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Kendra Damyar

Kendra was at the Scorchland Pass, replenishing what little supplies she’d used so far, and gathering information. Most people didn’t recognize the names Dusk Tiedine or Ivorydawn Company, but when mentioning “You know that rare gem…” or “The mining business some northerns meddled in…” she got some more helpful reaction.

“Well, if it’s mining and northern folk, then it’s gotta be the Highlands,” said one.

“Oh, deary, you’ll need a better coat and blanket if you go there, here, have a discount…” added another.

“What are you saying, why would anyone from the Highland go all the way to the south to mine, you idiot!” the first one.

“Oh, what, so you’re saying Midlands are the answer? Sure, you have all sort of businessmen there, but-” a third one chipped in.

“Midlands ain’t that far north-” contested the first one.

“Well, they’re north from here, aren’t they? If it isn’t there, at least they’ll know where to look for sure-” argued the third.
“Oh, but you must bring something with you for the Celebration! How about this…” cajoled the second one.

“None of those snobs would bother listening some crap about gems and scamming during their festival, and if we’re talking north, might as well go to the Snowlands-” a fourth one meddled.

“Oh, for-” the first one.

“That is quite far, you should get more waterskins, and look-” the second one.

“Hey, I’m a water mage, how about me? Hire me and I’ll get you all the water-” some fifth young newcomer added.

“Hush you, lad,” the first and second one replied almost simultaneously.

At this point, Kendra really had quite enough ‘information’, and endeavored to stop the chaotic conversation that developing into a mindless and rather loud conflict. “Alright, alright, thank you, THANK YOU, everyone, and yes ma’am, I’ll take that and that, no, no NOT that…Yes, that’s all. Very helpful, of course, but I must be on my way, you see…” It was with a sigh of relief that Kendra left the premises, now with a new woolen cloak and extra blanket.

A few hours of rest later, she and her mount were refreshed and ready to go, and so they went. Though Kendra has no wish to seek out the church’s help – not yet, not until she was truly desperate – she’d go to the Midlands first, to try and get some more accurate information; or if nothing else, to take a rest from the long journey across Scrublands. Afterwards, she’d travel to the Highlands.
The meeting with Alice in Winton

Jandar stepped into the room, gaze immediately meeting the village Queen’s boldly. “Queen Alice,” he announced his presence. Very briefly, he looked at her other companions. “And friends,” he uttered politely, though almost dismissively. He promptly refocused on the main person of informance, the local Lady, and introduced himself. “Jandar Varan, but you may call me Jean if you so please.” He smirked charmingly, and approached, observing. Blonde, fluffed-up, and almost swallowed by her recliner, the Queen reminded him distinctly of a poodle. But the eyes of all the females were sharp and glittering like a vulture’s, so the Warlord would not underestimate any of them.

“It seems you have terribly desired to meet the notorious Black Jeweled Prince, but I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint, ladies, for it is but I,” he uttered, with a sarcastically raised brow. “As keen you are for news of him, I’m certain you’ve already heard he resided in Shalador for a bit,” he continued blithely, though intently focused on the women’s reaction. If they hadn’t known, that would be already a point in his favour.

“But what you could not have known,” and here he paused shortly for emphasis, “is that I and some others happened upon him quite coincidentally. And what an encounter it was!” he chuckled lightly, fondly. “Ah, but let me not bore you with such inevitably sparse accounts too much,” he continued shortly after, just when their interest in the topic might have peaked. If his present company was as starved for the so-called Sadi, his attempted deflection would incite them all the more to know as much as they coul. “You must have been preoccupied with some rather riveting events, I am sure, to have thought my visit such a paltry thing,” he concluded, a brief forgiving smile stretching his lips.

Alice gave a delicate smile as her ladies gave soft mutters of approval. This was a rather bold fellow and most likely served in the court of a queen. Perhaps he was low enough in rank to feel slighted and tempted to break the contract with whomever he served? Oh, that was a daring thought, but one she would need to be careful about. “Lord Jean, it is a pleasure to have such an elegant man stop by. You spoke to the infamous Warlord Prince, or claim to? A truly marvelous feat to see you came out in one piece. He tends to be very temperamental from what I have heard.” Alice let a slight tone of doubt and amusement color her voice. She doubted the Warlord had ran into Saetan, the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince was elusive. “And you claim your visit is not paltry? On what pretense? You certainly did not imply otherwise to my Steward or make the proper arrangements.” The tiny queen chided, her ladies looking a bit curious as to what important news this man came with.

Sybl sauntered along behind, always behind. Once they entered the room he found his way to a nice quiet patch of wall where he could observe the goings on of court. He had to raise his eyebrows at the grand way "Jean" made his entrance. All charm and wit. If the man so desired, if he played his cards right, the Queen might be tempted to steal him away.

