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Jandar Varan and Priestess Olenna

Collab with @LadyRunic

“It’s just Jean,” he introduced himself when she called him by his title. At the old lady’s directives, Jandar nodded, though privately wondered whether there were some other reasons for her living so far away. It did not escape his notice that the townsfolk clearly knew the woman. They seemed both wary and respectful of her, but clearly mistrusted him, the stranger. The woman shrugged them all off with a smile, and the Warlord couldn’t help but wonder what her short inspection of him might have told her.

She was clearly intelligent, the old age not at all blunting her mind, it seemed. “It’s busy n’ rushed here, ain’t it?” he commented neutrally. When they were a bit of the ways out of Winton proper, making their way to the lady’s house, Jandar thought it was a good moment to ask another lightly prodding, though innocuous question that had been on his mind. “Are you an artisan, then? Couldn’t help but notice these,” he gestured to her various bagged materials.

“Most of the towns are like that. Not too many as wants to be out and about any more.” The old witch sighed, almost wistfully. “Those that do tend to keep in the company of the Queen, or wanting to catch her attention. Not always a wise thing.” She remarked with the immunity of the old who had live long enough lives they felt safe speaking freely. Giving him a slightly crooked smile, she guided him down a side road slightly overgrown along the sides and the stones were cracked and uneven. Signs of disrepair and no maintenance, tasks she could no longer preform or others no longer saw the value in.

“Those? An artisan? Hm, perhaps, but no. It passes the time and the shrines always need candles. The Dark Gates always need their candles.” Jandar would indeed know what the Dark Gates were though he had not heard mention of them yet in Terreille. They were the Gates between the Realms. From Terreille, to the Shadow Realm of Kaeleer, to Hell. To open the gate one only needed to put the candle in the proper place, recant the proper Craft and usually under the guidance of the Priestess who kept the Dark Gates under close watch.

“‘Tis a shame,” the Warlord remarked, though his tone was fairly neutral. He chuckled lightly at her next remark, agreeing, “Not all attention is good attention.” His steps briefly stuttered when she revealed the next tidbit of information however. “The Dark Gates?” he asked, tone low, reverential, and yearning. “You must be a Priestess then,” he concluded in a whisper.

“I had no idea there was such a thing nearby,” he muttered, his speech reverting to its usual fluid grace in his excitement. Jandar swept a hand through his hair, and frowned. What he was contemplating was risky, but he couldn’t ignore something like this. “Ma’am, say that someone wished to cross through the Gates…what would it take?” he questioned, still in a carefully quiet voice. He had stated the inquiry as a hypothetical, but he was certain the lady would know that he was the one who needed it – Hell, she may even guess that he wasn’t by his lonesome, and would bring others with him.

It was a good few minutes before the old crone answered with a good-natured chuckle. “My you are full of questions!” While for some this would be something to be wary of the old Summer-sky Witch seemed more amused than anything. “I am. Priestess Olenna. Though my younger assistant went to the Queen’s Circle. Lady Alice was certain she needed the wisdom of someone so clever.” There was a less than amused snort as the older woman gave a disapproving frown. “The chit was in her middling years, true. But it seems a bit odd to me that she’d want the assistant and not the teacher.”

Grumbling to herself, the woman hobbled along the worn road. Up ahead was a dignified building that held one wing which looked akin to a cottage. The rest of the back wall was solid stone, a sandy brown color that was mined from Pruul. The front was a row of columns and ancient-looking wooden doors interspaced and left open between them. “I like it to have a bit of air. Keeps things cleaner.” The witch declared as she crossed what now was an overgrown garden. Weed throttling the useful plants and the grass taking over where flowers were. Setting her bag on the worn step, she cast a speculative eye on Jean. “If someone were wanting to go through the gate, it’d take a black candle. One of the special ones.”

Jandar blinked, and smiled wryly at the Priestess, shrugging a shoulder at her observation. He was curious, that was true. “Perhaps she is fonder of youth rather than experience,” he commented mildly. “Though I do not know her Ladyship well enough to claim so,” he added. The Warlord wondered at her house’s design, and sniffed at the air. “It is fresh ‘round here, you can smell the sea,” he said appreciatively.

“Special?” he murmured. “A black candle per person?” he sought to clarify. “How special are they?” he asked, a glint in his eye. He didn’t know if Olenna intended to charge a fortune for one, or if there was some special and difficult to procure material he would need to get. Perhaps it was something else entirely.

Olenna sighed with a weary air. “You young people are always so impatient. Always wanting grand over the simplicity of life. The last candle burned out a time ago, I needed to get the materials to make more of them.” She gave a pointed look at the bags he carried. “It would be easier in my youth, but I can do it just as well now.” Chuckling she sat on the stone steps that led to a golden and worn looking candle holder inside. Prongs for other candles coming off of the center stem.

Jandar nodded. “Good to know. Unless you need help with anything else, I’ll be off. But I may pay you a visit at a later time,” he added with a wink. As the Priestess did not want anything, he departed, and headed back towards the inn.

