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Linus Guiren

One moment, Linus was staring out one of the aircraft’s windows, reminiscing. Well, truthfully told, that’s what they’ve been doing during all the journey so far, only looking away at times to engage in polite chatter with some of the others. But most of the time, they observed their once home planet, spending time in quiet reflection. There were some familiar sights, some that seemed familiar, and others that were utterly unknown yet sparked a sense of distant nostalgia for this mess of a planet.

In the next instance, the cockpit was destroyed, the pilot killed. Linus whipped their head to stare at the front, shocked still for a few milliseconds. Despite the impossibility of it, their vessel had been shot down and was now in the midsts of descending uncontrollably. This…should not have happened. The only way it could have was that someone in the know didn’t like what they were about to do. The specifics of how, why, and who could be pondered upon later, however; right then, alarms were blaring (or rather, sputtering weakly in and out of existence), smoke and the scent of destroyed machinery was spreading, and their vehicle was loudly protesting its violent nosedive.

Linus didn’t need the holographic warning to know they had to brace for impact. To prepare for it, they activated nearly all of their Nerakian keys (leaving the offensive stingers dormant), and positioned four of their defensive discs around their body, covering themselves and anyone in the immediate vicinity. The other four were sent to reinforce the most vital parts of the vehicle, so as to lessen the risk of being crushed or pierced or – as had already happened to one individual when Linus wasn’t paying attention – thrown out.

With the yellow energy barriers engaged and ether repository orbs fueling them, all Linus could now do was hold onto their seat with one hand, and grip their backpack and weapons tightly to their body with the other. The sharp drop was nauseating and disorienting, and despite all preparations, Lin blacked out for a short while upon impact. When they opened their eyes, they had to spend a few moments blinking out dancing black-whit spots. Their head was pounding, and the Nerakian keys were barely responsive enough to clumsily fly back to their armor and integrate with it. The ether they’d stored in the orbs had been nearly exhausted. At the least Lin did not seem to be injured beyond some mild blunt trauma, which they must have suffered whenever they smacked into their ether barriers.

Satisfied with their physical condition, Linus groaned, and extracted themselves from the seat. Before leaving the aircraft, they checked if anyone living was still inside, and if they were, Linus would help get them out if need be. They were wary of the dangers of the GES vessel exploding, and were eager to vacate the premises. The added incentive of approaching hostiles also helped to settle their decision. Under different circumstances, Lin would be glad to stand their ground and show the bastards what a pissed off Celaderaka could accomplish, but their team was scattered, confused, and otherwise not at all ready for such an action. Unfortunately, direct confrontation was out of the question.

So was approaching Kerovnia. Linus had no idea why the city seemed as if it suddenly hosted a dedicated enemy battalion, but someone must have really opposed their mission. The sudden and unexpected voice over the coms – which had relayed nothing but static up until then – confirmed that they, whoever ‘they’ were, knew about their mission and were eager to prevent it being accomplished. To top it off, energy mortar fire was approaching from overhead. “We need to get out of here,” Lin growled to no one in particular, then proceeded to hightail it through the woods, away from the hostiles and Kerovnia, heading approximately northwards.
Jandar Varan

“Merely some business talk if you don’t mind,” Jandar replied, brow politely raised. The woman was prickly, and had a burn wound on her neck; perhaps the two were correlated or perhaps this was just the natural wariness of the town-folk amplified because the threat felt was greater when confronted by someone. Such a peachy town, truly.

“I am curious about this town’s imports and exports. General information or even things relevant just to your shop are alright. I’m looking into some opportunities for trade, since I often work for my uncle who is also a merchant,” he explained. “Though if that topic is not to your taste,” he added, aware the young attendee might not wish to reveal much or perhaps didn’t even know, “then you could simply help me pick out a new attire. Some of my outfits are getting a bit dated, I believe.”
Seems neat.
Jandar Varan

“I will, of course, join, My Lady,” Jandar affirmed with a polite nod. He grimaced behind Sybl’s back, horrified at the foolish love-sick act, frankly. Thankfully, Fatima was ignoring it for now. They’d deal with the youthful Warlord Prince eventually. Despite his reservations, he let the spy escort Fatima, while he himself walked to her other side and a couple of steps behind, ever watchful.

Well, the only silver lining so far was Dareen’s dryly humorous reply to Sybl’s offer, her brand of sarcasm enough to draw a slight chuckle out of him. “Perhaps you should spice up your wardrobe with shades of marigold yellow or a dusky orange,” he replied just as dryly, directing a ‘what can you do’ sort of expression her way.

Their journey through the town was smooth, but Jandar detected the wary and outright frightful glances directed Sybl’s way. The shopkeeper of the dress-shop seemed caught off-guard as well, and the establishment was rather desolate and not entirely well kept. The Warlord deduced that most of her orders were from nobles or those of high status who could afford to hire her or her workers and invite them to their homes. Fatima was an outlier in that way, which would mean immediate rumours. But that was a given; it would have happened sooner or later. The question was how to use it to their advantage.

