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@Rabidporcupine Also, I dare say some of the Blessed characters we have are much less likely to die, and are more effective at monster-slaying compared to some of the Runes, at least currently. Actually, the Runes are just regular folk, some of which very recently happened to get magic and aren't too good at it (yet), nevermind fighting anything - my character included.
Valeria Nicole Alvarez-Knight

Nicole woke up in the room designated as “hers” just as she had been for the past month, ever since she’d been…convinced to join the Blessed as one of the Runes. She stared at the still-bland white ceiling, then sat up to take in the more pleasant and slowly-becoming-familiar-if-she-were-squinting walls that were customized with punk, rock, and the occasional thrash metal posters, an associate degree for physical therapy that she barely had the time to get before the Blessed folk snatched her up from her normal life, and a corkboard that she pinned several photos of her she’d had developed. The furniture in the room was still the basic walnut bed, wardrobe, desk and chair it’d come with, though she’d already brought all her clothes, equipment (including several sets of running shoes, a skateboard, rollerblades, and the safety gear applicable for both, a laptop, her camera, and her phone), and even her own bed coverings.

These and other allowances the Blessed had provided her were the only things keeping her from being pissed more often than she was. Yes, she understood not letting the Jotun and others kill people in or outside of cities, and no, she wasn’t a fan of the possibility of the world ending anymore than the next person, but exactly whose fucked-idea was it to put Runes on some civilian random people? The Gods? Heck, if they wanted to help, they could either get their asses down to Earth asap, or else put the magic BS into the people already in training to kill monsters. Was that such a hard concept to comprehend for some? But, no, instead, she and people like her, who may have seen one of the things they were to fight but most likely hadn’t done so before (she knew she sure as hell she hadn’t), and now they were thrown into a scheme that practically screamed “if the training didn’t kill you, the monsters will, so get your asses in gear, blast your magic shit around, be a good proper hero ‘til the crazy ends you, and we get another miracle, hopefully a better one than you”.

Valeria shook her head to get rid of the annoyingly bitter thoughts that had started creeping up since guess when, and went on with her usual routine of an hour-long exercise in the rec room, a shower, a breakfast, half-an-hour or less to check on and manage her SNS profile and upload any new pics she might have – the past month they’d been Blessed themed, and though she wasn’t allowed to release anything that might give away too much info, the things she’d gotten permission for (it irked her she had to get it, but at least the bastards were good promo), were fairly popular – then check her daily agenda on her laptop. Today’s prominent one was a meeting with all the other Runes, and the select few of the Blessed non-magical employees as well. Hey, let’s try some optimism, Nick, since it's been such a long time since last time...One good thing! Just find the one. One thing...There’ll be plenty of people to meet, if nothing else.

Attitude bolstered, the blonde made her way to the meeting room, and was surprised to note she was actually one of the first ones there, and glanced curiously at each and every one of them, including the guards, finally greeting them all with a “Hey, wassup?” She entered in time to hear a long wheat-blond girl teasing a redheaded male about being hungover. “Wait, wait, wait, there’s some sort of a bar in the facility that I’ve been missing out on? Any good stock?” she questioned, wandering over to the fresh tea set out. She typically drank coffee, but since the tea was there already, she might as well. She put in a dash of milk to her cup, then plopped down into a nearby couch, stirring the herbal brew as she did so without it clinking overly much. It was still hot, so she sipped it slowly. “Good tea. What would really be the thing is some brandy to go with it,” she sighed wistfully, relaxing into the luxurious upholstering as she waited for the meeting to start, or better yet, someone willing to chat to pass the time.
Jandar Varan

The pale male remained as elusive as ever, as though Jandar had used Craft to enhance his senses, he couldn’t get a clear enough read on the single male while he was surrounded by such a crowd. The male was also apparently part of a group, an ill-meaning group if he was correct in his impressions – and given that he trusted Opal’s warning, the group around the broken-nose guy was one to watch out for.

The Varan Warlord then entered the stables, the quit atmosphere pleasanter than the din of the main room he'd just left behind, though even here, there was a hint of wrongness. As he pet and fed Teo, Jandar was interrupted from his thoughts by a near-silent rustling up in the loft, and silently stepped into a position to observe the now-confirmed-thief child rummage in a courier’s belongings, hastily throwing away papers, scrolls, letters, and various other documents. His scent revealed only that the mixed-heritage youngling was a Blood, but nothing else.

When the blood male thief began cursing – an action which made it obvious to Jandar that the child hadn’t noticed his presence and still believed himself to be the only one in the stables – the Warlord kissed Teo’s neck in temporary farewell, then quietly approached the young male, taking care to soften his footfalls in exactly the same manner that he would when hunting a dear, wrapping an aural shield tightly around himself as an insurance. He was just as cautious with his breathing as he climbed a ladder that would put him at the child’s back, and would be well outside his peripheral sight.

