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@AzureKnight Honestly, at this point I wouldn't even mind if it stayed as it was, as long as I get something that I can post based off of again.
@Levias @AzureKnight So, do we do a collab? Stian's technically in the air already, but I can make it so he still heard Raina for convenience's sake.

That arrogance… Asteria exhaled slowly a couple of times, calming down enough to think instead of just senselessly run her mouth. The thing’s probably something like the Demon King…though if the one who resurrected me is really so important, why doesn’t this one know of him? Deciding to try and wheedle out some answers however she might, Asteria answered.

“Fine, Blue-Eyes. You do have the advantage of having kidnapped me,” she narrowed her eyes at the entity, but this time kept her tone neutral and professional, her irritation more-or-less under her control though she was still blatantly grumpy about the matter. “I was a human. I died in my world. And, my soul or spirit, whatever remains after death, was left in an expanse of white. Endless whiteness…” she trailed off, staring past blue-eyes for a moment or two, until she caught herself drifting off, shook her head, and refocused on the creature once again.

“I was aware, but my thoughts were kind of muddled. I’d already gotten used to the hopelessness and loneliness…then- and no, I don’t know when exactly, because there was no way to measure the time,” her lips thinned at the intrusion of the unwanted memory she was describing, its image and the emotions she had felt back when she was formless an unnecessary distraction to the current situation. “A human-looking male appeared. I doubt he was human, I'm fairly certain he had claws. Anyways, he was dark haired, with strange powers, weird shadows behind him, a crazy, and I by that I mean a serial-killer-crazy or the pyromaniac-in-middle-of-setting-a-huge-fire-crazy grin on his face.

"He had crimson-eyes and bloody clothing. He introduced himself as the Demon King, told me about another world – this world, and for a lack of better wording, transported my soul here, and gave me the choice to be reborn as one of 6 creatures. I chose a Dire Rat and was reborn as one. Even though I’ve died and am technically not exactly human anymore, I’ve kept my previous memories, my intellect, whatever it is that made me human in my world. My soul…or spirit, I suppose, is still that of a human’s.”

After this rather hefty tale, Asteria inhaled and exhaled in a long slightly tired sigh. Blue-eyes had also demanded to see the truth of her spirit however, and besides telling it, Asteria had no idea what to do. She closed her eyes, thought about her time as a human, her previous appearance of 5’9, light brown shoulder-length hair dyed to blonde and tied in a ponytail, her icy-blue eyes, her trademark smirk, her manners, actions, family, work, friends, and basically everything that made her her before she'd died. After some minutes of that intense focus, she addressed blue-eyes again “So, do you see the truth of my spirit yet?” Regardless of the answer, she carefully opened her eyes again, staring at the entity cautiously, still feeling an imminent sense of danger.

“By the way, you’ll have to be more specific about your other questions,” she added, and while the water-shape was hopefully distracted by all the information Asteria had just given it, used Monster Analysis on it, both out of curiosity to see if it would work as well as in a fit of contrariness to defy blue-eyes, if only a tiny bit.


If the previous scenes had that distinct dreamy fogginess, the blinding whiteness was like a ping to her awareness, and Asteria realized with an unexpected, almost forceful clarity that she was dreaming. It was just like a lucid dream, except something else appeared and influenced both the environment, and more concerning, possibly her mind as well. The water streamed down from nothingness, pooling around her. Shit, I better not drown in a dream and die again. The thought flitted through her mind as a voice spoke up.

“I was a human…And I still am, sort of,” she confirmed hesitantly, wary of answering at all. She sought out the source of the voice but found only a pair of blue eyes staring up at her from within the water. Creepy. This thing seemed like it was responsible for all the water - water which was threatening to overflow and kill her just then. Fucking great.

“What a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. or Miss mysterious-voice,” her reply carried the heavy note of sarcasm. She knew very well it was a simple and almost reflexive reaction to a fear, and not just to the idea that she might die again. After all, something messing with her mind was a significantly worse danger to contemplate, and never mind the possibility the Demon King might have already done so.

“I suppose I might as well enlighten you with the alias I choose to go by these days. It’s Asteria. Now, before I answer your other questions, why don’t you tell me who you are and what exactly is the idea with invading my dreams?” her approach wasn’t quite as polite as Asteria might have rationally desired, but if asked, she’d blame her tiredness – even if this was a dream, and she didn’t exactly feel the same bodily sensations as she would have when awake.


Asteria was asleep within minutes of lying down next to Mother Rat, and was mostly unaware as both her body and mind got their much needed rest. There were occasional flashes of images; of a monstrous rat ripping a wisp apart, crimson blood fountaining and overflowing from the previously whitish-blue glowing orb, of watching herself be poisoned again, only there was no rescue this time as her rat-body continued to writhe and spasm in pain, eventually stilling, of various monsters cruelly tearing off a giant’s head, feeling triumphant and joining in, sinking her teeth into the neck, tasting blood and liking it, of a strange vibrant world full of magical forces, of the warmth of Mother Rat’s body giving her comfort at the end of a trying day. Most if not all of these images would probably be forgotten by tomorrow, but there was one that made more of an impression than all the others; seeing her former body – the human one – lying peacefully and strangely beautiful for all that it was dead already (and she knew the corpse should have been mangled beyond recognition with how she had actually died, but here it looked as if she had died in her sleep), feeling as if she were floating above it, then suddenly finding herself in the familiar whiteness, only this time, it was practically in the next moment instead of an eternity later that the Demon King appeared and transferred her over to her current form and world. His words, his appearance, his gleeful madness (possibly he was an inspired genius, a simple old but powerful eccentric, a dream-thought pointed out) were not things she would easily forget.

