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If you want to have him and his blood relatives escape the family, you could make it so that his father or other relative is a Ranker who was adopted? You'd technically be part of the Hendo Lok family and you tweak the reason why he wants to leave to include his father being a Ranker; maybe his father wants out but doesn't have the power to do so or maybe his father is one of the people he wants to get away from?

I'll consider that.
Hmm, gotcha. I'll probably have to alter his reason for climbing a bit then, either make it a wish to get into the family or sth. similar to that.
<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>

No, I get that. It's just that in his situation he probably won't have Hendo Lok in his name yet considering they adopt rankers. Since having a Ten Great Family name is a pretty big deal. Probably pass a couple of floors before he is formally adopted and allowed to use the name. Good character development idea though.

Oh, I see, so that's how it is. I didn't know how exactly the adoption process works. I'll change the name then, and have him formally adopted later, if we come far enough that is. Thanks for the info btw.
Hey, I just went by the wiki which states the Hendo Lok family's rankers are all adopted. So, I'm assuming they have a system in place to gather individuals with potential, or something.
Eh, he's adopted, so at least the life span is normal.
Still gotta write a bio and some personality (for my own use), but here he is. The name in brackets is his former last name (before being adopted). Not sure if it should stay as an actual middle name or if would have been officially overwritten, though I'm guessing it's the latter.

Name: Ha-nul Rang (Hendo Lok ties)

Age: 137 (appears to be in his early 20s)


Regular or irregular: Regular

Shinsoo aptitude: Medium

Position: Scout

Special position: Dansula

Reason for climbing the tower: Become officially adopted.

Weapon of choice: A black hook. It would be about 2 meters long if it were unfolded, but its actual reach is cca. 1.30 meters.

(Edit: changed the colour code.)

“A Soulforged weapon? Sounds terrifying. And yes, the one I met communicated with me somehow…through a dream. I suddenly kind of pity that water spirit,” Asteria replied.

“Hmm, I see,” she hummed at the gnome’s explanation of the carry-over benefits. It was a pretty neat deal, and just another reason why underestimating humans would always be a bad idea.

The results of their experiment were not entirely conclusive, having just testing her idea once, but Asteria was pretty sure the mechanic was a bit different to how she’d originally imagined it. “Maybe we just get to speak the language of whichever being we talked to last. The only way to be sure, then, would to go chat to a group that contains beings who speak and understand different languages. In any case, thank you for the cooperation. It was pretty interesting,” she concluded.

“By the way, do you intend to pass over all this information to your owner or any other associates?” she queried casually, though she was truly curious. Even if the gnome assured her everything would stay between them, though, she couldn’t quite trust him enough to discuss the System, though she dearly wanted to. Maybe she could question the gnome about skills and training in general…though given he had asked them for their reason of training and how vague his ideas about it were, that would perhaps turn out to be pointless. But it was certainly something for her to consider over the next two days or so.

She didn’t really comment about Earth, either, because it wasn’t particularly relevant as far as she was concerned. “Oh, that’s plenty of locations, thanks. But…ugh, Myrminors, we have had some bad experiences with those,” Asteria shuddered. “I doubt we’ll be going to Laketown right now, but it’s worth remembering for later.”

When she turned to ask Ed his opinion, she noticed he was gone. Shrugging, Asteria cooked herself a small piece of meat similarly to how the gnome had, and consumed it. “Yeah, definitely better than raw,” she commented. “See ya later,” she bid him farewell, and headed outside as well. If Mother rat didn’t look like she’d follow by the time they started heading away, they would need to consider whether to nudge her to go along or to just leave her be at the barrow.

