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@RabidAnubis Hmm, maybe? Or just genuinely wait until evening.
@RabidAnubis The way I understood it, some of you time travelled, while the rest of us did things regularly.
Reagan Gideon Breckenridge

Mild pain radiated from his body, and Ray turned over, grumbling in half-sleep. Unfortunately, he rolled right off the mattress, face-planting onto the floor. The cold, grating harshness of the concrete woke him up. Goddammit. At least, his runic array the day before had taken care of the dust, grime, and other questionable stains, and now their dorm was clean, with only the nicest furniture remaining – for an extremely loose definition of nice, that is.

Ray groaned, and peered over at his room-mates. They were both still asleep. Aching and bleary, Reagan stood up, and stumbled to the nearest shower…which was nowhere fucking near at all! It was still dark outside too. Something about that felt vaguely significant, but the teen wasn’t awake enough to the inkling any attention. It did continue to bother him throughout the shower though…He felt like he was forgetting something.

By the time he was cleaned up and refreshed, the very first rays of sun made their crawling ascent over the horizon…

Wait! The sun! Hadn’t that cat blathered something about sun? The entire memory had been more or less repressed, so Reagan only had a fuzzy recollection of a violent, pink-haired, cat-eared barbarian hissing at him. She did mention dawn, right? He wished he could confirm with Feier, but she was still asleep. Ahh, I’ll just pop over quickly.

Frustrated, and not at all prepared, Reagan displaced himself to a rooftop nearest to where the party had taken place yesterday. He crouched down, looking around. The place was deserted, not unexpected given the early hour. Ray yawned, leaning his head on a palm. Wish I’d brought binoculars. Or had the time to prepare a plan for that food-maniac. He spent some minutes daydreaming about how he might beat the Leopardkin and show her who’s boss, before frowning. She really should be here, by this point. Not the type to be late for ‘honorable combat’…

Concentrating so much on Daria’s words, a realization slammed into Ray with all the delicacy of a freight train. "Oh. Duh," he muttered. She’d said sundown, not dawn, you dolt. Reagan face-palmed, moaning. "Ghhhh," he exhaled quietly. No one must find out about this. Ever. Especially not Fei. She wouldn’t let me live it down for months. Months!

With a sigh, Reagan displaced himself to the convenience store, hoping to find it open. He did, and quickly bought some eggs, milk, salt, and veggies. Returning to their dorm with a hop through space, Ray set out to prepare breakfast. This’ll be my excuse for having left early, if anyone asks. We need to make our breakfast anyway.

He prepared several omelets, enough for the three of them. Mmm, now this is food, he sighed, pleased at the taste. He had lived a decent chunk of his life being catered by servants, but there’d been a point in his childhood when he’d decided he'd learn to make his own food better, and persisted at the activity. He’d never succeeded in surpassing his family’s chefs, of course, but he was good. Not that anyone besides his cooking teacher had appreciated it so far.

Chasing the bitter thought away with practiced ease, Reagan finished his meal, cleaning up after himself. "Guys, I’m leaving for class! I left you something to eat, if you want it," he shouted as he passed the ‘bedroom’ area.

Ray chose to walk this time, seeing the sights on the way to the classroom. He didn’t expect good quality lectures here, but maybe they’d be amusing, at least? He didn’t have anything better to do at the time, so might as well show up.

He stopped mid-step on the class’s doorstep, almost stumbling at the unexpected – but absolutely thrilling – sight. "Oh," he breathed out, exhilarated. "Hello there, professor Alemu," he chuckled at her brashly. "What a pleasant surprise to see you in these backwaters," he went on, a shit-eating grin spread across his face. "I’m suddenly looking forward to this class," he announced. Whistling an obnoxiously happy tune to himself, Ray proceeded to sit down at one of the front-row desks.
Jandar Varan
Sharon, Shalador

Jandar considered Bellinar’s suggestion. “That idea does have some merit, but…I don’t think we should trouble Faeril too much. If she uses her power for every metaphorical pebble on the road we encounter, she won’t have the strength left for when it really counts. As for having left a trail…I’m afraid it’s a bit too late to erase our presence entirely. Whether through convincing, kidnapping, or mind-wiping, we just need to deal with this, then leave as soon as possible. Maybe we shouldn’t even wait until morning…” he trailed off, as his Queen had arrived at that morning. Jandar frowned at her bedraggled appearance, but didn’t comment – it was in the middle of the night, after all.

