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When I open my eyes, there is only darkness. All I know is this eternal night surrounding me. Am I…it? No, I am separate from it, distinct. But this blackness, as unknown as my own self is, is trying to overtake me.

There is a burning in my chest. What is this feeling? I don’t know, but it drives me to struggle against the emptiness. And I do, I protest with every part of me, as long as I can. Yet, it is to no avail.

I don’t accomplish anything.

My breath is laboured, panting. Is the abyss becoming part of me with my every breath? Am I being dissolved into it with every passing moment? Am I doomed?

I tremble, feeble and fading. Is this it? Can I do nothing more?

Heaving, I try to move. No results. None. Why? There should be something.

I curl up, and breathe. In, out, in, out…I try to think. I can’t recall…I ache…I should…but what? I did it all, but for what? Will the night swallow me up, after all?

Stillness, for a while. I am weary, sluggish, dazed. I tried it all, and I failed it all. What else is there, but wait to be consumed and gone? I don’t want this ending, but my desire matters not at all to the void. My protests haven’t moved it, haven’t prevented what appears to be a forgone conclusion.

Then, a voice. Immediately, I tense, and listen intently. There had only been silence. Who is this? How did they make a voice? I couldn’t. So, how did they?

This voice…It’s addressing me. Power? Can I use it to fight against the greedy shadows? I’ll take it.

I blink when splotches of light appear in front of me. This is new. My eyes prickle, but I don’t mind the sensation. Light…the antithesis of dark. I stand up, carefully, and move forward.

My foot bumps into a long cylindrical object, and I stare at it in bewilderment. Has this been here with me the whole time? I am not sure, but I pick it up. It’s almost as tall as I am, and thin enough for me to comfortably wrap a hand around it.

The illuminated footsteps allow me to see the staff. It is simple, yet intricate, solid, but not too heavy. Its surface is ebony, somewhat gnarled, and well-worn with use. It’s wider at the top, where a brilliant red gem sits wrapped up in wooden tendrils.

This object is mine, and I grasp it tightly. A familiar feeling encompasses me. The blaze in my chest, which had died down to a faint smouldering, now reignites, spreading through my whole body, invigorating me. It bursts out of me, a small flicker of flame appearing above my right palm, and a larger ball of fire above the staff. I glance from one to the other, fascinated by the twisting dance of red-orange-yellow. It warms me, and chases away the shadows, just as the voice’s light did.

A grin spreads across my face. The voice is still reverberating in my head. Alright, then, I’ll follow you for now. You were the spark I needed, after all.

I clench my palm into a fist, snuffing out all the flames. They are not gone, however. They never were. They are within me. I know now that I can summon them without. I will not forget that, not this time. Not again.

My body is still weak, but that doesn’t matter any longer. There is finally something I can do.

I follow the mysterious footsteps.
Aw snap, and I was about to give you a cool familiar to. Guess that idea is gonna be scrapped :p

Tsk, tsk, underestimating the power of the good ol' wallop, I see.
@Celsius I'll change the weapon to a staff, because I'd prefer something to whack others with if it comes down to that XD

“No, we are definitely not Undead,” Asteria answered, amused. “Alright, good to know, our transaction is complete, then,” she concluded. She would still try to get information from the gnome, however.

She listened attentively as he explained about Tamed creatures, Familiars, Summoned beings, and Contracts. “Hmm, so that water spirit I met was most likely Contracted. It had been dormant and bound to a sword until I gave it some of my mana,” she explained, hoping to get the gnome’s opinion on it. “Think that one was contracted like you are, but restricted to an object instead to a location?” she asked for clarification.

“Oh, so you get a boost from the mage? Neat. What exactly do you mean when you say that he gets a carryover, though?” she wondered.

The conversation soon turned to matters of language. “Hmm…There is definitely something weird going on, then. Because so far, we have been able to understand and converse with any being with a developed language. Such as goblins, and humans. However, when our fellow dire rat – and she is just a regular dire rat, by the by – chitters, we can’t understand her in the way we do you,” Asteria stated.

