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@Crusader Lord Just as a note, you wouldn't have been able to grab all five rabbits yet, since by the time you posted, Lexie was still working on getting the horn off of one of them. I'll have her give the remaining one to Kir the next time I post though.
So as long as a goblin is tall? Dang.

She…existed. That was weird. Hadn’t she died not too long ago? The memories were rather hazy though, not nearly clear enough for her to regret anything she might have lost in her past life. If that is what it truly was, rather than a dream or delusion. She didn’t move around much until she could see, just a bit of crawling, sometimes bumping into someone or something else.

When Lexie was finally able to open her eyes, she saw a lot of green. And an enormous building, which upon closer inspection she could easily identify as a church. A human church, most likely. She – and her siblings, which there were a fair number of – were goblins. Whether she realized that based on her previous life’s information or if it was an instinctive knowledge, she wasn’t sure. However, in the end, it did not matter. More importantly, she could now walk, which she did, to explore the place a bit. Not the whole of the church, though, since being as small as they were made it take longer than she’d like, and tired her out besides.

By the time she was getting hungry, an older, wrinkled goblin approached them, and had them gather around him. Lexie did so, wondering if this was their father – and if so, where the mother was. Not long after, an older brother returned from a hunt, carrying a pair of rabbits. They weren’t exactly how she thought they should be; the shape was right, and though they weren’t a small thing to a goblin, the size wasn’t exactly wrong either. However, they both had a bony sharp horn protruding from the top of their heads. Lexie eyed it curiously, somehow drawn to the sharp thing nearly as much as she was to the smell of food.

As soon as both rabbits were laid onto the ground, Lexie walked closer bravely. The rest of her siblings weren’t so prompt. Perhaps they were afraid of older brother? Regardless, she grabbed a rabbit by the neck, and dragged it just a bit away from the older goblins, and closer to the pile of younger ones. “Food?” she asked them, waving at the rabbit pointedly. As an example, she plonked herself down right by the corpse’s head, and bit into its neck. She was able to suck some fresh blood out of it, and nibbled on the neck and shoulder until her hunger was sated. She wasn’t hogging the whole rabbit at all; at least another goblin should be able to eat simultaneously.

We really are tiny, after all, she concluded. She wasn’t as grumpy about that fact anymore; it was just how life was now. That she wasn’t the only one also helped, though she did note the older brother was larger, and her mind supplied hobgoblin in regards to him. I wanna grow like that too, she determined, still holding the rabbit head between both hands. Although her hunger was sated, she had not departed yet. She’d overheard two sisters talking about weapons and hunting. Lexie also felt that having their food brought was a luxury, so the self-sufficiency was most likely another goblin instinct.

Given that, Lexie thought how she could safely remove the horn. Pulling at the base of it unfortunately accomplished nothing. The best bet was to smash the skull, but she’d have to be really careful not to damage her target. Crouching over the head, and wrapping her hands protectively around the horn, she kicked and ground her little knee at the base of the horn, knocking the rabbit’s head into the ground each time she did so.
@Jangel13 Hey, how long is that rabbit's horn, and is it fine if I have my gob break it off the head?

Edit: I went ahead and had her try to do so. If anyone wants to stop her, now's the time. Though, if that's something that can't be done, I'll just have her *not* succeed when I write next.
Hoshio Kikuchi

Hoshio turned an unimpressed frown upon Maria. “I’ve seen and heard you talking to Mai here, you know,” he told her dryly. He wasn’t sure if she heard, or was paying attention, since she promptly left, dragging his other teammate with her as well. “Good luck,” he called after Mai cheekily, leaving her to the violent woman’s devices with not a small amount of relief. He shuddered to think what it would be like for that one to attach to him. Then again, he had his own worries, what with Maria’s apparent lack of concern with his orders. Sighing, Hoshio departed home to sleep off his stress.

The following day, after all the mundane tasks such as showering and eating breakfast, Hoshio called the DHA associates of the temple, their number having been found in DHA’s database. He determined that they only had a vague timeline of when the devils started disturbing the sealing stones, but did not know if they operated on specific days of the week or hours of the day. And while they had closed off the temple from public access via excuse of regular maintenance being performed, they could not prevent any civilians from accessing the grounds around the building itself. Great. Just great. So there could be some punks there fooling off, soon to be devil snacks.

“Haah,” he uttered a sound of defeat. How were they even supposed to stage an ambush when the devils were in a much better position to do so? Not to mention that as far as he knew, no one on his team was versed in sensing demonic presences. They were also going to need a minimal plausible deniability if any civilian did see them with all the unusual arsenal they had to lug around, them all being Bringers…So much hassle.

By the time Hoshio got his things in order and thought over possible plans, it was indeed around noon when he arrived at the DHA base. He typed a, “I’m here, get to the cantina, team. – Hoshio,” into the DHA chat group. He then got his lunch, waited for the arrivals, and explained the tactics once he got ahold of them.