Asteria surveyed the bandit base, noting that it was not a mere shack as she had expected it to be. It was a whole cliff-side, dug out to who knew what extent? There were only three enemies outside, and one captive prisoner-beast, but there were sure to be many more within. Asteria used Monster Analysis on the poor tortured creature. Seeing it, she immediately wanted to free, get it in better working shape, and ultimately working for her. As she stared at it, she couldn’t help but wonder if there were other prisoners they could break out and use against the bandits. They’d need to go scout inside to find out…but a trio of them was a bit much for that task. Besides, if there were no other prisoners, they’d need something else to counter all their numbers.

Just as she was considering that, Ed related his plan. With a raise of her brows, Asteria noted, “Great minds…” with evident surprise in her tone. Not because she didn’t expect the ratman’s plan – she already knew how clever he was – but because they’d come to rather similar solutions. “Hm, no, it's not stupid. We do need more manpower, and since we can’t get allies or mercenaries on short notice (not that we have the money to hire anyone),” she said, muttering the last part, “luring more of those infernal insects here is the next best thing,” she concluded. “I’m all up for sneaking in and getting the layout. I would certainly like to try and use the Pale Beast for our own sake, though I believe it may be too scared of the goblins to act against them. But there may be some other prisoners inside,” she said with a mild shrug. “Agreed. Take Mother rat with you. If you don’t see me when and if you return here, go straight to the barrow. I’ll do the same if I won’t sense your presence upon my return,” she assented.

She then activated Muffle II and Suppress Presence I, and while Listening intently, made her way to the bandit base. Asteria went to the left, avoiding the caged beast on the right side for now. She trailed on the outside of the fence, peering at the trio of enemies to see their reactions. She didn’t wish them to hear her, but if they would, she’d stop and wait to see what they’d do. She gradually made her way to the stairway on the left. At one point, she had to cross the fence, and she chose to burrow and squeeze her way underneath it as quietly as she could. Sticking to the sides and as far away from the trio at the fire, Asteria sneaked her way in the direction of the balcony.
That's just how it is.
Mandi El-Alzaru versus Ankaa Liu

When they returned, Professor Nyx explained about the Festival of Champions, which sounded like an even Ankaa would very much enjoy. She even nodded along when the teacher said blood was self and mana soul, though frowned immediately when he denied such. The language, components, and instructions he spoke of as key were surely just implements they, as humans, used to help channel their innate soul-given energy, no? The well was the soul and the focusing point the mind with all its contraptions and structures. Ankaa nodded once again to herself as she made sense of that. The professor’s point about control being key was something she also knew very well.

Finally, the match-ups were announced, and the students were all led into one huge area. Each pair (or trio, in some cases) had space enough to set up in a spacious private spot, though the martial artist noted with curiosity that while the grounds and the outside of the arena were protected, the whole inside was not. That is, no singular pair or group were protected from the other contestants, and they were all fighting simultaneously. Hmm. We'll have to take care not to get knocked over by attacks from our neighbors, I see.

Ankaa briefly assessed her enemy, breathed in, and centered herself. She channeled the mana within her body, reinforcing it, and focusing a part of it in her eyes. As such, she was able to see the clear-sky-reflected-in-a-river colour of her opponent’s mana. Liu smiled peacefully as she recognized their strength. Then, with the left palm resting on the handle of her sheathed sabre, she dashed towards Mandi, closing the distance between them. Once near enough, she half-crouched, and swept her right leg at them, aiming to destabilize their balance by targeting their legs.

'Exhibition matches already?' It all seemed pretty odd to Mandi, and the warning... no the promise that the lowest performing students would be kicked out. Just like that. Mandi thought this itself was a jest, in order for everyone to really give it their all. It was for certain an effective motivator. Whereof it was true or false, all students would try their hardest no doubt just to be on the safe side. Mandi believed that there would be no chance that the professor would throw someone out after the first day, it went against the founding principles the headmaster spoke of. It wasn't after all the difference in skill or magic that mattered, it was about bringing out the potential out of everyone. Perhaps this was indeed what professor Nyx was after.

As Mandi headed towards the place where the fightings would occur, the young mage wished Yvaine and Sophiel the best of luck, with a wink and friendly smile. When the match-up's were announced, Mandi came face to face with the one who had introduced herself before Mandi did in the lecture hall. Ankaa Liu. The words at that time had been very brief much like Mandi's. But now they were standing face to face in a place of fighting beginning all around them. If this were a fight against the miracle seven... victory or loss wouldn't matter much to Mandi. But now with the promise, a lie or not. A possibility of being forced to leave the academy. This was a fight which had to be won no matter what.

'This girl...oh?' Mandi thought while looking over Ankaa, reaching out to sense her mana. This opponent also seemed to carry a blade. 'An up close and personal type...' The young mage thought, whilst locking eyes with Ankaa. The girl offered a smile before dashing towards Mandi. There was no words, no introduction and no formality to what Mandi was concerned. Mandi's red eyes widened, then a slight glimmer in the eyes, as the cheery and carefree personality was replaced with a serious one. The hydromancer quickly summoned it's magical water to both hands, the water violently twisting and becoming larger with each passing moment as Ankaa was quickly approaching. The girl was quick and had some particular style or technique which worried the hydromancer. There had to be some distance made or this battle would be lost.

