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Ifrari watched in bemusement as the Hundi, who was either incredibly dramatic or just youthfully mercurial, straightened up to his full, considerable height. This boy didn’t have a subtle bone in his body; his over-excitement was outright conspicuous, even to those who didn’t particularly want to take note of the youth. The dark elf couldn’t help but wonder how much work it would take to restrain or redirect Rex’s boundless energy. At least the Hundi lad seemed more than willing to be instructed and listen to his fellow adventurers, which was more than Ifrari could say for some of the others.

“Alright, alright, no need to shout,” he chuckled in reply to Rex’s bellow, raising a placating hand. “Effort is a good first step,” he affirmed the other’s willingness, nodding.

The adolescent then professed he’d never been the one to choose a mission, which was very odd – had he been roped in by random parties for all his previous jobs? Rex even went so far as to proudly claim how he’d been used as a pack mule by others. Had the hapless boy been exploited for grunt work up till now? Surely, he had to have some fighting prowess. “You will not carry anyone’s things but your own this time,” Ifrari stressed, tone serious. “You’re a Sword, Rex, so I need you to be on the front lines, so to speak, alright?”

Waiting but a moment, he soon added: “Once we find the ones responsible, we’ll need to exterminate them, and they won’t just take it lying down. If there’s going to be a battle, you’ll need to be in the thick of it.” Ifrari was stating the obvious, but if Rex had misguided expectations, they needed correcting.

After that was cleared up, Ifrari addressed the purple-haired female Sword. “Alright, Sophie. If you end up picking Haesting, we’ll just coordinate later. And if it’s the orc-slaying, Nehir has joined some people over there,” the dark elf pointed to where the Nem had headed previously. Ifrari smiled impishly, taking a moment to observe if Sophie would choose to head where he’d pointed or not. The dark elf found it important to discuss the mission details and potential strategies before heading to the job location, but not all adventurers chose to do so – which, in his opinion, typically made things vexingly chaotic later.

Shrugging, he focused his attention back on Rex. “Since the lady isn’t too interested in being apologized beyond your previous…actions,” by the amusement in his tone, it was clear the over-done kneeling apology had made quite the impression on Ifrari, “there’s no need to worry about knocking into her any longer, Rex,” he reassured, chuckling lightly. Mostly, the dark elf wished to proceed to job-related matters rather than linger on the minor incident the self-confessed clumsy Hundi had caused.

“In any case, we should find which other adventurers might be considering the Haesting mission.” Ifrari looked at Rex, cocking his head to the side as he examined the youth. “Might as well make use of your height and volume,” he muttered, half to himself.

“Rex, would you be kind enough to take one of the Haesting job listings, wave it around, and ask if anyone else is interested in joining us? You can be a bit loud, but not to the point of risking anyone’s eardrums. Also, take care not to knock into anyone again,” Ifrari smirked up at Rex, blinking innocently. However, he did carefully step a few small steps away, and very casually wrapped the shawl tighter around his ears several times, gazing at the Hundi boy with raised brows and a slightly mischievous smile. Well, let’s hope this doesn’t backfire and send all decent adventurers running far, far away from us…


Ifrari observed the large Hundi prostrate himself to the short human warrior pensively, a small smile of confused delight playing about his lips. He hadn’t expected the youth to apologize so profusely, he confessed, but there was almost an innocent childish charm to his actions. If he were so eager to please all the time, taking him into a party might not at all be a hardship. “Well, if you’re half as keen to do a good job as you are about apologizing, I sure wouldn’t mind partying up, Rex,” the dark elf declared, thinking a good word or two might do the Hundi some good after the thorough verbal lashing he’d received. That, and it might make the adolescent more willing to listen to and enact Ifrari’s directions.

“The Haesting mission does seem intriguing,” he allowed in response to Nehir’s suggestion, “though it’s also the one I’m most wary about.” The way he’d said it however, it was obvious Ifrari was not entirely against a challenge. The Nem soon left, apparently already on the way to form a party of his own. Ifrari noted he’d taken one of the listings for the orc-slaying job, which was the only one the dark elf was not considering this time. It was a simple, direct mission, but one that involved combat more-so than anything else, which didn’t suit him well.