“So, when Ed and I just talk to each other, which language do we speak in? You said you overheard us, so you must have understood us, but maybe your presence changed which language we spoke in,” she hypothesized. “Let’s do an experiment, ok? Ed and I will try chatting about something involving only us, and you try and eavesdrop and afterwards tell us if there were any changes. It might not even work as long as you are in the same room, but still,” she trailed off, and turned to Ed. The smell of the food was starting to distract her, but she had more important matters to take care of, first.

After her companion was done with his part of the conversation with the gnome, Asteria nodded at him to move away from the barrow-guardian a bit. “Ok, let’s test this out. What would we talk about that we wouldn’t want him to know yet wouldn’t be too bad if he ends up learning? Let’s see…let’s go with something mundane. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but you kinda remind me of my younger brother. You aren’t similar at all; he’s older, and you’re smarter and a good kid besides, but…I don’t know, you just have a little brother vibe, if that makes sense.” Asteria told him. Her muzzle twitched with the desire to smile at Ed's reply, and she nodded at him. "Yeah," was all she said, though, before returning to the gnome.

“So, did you also understand that? It was sort of a private conversation between us, so I wonder if that changed whether we were still speaking Gnomish while you were able to hear us or not,” Asteria asked.
Jandar Varan
Sharon, Shalador

Jandar huffed in response to Fatima calling him ‘mom’ jokingly. He wouldn’t have needed to do such a thing if the Queen possessed at least a pinch of the usual womanly sensibilities! Still, he knew her well enough by now that there was no need to truly reprimand her or question her childishness. She could be serious and proper and Queenly when she needed to be, but otherwise, she was very much a free spirit, and considering everything, it was just as well.

Half ignoring her playful shooing, the Warlord happened to catch the young thief inching away from him, ducking his head. The Kaeleeran cocked his head to the side. Was there any need for the boy to avoid him, especially when the likes of Xandar were around? Thom was unfortunate enough that his attempt to blend in and avoid attention backfired. Jandar hadn’t paid much mind to the thief beforehand, as he had been focusing on his companions, but the lad’s awkwardness drew his eye and made him curious about him.

So, the Warlord approached the mixed-blood, and crouched down in front of him, peering closely at his face. “Huh, so you are that thief from Dhemlan. Feels like a year rather than a week has passed since then…” he muttered, just loudly enough for the youth to hear. “Thom, was it?” he asked rhetorically. He only knew the adolescent’s name because Mikhail mentioned it. Only now, that he got a closer look at the thief’s face, did Jandar recall the brief encounter with this same trouble-maker in that one inn back when.

“I see you have not yet learned how to avoid getting yourself into trouble,” he scolded mildly. “Did you not even warn your companion to keep an eye out for guards? If Mikhail hadn’t taken a liking to Dunny, who knows what would have happened?” he queried, the words an obvious warning, though a well-meaning one. Jandar was a tad unsatisfied that the boy had not learned his lesson, but then again, simply having failed to steal a pouch hadn’t brought many consequences to the boy. However, there had indeed been plenty of ramifications, and if Thom was not yet aware of that fact, Jandar was about to enlighten him.

“Remember that pouch you oh so carelessly stole?” he asked, voice silky and ominous. “Turns out, it belonged to a noble. By the time I happened upon the owner, he and his lackeys were threatening a poor serving girl, ready to raise all the fury of a vile Queen upon that whole inn. Do you understand what I’m getting at, Thom? he uttered, eyes dangerously gleaming, lip corners raised into a vicious smirk. Actions have consequences. One theft, and not only you, but a whole establishment could have been doomed,” he stated. “Are you ready to shoulder such a responsibility?” he wondered. “Speaking from personal experience, it is quite the heavy burden to carry,” he concluded quietly, staring at the youth earnestly.
I just did not too long ago...
Jandar Varan
Sharon, Shalador

Jandar watched Fatima’s antics exasperatedly. He really should have expected something like this by now, but somehow, the Queen still managed to surprise him. The boy, Thom, was just as flabbergasted, though the Sceltie was obviously delighted if its yapping and excited jumping was anything to go by. “My Lady, was that truly necessary,” he sighed, not even properly making the statement into a question. Instead of groaning or grumbling, the Warlord simply made his way over to her.

