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"Yes, she is a cleric," Yssil replied, not elaborating any further. At Aerta's next question, his eyes lit up with interest. "Unless you are needed with this situation," he nodded at the other guests "we can begin right now."
@Thecrash20 Yes, any relationship. We could even work out the details via PM if you'd like.
Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: Zeldria

“Feel free to put your dress there,” Ineraz gestured over to a rather meagre and barren vanity table, which unlike the rest of the furniture in the room seemed to be there almost for its own sake, just so that it could be said an item such as it was there and to make the space a bit less empty perhaps. While the dresser in the room was still relatively free to use, Ineraz had put his sword to lean next to it and he preferred not to encourage his brides to approach sharp objects just yet.

“It will do indeed, beautiful,” he murmured softly as she came closer. Although the previous blush which had graced Zeldria’s cheeks was a promising sign, Ineraz was well aware that the Gem was likely still cautious and fearful. However…she did join him. And as joyful as Ineraz wanted to be, his bride’s nearness would make it both awkward and possibly intimidating (for her, not him) to relieve his not-so-little problem. He sighed, but restrained himself for now. I truly deserve an award for my patience. Ineraz shifted closer to the Gem on the bed and put a hand on her shoulder-blade, slowly stroking down her arm and back up, essentially providing a massage with the lazy but firm circular movements he was doing.

“Mind if I hold you while we sleep?” He asked her the question quietly. Before she could respond, he added “And no need to worry about this,” he pressed his pelvis to her backside so she would know very well what he meant “either. I will take care of it on my own. I promise, as much as I want to ravish you, there is something very tantalizing about a consenting lover,” he finished with a sigh which might as well have been a moan and sneaked a quick kiss to Zeldria’s neck. Ineraz then scooted back slightly so he could gauge her response more easily and also to give her the choice of initiating any further physical contact. He kept his posture inviting as much as he could do so while lying down. Whether the Gem responded well to his seduction attempt or not, he would probably have to satisfy his urges on his own. Based on her response, she wasn’t ready for coupling just yet and forcing it on her would likely just destroy her. And that would certainly not be in his best interests. So, trying to wait until she fell asleep it was. Unless…If she shows interest again, I might entice her into watching, at least. However, he was realistic enough to expect another night spent alone – alone in the ways that mattered, that is.

@NightmareInd If you like, I'd be fine with it.
Saw the pretty in the CS from @Lord of Evil. Stole the pretty and made it my own.
Well, here's mine...Hopefully it's ok. There are probably still missing things (like, her current IRL situation).

I'm just a fellow potential player, but while I really want to see the first kind of situation explored, I feel like we'll get to see that regardless if there's that kind of a PC or not. That, and the second one could be really fun (hilarious).

Though honestly, I think you'll be alright just going with what you would prefer, the GM seems fine with all kinds of things as long there's a proper sheet.
So if I've got this right, in the present we'd be playing, Haven has been operating for 4 years?

Also, is there a certain number of abilities we're encouraged to have or a limit to how many we should? I'm interested to know the number of spells available for each wisdom level - if you have a specific number or an estimate - as well.
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