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Channeling my energy into the shadow-bound being worked; I felt an answering hum vibrate throughout my body. Memories of a story, part of my former knowledge began playing out in my head. It was thrilling at first; finally, I was recovering what should be mine. This was part of what I have forgotten, and it felt right to have it returned to me. However, I was not used to such an overwhelming assault of information, and soon I was screaming, clutching at my head, violently shuddering.

It was as if I were experiencing several vivid dreams – painful nightmares? – all at once, the only reprieve the possibility of falling unconscious. However, I did not faint; the barrage of visions did not allow me to do so and nor did I truly wish to miss this. I gritted my teeth against the pain, enduring. Even when my own flames engulfed me, from within and without, I weathered the agony.

“Oh, this…is,” I muttered. I recognized that what I had seen was my world. It was where I belonged. The pain and the flames abated, and I fell to the floor, breath laboured. The air had never tasted sweeter, though the sweat clung to me, uncomfortably sticky. Wait, sweat? I queried myself. Was I not a being of shadow, unaffected by such mundane concerns?

I looked down at myself, and saw the surprising changes. I was not made of darkness, after all. Perhaps I should have realized how odd it was to possess such a distinctly material staff while I myself was such a vague existence. Robes adorned my body, and I blinked at the curved chest and hip area. Female, I recalled. The little glimpse of flesh I saw wrapped around my palms was mocha with an undertone of gray, and somehow, I knew that so was the rest of me. I patted my face, my mouth, my sharp teeth, the short black hair upon my head, and the pair of horns curling forward from it.

“Alnaera! I am Alnaera!” I exclaimed, exhilarated. This was my name. My name. I couldn’t have suppressed the beaming smile even had I wanted to.

When I turned to the creature I had released, fires were raging, tall and wide. Within it were piles of unburning scriptures. I identified the entity in front of me as one of the Pillars. It spoke to me, introducing itself, and I nodded in response. “Yes,” I stated, unhesitatingly. I did not truly know whether I had mastery over such a being as this, but why refuse its offer? “Who are you to me, then? A servant? A follower? An assistant or an informant?” I queried it in return.
I didn't much describe in regards to the test on the 2nd level, but Ha-nul is out there trying to eliminate the competition or avoid being done in himself. I'll add more details in my next post. Also, we're supposed to make up the NPCs we encounter ourselves for now, I assume?
When Ha-nul Rang blinked his eyes open, it was the middle of the night, which was odd, because he usually woke up with the sun if nothing unusual happened. Gazing at the darkness, he realized he was looking at a ceiling, though it was a very distant one.

“The Tower…” he whispered. “Finally,” he sighed, and rolled into a sitting position. He looked down at himself, checking that his clothes and weapon were with him; they were. Good.

Then, the so-called God appeared before him, as he thought he had in a daydream. It wasn’t just a dream this time, though. The boy smiled eagerly at the Guardian, then stood up, now towering over the short rabbit-like being.

“Correct, young one. This is the Tower. Were you truly in such a rush?” Headon asked, amused, and shook his head. “A common trait among the Chosen,” he commented.

Ha-nul knew he was being mocked, but just shrugged nonchalantly. “Hey, we live long, but time is still precious to us, you know?” he replied with a smirk, his words carrying an undertone of ‘so stop wasting mine’, though the boy wasn’t so arrogant as to truly state such a thing. He was more than willing to imply it, however.

The Guardian smiled its characteristic smile, the corners of his mouth opening enough to reveal his sharp teeth. “Very well. To the test then. I’m certain you will appreciate the one-hour time limit within which you must complete the task,” the God grinned mischievously, twirling its golden staff. “Your goal is to reach the center of the labyrinth,” he stated, pointing to a wall. There had definitely been nothing but a wall there before, but suddenly an entrance to another area manifested. “The count-down begins once you enter the maze,” Headon explained.

Ha-nul blinked, observing the entrance, then the surroundings. “No clues? Information? A whole layout of the maze for me to memorize or a partial map of it?” he asked. The Guardian seemed to consider this with a hum, and answered, “One clue: Don’t let the Barnacle Goblins impede you.” The damned rabbit was still smiling, obviously enjoying messing with him.

The young male pursed his lips, and strolled to the labyrinth’s entrance. He stopped just before it, crouched into a low start, then dashed within, eyes roaming around, observing. The walls were high; he couldn’t see where they ended, so jumping or climbing over would be unlikely. Ha-nul drew his hook from where it’d been sheathed at his side, and struck at the wall. As he expected, the damage was minimal; he would not be breaking through by any means. Keeping his pace, the youth jogged through, making turns on random – though he memorized each one, in case he had to backtrack.