“Let me just…” he muttered, and began putting her hair to order. He didn’t have a comb with him, unfortunately, but he could at least straighten it with his fingers. There were plenty of tangles, and even some odd pieces of grass, leaves, mud, and some other minor pieces of debris was mixed in. He picked them all out and combed her hair with both hands from top to bottom.

“There, that’s a bit better,” he announced. Jandar then patted her back, brushing away some of the dirt. “Uh…there is still some on your behind,” he told her quietly, in the hopes that she would sweep it off discreetly. Maybe she’d even have the sense to put on an outer robe. Though with how utterly unconcerned she was to appear un-Queenly…Yeah, that was probably not going to happen.

“Well, you see now. She’s definitely not corrupted,” he proclaimed to the thief duo. “No need for you to worry about her or us. Though if you had some way of providing assurance that you will not rat us out, that would be great,” he proclaimed, deceptively mild. Information spread in these lands was a very terrifying thing indeed, as he’d found, so Jandar didn’t want take unknown risks if he didn’t have to.

“Oh, hey there, gnome!” she greeted him, surprised that he’d so promptly showed himself. She was glad he’d allowed for the goblin meat, and nodded thankfully. “It’s what we have at hands – at paws? – so, great that it works for you,” she commented, rolling a shoulder.

Asteria listened intently as the gnome explained it situation. It was fascinating; he was a monster contracted by humans to work as a guard. She really, really wanted to see the contract itself, but since that was unlikely, hearing about it was the second-best thing. Apparently, the coin she’d stolen had been left as an offering, which was…not at all what she’d assumed. That was kinda embarrassing. At least she could keep the gold piece. It probably wasn’t worth too much, but who knew when it would come in handy?

“Heh, heh, loopholes are the best, right?” she chuckled slyly, but shifted in place slightly. It was a tad awkward discussing that so openly. “If you really don’t mind me keeping the coin, then I will,” she declared, somewhat hesitant. Regardless of what the gnome said, this was technically theft, and if the humans found out about it, Asteria was sure it would constitute as a breach of contact. While she considered why the gnome was fine giving away a gold coin to a random stranger (and to an unusual monster, moreover), the gnome asked for fire, which Ed promptly responded to.

Just after Ed left to gather the items for his fire-making attempt, Asteria added her piece. “Since you said the gold a gift from you to us…what do you expect in exchange? Is getting Ed to cook you the food enough?” she cocked her head to the side, considering the gnome. “I know that may be a crass thing to ask, but there are bound to be some…cultural differences,” she offered.

Then her companion returned, and explained why humans cooked food as he worked. “It can also be tastier cooked, as you noted. Especially if seasoning is added,” she remarked. Ed then told the gnome that they were humans reincarnated into monsters, without revealing the Demon King’s involvement, which Asteria agreed was for the best. “Yeah, we aren’t Familiars. Do you count as a Familiar, gnome, or is being contracted a different kind of a thing?” she wondered.

Asteria was certainly eager to find out as much as she could from this sentient creature. He was classified as a monster, sure, but it seemed perfectly willing to cooperate. “Are there many so-called monsters that can speak like we do? I mean, we’ve heard that goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, and the like can, to an extent, but…I doubt that human speech – if what we’re using right now even is that – is so common among non-humans. By the by, those human owners you mentioned, do they come and go on a fixed schedule or are there random check-ups? We probably don’t want to be seen by them.” Running out of breath after her bout of rambling, Asteria inhaled, and let the gnome the opportunity to answer. She still had a lot of questions, though.
I don't really have much to do until my only party-member returns, and as far as I am aware, they're very busy due to the pandemic.
@RabidAnubis Yeah, but regardless, we're all at the point in time for class (well, some may yet have to transition to that). Unless you had something else in mind?
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