“I’ve felt the results of his temper for three days,” he drawled, then shrugged lightly. “Though I understand it’s a preposterous claim.” He lowered his eyelashes, curling his lips as if privately amused at a joke he wasn’t sharing with anyone. “The visit was rather impromptu, yes. Mainly due to the mercurial nature of the would-be-Queen I serve. She wishes to forge connections, though she can admittedly be a bit brash and willful due to her youth. So, I was sent here on a rather short notice, as you can see. Regardless, she is powerful. She is also familiar with Hayll, which I presumed might interest you,” he answered smoothly.

Alice perked up sitting a bit straighter as she considered the man before her with a shy smile that looked all too much like a cat in the cream. “Oh, you poor man. I do hear that the Black can be an utter brute.” Alice shook her head in disappointment. “Goodness knows it’s my day to deal with brutes. We just were forced to arrest an Eyrien for our good friends over in Askavi, a brute of a man. A handsome brute of a man. But being so well off and infamous as the Reaper is…” She shrugged in dismissal of the topic. “We couldn’t let him harm anyone in Winton! It just wouldn’t do at all!” There! Alice was giddy with herself. Let the man stew with that particular thought! Oh, he’d see her strength now! Though the tiny Queen did not care for this other Queen stretching and tenuous claim over this ‘Jean’. “But you were speaking of a young Queen? We would gladly seek to aid any sister from Hyall! Why it is curious why a man so polished as you would seek such a young and brash queen rather than looking for who is rising to be the province!” Alice fluttered her eyes as she heard Elle give a polite cough. A pointed warning she was stepping a bit far. “Well, perhaps when I myself have more polish.” She admitted, looking bashful while she mentally promised to scald her beloved cousin for the interruption. Why couldn’t she be the provincial queen? Who would be better than she?!

Jandar did not have to fake his astonishment. “The Reaper?” he asked in surprise. Inwardly, he was horrified. “I did not realize the likes of him wandered these parts...it is admirable that you managed to subjugate him, however. Anyone would commend you for such excellent work, Queen Alice,” he said with a nod of regard to her. His expression and voice had soon smoothed back into polite neutrality after the initial shock. “Let us just say that I am acquainted with some of my Lady’s relatives. I am not too dissatisfied with my position - call it an investment, if you will. Though perhaps in a few years, if the gains are not satisfactory, I may reconsider,” he offered. He did not miss one of the other women cough in warning when Alice was bragging too much, and briefly glanced at her. A sensible one, who would have thought. As he refocused back on the Queen in front of her, he couldn’t help but wonder if one such as her appreciated sound advice.

“Ah, surely you jest, when you are so charming,” the Warlord smiled obligingly. “You have a nice place here, and you are more attentive than most. I’ve heard you described as very dear to the town,” he paraphrased a comment he’d heard, not mentioning the negative tone it’d been said in. “You frequent some establishments to show your presence and promote the business, do you not?” he enquired rhetorically. “You ensure a good catch and harvest, which is essential, as such resources are rather scarce in the East, as you may know,” the Warlord complimented. “Beyond that, I would perhaps advise that you attempt to make the town even more inviting than it is; plenty pass through, but few seem to linger, if I am not mistaken,” he suggested carefully and politely. “Perhaps a local speciality, such as seafood cuisine? I am sure you know your town the best,” he added. “I do believe you might spread your influence if the people travelling to Chaillot were willing to mention Winton as a pleasant experience to others,” he explained. “Ah, but see how much I’ve rambled; a businessman’s habit, I’m afraid. I hope I haven’t bored you too much,” Jandar chuckled. He did wonder what Alice’s reaction would be, though.

Alice beamed in delight as the man was pleasantly surprised by her capture of the rogue Reaper. “A challenge, though one my Court could meet and defeat.” Though it had taken the lives of some of them and left a mess of her private garden. “Yes, I am rather grateful that the Queen of Askavi will deal with him. For such a lovely man, he is a Warlord Prince and they can be so difficult. Except for you, Sybl. You are just darling.” She directed a smooth wink to the servant. Oh, this man was so very sharp! Alice was delighted by the thought of adding him to her court to replace her fallen men. “Such a talent, why we could put you to use.” And your queen in the grave, though she kept the last bit to herself.

It was then Elle spoke up, studying the tea within her cup. “Cousin, I believe he was here on behalf of a Hyallian lady. Perhaps we ought to see about welcoming her to our festivities? Why not send Sybl to help the dear girl become acquainted with the local customs?” Her smirk at Jandar was nothing short of a challenge to see how he reacted to the jab.

Alice, picking up on her beloved cousin’s game, beamed as though it was the best idea she heard all day. “Yes! Why don’t we just do that! Have a feast prepared to welcome her tomorrow for lunch? That will give Sybl enough time to assist you with the local area which you may not have noticed. I know minor details can get missing in the towering cities of Draega.” The tall buildings of the capital of Hyall shut out nature even as they shut in Hyall’s Hundred Families. The noble houses of true aristo Blood in that particular Territory. It was a odd and, widely considered, snobbish tradition. One that had the rest of Terreille looking sideways and tutting.