Unlike Dareen, he entered the shop, mainly to keep an eye on Sybl. His infatuation was a boon in the sense that he was likelier to be less observant, but it could lead to inappropriate behavior on his part. Besides, when he was able to, Jandar would approach the tailor or perhaps one of her other employees – if there were any present – and engage them in pleasantries.
Ah, well. I mostly wrote it on a whim, and I don't really feel like changing that much. So, good luck and happy RPing to the rest of you.
Jandar Varan

Jandar almost chuckled at the contrast between Fatima’s thoughts and her assumed act. “Ah, perhaps going quite so far to emulate Alice’s behavior might not be necessary. I might have,” there was a mental cough as his initial amusement turned to a slight awkwardness, “described you to her as…mercurial, brash, willful, and young. I had hoped doing so might offend her sensibilities enough to not want to do anything with you.

“Either I was wrong or she wants to sway me. She had that covetous glint in her eye I didn’t like…”
he confessed. Of course, it wasn’t something he was at all sure of, but he’d got a strange feeling from that Queen. A feeling that would prompt him to stay away, if he could. Unfortunately, it seemed that something was preventing them from going to Kaeleer, though Fatima was a bit to busy to tell him what.

As such, he directed a careful tendril of thought towards Mikhail, a very, very cautious and questioning one. If the other accepted the connection, Jandar would converse with him mentally; otherwise, he’d simply step closer and whisper. “Prince, you went with our Lady to enquire for the route, correct? I assume there is a condition, obstacle, or price we must fulfil or overcome before we are able to go?” the Warlord questioned.

Before the other could answer, Jandar was interrupted by Faeril, and so he rose a hand, imploring Mikhail to wait nonverbally. “I understand. I will be careful,” he replied to the Black Widow before the connection was broken.

He then turned back to the Prince, lowering his hand. “Excuse me, I just received a message,” he offered. Once again, either quietly or via a mind link, he said, “Did you know our new spy could be one of hers? Though I was warned he could be under certain influences,” he said, frowning at the thought as he eyed the unknown and possibly bewitched Warlord Prince.
Jandar Varan

“It was the kind of invitation where your acceptance was already assumed,” Jandar replied to Fatima. “So, unless you feel like making an enemy…” he trailed off with a shrug. Telepathically, he sent her the message of: “Unless we can escape to Kaeleer before noon tomorrow I’d say playing along would be prudent. But this Alice is a selfish covetous bitch, so we should be careful.”

Before he could continue, Mikhail approached him with another question. “Hm, she’s rather concerned with her own image,” he murmured. “Yes, I do realize, but I had to obtain certain information,” he matched the whisper. “And I have some other matters to report to our lady, so if you want to know more, you know what to do,” the Warlord stated.

He did approach Fatima, but rather than say anything out loud, he continued communicating via their minds. He didn’t doubt Mikhail could listen in if he so wanted.

“If you’ll recall, I visited the Queen to find Xandar…However, it appears they have already captured him, and may have already handed him over. Even if not, I don’t think we’ll be able to get him back at this point. As for the matter of lunch, well, either we accept or get rid of this hanger-on Warlord Prince and get the hell out of here. The final choice is, of course, yours.” Jandar explained to Fatima.
Jandar Varan

The walk back to the inn was leisurely only in the sense that their walking pace was slow and casual, and that the silence between Jandar and his new attachment did not feel particularly straining. However, the Warlord himself was deep in thought. He’d secured an invitation to Alice’s court with Fatima, but was it worth for his Lady to take upon? And could they afford for her not to go? The only way to avoid it would be to escape into Kaeleer before the next day, which may be difficult at best, impossible at the worst. It did also not escape his notice that Sybl did not have a good reputation within town; or rather, people most likely avoided him simply due to his association with the local court.

He entered the inn with a mild frown upon his face, but his face smoothed with relief as he noticed that Fatima was present with the rest of the group. “Ah, convenient that I’ve found you so gathered,” he commented despite the fact that not everyone was present. He eyed the posturing Gennar with a sigh. Jandar really wasn’t in the mood right then. Nonetheless, he uttered with a cool politeness, “I was about to explain that, Prince.” After saying as much, his gaze naturally fell upon his Lady. “As you know, I went to visit the local Queen for a bit of a chat. The short of it is that you were invited to lunch with her on the morrow,” he stated smoothly and with an odd monotony to his tone. However, his gaze was fierce and focused on Fatima. Some things, he’d rather discuss with private…or at least after they managed to deal with the little spy tailing him. “Sybl was sent as a guide, to show you around the town,” he added with obvious distaste – whether at the idea in general or the man in particular was unclear.
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