Once Jandar was up in the loft as well, he sneaked up behind the child, then restrained him from behind, striking as swiftly as a serpent to restrain the thief in a way to prevent him from screaming out. “Careless,” he commented in a rumble, then turned the blonde around so they were face-to-face, and clamped the scrawny criminal by his shoulders. “Won’t blame ya for stealin’, ‘coz you weren’t takin’ anyfing of mine…But, lad, you should know be’er,” he lectured in a rumble, though kept his facial expression near impassive, a stoic and subtle kind of harshness. “You ‘ave seen the kind of folk that gathers round 'ere, ‘avent you? Count yourself lucky I got ‘ere first, instead of someone nastier.”

Jandar kept the hold on the boys shoulders as he glanced at the mess of missives the boy had caused, then used his Craft to put all the disordered, dirty, crumpled, and otherwise rumpled letters to rights. He stored them back into the leather satchel with a thought, which he cleaned up with Craft as well, finally calling it to his left hand once it was back in an undisturbed state. Holding the thief in one hand and the leather satchel in the other, he questioned the blonde with a sharp look, urging him to be truthful and cooperative with his tone and demeanor. “Now, where’d you find it? I’m puttin’ it back where it belongs. Then you can come along, just for a lil bit. And if you ‘appen to be finkin’ why you might want to do ‘at, well. I’ll make it worth your while, lad.”
Jandar Varan
Root's Teeth, Dhemlan Terreille

The crowd shoved him back and spit insults at him, but Jandar had his own first impressions to make, even if they had to be slightly unfavourable. He noticed a sickly pale male with a broken nose and combed-back hair watching him from the hearth, and the strange man exuded an odd aura of a nasty, mean predator, as if he enjoyed the casual and thoughtless violence Jandar exhibited with his movement through the crowd. Jean took note of the male, but proceeded towards the kitchens, where he was met with a no-nonsense cook, whose first question nonetheless betrayed a hint of the witch’s fear. A plethora of Witchblood, an odd undefinable psychic scent that puts me on edge, the inn terror of the inn’s witches, a despairing Prince, an unknown male with what I’d gander is a penchant for violence…I sense a pattern here. Is it possible… Jandar shivered at the current line his thoughts had taken him. It was possible that whatever had produced the fields of Witchblood was happening regularly, often enough that everyone was affected somehow. I’ll take another look at those pens when it's no longer storming, won't be before tomorrow, likely.

After his greeting and explanation was done there right at the kitchen's door, the strict grey-haired witch apparently relaxed just enough to chase him off, shutting the gate in front of him. Jandar blinked, turning to leave, when an Opal witch bypassed him, offered him a carrot – which he accepted with a nod of thanks – and then left him just as swiftly with a warning. Alda was the one…And I scared her? She was already scared before…I wonder what she assumed I might do or want to do. Could the Mr. pale-face be one of those Opal believes I shouldn’t have attracted? Well. I do have to attract them, just enough that I recognize them, Jandar thought as he considered the pros and cons of searching for that male’s room later on. Jean pocketed the carrot, then ambled his way leisurely back into the inn’s main room, this time taking his time to move through the crowd, acting in a manner that would tell anyone who might be watching he was pleased about something. From the periphery of his eyes, the Red Warlord scanned his surroundings, hoping to catch sight of the male who’d observed him from the hearth before, all the while slowly making his way to the door leading directly to the stable. If the pale male was still around, Jandar would focus fully on his Craft enhanced sense of smell to detect and memorize the male by scent alone. Even doing so, he kept just enough attention to safely make it through the crowd and to the stable door however; he’d had to train years before being able to divide his attention so efficiently.

Then he was at the stable door, and ceased his observations to focus fully at entering the room which may or may not be still occupied by someone who may or may not be a thief. Plastering a belligerent scowl on his face, Jandar looked left then right as he crossed the threshold, gazing around the stable, then relaxed slightly as he approached Teo. He fished out the carrot from his pocket, and offered it to his companion. “Sorry, bud, this all dey’ve got.” He pet the horse on the head affectionately as he munched on the treat from his hand, though he still kept his awareness in part on any potential movements being made around him.
So, I can move my CS over, right? Or should I wait for you to look it over again...?

Also, do you have any maps of the world? Or do we just imagine generic modern world cityscape except with some crazy nordic-themed and ramped-up Australia-esque wilderness outside?
And done. How's it?

I'd like to reserve Tiwaz, if I may.

Ed’s frenzied attack sent the ant sprawling away from the mother-daughter rat duo, and exposed its chest area as part of its chitinous armour was shattered, chunks of pulverized meat flying away from it. The ant was ready to escape, but Asteria, for one, wasn’t ready to let it go. Like hell! And with that one thought, she dashed at the ant, hooking her tail around its neck from behind, as if trying to rein it in. If she only got it to stop from burrowing into the earth–

The moment Asteria had a good grip on the ant’s neck despite its trashing and the attempts to sting or otherwise injure her, she was startled by Ed’s suspiciously crazed chuckle and the subsequent roar accompanying his lunge attack. He didn’t seem to care that she was in the way, practically frothing at the mouth in his determination to tackle the ant and probably chew it to death if the glint in his eye was anything to go by. Startled, Asteria released her tail from the ant, backing away a pace or two, just in time for Ed to land on the insect. At this point, Asteria figured she’d be surprised if the ant would be anything but squashed as a result of Ed’s forceful attack.