“Thank you, Queen Alice. That was but a preview of the benefits of our surely mutually benefitial future alliance,” Jandar replied smoothly. He noted the jab Alice’s cousin directed him, but did not deign to respond beyond a mockingly raised eyebrow. What was it to him to have a falsely presented image of his true Queen maligned, after all? Nothing at all, of course, so his hackles weren’t stirred in the slightest. “Yes, I do believe that would be helpful. It is very kind of you to offer, and I am certain she will be eager to accept. The sights of this quaint town shall be quite the nice prelude to a small luncheon,” he answered oh-so-sweetly, accepting the invitation with a regal nod.

His self-pleased smile showed he was completely aware his two descriptors of the town and Alice’s property would make it seem as if he saw them as but a small if pleasant trifle. He had fun imagining he’d manage to incite her into trying to impress...only to be left hanging on the morrow when no-one showed up. Of course, he and company would have to have vanished by then...but he’d think of that later. For now, he made his goodbyes. “If that is all, I will ask to take my leave. We have much to prepare before meeting anew, after all,” he bowed curtly and fluidly, not too shallowly to come across as crass but neither so deep he’d seem obsequious. He arched an expectant eyebrow at the so-called Sybl before taking his leave, urging the man to get on with it. Silently, and on the way out of the manor, he was already considering whether it would be too presumptuous to ask Mikhail to dispose of the man discreetly.

Asteria got a powerful backlash of rage from her telepathy connection with the Troll, but thankfully it was a short one. She shook her head to clear it, focused her Beast Senses II on Hearing, and snuck out of her tunnel and away from the fence during all the commotion. She assumed Ed was the one to throw the stone as a distraction, and while the trio wasn’t currently paying attention to the side of the fence she was on, they were more alert in general, patrolling the area. With Suppress Presence I and Muffle II, she carefully maneuvered away from the camp, while also doing her best to stay out of the path of the patrolling enemies.

Shit, shit, shit. Her attempt with the savage troll had been an utter failure and had attracted unwanted attention to boot. Thinking quickly and moving even more-so, Asteria squeezed back into the tunnel, but didn’t re-emerge on the other-side, staying in and covered (or half-covered) by the hole and earth. She used her newly gained Soil Manipulation to move the loose earth she’d previously dug out to cover up the hole one the inside of the goblin camp, so hopefully it wouldn’t be obvious to the approaching mob that their defenses had been breached. Then, with Telepathy II, she contacted the troll again, this time sending along an image of the approaching bugbear alongside with a strong feeling of rage and an urge to kill. As soon as the scout was sufficiently distracted, she’d escape her hideout and move back the way she and Ed had come from, and hide a bit farther away from the camp.
Curious casual.
@January One of my ideas was to make some sort of smoke/incense demon, and I thought it'd be really cool if they could have some sort of connection to Marzanna (i.e. be one of her younger demon children, possibly even a slayer injected with her blood, though I'd prefer the former), since her abilities seem similar to what I'd wanna do for the Demon blood arts - but I don't know how you'd feel a PC having a connection to a NPC, especially such a high ranking one?
Jandar Varan

“Kaeleer…is good. It’s home,” Jandar answered Dareen’s question simply. “You’ll see when we get there,” he added with a light shrug. He was soon distract from all other matters by Fatima receiving a letter. “He…left?” the Warlord asked, frowning in thought about Xandar. “My Lady,” he addressed his Queen, mildly hesitant. “Perhaps I could arrange a meeting with her myself, to see how the Prince fares and what he is up to,” he suggested. “It might be best if I appear Hyllian, and if I might bother you to help me draft a letter the local Queen might accept as well, I’d greatly appreciate it,” he said.

It took a bit for all the matters to be taken care of, the letter to be sent, and for Jandar to get into his full Aristocratic persona. Then, he only had to wait for the reply before he could head to Alice’s HQ…
@LadyRunic Yeah. Feel free to update though.
Jandar Varan

Jandar glanced at the departing Faeril, but didn’t spare her much thought – especially not since Fatima had questions for him.

“I met her by chance, and followed her to her home, helped her with some groceries,” he explained. “I am not sure about the Gates, but at least her place wasn’t guarded. She did mention that a younger assistant of hers was in the local Queen’s circle. The city-folk seemed to know the priestess I met as well; they were both respectful and wary of her. So, I cannot say how trustworthy she truly is, but she seemed alright to me,” he replied.

Briefly turning to Dareen, he added, “Yes, I do believe heading to Kaeleer could be good. Depending on what our over-arching plan is, what we currently want to achieve, whether we still have business in Terreille et cetera et cetera,” he told her.
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