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Eleonara woke up in the very early morning, several hours before sunrise, as was her habit in the summertime. She didn’t much care for the heat and enjoyed the times of the day she could naturally enjoy the relative coolness, such as late evenings, nights and early mornings. Her roommate Kim was still sleeping soundly on a hammock above her, snoring softly, her usual cuteness somewhat ruined by the saliva steadily dripping from the side of her mouth and way she scrunched her nose as if she were disgusted by something. Possibly she was just dreaming. Ceasing the observation of her unfortunately very straight female flatmate, Leona shucked off her thin long sleeping shirt and put on a jogging outfit, stashing her weapons in the pockets-refitted-into-holsters; their usual place. She had very few trousers without those pockets and whenever she wore one of those (or a skirt), she still had several belts she could use for her precious offensive gear. Being armed in Korven, after all, wasn’t something one would get a second glance for.

So outfitted, she went for a jog, sunlight still nowhere in sight, though the sky was steadily getting less dark. Eleonara ran, following a twisting route from her flat, which was smack in the middle of the Kings’ territory and also fairly central as far as the whole of Korven was considered, and to the studio which she owned bordering on Eden, not strictly (officially) part of her gang’s territory, but often used for their business anyway. Along the way, she had the privilege of observing all those other people, who already had to get ready for their day, though unlike her, most of them wallowed in some degree of misery. Leona cherished the sight, smug to feel so good when this many others didn’t. So what if that made her kind of a bitch? Those other people just needed to learn to take pleasure into their own hands, however they could. Really, they should take her as an example.

Pleased from the hour-long exercise, she arrived at her studio, stretched, then took a shower and put on some spare clothes. Having a personal water source for bathing was a luxury she enjoyed; the flat she had in the center had a communal one she was forced to endure occasionally. And the fun that could be had from observing other naked bodies (those well-shaped ones, at least) was outweighed by the feeling of filthiness sharing a resource with so many others invariable caused. Besides the additional space, this studio also had the perk of somewhat cleaner air, always a nice addition, though something she could just as easily do without. At the end of the day, she was a true born and bred Korvenite, well used to the sanction’s various quirks. She spent the next few hours managing her finances, checking her existing investments, exchanging some stocks etc.. After that dull but productive chunk of time, she took a motorbike, which she had Robert take to the studio the previous night, and drove back to her flat in Korven, saw Kim was gone already, and went to one of the Kings’ bars/clubs on her own.
Ineraz Evrenarth

Ineraz woke approximately two hours after the sun had risen, feeling well rested. Knowing this day was the start of the tournament his body was in high spirits, his mind as clear as the purest of crystals, his blood feeling the anticipation in the way it did before a hunt. Ineraz put on his armour and took a minute to admire himself in the mirror; if he couldn’t appreciate himself, who else would? Since his hair would get in the way otherwise (it reached almost to the half of his back), he tied it in a tight bun at the nape of his neck. Now, all he was missing was a helmet, always a tricky piece for a Drakkan.

First, he took a long and thin piece of leather to wrap around his head and horns’ bases, which would not only serve as cushioning but would also stabilize the headgear. Ineraz felt that his horns were especially annoying; his right one was longer and thinner and had an awkward shorter offshoot to the back, which made it look as if he had three horns. His left horn on the other hand, was somewhat shorter but much denser, strangely but thankfully balancing the right one. When he was done with the leather piece, he put on the helmet, which was welded together from several metal places in such a way to provide a space for his horns. It also had a tough letter buckle to secure it under his chin. In Ineraz’s opinion, it made him look slightly sillier, but it was a vital piece of protection nonetheless.

He still had a few hours until he would have to make his way to the Pits, so after belting his sword and dagger, Ineraz went to one of the estate’s training rooms to have a very light preparation session. He thoroughly stretched his muscles, then engaged in several brief practice fights involving imaginary opponents – first barehanded, then adding his weapons, and finally his elements as well. He moved fluidly through various maneuvers, slashing, stabbing, blocking, evading, kicking, punching, elbowing, incorporating air and water attacks – there was indeed a nearby source of water in the training room, and there hopefully would be one in the pits as well – against various enemies his mind construed to spice up the otherwise solitary activity. Ineraz finished off with a series of stretches again, feeling content now he had worked up a light sweat. And he still had an hour or two to rest and get to the tournament in peak condition.

When it was nearing noon, he finally made his way to the pits, excited but attempting and mostly succeeding to appear collected. The streets were crowded with Drakken, and Ineraz found the density rather uncomfortable, but ignored the feeling. There was a Gem here and there; most likely those were the brides who’ve survived from previous years. There would also be some Gem pleasure slaves for those bride-earners not participating in the tournament, but Ineraz saw no reason to forsake a good match for a shared commodity, when he would be soon getting a bride or two all for himself. Moving with the throng, he soon came to the Pits and entered the part where all the contestants gathered, surrounded by heated sweaty bodies much as he was before. But at least every Drakkan here was someone who could become his opponent, and that made their nearness easier to bear. The well-known female noble, the first prince’s daughter, gave a short but captivating speech, and Ineraz let the slow thrum of excitement build in him.

Yssil looked enquiringly at the arrivals and was about to introduce himself, when Aerta did so in his stead. So, he stayed where he was, and decided to just listen for now, if they would let him. It seemed that there could be quite a story and naturally, he was curious to learn of it.
Yssil nodded at Aerta’s explanation “All right. I understand.” He stiffened at her touch, even though it was gentle, and turned his head to watch her warily. “He said so. I understand, because my mother is much the same. But this is still very awkward,” he said tensely, not wanting to outright refuse her, especially because she already seemed self-conscious about her mothering tendencies, but not exactly comfortable with it either. Although Yssil had to admit, Aerta was very skilled at what she did, as he felt his muscles loosening despite himself.
@MissCapnCrunch Thanks! May I move her over?
@MissCapnCrunch Polished the sheet. It was mainly just some minor edits (adding pics, hopefully fixing the typos and such, changed some bio details). As for the Kings' leader position...I'm too ambivalent about it to take it up for now.

I had thought of making her the Kings' leader, but that seems like too much work, so now she's just a (high-in-rank) member, I think. And there are still edits to make, I'm pretty sure, but otherwise the above is what I had in mind.
Oh, I just assumed that the majority of (limb) hacking occurred in Lisden and not many important/valuable people would actually be there. But it's a different thing if the stealing of identity happens first and then shipping the remains (dead or alive) off to Lisden.
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