When he reached his first dead-end, Ha-nul was faced by a trio of agitated barnacle goblins, and he simply turned around, ran to the last intersection, and proceeded down another path, disregarding the creatures chasing him. He had to evade and jump over another duo of goblins, which was quite the close call. Thankfully, he was able to reach the center soon enough. The heart of the maze was a simple square room, empty besides a glowing cube with a timer. Ha-nul ran to it and tapped it, which stopped the count-down, and transported him back to the 1st floor.

Ha-nul collapsed to the ground immediately, panting and sweaty. The rabbit stared at him complacently. “Congratulations, you have completed your first test successfully,” it said cheerfully, though with blatant cheekiness. “It took you 18 minutes and 58 seconds to do so. Not too shabby for someone like you,” he remarked, entirely unnecessarily in Ha-nul’s opinion. However, the boy was too tired to do much beyond direct a glare at the being.

“Hmm, as a gift for being such a good sport and learning your lesson, I will let you rest for 10 minutes before sending you up,” the Guardian offered. “Unless you are still too impatient?” Headon immediately added a flippant query. Smartly, Ha-nul kept his mouth shut, resting his mind and body.

The God nonchalantly paced around the 1st floor and after ten minutes, transferred Ha-nul to the next testing ground. The newly minted Regular found himself within a vast field of wheat. At least I can see around here, he thought grumpily. However, his spirit wasn’t at all undeterred, and with a renewed vigour, Ha-nul took to jogging around, watchful for single targets. Seeing as the task was to halve the number of aspirant climbers, it would be best for him to run and evade powerful opponents, remove the weaker ones, and possibly team up with someone of at least equal strength or ability.
They can see as if it were illuminated, ok, but can it be more than that? Sensing someone attacking you from behind, someone forming a baang, et cetera.
Gonna put this here too: How refined could sensing shinsoo get? Is it 'just' sensing people's position in a certain radius? Or could it eventually mean being able to sense when someone is going to attack based on their shinsoo flow, maybe recognize people by their shinsoo, and even predict the environmental changes to an extent?
Honestly thats a wrong kind of way to think when it comes to 1v1s. Positions dictate where your preferences in figthing in a group are. As long as you have more Shinsoo Resistance, Techniques, and are overall more skilled and powerful position doesn't really matter in 1v1.

I meant that given the same general power-level, a fisherman is more likely to win in a direct (1v1) fight. Not by any means necessary, sure, but they are the ones specialized for that, so they'd have an advantage - supposedly.
Name: Ha-nul Rang

Age: 137 (appears to be in his early 20s)


Regular or irregular: Regular


Physique: High

Endurance: Medium

Shinsoo resistance: High

Shinsoo aptitude: Low

Position: Scout

Special position: Dansula

Reason for climbing the tower: Become officially adopted by the Hendo Lok family, which was offered to Ha-nul in exchange for him completing certain tests, challenges, and becoming a Ranker.

Weapon of choice: A black hook. It would be about 2 meters long if it were unfolded, but its actual reach is cca. 1.30 meters.
It never really says whether it gets diluted or not , but if you want your character to be indoctrinated into the family then you could have him go through a gauntlet where he's paired with a lot in of other regulars and they do various tests most of them being fight related and once he's one the gauntlet he must climb the tower to become a ranked and a official part of the family

I'd also agree that there most likely is no dilution. Also, I wouldn't quite go so far as to say 'indoctrinated', but included, sure. I don't mind him having to go through extra tests and/or challenges to obtain the Hendo Lok family name, though whether they should be fights (esp. 1v1 fights) is questionable with him being a scout (since 1v1, a fisherman usually wins).
Branch families still have Bloodmadder's blood however and should still be subject to his curse; the difference between the main and branch families is just whether they are the first son or not. You can probably assume that the curse is diluted the further away from Bloodmadder himself you get, but considering that the government in the Tower apparently had to track down everyone with his blood and isolate them, spreading the blood around is still an issue.

This was also my understanding; that everyone with Bloodmadder's blood, no matter how distantly related, has a significantly shorter life span (up to cca. a hundred years old).
Yeah, that'd be cool to have something concrete. Right now, it seems it would make the most sense if my character: 1. Has a Hendo Lok half-sibling, 2. Is related to a Hendo Lok Ranker, 3. Managed to catch the Hendo Lok family's eye due to the nature of however they pick candidates for their future Rankers.

(Edit: though one of my considerations is also that my guy's mother became the wife/concubine of a Hendo Lok male some years after giving birth to him; actually this goes under 1 in any case.)
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