“As Mikhail said, they’re just a couple of thieves,” he reiterated nonchalantly. Honestly, he was getting somewhat perturbed by how very gentle and understanding the Dea Al Mon Prince was being. Did he have a soft spot for kids and animals? Jandar would have never guessed.

When Thom responded, the Warlord turned to the boy with a mild scoff. “You know, on the one hand, I’m impressed there are folk as young as you who can see how fucking rotten this whole Realm is, but on the other, I’m not really surprised,” Jandar drawled at the youth. “But, kid, you’ve lived how long? A decade and a half, maybe?” he asked, tone amused. “You have seen nothing, believe you me. It wasn’t always like this, though it sure has been for a while…at least in Terreille. Just chat a bit with Fatima here and you’ll soon see there’re still gems here and there,” he offered with a shrug.

“If that doesn’t work, we really will have to wake up Faeril,” he sighed, not at all looking forward to exhausting the Black Widow for such a minor matter.
Jandar Varan
Sharon, Shalador

“Mm, looks like the Sceltie is a Kindred,” Jandar casually commented to Bellinar’s snapped question. He then walked a ways from the thief, following the Eyrien. He calmly listened to the man’s explanation, though he wasn’t entirely pleased by it. “I hope you don’t get too chatty with them. Getting information from sex can be a double-edged sword,” he declared, though he hoped he was saying something the Warlord Prince knew well enough already.

“Now, as for our town expedition…” he trailed off, grimacing slightly. “We met SaDiablo,” he whispered. He could have put an aural shield around them just in case, but that would have just drawn unnecessary attention from the Sceltie. “It wasn’t the best of meetings, but no-one died or got hurt too badly. Also, he advised us to leave soon, and the Queen agreed with that suggestion,” he continued speaking sotto-voice.

“That’s the gist of it,” Jandar rolled his shoulders, gaze briefly landing on the thief, his canine companion, and Mikhail. Lips pinching into a thin line, he began speaking in a normal volume. “Now look what you did to that poor kid, he’s scared to death. You don’t know the Lady well enough if you honestly think she’d care about him taking things he needs for survival. In fact, I bet she’d be just as supportive as Mikhail is,” he claimed.
Sounds about right. I'm curious to see who all will apply, and who will end up being accepted.
Potential fighter, I think you mean. But yes.
Jandar Varan
Sharon, Shalador

Jandar awoke to the sounds of rummaging and scuttling. He peeked an eye open and saw Mikhail headed to the coach…and the dog? What followed were broken noises of conversation. The Prince was apparently talking to it. Jandar turned over, attempting to go back to sleep. Mikhail could handle the animal thief.

Except he didn’t. The Dea Al Mon prince mentioned a Sceltie. Jandar’s eyes opened fully. Could it be a Kindred? If he listened carefully, it didn’t seem that Mikhail was just talking to the dog. His responses soon revealed that the Sceltie had indeed telepathically communicated some things to him. Jandar huffed, lips in undue amusement as he heard Mikhail offer their wares – that the dog had already stolen – multiple times to it.

It was curious. The most cautious person in their party was being lenient and understanding. As the duo moved farther away, Jandar stood up from his bedroll. His previous noble guise had long since been removed, and he was in his usual attire. Well, his usual sleeping attire. Summoning his leather vest and belt, the Warlord quickly put on some overclothes. His boots followed, and then he was off.

By the time Jandar arrived at the edge of the village, the spot in the dying forest the Sceltie had trotted off to, Bellinar was also there, and Jandar barely caught what the Eyrien had said. The Warlord strolled forwards, his gait easy and posture unconcerned. “That was a lot of racket for a would-be-thief,” he commented mildly, looking from the Kindred to the mixed-blood human. He was a strange one; a very feminine sounding boy. Jandar stared at the Glacian, and simply added casually, “You better start explaining yourself.”

He then looked towards the Eyrien with a sweet smile. “Oh, I don’t mind sharing information, Prince. I’d also dearly like to know where you have been and what you have been doing,” he said pointedly, but softly enough that it wasn’t accusatory. Jandar really didn’t want to deal with another pissed off Warlord Prince, after all. “But perhaps we should talk away from these intruders, hm? Mikhail can take care of them. After all, if he doesn’t judge them to be a danger, then they are most likely not a danger,” he concluded.
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