The moment I read that part about Psychiccers being mistrusted I knew I had to have my character being either a telepath or an empath, and have them be a friendless girl with a privacy-invasive power, who tries to overcompensate by being bubbly and agreeable.
I like Chie's 'urban ninja' vibe. Though I hope that part about rivalling professional MMA fighters means she rivals the average journeyman in the professional scene and not that she could win any belts from the world's best fighters lol
I love all of these metahumans with links to heroes/experience fighting crime. And then Natalie's just some punk kid, was not born with the metagene (unless her metagene power is very mild willpower/self-assurance. Not looking to go further down that route because it leads to defying fate and stuff), has never stopped crime before, doesn't know how to fight, doesn't think of herself as Hero material. I'm going to have fun writing her journey
Powers: Natalie's molecular structure has been permanently affected by an alien weapon. As such, she can turn any part of herself into metal wire, including all of herself if needs be. The process of restoring herself into her human form is a transformative one and thus she can heal from most injuries to her human form by turning the affected part to wire and back. The wire is a dark, metallic grey in color, roughly 30mm in thickness, and significantly more durable than commercial steel wire of the same thickness.
Weaknesses: For both good and ill, the wire has all the properties of ferrous metal. It can be affected by magnetism, and conducts electricity. The metal wire connects to her nervous system so extreme heat and cold, chipping the metal, or aforementioned electricity would cause her severe pain and possible injury or death. If any part of the wire is severed, the only way for it to be reattached is to be welded back on.
Equipment: A smartphone and a cheap 20 year old motorbike
Appearance: Natalie is a tall girl with a lithe, athletic frame and, though not a tan per say, a healthy complexion to her skin. She had short, black hair that looked layered yet shaggy, as if she had gotten proficient at cutting it herself. Her eyes were a dull brown with a weary, doughy shape, and were prone to getting crow's feet after only one night of poor sleep. Her makeup was either minimal and natural, or dark, heavy and punky, with no in-between. She tended to wear vests and sweat pants casually, and didn't own many clothes.
BRIEF Bio: Natalie grew up boucing from foster family to foster family. She never knew her real parents. Seeing as how they gave her up for adoption the moment she was born, she didn't really want to. The older she got, the more she understood and sympathised just how hard it was merely looking out for number 1 when you're on the bottom rung of society. When she was thirteen, she started working in a cafe as a pot washer and later as a waitress, which is still her job to this day. She saved up enough for motorbike lessons and then for her own bike, to stop relying on lifts from her current foster parents.
One day, during a fight in Metropolis being Supergirl and some alien invaders, an Alien Weapon was fired that affected a city block and turned anybody who's skin was touching an object, into that object. Hundreds of people were affected, and died. The power in the cafe hd gone out due to the tremors of the battle, and thus Natalie was touching the power cable when the blast hit, turning her into a pile of wire. Somehow, through sheer desire to survive and to keep on living, she discovered she was able to will herself back into a regular human form.
They called it the train graveyard. It was an old depot by the docks that used to transport freight from the cargo boats to other points in the city, but trade by ship has waned as the purpose of Metropolis' docks has leaned more towards waste disposal. As in, they just dump it into the sea. Natalie was currently riding her bike along these disused lines, and every so often turning her arm to wire, letting her fleshy hand trail behind her, then zipping it back to her by retracting the wire and turning it back into her arm.
She she ran out of train track, she rejoined the road and followed it back to the main street. Her bike suddenly wobbled, and toppled over, sending her flying. In her panic she briefly lost control of her form and turned to piles of wire that skidded and bounced across the road, before she finally reformed when she came to a stop. Several people rushed to her aid where they heard the sound of the accident. They were surprised to see a young girl in a white vest with no jacket or helmet, and not so much as a scratch on her.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" one of them asked her, offering her a hand to help her up. Natalie took the stranger's hand and got to her feet.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered, looking past him with concern. "How's the bike?"
"How's the bike?!" exclaimed another person, incredulously. "You're lucky to be alive! Why aren't you wearing a helmet?!"
She ingored the comments from other spectators and inspected the bike. The body's paintwork was very heavily scratched but didn't look damaged in a way that would affect it's ability to be driven. She breathed a sigh of relief. That feeling, however, was short lived when she heard one of them dial 911. She didn't know which one was worse; police or ambulance. Neither would be kind to her or her savings given what just happened. She leapt back on the bike, revved it up and sped away, as far from the crowd as fast as she possibly could.
The moment she stepped out the elevator, Sophia was awestruck with the change in decor. This didn't exactly used to be a dump, but it wasn't quite this swish when it was a strip club. The jeering and hollering of excited clients watching the stage had given way to ambient music and polite chatter. The dark walls and pink neon strips had given way to a well-lit upper-class restaurant with aquariums and everything. The uniforms of the staff help give them a certain mistique and build a very...exclusive atmosphere. When she was finished gazing around in wonder, Sophia slung her Anima's strap over her shoulder like a rucksack, smiled and approached the receptionist.
"We haven't, I'm afraid," she answered in a polite and respectful manner of speaking, yet keeping her voice's edge and accent. "My apologies. I haven't been here in a while. You've really worked magic on the place! Very nice! Anyway, do you have a table for five available, please?"
Sophia spent one second looking around, signed, took a drag from her ciggarette and started walking forward. She stopped besides Rokkit on the wa, and turned to look at him. "You stay here for now. We'll have more use for your busting of heads once the shit hits the fan. The first group needs to try and get the restaurant under control, so no pussyfooting either." She met Adalia's eyes as she said that, her own eyes showing a mix of pity and contempt.
She checked both her anima and her pistol, nodded to herself that all was satisfactory, and then stepped into the elevator. "I'd ask if anyone minds that I smoke, but the kid just threw up so I dount anyone really minds. Watch where you stand."
Sophia spent a good portion of the flight fiddling with her earpiece, getting accustomed to it. She was no stranger to earpieces, but in her day they were more straightforward, like radios, and channels had to be manually tuned. You certainly couldn't get a stranger talking in your head without warning like what had happened in the hangar. While transports hadn't drastically changed, she'd never been in one before uncuffed, making this too a new experience for the former gangster. When she was satisfied and familiar with her earpiece, she checked over her Anima, and pulled an old-fashioned chunky pistol from a side-holster under her jacket and checked it over too.
She watched the screens as they approached. She was vaguely familiar with this building, though it was a strip club instead of a restaurant back when she knew it. Still, it was no less a meeting place of criminals, even back then. The layout shouldn't have changed too much, at least in terms of where the exits and toilets were. That knowledge might help them should they need to run for shelter.
Sophia listened to the Orc's plan, and then to her comms, and rolled her eyes. So this is what the other side was like. The moment she saw Rokkit heading straight to the entrance, she let out a slight hiss through her teeth and ran to catch up with him, patting him on the back when she did so.
"Slow down. We're supposed to be a team here. Besides, we don't know whether she's got backup in there or if she's just waiting until the heat's off. Either way, go in there alone and start swinging weapons around and you'll be dead in a second with that Anima of hers." She looked back at the others. "I personally think we should all rush in at once, point guns at everyone we see, and take control of the room with the element of surprise. But we do not fire until we're sure we won't cause a gunfight."