But Ankaa came in quickly and with a swift sweeping motion swept Mandi's feet off the floor, the young mage fell backwards unto the floor, landing on it's back. Mandi made a huffed sound and then using the right hand with the water contained around it, slamming into the ground to create a geyser to attempt to hurl Ankaa into the air and away from the prone mage. Mandi also began to swiftly gather more water to the left hand, using said water to summon forth two water elementals which took shape right next to the prone mage. "Grab!" Mandi yelled out to the newly formed summons, while preparing to avoid any possibly breakthrough by the fierce close-combatant. The two bulky looking water elementals went towards Ankaa, intent on grabbing her and pulling her inside of their watery bodies.

The mage was felled but the water they’d gathered up to that point in their palm burst out right in front of her. Though Ankaa swiftly drew out her sabre and slashed in front of her, this was water she was attempting to cut. The upper half of the stream dispersed and fell down upon her in a torrent of rain, soaking her. The lower part of the jet was still forceful enough to stagger her, even though she’d been in a decently stable position. Ankaa had to put her left palm to the ground so as to not be pushed back or overturned, and used her right to shield against the remaining water. However, there was enough of it to have her splutter and cough afterwards.

When she blinked the liquid out her eyes and peered towards her opponent, she saw that Mandi had already righted themselves, and created two hulking water beings. Ankaa stood up, gaze flicking from water creature to water creature, before briefly settling on the mage warily. A water-mage. Very capable. This could be bad. The martial artist wrapped her mana round her blade, and slashed a wide arc, arm moving from left hip to right. Both elementals were cut through at the waist, and part of the wind force moved between and beside them, in the general direction of her opponent. However, Ankaa did not have opportunity to focus on Mandi yet, as the water-creations were already reforming, the water of their torso fluidly reconnecting with their lower body.

Moreover, with their orders to grab her, the elementals were already upon her, trying to snatch at her. Dancing around the brutes, Ankaa slashed at them, observing the obvious distractions while sneaking the occasional glance at Mandi whenever she was able. She…he? Knows I need to get close, and has means to prevent it. Bad indeed. A precise vertical motion of her sabre was finally enough to permanently disarm one of the creations, and Ankaa raised her brows in realization. She gripped her weapon with both hands, and sliced from the floor up, halving one of them.

Avoiding the other’s grabs, she gradually weaved her way closer to the mage, though it certainly was not simple to make any progress. Inhaling deeply, she twirled on the spot, and halved the other one. These two had certainly accomplished to delay her, however, giving the mage opportunity for more preparation. Temporarily sheathing her blade, Ankaa adopted a wide stance, and sent a barrage of gale palms towards Mandi, observing their reaction and defenses. Then, once again re-drawing the sabre, she advanced upon the mage at a dash, determined to get within range despite the obstacles.

The opponent was a competent one, Mandi could tell as much. The young woman opposing the hydromancer seemed to have both precise aim and impact. It seemed as if her swings were amplified by the very air itself, if not even cutting it through itself.

'Not bad.' Mandi thought on seeing Ankaa take on the water elementals, whilst such was happening the hydromancer took the opportunity to get up on it's feet and then flooding the ground with water, rising up to the point of half a boot. It was quite the area around the mage and slowly sliding over even towards the elementals. Whilst the opponent was both swift and powerful, it wouldn't mean a thing if she couldn't reach the hydromancer. Now Mandi had been given enough time to create a field of water. Once that had been done, the hydromancer smirked but soon removed it on seeing Ankaa having sliced her way through the water elementals with such ease and grace, but not only that the girl was now counterattacking.

'Aeromancer. Hmm..' Mandi thought, gritting teeth together before seeing disruptions in the very air itself. Mandi raised a few pillars of water between the two of them, but the compressed balls of air pushed through. Mandi's eyes narrowed and the young mage raised both arms sending up a large wall of water, but halfway's up it began to shimmer and turn into ice. The compact balls of air slamming into it, denting it but the wall holding.

'Close. If I didn't have my ice magic that would be the end. But now it's my turn. Take this...' Mandi began to focus on the water under the young mage's control, feeling the very water at the ground, the wall of ice inbetween them. The young mage extended the field of water abit further until there were a pair of feet being felt running across the water, causing slight ripples and disturbance.

'I cannot see you. But I can feel you!' The hydromancer focused and began to raise smaller geysers of water, turning them into jagged spears of ice halfway up from the watery field behind and in front of Ankaa, a few of them appearing in seemingly random places before the melee combatant. Almost as if the hydromancer was trying to lure the capable Ankaa into a dead end.

'The ultimate defense and offense!' The mage smiled from behind the wall of ice, what was Ankaa going to do now? Mandi had often considered possible counters to the water field. But did this opponent possess such?

By this point, Ankaa was wading through an ankle-height field of water. It was a hassle, but she’d honestly have more trouble if Mandi had decided to ice the whole field. As it was, she was only slowed down a bit. She was jogging towards her opponent, who’d uprighted a huge ice-wall in front of them.