Stian Berland, Wyvern Rider

Stian woke up at dawn, and before donning his armour, performed a long series of stretches to warm up for the day. The exercise in the mornings and evenings also prevented his muscles from aching too badly or cramping. As fun as flying was, and he could do it for hours and hours, his muscles and joints always started complaining once he hit the ground. And he was barely twenty! So, he trained and worked on improving his agility almost religiously. He dared say he was good what with the way he could easily do handstands or splits or bridges, and moved as swiftly and sinuously as a snake in his attacks and dodges even from a crouch. He didn't neglect to practice his footwork and grip-power, because, yes, if the situation ever called for it, he was crazy enough to attempt standing on his wyvern to tangle with another flier.

After completing the thorough work-out, Stian washed up in a nearby water-full barrel, honestly almost tempted enough to take a drink from the filthy water. With what he deemed a great self-restraint, he waited until after he clothed and armoured himself properly before fetching himself a water jug and draining it like the savage he was, trails of water left running down the sides of his mouth unattended for a moment or two until he finally wiped them off with a sleeve, burping contentedly. Right, still have to eat, he scratched at his head, slightly sheepish. He was always half-expecting that a long-stretch of time where food would be unavailable was just around the corner, since he’d often had to ignore hunger in the past and was now practiced in doing so. However, the Red Branch was fairly decent as far as providing daily meals went, a fact both he and Gamleen were very well pleased with.

The thought of Gamleen sent Stian into a dash, and he rushed to grab some nondescript foul-tasty but filling ration food for himself to munch on and a bunch of dried jerky for Gam, which he stuffed into a small string-bag. Carrying those, he practically jogged to the stables, managing to eat his ration on the way, but stopped and barely prevented the rest of his foodstuff from scattering at the sight he waiting for him. Cael was feeding his wyvern with fish, Gamleen warily accepting each while staring at the male, the wyvern’s gesture conveying a warning for Cael not to attempt anything but feeding it. True, this wasn’t the first time for someone other than Stian to feed the gorgeous creature, and yet, the blonde couldn’t help but be reminded how long it had taken for Gamleen to warm up to him. Just shows I did good by him, it does! ‘Sides, he likes me way better. While his thoughts took a teeny tiny bit of a possessive, maybe, just maybe, even jealous streak, Stian approached with a perky bounce to his step, his trademark grin plastered on his face.

“Gamleen, ya cheatin’ on me, darlin’? And here I thought we had something special between us,” he drawled in a sullen whine, fluttering his eyelashes in obvious exaggeration at the wyvern, his disappointed tone belied by the mischievous sparkle in his eyes and the miniature laugh-lines on his face – though the latter were admittedly somewhat hard to see past the scars he still sported. The wyvern, on the other hand, didn’t react past a snort that somehow managed to convey its disgruntlement and a what-can-you-do-about-this-idiot sentiment.

Stian chuckled at the wyvern’s reply and approached as Gam gobbled up the last fish, waving at Cael. “Hey, man, thanks for the fish! You’re almost as good at spoiling the old man as I am,” he smirked, patted the wyvern’s neck, and nuzzled briefly up at him. Gamleen nipped at the blonde youth's ear, and Stian still couldn’t tell if the action was playful, reprimanding, or both, but either way, it did sting enough for him to ease up on the affection. Stian lifted his hands, still carrying the dried jerky bagged in his left, and said “Easy, easy. So, still wanna share this?” he drew a piece of meat from the bag and waved it in front of the wyvern.

Gamleen snapped at the piece lightning fast, chewing and swallowing it with a pleased growl. Stian proceeded to share half the dried jerky, alternating between eating a piece himself and offering one to the wyvern. After finihing, he stashed the now-empty-bag in a trouser pocket, led the wyvern outside the stable, got him ready for flying, then climbed onto the saddle easily. Stian briefly turned towards Cael again. “Oh, yeah, if anyone asks, we’ve just went for a bit of a fly. Just above our camp, so no worries, alright? If anything’s urgent, just give a whistle and even if I don’t hear you, Gamleen sure will. But if you’d rather join the fun, that’s cool too, man!” With that said, they were both off in a great whoosh of a rise, some dust flowing freely at their ascent.

@SimpleWriter Btw, that Discord link's expired.
In Rengoku 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

“Yeah, with the four of us, there’s no need to worry about certain death. Either way, if the situation seems too dangerous, we can always escape,” Ann assured Lexa and nodded approvingly at Emilia. She then waved at Tien lazily “Alright, see you at the south gate in 20 minutes.”

After the geomancer left, Katrin refocused on the two other females with a winning smile. “If you’ve decided to go along, it would be best that we share our abilities with each other. Maybe even think up a way we can best work together. I’m not so sure Tien is the type to think about tactics when he can afford to just rush straight in and fight head-on. Well, as long as he distracts all the enemies, that works out well for me,” she trailed off, looked past the girls in contemplation for a moment or two, then blinked.

“Oh, sorry,” she smirked wryly at both Lexa and Emilia “I still have to think about my skills, since I’m kinda new to this whole fighting thing. No need to worry though, because we can just plan a good way out and we should be fine even if the skeletons turn out to be too much. Let’s just start with my skills, yeah? I can easily get rid of any unsuspecting skeletons and I can knock down any that get too close to me. There’s also some kind of an illusion with which I can appear like something else as long as I got its fresh blood. Sounds creepy, I know, but it’s good for scouting. How about the two of you?” Kat cocked her head minutely to the side, switching her gaze from Lexa to Emilia and back every once in a while, both to assess how each of them was feeling and as a conscious attempt to make them both feell included.

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