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Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: Zeldria

To Ineraz, waking seemed to involve simply becoming aware of his own breathing, usually when the first rays of sunshine teased at his eyelashes. He shifted in his bed and as his gaze landed on Zeldria, he realized she was awake already. “Morning,” he whispered in a greeting. Then he stood up, and unperturbed by the possibility of Zeldria getting an eye-full, shucked off his tunic and put on his usual leather armour. He frowned when he saw the still missing left vambrace, which had unfortunately been charred and destroyed in the tournament the day before. His left forearm still had obvious signs of being burned, but its state was already much better than it had been after his fight; it was now a pinkish soft red with scarring which would lessen but not completely disappear given time.

When he was done, he checked Sera’s corner, but she still seemed to be sleeping. This morning might be interesting for her, seeing as the previous night was her first time drinking. Dismissing her from his mind for the time being, he turned back to Zeldria. “You may wear the dress you brought with you yesterday. If you’d rather have something else, I can easily arrange a child Drakkan’s armour or day wear to be brought here.” He gave her some pause to think, while he went and picked up all his weapons, though having both the bow and crossbow (as well as the bolts and arrows, not to mention his melee weaponry) on him was slightly unwieldy. He’d put the ranged weaponry somewhere else, but for now, he had to remove such things from a room which would shortly be occupied by only one or two Gems.

He spoke to Zeldria again. “I’m going to spar. As long as you have one of the guards accompanying you – and I’ll soon send at least two here – you may explore the manor,” he didn’t even bother telling her not to try escaping or attacking anyone or destroying any property, she seemed smart enough (or at least, cautious enough) not to do that. “If you want a taste for what Drakkan combat practice is like, you should follow me though,” he offered the invitation with a smirk. Without particular care what she would decide to do, Ineraz left his bed chamber and found a pair of guards in one of the manor halls soon enough. He sent the two Drakken to stay outside of his room, but with instructions to accompany either Gem if any wished to go elsewhere.

As for himself, he went to the outside training ground, a simple circle of dirt in an otherwise grassy backyard. Some Drakken were already there – some could be found practicing combat (whether inside or out) at just about any time of the day. Ineraz greeted his fellows, deposited his weapons to one of the racks, and engaged one of them in a good, old fistfight. Knowing each other so well, they forewent with circling each other in an attempt to gauge the other’s skill, but simply clashed furiously in a swirl of fists, knees, elbows, feet, and horns. They weren’t shy about grappling and throwing and rolling, doing anything to gain a temporary advantage, which would be enough for a victory. Some minutes into the fight, Ineraz managed to elbow the other Drakkan to the nape of his neck, which staggered the male momentarily, and Ineraz pushed him to the ground easily, pulled his arms behind his back and held him there. The male Drakken on the ground nodded and they were done.

After several similar practice rounds, some with weaponry and element-use in addition, Ineraz worked up enough of a hunger to head back inside. He strolled the halls in a confident and satisfied manner, one which was generally a sign of either having had a good lay or a good fight. He walked to the manor’s great hall, since the hour was such that plenty of Drakken would be having their morning meal. If his Gems had been hungry during the hour or so that he was gone, this was where the guards would have led them. In case he didn’t find his brides here, Ineraz intended to eat first, then look for them to make sure they didn’t go hungry either. When they all ate, they could begin the day in earnest. And more importantly, he could introduce his brides to his hounds, after which he intended to take the Gems to the market, for they seemed to have no possessions of their own. It was now his responsibility to clothe them, and he preferred for them not to wear ill-fitting Drakkan hand-me-downs.

If all goes as I planned (and it really should) I'll post today. Sorry for the wait.

Akantha was in a very business-like part of their guild hall. This particular location was basically a medium sized meeting room, and functioned as the guild’s strategical and tactical core. Besides the front and back door both requiring approved access, the sparsely furnished rectangle room contained an ellipsoid table, black leather chairs arranged around it, and holographic data-pads and projectors adorning the room. The latter were used primarily for organizing guild group activities (such as raids) or watching them in-action (by way of an internal stream set-up). They linked the relevant data to a cloud storage, which was used to keep various in-game recordings, consisting mainly of their annual tournaments and other remarkable PvP matches. The entertainment material, unlike the other (more sensitive) contents of the room, was accessible to pretty much every guild member, through an externally provided link.

Overall, the room truly gave the impression of having been designed by someone who had extensive experience with corporations and had thus seen their fair share of offices, was familiar in such an environment, and knew what worked and what didn’t. It went without saying that the office’s designer hadn’t been Akantha, but rather one of her Lieutenants, though she and other key-members offered their opinion and approval for the final version of the design.

“Team alpha’s going after the marked targets. There’s a freaking crowd of hunters,” Akantha commented from the head of the table.

“Team eta and epsilon are still stocking up on potions,” offered one of the Executives after consulting another member.

“Those NPCs are hilarious! Have you seen how hard they’re trying? It’s out of their hands,” enthused one of the Lieutenants.

“Focus, Pooh,” sighed another, then continued with his own report. “Zeta’s patrolling and checking out the competition,” it was apparent he wanted to continue, but was suddenly interrupted by the fore-mentioned Lieutenant leaning closer with his own live-feed, eager to show off something.

“Oooh, look, Juggernaut’s been spotted during a charge! He’s knocking ‘em over like any pro bowler could! Aw, but these poor pins are getting wrecked,” he laughed heartily.