“Warming up? Good idea. By the way, which targets do you want to clear out first? I’d go for either the bandits or the mongrels,” Asteria said. Imitating Ed, she began stretching and preparing for their trip as well. She tensed and released all muscles periodically, then concentrated on trying to stand on her hind legs. Her body wasn’t built for it, but it was a decent strengthening exercise. Then, she started swinging around with her tail-strapped knife, testing how to slash and stab with it, getting used to the reach and motions. Finally, she tried out some evasive maneuvers, dashing in various directions, rolling here and there, and testing out short- and long-distance jumps. She had to get used to moving her body without injuring herself with her equipped weapon.
Hmm. Well, if I do end up making anything, I'll probably still rely on needles and hooks. I'm kinda indecisive. I feel like making a Hendo Lok guy (gal?), because that character would have a very clear goal, though whether it'd be possible to achieve it is questionable. I'll think on it (some more). The fisherman position would fit them the most, I think, though I wouldn't mind going for a spear bearer or maybe even a scout, either.
That's what I was thinking to make him and I was thinking to make his sub position to be Hwayeosama so he could do like a fire spear technique

Huh, that's one of the things I was considering. The other was a body reinforcement specialist who either becomes a Dansula or a Defender. I want to find out whether there are some other weapons viable besides a needle/spear for the higher floors though. I've only begun reading the Webtoon since the anime came out, and I'm in the Archimedes arc atm.
I pursued the bright prints, letting them guide me. As I proceeded, the voice died down, though the light ahead of me did not. Were the voice and the footsteps not one and the same, then? Were they caused by different beings? Maybe the voice was simply no longer necessary. I had done as it had asked, and heeded its call. Purpose…it seemed like these unknown things or beings had it. Why were they leading me, and where?

The only way to find out, and progress, was to follow. I ascended, then descended, I took twisting turns, and padded along lengthy paths. Darkness had concealed this environment – the outside – from me, had kept me isolated from it, had entrapped me. This landscape was indeed a vast one. Still mostly obscured, though, and utterly desolate. What would happen if I deviated from the guiding footsteps? I had the ability to do so; I could produce my own illumination. Yet, I persisted. I did not fancy being lost.

Previously, I had not wanted to be consumed by the shadows and be made a part of them. That wish was fulfilled; I did not feel in danger of being disintegrated into the night any more. But I still yearned. Whatever for? I was freed, I had potential, there was a whole wide world to explore. All that, and here I was, chasing after something – or someone. I craved to reach wherever these tracks led me. Was it gratitude that drove me, a desire to reciprocate that which had helped me? Perhaps it was simple greed, a primal hunger and thirst, a need to fill this odd emptiness within me. Did it mean that I was incomplete, lacking? I despised the idea, but it had the ring of truth to it.

It would upset me if this trail led to another barren part of the land. I would stay alone, forsaken. That left a sour taste in my mouth. I did not want to remain an outcast. Was that what I was? Or was I just lonely, afraid to be the only one existing, the last one remaining? I was only sure that I would prefer to be with others, or one other, but not in the way the abyss had attempted to force me to become one with it.

When I was led through the thorny labyrinth, I considered razing it to the ground. If it weren’t for the clear guide through it, I might have. Did that make me impatient, reckless? Or was it just a natural eagerness born out of the simple fact that I possessed the ability to incinerate such pesky obstacles? Thankfully, I did not have to ponder upon the question too deeply, because I finally arrived to my destination. The lighting trail was nearly gone, its presence barely enough for me to see the being in front of me.

It was a creature wreathed in shadows, bound and stripped of its senses as I had been. But the similarities did not end there; this being had a burning force within it. Just like I did. Was this me? A part of me? A caricature, a replica? Something for me to own, like the staff had been? Or…

Was it kin?

“Who are you,” I demanded, then immediately frowned. What a pointless action. Surely, this one could not answer, could not produce a voice until it was liberated. Besides, it was silly of me to expect another to tell me who they were when I did not even know who I was.

I approached the being, drawn to it. “I will free you, but you better not betray me,” I muttered, wondering if it could hear me at all. When I was close enough to touch it, I lay my right palm upon its chest. I narrowed my eyes, concentrating on sending a trail of energy through my arm, fingers, and into the creature in front of me. It was my hope to ignite it from within, to awaken its own power, so it could unleash itself. If it did not respond to that, however, I would set ablaze the chains surrounding it and tear off the tendrils clinging to it with my own hands.
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