As she ran, more of those geysers got in the way. She couldn’t just dash through them, since they froze midway, their sharp points ever-chasing. Ankaa narrowed her eyes as she slashed through one, her sabre getting stuck mid-way for a second. Though their sight was obstructed, the mage was clearly able to see her in some way. The spears of ice were too accurate for it to be otherwise. Perhaps Mandi was able to see mana just like Ankaa could.

Regardless, she had to make her way through, even if she had to cut down or shatter all the icicles. She did have to be careful not to get caught in any of the geysers and be frozen, which was an additional challenge. All the magic being performed left a chill in the air, and Liu’s breath misted. Each breath left a familiar sharp feeling in her throat and lungs. It was accompanied by a sensation similar to drinking from a clear forest spring after a rigorous exercise, which the martial artist suspected partially reflected Mandi’s mana characteristic. She could admit that she liked it, and she also admired their masterful and tactical use of their power.

That respect was a tad hard to keep in her mind when after finally making her way to the ice-wall and attempting to get around it, a handful of geysers sprouted towards her, almost poking her eyes out. Ankaa protected her face with her sabre, and twisted out of being outright speared through, but her arms and torso suffered several cuts in the process. Unconsciously producing a close-mouthed growl, the martial artist broke out of the semi-confinement with a forceful outward motion of her arms. Then, a steam cloud wafted towards her, and she retreaded behind the wall with a hiss, almost getting burned on top of everything else.

Ankaa stared up the wall in determination. Her opponent was just on the other side of it, and if she couldn’t get around, then there was only one option left. Well, maybe two. Shatter the wall or get over it. She stood in front of it, and slashed at it several times. As expected, it did not fall. However, similarly to how it had been dented by her gale palms, there were now several grooves lining and dotting the wall as well. Grimly resolved, Ankaa stabbed her sword point into one groove, grabbed onto another with her free hand, and began to climb. No different than scaling a mountain in winter, she tried to convince herself as she moved up. Unfortunately, this was a man-made obstacle, and the person on the other side rather had the means to worsen the situation. A lot.

Sweat was falling down Mandi's face as geyser after geyser had been turned into ice on the other side of the wall of ice. The opponent had made swift movements forwards and seemingly avoided being hit or perhaps only lightly so. The hydromancer was impressed, even if now wasn't the time to think about such things. Feeling the quick steps in the water getting closer and closer. Then there was a scratching sound on the other side of the ice wall just as the feeling in the water seemed to vanish. She was attacking the wall? No... she had leapt up on the wall of ice? She had actually made it all the way there? 'What? She made it?'

It took a brief moment for Mandi to gather the fact that this was certainly the case, Ankaa was so close, just on the other side of the wall and was surely intending on descending down on the aqua mage with no doubt fierce retaliation. This could not be allowed to happen, quickly the hydromancer dismissed the idea of hurling ice shards over the side, she was way too close. To topple the wall of ice could potentially cause fatal damage and that was out of question. To use steam to hurt someone was only a last resort if there was no other way. It had to be just liquid water.

Thus Mandi began with outstretched arms to quickly draw water from the field, closer and behind the wall, in order to build up a large amount of it, before pushing it up along Mandi's side of the ice wall and then pour it down with full force on the other side. Like a fierce waterfall or a liquid avalanche. It was in this moment that Mandi felt bad for resorting to these tactics, but this was in order to remain within the academy. Not for power, not for fame... and not for gloating. This was to better learn to control the magic, and only by staying at the academy could this be achieved. Had this been a fight for the miracle seven, Mandi would have stepped down in an instant and given it to Ankaa without a fight. Though if a friend had asked the young mage to win or if there was a personal reason then perhaps...

Once all the water had been poured over the wall, Mandi controlled some remaining water along the ground to skate around the wall to see what had happened. If Ankaa was there and if so, were she allright?

There was a deeply disturbing whoosh sound beneath and all around her, and when Ankaa glanced down, it was to see all the water being vacated…and collected. Paling, she gulped, and in a moment of panic, simply stuck her sabre deep within the ice-wall, and clung desperately to it. She was not a moment too late, for right then, a literal lake fell onto her head. Calling it a mere waterfall would do it no justice. No, this was much more, and all at once, rushing at her in one great torrent.

Ankaa looked at the approaching current wildly, inhaling deeply and doing her best to emulate a stubborn index. Yet, it was not enough, all that water being dropped down on her was simply too strong. Ankaa was swept down in its wake. Her grip on her weapon loosened, and while it remained stuck in the wall, she was brought down and flooded. Though she kept her breath as long as she could, and attempted to fight her way out of the downpour with bursts of air, she was overwhelmed. Eventually, she had to inhale, even if it meant taking in some water. Blinded, tired, soaked, and half-drowning, Ankaa passed out.

The hydromancer's eyes was wary, had the opponent somehow evaded this attack, then Mandi would be in a bad situation. The effort it took to push all that water over the wall of ice, the elemental summoning and in overall the magic use was beginning to wear on the young mage. Had the mage gone overboard with the amount of geysers and things to defeat this foe, perhaps so. But it couldn't be helped, this was a fight which had to be won.

