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@Omega Man

Lady Mystique won't be Marauder's family but both Rogue and Ravager started out as villains, and Rogue was a villain under Mystique. It could also be who taught her how to fight

Writing up the CS now
@Omega Man

Ooh, I like the Rogue/Ravager idea! I think I'll develop that! Given the meanings of both 'rogue' and 'ravager', and the fact she temporarily steals powers, I'm thinking 'Marauder'

Edit: Besides Terminator, what would the supporting Amalgms in this backstory be? An Amalgam with Mystique? Should she have initially been a villain to Titan X?


Pia forced a smile at VV's attempt to reassure her, but there was no mirth behind it. Then a scientist walked in and informed them there would be minor surgeries in twenty minutes. This wasn't exactly reassuring news but Pia was going to use the time they'd been given to relax. She felr like if she didn't calm down, her chest was going to burst. She sat still, and began to take deep breaths.

This time unfortunately allowed her mind to begin processing what was going on. Spirits and mosters that had tried to kill them. Unexplained powers. Guns pointed at them. And now surgeries. Nobody seemed to have the group's best interests at heart. She looked over to A, who was approaching the door where somebody was trying to beckon them closer, eemingly to share information. Pia sighed, got to her feet and followed.

Hope to make a post tomorrow
This looks great! The only dilemma is which power do I go for? I have a bunch of characters fit for this purpose

-Madison Weaver/Wireframe: Rich sporty overacheiver who can turn into wire

-Faith Ashdale/Decree: Church girl with the power of suggestion relative to how much she is trusted by the target(s)

-Lydia Creeler/Bootleg: Tomboy orphan who can temporarily copy a weaker version of other's powers

-Natalie Ellis/Lab Rat: Nigh-indestructable, dense bones, which made her a test subject for an experiment which gave her super strength, durability, reflexes, and the ability to talk to rodents at the cost of rodent-like movements and habits, and crippling PTSD

Am currently considering an amalgam of Terra + Polaris who's Terra side of her powerset comes from manipulating the minerals in earth and rock

Also, that Hellcrawler idea sounds cool.

I'm trying to think of who would go well with Rogue too
I like this idea. I just need to think of an Amalgam I like enough
Name: Kurambo
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Jelly
Power Level: 1100

Special Techniques:
-North Cherry Fist Style Martial Arts: Kurambo is proud of her hand-to-hand prowess. She is an incredibly skilled martial artist. Her planet's style is known for style, grace and elegance rather than raw strength, but in Kurambo's hands it becomes a deadly, swift art perfect for counters and assination.
-Great Lake Parting Strike: As the name suggests, it is a pinnacle of Kurambo's martial arts. A single strike with the speed, power and precision to part an entire Great Lake, Or the weak points of a target marked for death.

-Shock Absorption: Kurambo's jelly-like body means she is very resistant to blunt or concussive attacks as her body is adept at absorbing shock. She is also resistant to both lightning and fire as her jelly is an insulated material with a very high chemical melting point. The downside to her biology is a weakness to cutting attacks, and being hit with powerful ki blasts.

Shapeshifting: Kurambo cannot shrink or create mass (without Meditative Reformation), but she can shapeshift using the mass she already has, into any other physical form. Different body types, extra limbs, the forms of different species, etc.

-Meditative Reformation: Kurambo's body cannot be healed by healing tanks or any kind of first aid that can be used for flesh and blood. Instead, she enters a secluded meditative state that cannot be interrupted. She then cultivates her life energy and converts it back into Jelly, allowing her to regerate any lost or damaged jelly. This process takes time depending on the severity of the damage. A deep gash would take 24 hours. A missing limb would take a month. At maximum, it would take her just over six months to regerate from a pea-sized pellet of jelly.

Gear: Kurambo's scouter is green, her under-armor is black while her main armor is white with yellow shoulder, abdomen and hip pads. She also wears a blaster on her wrist due to her inability to use external ki techniques


Personality: Kurambo seems like a dim-witted yet excitable airhead at first glance. One could make the assumption that she is enthusiastic and friendly. She loves to eat and is easy to make laugh. But behind that smile lies a twisted and sadistic killer who takes childlike glee in causing destruction and despair. To her, this isn't a job. This is a hobby.

Backstory: The hemispheric Kingdoms of North Cherry and South Cherry were at war, vying for total control of Planet Cherry. The planet was abundant in flora and fauna with medicinal properties, but was not a high priority target. Nevertheless, South Cherry eventually struck a deal with Frieza that the planet would be sold in exchange for South Cherry ruling over the entire planet as an intermediary. Both ruling families were wiped out in the ensuing negotiations barring the youngest Princess of North Cherry, who sold out her own family for a chance to join the Frieza Force as a soldier. Politics tired her. She instead respected Frieza's awesome and terrifying power to subjugate an entire planet because he said so. It was so simple. Might made right, and Kurambo gave her undying loyalty to the Mightiest in the Galaxy.
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