Glancing back at the job boarding casually, not that he truly needed to, Ifrari regarded the four jobs. “Hm-m, well, it’s escorting, artifact recovering, or investigating the disappearances for me,” he announced, pointedly turning his head back to the Hundi and raising an eyebrow. “What do you feel like, Rex?” he coaxed the young male. Peripherally, he noted parties were already forming. And though it seemed like asking for a disaster at first glance, he may as well try getting the fiery purple-eyed warrior on board.

“Hey, Sophie,” he began, rather slyly, “why not let Rex make it up to you by proving himself on a mission?” Ifrari asked, making it sound as much as a good idea as he could, though he privately doubted she’d agree. “I’ll even promise to teach him to be more careful,” he added, tone cajoling. In fact, attempting to mold the Hundi into a reliable adventurer seemed to Ifrari like it may bring him some long-term benefits, if he were successful.

Alternatively, decide based on which mission would interest you or your character the most.

It was a lovely summer day – at least visually. Unfortunately, his delicate cave-dweller skin was rather sensitive to the stifling heat of the sun’s burning rays. Of course, Ifrari had it nowhere near as bad as a Nem, and he still held the faint hope that careful daily exposure would help him adapt, eventually. Regardless of the minor inconvenience that was the discomfort due to the weather conditions, the wide, open expanses of sky always brought a smile to his face. He was nowhere near getting tired of the impressive degrees of variety it offered. The sheer marvel this one wonder of nature inspired in him was difficult – if not impossible – to rival. One of his favourite activities was finding a shade to lie withing and simply observe the ever-shifting skies.

Though the dark elf oft let his gaze wander upwards, he easily maneuvered around the crowd with grace. Not being encumbered with the gear he’d take only on missions certainly help; Ifrari wore a light-to-dark blue gown which rippled around him as smoothly and subtly as water might, though it was decidedly not transparent. He had a rust coloured shawl draped loosely around his shoulder, neck, and head, serving as an additional protection. While not weapon-less, the concealed knife and dagger were the most he was willing to have on him constantly.

His destination, of course, was the guild hall. New assignments were just getting posted, so it was understandably a busy environment. Ifrari entered the building with an easy grin, nodding to several acquaintances. He took pride in memorizing the names and faces of several adventurers, especially those that were a common sight in the hall. He weaved through the crowd, hardly ever bumping into anyone, though brushing against an arm or hip couldn’t be eliminated in a building practically brimming with life.

Ifrari observed with minute amusement as a Nem berated a rambunctious Hundi at the job board. Nehir and Rex – two individuals that were easy enough to identify, if for wildly different reasons. The dark elf approached the job board where the new documents were being posted, taking care not to knock into anyone too harshly – or at all, if possible. He’d heard the last bit of what the Nem had uttered to the Hundi, and angled his body downwards to address the former. “Maybe you should issue him an assignment he could actually learn something novel from, like patience and caution,” Ifrari mused loudly. It was not so much a serious suggestion as it was a light bout of banter. He straightened, raising his head to look up at the taller (and also younger) Hundi male who was still a few steps away, where he'd collided with a female warrior. “Say, how would you feel about an escort mission?” he questioned, his tone only very lightly teasing.

Peripherally, he noticed that several new jobs were already pinned up for inspection, and let himself be distracted. “Hmm…Oh? Not too bad,” he muttered, mostly to himself, though those in vicinity could still hear the audible signs of his contemplation as he inspected each rank-appropriate mission carefully.


Who'd have thought these light wraps were so cumbersome? Asteria thought as she followed Ed back to the burrow, mother rat tagging alongside. She also wasn’t entirely certain what to think of the humans, but at least they’d let Ed go, despite thinking he may be a ‘Deviant’, whatever that was. They’d also mentioned them being ‘a sign of the Spirits’ and she wondered if that was just a religious or common saying, with the spirits being the equivalent of what people would either term fate or gods back on earth. Of course, they could also have been referring to a mythologically indicated event or an actual existing spiritual being that odd things were correlated with…One couldn’t dismiss even the most outrageously fantastical explanations, in this world.