'Where is she.. oh?' Mandi thought upon seeing the blade of Ankaa, it had been jammed into the wall of ice. It was impressive to see how determined the girl had been on overcoming this obstacle, and speaking of the girl... further away from the wall Mandi could see her. She was lying down and not moving. The realization then came to the young mage, had it been too much? Was she allright?

Mandi dropped the grip around the magical water and began to run over towards Ankaa. "Hey! Are you allright?!" Mandi called out, but swiftly got up to the girl. She didn't respond. Mandi quickly looked Ankaa over, her body was covered in cuts but they seemed to be of less concern, the girl had likely swallowed alot of water, which had to be removed as soon as possible. Was her heart still beating? Mandi quickly leaned down and pressed the ear against the girl's chest, there had to be a heartbeat but it was hard to hear due to the wet fabric and Mandi's own heart beating rapidly, the adrenaline still running wild from the fight. The mage focused, pressing the ear closer still and accidently placing one hand on Ankaa's chest for support and the other against her shoulder. There was a heartbeat. The young mage sighed in relief but there was no time to waste. The hydromancer couldn't remove the water from inside of the girl by magical means, it would be far too risky an attempt, if even possible. Mandi shook that idea away quickly and decided to do this in a more mundane manner.

The young mage took a deep breath in, and then leaned down to breathe some air into the Ankaa's mouth, and then tried to lean her body slightly to the side so that any water inside could slide out of her lungs would she somehow snap out of it. Mandi was not good at carrying or holding unto things for a long time, but the girl seemed relatively light and right now there was no time to complain.

This was totally different from waking someone up by throwing water in their face, the small cuts could be treated afterwards by the hydromancer if the girl would be willing. The more important part was now having her open her eyes and breathe normally. "Hey! Come on! Talk to me here!" Mandi shook the shoulder of Ankaa abit. "Hey!" A second call was made to the unresponsive girl, followed by a slight shake of her shoulder.

Something was shaking her, and she felt that damnable water in her throat again. Sensing and opportunity, her body contracted, her lungs squeezing the water out. Ankaa turned fully over, slapping the yellowish figure above her out of the way as she heaved and coughed and hacked all the water out. Her face was heated, her eyes and nose running, her throat burning. She felt like a mess.

Several exhausting minutes later, she was done, and she wiped at her face with a groan. She peered up at Mandi, realizing they’d probably freaked and tried to help her. “Thanks,” she said, voice rough and grainy, as she picked herself up. She was of half-a-mind to ditch all her clothes, but instead, she adapted her offensive gale palm spell for utility purposes, expelling a light but continuous breeze from her palms as she set to drying her attire. “You’re a difficult opponent to fight against,” she’d intended it as a compliment, but it came out as a grumble. With a sigh, she added, “I’ll be tasting water for weeks.”

When she finally wasn’t feeling like a rain-soaked dog anymore, she went to retrieve her weapon, then returned to continue the conversation with Mandi. “It was a good match, and I’d love a rematch, but,” she turned to glance at Professor Nyx with a frown, “I suppose I’ll be getting expelled, after all.” Ankaa shrugged, trying not to be too disappointed or ashamed at the thought of being punished with expulsion for losing. “Ah, well. Would you like to watch the rest of the matches with me?” she asked, gesturing to their classmates, the majority of whom were still duking it out.

"Whoa!" Mandi had fallen backwards, Ankaa had slapped the young hydromancer out of the way, whilst coughing and getting the water out of her. She certainly looked like a mess, though Mandi knew that occasionally it was good to be quiet. It didn't take Mandi long to breathe out a sigh of relief at seeing the competent fellow student breathing properly again, Mandi also found the opportunity to get up from the ground itself, brushing off the rear of the yellow attire to make sure no grass got stuck to it. And that's when Mandi felt the bruise and pain in the lags after having had been swept off the feet by Ankaa early in the fight. It was the mage's adrenaline which had so far prevented it to be felt, but now it did sting.

'O-ouch..' The mage thought before shaking it's head from side to side, now it was time to try help heal the girl- Oh she was already drying herself off with her air magic? Perhaps she still had alot more strength to use? Mandi was further impressed seeing how good of a shape Ankaa was in, considering all the magics she went through. Then Ankaa had complimented the yellow clad mage. "Happy to help! Oh? I am? Heheh... oh I'm nothing special I'm sure." The bruised hydromancer said awkwardly, scratching it's neck. "Well, you are really good yourself you know! Oh and rematch?" Mandi blinked, then began to briefly ponder of the idea of that. There was surely nothing to be gained by them beating each other up aside from satisfying that professor of theirs. It seemed like he had a taste for blood. That former miracle seven. Then Mandi snapped out of the thoughts as Ankaa spoke about possibly being expelled, the thought didn't sit well with Mandi at all. Whilst Ankaa had been unable to win this fight, it was not in her favor Mandi thought. Because of how different their magics were, Ankaa would surely have won had she had faced someone who fought more directly.