“That is only minorly useful, Pooh,” said the unamused Lieutenant in obvious exasperation. “And I wish you didn’t interrupt my assignment,” he stressed the word.

“You’re no fun, CatZ,” replied the other with an eye-roll.

“Guys.” Akantha interrupted them mildly. “It’s a clusterfuck with those explosions. Beta, Gamma and Delta are already on their way to engage the offenders, if they can single them out,” she gestured to a trio by her side, a Lieutenant and two Executives who oversaw the named teams and had debated over the details of the situation with her.

“It will take some time to sort out,” one of the Executives began “We should–”

The conversation in the meeting room was interfered with by a loud knock on the door. Since whoever decided to bother them most likely wanted her, Akantha stood up and opened the front door, facing a violet-skinned female humanoid avatar with glowing green eyes. She was looking at Akantha with something akin to affront mixed in with frustration.

“Yes?” the guild leader drawled out the question, staring down at the other member with faux calmness.

“There’s someone from PVP PLOX? here! Again! And I’m fine with them, leader, really, but you know how some others are,” she finished with making a poor attempt at excusing her initial outburst.

Akantha sighed. “Name?” The other girl blinked at her, puzzled. Akantha rolled her eyes and repeated “What’s the person’s name?”

“Um,” the violet girl stalled. “I don’t know.”

“Fine, I’ll go check out the situation,” Akantha said, exasperated. She turned back into the meeting room, looking over the members. “Can you handle this? It’s probably Vector.”

“Sure, go greet your boyfriend, leader,” shouted Pooh. Akantha only snorted in reply.

“We’ll manage the situation and keep you informed. Will you go to the new instance yourself?” asked CatZ.

“I might,” Akantha replied. “I’ll notify you. I may pick up the last of those who wanted to go there today. But maybe I’ll just go there on my own,” she shrugged. “I trust you can co-ordinate the teams without me here,” she looked at all the members in the meeting room, but her gaze lingered particularly on the three Lieutenants present; they were her seconds-in-command and could be most counted on to keep things running smoothly.

“You know we will.”

“Got it, boss.”

“You bet we can, Akantha.”

There were several other replies, all affirmatory. Akantha left the meeting room, closing the door behind her, and the guild member who had come to fetch her trailed after her.

The path she took led her to a narrow balcony overlooking the large open-to-the-public training square, where several members were doing their own thing, but a few of them were also staring at the visitor, muttering among themselves in a discontent manner.

“Fuck’s sake,” Akantha whispered to herself, then descended to the ground level of the guild’s hall bellow. The visitor was indeed Vector, as she had thought it might be.

“People,” she proclaimed loudly, getting the attention of most of the members. “You really should know by now that Vector is my friend and the guild he’s part of is our ally,” she stressed that last part. Most members were content with that, but some remained frowning at Vector, probably just jealous of his success. Akantha stared them down until they finally returned to whatever they had been doing before.

Akantha stepped closer to Vecor. “Hey,” she greeted happily. “Long time no see. I gather you’d rather we go somewhere more secluded,” she led him outside of the hall, to a stereotypical zen garden which was technically part of their territory, as it was still on the mountain, though a NPC took care of it.

“Have you been to the new zone yet? We made a bit of a guild event out of it,” she commented.

"I haven't often performed rituals, but I'm familiar with the basics. I may have further questions once you describe the procedure for this one, though," Yssil answered.
"A laboratory? That sound very professional. I certainly wouldn't mind having one," Yssil replied as he followed Aerta downstairs. "Will we do meditation? Combat? Or do you want to see some of what I can do first, to evaluate me?" he questioned.
Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: Zeldria

Ineraz observed Zeldria’s back and despite the darkness and renewed distance between the two of them, he could see how tense her shoulder and neck muscles were. She lay very still and listening to her breathing, Ineraz got the impression she was trying not to panic. All in all, the Gem very much gave the appearance of a scared animal, who wanted to bolt but was either so petrified from the terror itself or the possible consequences she imagined, that she could not move. Obviously, refusing him or defending herself was also outside of her capabilities. What a weakling. No wonder some Drakken just take these kinds of girls and do with them as they please. I suppose I will have to be more careful with this one, if she truly is so fragile.

“Your caution will serve you well,” he attempted to compliment her, but could not help the sarcasm heavily present in his tone, no matter how true the statement was in and of itself.

He had seen how badly she startled while he was attempting to seduce her. No enticing this one just yet, he though a bit disgruntled. Zeldria took a good amount of time before she verbalized anything, and Ineraz snorted derisively when she did.

“Many things would please me,” he whispered harshly, but despite his words, made no move to get closer to her again. Instead, he stared at her back as he fulfilled his promise and indeed took care of the lust which had pestered him at the back of his mind all this while. Watching her shapely form, he let his fantasies run free and wild, taking himself in the usual manner. It was over as quickly as it begun, and left him looking forward to a future in which his brides would want to do such activities with him.

Then, he rolled over to lie on his back and stretched leisurely. Once again, he checked that all his weapons were far away enough, even his dagger, which he habitually slept next to. He wouldn’t put it beyond a silly Gem to attempt and murder him in his sleep if she thought she had a good chance to accomplish it. Just in case, he would keep his ears open while he slept. Being able to wake up at the slightest potential danger was a skill any worthy Drakkan possessed. Before completely relaxing, he said one more thing to Zeldria. “Try and get some sleep.” Adhering to his own advice, that is exactly what Ineraz did.

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