, just because they lacked faith, discounted the words and teaching of Jesus entirely, even as a philosopher and martyr, which he provably was, if science and evidence were your thing. Atheists weren’t all bad people, but the world would truly be a better place if everybody accepted Jesus into their heart.
Charity’s first year of high school was a learning experience. Sins aplenty, hatred for hatred’s sake, and the concept of ‘gossip’ were new thorns that she had discovered. Still, there were silver linings. She had joined the team responsible for making the school’s newspaper, and found her niche, as the writer who cleans up Jamie’s ‘gossip’ into something that she wouldn’t actually mind being printed on the school’s newspaper which will then be read by Freshmen’
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
Yearbook Club
Writer for School Newspaper (Gossip Cleaner)
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
| W O R S T |
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is caramel wafers
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
"Sorry, I’ll hitting the track at 4. Can you make it 5:30?"
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
| | A G E | |
18, November 7th
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
Currently single
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | D R E A M S | |
It has been expected by Madison from a lot of people that she take up the tights and become a wrestler like her parents, but Madison is more competitive than that, and would prefer to enter the world of athletics when she graduates. She is particularly good at running.
| | L I K E S | |
Hard workers
Helping people out who ask her for help
80’s rock. The cheesier, the better
| | D I S L I K E S | |
People who complain about problems they could solve themselves with some actual effort.
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Madison is the daughter of two former AWE megastars. Her father was the ‘Hammer Of The Gods’, Dylan Weaver, former AWE World Champion. Her mother, Dawn, was known by the ring name Sydney Ellis, and was one of the most dominant women to ever grace the AWE ring. She was also a former AWE Women’s Champion. The two met as part of the ‘Valentine Brand’ stable, and whilst working together, fell in love, which was ironic given the group’s name.
While they were monsters on screen, they were both loving and funny parents off-camera, and Madison had a good childhood. Dawn made sure she was never spoiled, and taught her the groundworks for a lifetime of physical fitness. Madison, however, never showed much of an interest in wrestling. She would watch it, but wouldn’t get overly excited about any match that didn’t feature her parents, and never showed any desire to learn to wrestle. She did, however, even from her first sports day, love to run.
Her parents’ money greased the path to Beverly Hills High School, where she’d get some of the finest physical, and academic, education available. And Madison wasn’t about to complain. Her three years at the school so far have seen her risen to a fairly well liked girl all round, though she has never expressed interest in joining the Candies. In fact, she is one of the few Cheerleaders not a Candy. She’s just here to have fun and put smiles on people’s faces, and getting involved in cliques seems a little too ‘politic’-y to her.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
Running Club
Acrobatics Club
Cheerleading Team
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
Gym (obviously)
| W O R S T |
History. She finds history fascinating but has a terrible memory for dates.
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is turkey wraps
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
Face Claim: Alica Schmidt. Font Color: #2eb82e
Gabriela Ana Sofia Garcia, Age 15
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you let me borrow the new Star Trek film!"
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
Double G
| | A G E | |
15, April 26th
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |
| | R O L E | |
W H O A M I ?
| | D R E A M S | |
Wants to become an author or game designer when she leaves high school.
| | L I K E S | |
Dungeons and Dragons
| | D I S L I K E S | |
micro-transactions in full priced games
Being judged for what she enjoys
Programming bugs
| | H I S T O R Y | |
Gabby is half-Mexican by virtue of both of her parents being half-Mexican. Her mother, Daniela Johnson, met her father, Brian Garcia, while both happened to be on vacation in Canada. They soon fell in love and raised two children; a boy and a girl. The boy, the elder of the two, went to the local high school, left as soon as possible and went off to pave his own path through life. Gabby, on the other hand, was always much closer to her parents, especially her mother. Gabby saw her mom as an amazing and beautiful woman who had amassed a fair amount of money as a moderately successful authoress, though hardly what anyone would call 'famous'. It was her mom, as a very shy teen herself, who taught Gabby that there was nothing more important for a child than to make friends, though her own geeky tastes did rub off on her daughter, as well as her love of fantasy and literature.
Now, a Freshman at Beverly Hills High, Gabby cannot wait to make new friends, and start a new chapter of her life.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
Computer Club
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
| W O R S T |
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
A food I like to eat is chocolate pop tarts
1) What was the original mean girls called before the HOT girls came to be? The Unholy Trinity. Read the quote at the bottom, what does H.O.T. stand for? Hailey, Ophelia, Trixie. The names of the three members. 2) What is the Candies' true purpose? And who leads this generation of Candies? They are an organization of love! Ophelia leads this generation. 3) Last but not least, who led the original Elite? And how many boys started off in it? Bryant O’Connor, and five boys.
Sora was a little puzzled at what Kiyoshi was getting flustered about. Maybe he was just nervous talking to the opposite sex. She didn't yet suspect that it was her in particular. When they arrived, she nodded and smiled. "I will!" she replied as she waved farewell for now. She'd better start finding people to tell about the plan to gather in the lounge.
Then Edith caught up with her. Why, god? Why did it have to be her first? Sora smiled weakly and waved at the crazy blood girl. "Hey, Edith! Some of us are going to hang out in the lounge of you want to come. After you get changed, of course," she spoke, in reference to Edith's bloodsoaked gym uniform.
Sora recoiled when Kiyoshi approached her and told her the bad news. A student had suffered a heart attack? This was serious! She forgot about Edith in the urgency of the moment, focusing solely on Kiyoshi. "Adam had a heart attack?" She exclaimed as she walked with Kiyoshi without proclaiming or acknowledging the fact. In fact, it was unclear whether she even noticed she had fallen in step. "Is he okay?" She asked as the two were...walking to the dorms together, it seemed. This was happening now.
Sora was to disgusted to appear properly terrified and too terrified to appear properly disgusted. Instead she just smiled the fakest smile in the history of smiles, and was about to answer in the negative; Something which every pore of her body screamed was a bad idea. Suddenly, class was over. The teacher was commanding the students to head back to their dorms. At first, Sora was incredibly relieved, but then she started to wonder why. Changing the conversation entirely, Sora turned to Edith.
Sora did not see Adam collapse as she watched her room. Her attention was stolen by a morbid fascination with Edith's blood dance. It was like a car crash in that Sora couldn't look away. She eventually resolved to approach the scary girl and strike up a conversation, or at least get her to stop.
"Hey," she spoke weakly yet with a projected voice, staying tentatively outside the splash zone. "That's a...uh...interesting quirk you have. My name's Sora. Yours was Edith, right?" She remembered the names of everybody who had been introduced, though only their given names.