Mandi felt a slight feeling of shame, but then shook that away. It's not only a person's magic that determines a winner, the body, the intellect and there were other factors too. But Ankaa surely did seem like a smart one and tough, so it was surely just a really bad opponent for her. At least that's what Mandi thought. "I will speak with professor Nyx, I'll tell him that you fought really well and try convince him to not expell you. I don't think he is really going to throw people out though. It goes against everything the academy stands for no? It isn't a persons initial skill with magic that determines if they will be-" Mandi took a slight breath before continuing. "A legend. As some like to put it. It's about a personal quest, your own path forwards. If you end up becoming part of the miracle seven, graduading or not, maybe some who come here have other dreams. There's more to a person than a first impression..." The voice of the hydromancer became more serious and almost abit grim to the end. "Oh sorry, I'm Mandi El-Alzaru. Good to meet you! Oh and I would like to watch the rest of the matches with you. But uhm... you're bleeding." The hydromancer smiled softly, then pointed out in a more serious facial expression to the various cuts that Ankaa had gotten.

Ankaa raised a brow at Mandi when they appeared to be abashed at her statement. “Being too humble is an insult not only to yourself but to me as well,” she commented. “If you deny your strength then how could I be anything but weak?” she asked neutrally. She wasn’t offended, because it was clear the mage had good intentions, but she did want to point out their refusal of recognition was faulty.

The pair made their way to the sidelines of the courtyard, out of the way of every other fight. Ankaa shook her head at Mandi’s proposal to speak to the professor on her behalf. “That is a very honorable offer,” she stated, a thankful smile gracing her lips. “However, I am sure the professor will make the correct decision. He is watching all the fights, after all, and it is up to him to decide who he finds worthy,” she concluded. “I agree that a person’s individual path is the most important, but this academy…I think they choose to focus on the strongest, those with the most obvious potential for power. They say they are interested in honor, kindness, and heroism too, but I haven’t seen many expelled for lacking that,” she pointed out.

Liu shrugged; it was how it was, no matter putting up a fuss if this is how the headmaster and the faculty decided for things to be. She nodded at Mandi’s introduction. “Yes, I remember from the introductions. I’m Ankaa, in case you forgot,” she added mischievously. At the reminder of her wounds, she blinked down at herself, startled. “Oh, I already got used to the sting. They’re not that deep, but you’re right that I should treat them.”

Saying so, she sat herself down on a well-cared-for patch of grass, a good distance away from the duels. Focusing on her breath, and turning her intention and mana inwards, she entered a brief trance, her awareness drifting yet intently directed at her body. Given the relatively mild nature of her wounds and aches, it was but a few minutes until Ankaa opened her eyes, the founds gone. She was still tired, of course, so simply remained sitting on the ground. With a questioning gaze up at Mandi, she patted the grass next to her, a clear invitation for them to also sit down.

Mandi settled down next to Ankaa shortly after the latter had indicated the area right next to her as a valid place to sit. The mage's legs ached abit so it was a good idea to sit down. "You are right. It is an insult. Also that's a handy technique you have there." Mandi nodded swiftly in agreement while watching Ankaa heal herself. "Honorable hm?" The hydromancer had tapped it's lips with a finger on hearing that, recalling the headmaster having spoken about the four principals of the academy.

Did that meant the young mage was honorable? The thought had lingered for abit before the mage had mentally waved it away. "I hope professor Nyx will make all the right choices. Oh and I didn't forget your name~ Though I wonder what would you say strength is? The ability to seize the power? The ability to control it? The ability to reject it?" Mandi smiled softly, looking Ankaa over from top to toe, taking abit longer time looking over her face and chest. The girl was pretty. Mandi hadn't thought much about it when they were fighting as it had happened to suddenly, but now as they were sitting next to oneanother that was much easier.

"Oh~ You look so pretty by the way~ Are you together with one of the boys in the academy? Perhaps that loud one? Or the whirlwind idi- Caelum right? Oh whose your roommates? Who are you cheering for in these matches? I'm really hoping Yvaine will do allright! So what do you like to do when not learning magic? Do you like baths? Or trying on new clothes?" Mandi asked question after question, there was no brakes on the verbal missile storm.

“The nature of strength…always a difficult question,” Ankaa said, mulling over the answer. “A person’s inner quality, the conviction to do the good one can, the connection with others, nurturing the self and the world…” she trailed off, remembering several lectures on this matter. However, she could not quite verbalize what she learned and believed in any more cohesively than she had.

She was momentarily distracted from the matches by Mandi’s slew of questions, and turned to look at them. “I am familiar with the concept of appreciating a person’s appearance, though I can’t say I understand it. I would advise you not to linger on such trivialities either,” she commented. Her thoughts briefly strayed to the memory of her biological mother’s kidnapping, and the much later realization of why and for what purposes the bandits had likely taken her. Liu’s expression darkened minutely, but she soon shook it off. “It’s what inside that matters,” she murmured, and turned back to gaze out into the courtyard.

After a lull in the conversation, she was inundated with an entirely off-topic slew of questions. “Together?” is what she chose to focus on first, tasting the word. Ankaa eventually concluded that Mandi was referring to a courting ritual, which tended to result in the joining of a couple; physically, spiritually, and legally. “No, I am not, nor do I intend to be – not unless I happen to discover someone who would match me well,” she offered, though she did not truly think that she would find such a person when they were all supposed to be focused on learning and training for the duration of their stay.