Instead of trying to assist, the blue-eyed dire rat went to check on her biological mother, sniffing at her for any injuries. Ascertaining the older rat was more or less alright, she peered up at the grass and flowers she’d ignored till now, inspecting each different one. Mana sense had given her the information that at least one of these plants – if not more – most likely had a medicinal effect similar to the healing herbs. Without knowing which flower did what exactly, however, Asteria could only do the next best thing – gather one type of each flower for closer inspection by gnawing through the base of them one by one, then lying them on the floor in a row.

Once she had them all set out in front of her, she scented each, trying to ascertain which might be the most similar to a healing herb, and what the others were like. In case any were highly poisonous, she didn’t dare taste them, but she could – and did – use mana sense on each. Besides, the time she’d spent fiddling with the local foliage was surely enough to get Ed down from the manic high he’d been riding, regardless of whether he’d managed to kill the ant or if it simply escaped. Wanting to make sure, Asteria focused her gaze back on him, observing silently for a moment. Then she calmly and firmly addressed him. “Ed? You were on a rampage. What was that about?” She refrained from any hints of accusation to seep into the question, but she did have to know what was going on with him – if Ed even realized that something was.

Jandar Varan
Root's Teeth, Dhemlan Terreille

Jandar eyed the Tiger-Eye Prince who replied, noting the few observable details about him. The suffering of Terreille had affected him just as it had most of its residents; the man has obviously been lacking proper nutritious food for a while. No wonder the trade is what it is here. The Prince was well-kept and yet, he hadn’t seen fit to have new clothes tailored for him. Losing faith, perhaps? The other male did not seem to care for the storm but neither did he show interest at the fact that the weather would be better by tomorrow – or as he claimed it would be, at the very least. Perhaps a specific loss he experienced…or a general apathy? Then the grudge against Eyriens... Jandar did not allow for any hints of his pondering to show on his face or in his tone as he replied to the Prince.

“Good. Don’t wan’ta be stuck in one place too long,” he admitted, keeping his voice to a slightly growling rumble that fit his current persona. The fact he hadn’t intended to be in this particular inn for more than a day or two was a piece of harmless truth he had no misgivings in revealing, but then again, the first rule in lying was always keeping as close to the truth as one could in any case. “Can’t blame the feaver-brains for finkin’ wiv their wings, hn?” he chuckled, injecting a mocking lilt to the sound that the Prince might take for an agreement with whatever cause the male had to speak of the winged race so venomously – if Jandar was fortunate, the male might even choose to divulge another personal tidbit. He also took a brief moment to discreetly check whether there were any Eyriens in hearing range of his insult, as though he’d not meant it, he could very well get in trouble with an Eyrien if they heard him say as much. And if there were to be a fight, Jandar preferred to see it coming.

In the slight lull of the conversation that followed, a time the Warlord took to enjoy his meal as well as one designed to allow the Tiger-Eye jeweled man to gather his thoughts or answer as he might please, Jandar watched for another sighting of the serving witch who’d offered him his meal. She’d been afraid, terrified really – perhaps she knew the reasons behind the off-putting psychic scent Jandar sensed but could not place the origin of? That would certainly bear investigation – anyone with cause to put such effort into making themselves unassuming did. This line of thought was disrupted when he sensed the crowds shifting around the bar he was sitting at, and Jandar noticed a small golden-eyed dark-eyed figure dressed in rags – either a Hyllian or a Dhemlan, as he hadn’t seen any wings – dance their way through the crowd, heading for the stables. Jandar certainly wanted to see what that was all about – whether the person was truly simply one of the inn’s affiliates or not – but following right away would be unadvised at best and might disastrously attract the wrong kind of attention to him at worst.

As it was, he took a moment to finish the meal, ale, and his conversation with the Prince, if his temporary conversation partner had any more to offer. Then, after thoroughly cleaning the last bits of stew off his plate and chasing the scant drops of ale with his tongue as he shook the mug over his mouth, he made his farewells. “Jean,” he gruffly introduced himself to the Prince with a distantly polite nod as he set the empty plate and mug back on the counter to be taken away by whichever of the inn’s employees was responsible for cleaning – and if it happened to be the same as the witch who’d served him in the first place…Well. Jandar intended to find and follow her to the kitchens in any case. “I’m off to visit ‘at pre’y witch,” he confided with a sly smirk, letting the Prince draw his own conclusions as he would.

Truly, that was exactly what he intended to do, though not quite for the purpose he might have led the other male to believe. Jandar stood up, ambling his way through the crowd, roughly showing away any who did not make scarce at the fierce glower he’d slapped onto his face. He searched for the door to the kitchens, storeroom, or whatever similar backroom space the inn surely employed to prepare the meals and such, then knocked on it firmly once he found it, regardless if the door was closed or not. Whichever serving personnel appeared, Jandar affected a small but pleasant smile, and announced in a low, grumbling, but pleased tone “Wanted t’offer my ‘ppreciation to the cook. An’ ask if you ‘ave a nice apple? For my ‘orse,” he clarified with a slow, sated blink as he inspected both the person and whatever he might see in the room behind them.
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