Once at the burrow, Asteria removed the arm wraps, and coaxed them onto Mother rat. Peripherally, she observed Ed taking his part of the loot. “That might be too heavy for you,” she warned. “These were for me, so I’m passing them off to mother for now. I wouldn’t mind building more strength, but I’m not willing to risk my speed for it.” She waited for the Ratman to take his pick, then turned to gaze at the remaining items. “Ooh, you left the metal knife for me? That’s great, though it may be more useful as a utility item rather than a weapon…” she trailed off, and took the knife into her paws, swinging it around a few times, taking care not to spook or worse, injure her companions. It definitely seemed more of a slashing weapon, so she doubted if she could pierce enemies with it the way she had with that stinger. If it didn’t turn out to be too unwieldy, she’d try it out at the very least.

Asteria also took a vine belt, the bone necklace and the rabbit skull staff. She’d store the staff among their other items until she regained her mana and was able to examine it. The bone necklace was stored as well, as it did not seem to have any immediate practical uses. Asteria was fairly sure the necklace was simply a decorative piece, though perhaps it did channel magical energies, which she could find out later. As for the belt, she used it to tie the knife to her tail, its handle secured to the end of her appendage while its blade protruded as an artificial extension from it. She gazed with extreme doubt at her newly wrapped and armed tail, slowly moving it around. If the knife and/or vine belt were too unwieldy, she’d store them too.

“Hey, before we leave, there’s this gnome here that I talked to before we dealt with the bandits, though I think you missed it. It’s willing to make, though I can only guess what it wants as payment. I’d say we could try bribing it with food, because…Well, some gold coin appeared this morning next to where I burned food last night,” she shrugged, slightly embarrassed at not having more evidence to back her claim. But really, while the gnome had said that it definitely did not want blood or dead humans, it had made no mention of what could entice it. “Though it did say the ‘offering’ was the only reason it didn’t eject a non-human from that second room…” she confessed. “In any case, if you feel like trying to offer it something more, we could try that. But I’m also fine with just leaving and carting all these things towards that lakeside city,” she concluded.

"Definitely not a garden gnome," she shook her head, amused. "It doesn't want blood or raw corpses," Asteria shrugged in response to Ed. "I'll see what I can do," she replied, somewhat cheerful now that she was once again relatively safe and unbothered. Then, she found the remaining two vine belts and began experimenting with knotting them together in the most effective manner, setting out to create something that could work as a sling.
@Vec Thanks. Just went for some (ancient) greek (maybe some are more modern, I forget lol). Bit of a flavour kind of thing.
Jandar Varan
Eldra, Shalador

Jandar could feel his teeth grinding together as he stared at Fatima, who happily pranced inside. With a shuddering inhale and exhale, he shook off a small part of his panic. He couldn’t just remain here and gibber incomprehensively; he had to act, to function. The Warlord turned to Dareen, only peripherally noting that any other inhabitants were fearfully keeping to themselves. He gazed down at the Pruulish witch, who was obviously distressed. His mouth twitched unpleasantly as he realized that he couldn’t afford to spend his time dealing with her. “I am going inside,” he stated, surprisingly calmly considering everything that was going on. “Whether you'd prefer to follow inside or wait here…take care,” he told her. What else could he do? Jandar nodded at Dareen, turned around, and entered the bookshop himself.

Proceeding was like wading through waist-high mud; slow, arduous, distressingly endless. All because of that deepest, darkest power. Jandar was viscerally aware, that he could lose his figurative footing and be sucked in to drown at any time. Whenever that man took offense or perhaps even decided to act on a whim. Worst, Jandar could not reveal himself to be Kaeleeran in front of such dubious characters as the shopkeeper. The Warlord forced himself to move forward with a brisk pace, approaching Fatima. “Cousin,” he once again reprimanded, letting annoyance and exasperation suffuse his tone. He saw the one-armed proprietor heading his Lady’s way as well, and glared at the male. This situation absolutely did not need more people. Jandar scowled, moving to stand protectively between the Queen and the owner of the shop. “Scram, old man,” he snapped, a growling undertone to his voice as he gazed disdainfully at this annoyance. He was fairly certain Fatima hadn’t actually entered with the purpose of browsing or buying anything, so they could do without one more complication. Now, the question was only when he would deign to appear.
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