“Hm, I am curious how Kress and Misaiya will manage, since I’ve talked to them just before this. A three-way match is bound to be interesting anyhow. But otherwise, I intend to observe anyone I find to be a capable combatant,” she answered, not at all rushing as she did so, regardless of how urging Mandi’s questions had been.

“My roommates?” she questioned, the answer oddly hazy, and out of reach of her recall. “I am unsure,” she admitted. She felt both as she’d met them and as if she had no idea who she was supposed to room with at all. “As for what I like…hmm…being outside, physically active or meditating. I’ve also found drawing to be a very relaxing hobby.” Ankaa wasn’t certain whether to mention anything else, since some of her interests had to do with magic, learning, or both, and after a pause, simply left it at that. “What about you?” she added as an afterthought, not at all bothering to ask anything specific. She rather thought that the mage was chatty enough for the both of them, and that they were sure to find a way to answer at length despite her curt question.

Mandi remained quiet while listening to all the answers Ankaa gave to the questions asked, the hydromancer nodded slowly upon receiving each answer. 'Strength exists in ones core, outer appearances do not matter. In harmony with oneself and the surrounding area. She is intigued by those who are similar to her and capable combatants... and drawing. This girl is all about feeling and seeing things.' Mandi thought as Ankaa took a minor pause, before she proceeded to talk about Kress and Misaiya. Kress Alstein was one of the students which Mandi recalled from the lecture hall, mostly because of his chirpy tone and speaking to professor Nyx soon after introducing himself. Misaiya on the other hand was not someone the young mage had seen. A late arrival or someone who camoflagued him or herself? "But thanks for telling me, I feel like I know you much better now.~"

The darkhaired mage was smiling broadly before proceeding to speak. "Three ways are always interesting! You never know when someone is trying to sneak up behind you while you are busy with the other person! I am hoping Yvaine comes out on top in this~." Mandi said in a softer tone, looking towards the area where Yvaine, Misaiya and Kress were. "Being outside and training alot hm? I suppose drawing sceneries be something you do then?" The mage tilted it's head to the side slightly, looking to Ankaa as the girl had asked about Mandi's hobbies.

"Oh.. well.. I like many things, such as reading and writing. Like reading poems or writing them, or riddles. I also like to train physically and with magic, a strong vessel is needed to contain vast mana." Mandi took a moment to breathe before continuing. "I also fancy abit of alchemy and looking at plants nad possibly grind them down for some useful potions. Well and I like magic and learning more. Oh and try out fine attires." Mandi chuckled softly, turning to look to the threeway fight. "Though maybe we ought to tell the professor we are done. Right?~" It didn't take long for the mage to tilt it's head and close it's eyes, with that near trademark soft smile decorating the lips.

Ankaa listened without much comment, only the occasional vocalized "Hmm," or the nod of her head signs that she was not ignoring her companion. "Sceneries, and just about everything else," she confirmed the mage's observation. "Oh, alchemy?" she perked up, glancing at Mandi when that detail caught her attention. "If we ever get the chance, we could do some sort of a project for potion making," she said, an eager glint in her eye. Her pleased smile turned into a mild frown when Mandi suggested going to their professor. "I'm sure he saw that we're done," she waved a hand dismissively. She didn't particularly desire to parade her loss in front of an unknown instructor, and if she ended up being expelled for it anyhow, Nyx was unlikely to offer her any sort of lesson on how to do better. As such, she simply stayed where she was, focusing on the remaining combatants.
Ha-nul blinked up at his newest team-mate, bemused. “Go ahead,” he said, and watched as the medic (doctor? Healer? Rang wasn’t certain) re-bandaged his wounds. “Thanks,” he said, a grin spreading. It did feel better done; there was more support to his ribs now, and Ha-nul thought he could move rather decently. “I won’t forget this, so I’ll help you out next time you need it,” he promised. Privately, he thought he’d also need to save much more money if he wanted to get something that could speed up the healing of his bones.

Just as he stood up, a trio of males came over to introduce themselves. Must be checking out the competition, he though with a smile. One of them was an armored swordsman named Markano, one was a Khun, and the last one, Kaz, was apparently a Silver Dwarf. What an interesting group. Seeing no reason not to get acquainted with them, the boy offered, “Heya, I’m Ha-nul Rang. Too much free time on your hands, eh?” he joked.

Jandar Varan

The Warlord's face was impassive as he progressed through the town, but he was keeping careful not of his surroundings, and memorized all the precious bits of information he gathered from the conversations. Oh, the disgruntlement of this western part of Terreille seems somewhat promising. I wonder what would happen if the first circle turned against this Alice queen…Yet, some people do seem fine with her...or just resigned. Then, a couple of guards passed by, eyeing him with a warning look. Jandar gave a slight but respectful nod to them, a silent promise that he wouldn’t cause trouble. Not right now, that is. But these guards-

Jandar was once again startled out of his pondering as a small form almost barrelled into him. The Kaeleeran looked at her with a bemused smile, wondering if she truly was as much of a Black Widow as her looks seemed to indicate. He’d be surprised if she were, honestly; the little old lady didn’t seem cautious enough for it. “No problem, ma’am. Must be hard ta see with all them boxes,” he said, adopting just a hint of a rougher speech. He’d noticed the distance people had kept from him, so seeming like a genial non-Aristo traveler may be for the best.

So saying, the Warlord bent down and helped to old woman in picking up the rest of the boxes. “Lemme help carry these?” he offered, holding perhaps a bit more than half her wares. “Wouldn’t want ta run into a fella again and get knocked over yerself, eh?” He asked, a playful smile about his lips. Jandar raised both questions at the female, doing his best ‘clueless lad’ impression. Of course, if the lady refused, he’d just return the boxes to her, perhaps easing their weight with craft or some similar subtle assistance.
@Dezuel Would you be fine with a collab for the match?
Aside from that, Ankaa also has a couple of tanky techniques. Combine her body enhancement with her immovable mountain technique and she could probably soak up quite a bit of damage.

She could, yeah. I wouldn't quite classify her as a tank, since she prefers offense, and isn't well versed to switching to defense on the spot. But she can take quite a beating for sure.
Ankaa Liu
Interactions: @samakama, @ERode

“Alright!” Ankaa answered with a grin, pumping the air in victory, even though only Misaiya had agreed so far. Then she was distracted by the boy’s question. “I was hoping I could ask them to draw a mythical beast of some sort,” she commented, rather eagerly.

“Hmm, I’ve only been in some on a trial basis last year, since I wanted to try out many,” she answered, her shrug and smile for once hinting at a slight embarrassment on her part. “However, I did not commit to any. I intend to do so this year, though I’m still undecided,” she noted with a shake of her head. “There really are a lot, you know! Sometimes I think there are more clubs than students,” she chuckled, obviously exaggerating.

“Any activity you can think of, there will likely be many clubs dedicated to a specific aspect of it. For example, there are several clubs for hand-to-hand martial arts, each dedicated to specific techniques and philosophies. Then there are some that focus on arranging duels or tournaments, others are concerned mainly with self-improvement, spirituality, or health, and so on. It’s tough to pick just the one, and you’d have to be very efficient to be in multiple ones,” she explained.

Ankaa was so absorbed in the conversation with her classmates, she was rather startled at professor Nyx’s voice resounding in her head. “Aww, we were just about to get in front,” she complained, though her tone was light and not deeply regretful. Orders were orders, after all, and there would always be other opportunities to see those students paint.

As the trio made their way back to class, Kress orated a short but concise lesson on the matter of Arcane paints, to which Ankaa listened attentively without interruption. Only when it was clear that the blue-haired boy was finished, did she comment. “That’s fascinating! I had no idea that a portrait could actually be some useful. You know a lot,” she offered with an appreciative nod to the shorter male.

“I wonder how specific the information about a person can be,” she muttered, more so to herself, though still loudly enough that her companions could hear. “It could be a decent alternative to the standard check-ups of patients, especially for those with chronic conditions who choose to stay at home…Though I wouldn’t be surprised if the existent runes and charms couldn’t be surpassed by a painting. Especially if the painter’s perspective muddles the accuracy,” she rambled quietly, inhaling audibly once she was done.

Ankaa finally registered Alstein’s last question with a slow blink. “Oh, ah, yes, definitely,” she said, regathering her thoughts to the present situation. “I’d love to, I have plenty of questions,” she agreed with a firm nod.
Jandar Varan

Jandar glanced at Dareen, curious that she chose to broach the topic of nobility when she seemed so uncomfortable with the concept. Fatima beat him to an answer, but nonetheless, he chose to expand upon it. “Well, I can only tell you about the Aristocratic perspective from my homeland,” he began spoking slowly, in consideration, rolling the words on his tongue. He formulated his thoughts, then began a steady explanation.

“I was raised with servants, and as a child, they were as much my guardians and secondary authority figures as they were my helpers. And while they are paid to serve, they are often considered allies, friends, or even part of the family. Even if they were not, there are certainly many things no one would think to ask of a servant…unlike here,” he muttered the last part quietly, so only the present company would hear.

“It’s one of the ways to show off one’s wealth, prestige, influence…power, basically,” he stated with half-a-shrug. “With the size of our estates, not having servants would be untenable. Clothes are often designed in such a way that you couldn’t put it on by yourself,” Jandar noted. “It is desirable to have good servants, and for that, being known as a fair employer is key,” the Warlord stressed, voice quiet but sure.

He was getting a bit restless, and the cards hadn’t really favoured him as he thought they would, so he decided to quit while he was ahead. “Fold. I’m off to stretch my legs a bit,” he stated, glancing at Fatima. He didn’t think she’d forbid it, but checked her reaction nonetheless.

Then he made his way out into the town, beginning an exploration. The Kaeleeran did not want to obviously stick out as an ignorant newcomer, however, and as such kept his gaze straight forwards, his pace as brisk as the natives’. He adopted the air of being on an important business, though occasionally stopped at a stall to peruse the traders’ wares. Jandar enhanced his hearing, keeping a lookout for any interesting rumours or information as he wandered the town.
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