“Right, so I’ll drive us all to the base of the park, then we’ll ascend together. Until we see what the situation at the shrine is, no splitting up. As far as anyone knows, the devils might already be there, and hiding. We also have to check for those rocks, and destroy them as a matter of priority. If there happen to be any civilians there, we’ll also have to be the ones to convince them to leave, somehow. In the worst case scenario, with civilians, devils, and the stones all there, it’ll be a shitshow, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, huh.”

The drive to the temple – or rather, the parking spot at the bottom of the hill underneath it – was uneventful. Hoshio did make occasional remarks to clarify some things, and answer questions if there were any.

“If we get lucky enough to set up an ambush, we will. But scouting comes first,” was an example of such an order.

“We’ll pretend to be cosplayers, if we must,” was another, said with a grimace that spoke of unpleasant experience of trying to herd civilians to safety.

“Oh, by the way, can either of you sense devil’s presences?” was a question from him to the two of them.

And so, with some meagre conversation on their part, it was in no time that they arrived at the destination. He parked, got out, stretched, and gathered his bow and quiver from the boot of the car, letting his fellow hunters do the same. “Any last minute questions before we head up?”
Jandar Varan

Jandar was very appreciative of the fact that the inn had been emptied; one of the brothers must have sensed something was going on. He sensed SaDiablo’s poor mood, but lingered nearby – not so close he’d get scolded, hopefully. He kept an eye on Fatima, who was still being carried by Sybl. He listened to the conversation between Faeril and SaDiablo with his arms crossed over his chest, gaze flicking from person to person.

“So it is true,” he concluded, not surprised by this point, just affirming the matter. “Personally, I do not mind. Your work assured that I have met my true queen, and without it, I doubt I would have got anywhere near as close to my goals as I am now,” he briefly glanced at the black jeweled Warlord Prince at his side. “Besides, as we are now presumably united in the desire to cross over to Kaeleer, this is necessary. I suggest you let Faeril and the Prince settle their issues themselves. He will not cooperate otherwise, and we will once again be doomed to flee due to Alice’s interference,” he explained.

Of course, he would have preferred had Faeril told them the truth initially, but he understood why she hadn’t done so. Jandar was also aware that the others may perceive this as a great breach of trust – the paranoid SaDiablo certainly did. In turn, the Eyrien brothers sensed his hostility and wished to shield Faeril from his wrath. Jandar sighed. He had said what he had to say, but he wasn’t sure it would be enough to convince the others.
Hoshio Kikuchi

As he meandered around the crowded meeting room, Hoshio soon saw the woman he was looking for. Ah, there’s the little fire-starter. As he approached, he noticed her happily talking to another hunter, who turned out to be another of his team members. Handy, that.

“Evening, you two. Mind telling me your names? I haven’t been sent any files or anything, and I don’t know either of you yet…” Well, the red-haired lady was familiar; if he wasn’t mistaken, she was May or Mai or something. Though maybe that was just a nickname? No way he'd know for sure.

“Hmm, I don’t mind showing you around when there’s time,” he answered Mai’s question as he turned a displeased frown on Maria. “But first things first, Miss Firewings. If you do something so stupid as setting a whole building on fire again, I’m going to make sure you get zero pay. So keep that in mind whenever you feel like playing around again, huh?” Hoshio was obviously irritated, but after a headshake and a sigh, his weariness overcame his anger. He stretched his neck to the side with a creak, and retook a seat near the two women, facing ahead when Mako started her own speech.

“Hey, hear that? She said Mai’s team,” he whispered to Mai while Mako was still relaying her instructions. “Maybe she actually wants you to be the leader, hn? Feel like taking over?” he whispered, entirely willing to pass over the leadership, though his tone was teasing.

Hoshio rolled his shoulders with a soft crack. Ah, a massage would do wonders right about now. Instead of a relaxing break, they were just given another mission. Attacking a shrine…Bold. Have the seals not been maintained properly? Hoshio frowned as he ruminated until the end of the meeting. At Mako’s given permission to leave, he startled and suddenly stood up.

“Hey, you, did you hear that? An ambush. That means no fire, got it?” he turned to Maria, looking her over carefully. Honestly, he was slightly dubious she even knew the meaning of being stealthy, but since she was a pro, he wasn’t gonna needle her too much about it. “I’ll swing around here by noon tomorrow, so make sure I can find you. I’ll drive us to the park, then we can walk. We can have lunch beforehand though. I sure as hell will,” he explained, concluding with a shrug.
Jandar Varan

“Let us depart then, Prince. If you would let one of us help yourself, and another to help our Queen…?” he enquired, approaching carefully. Since SaDiablo was so snarly he might be more comfortable having Dareen near Fatima, but then again, maybe he wouldn’t even appreciate a hand up. Nonetheless, Jandar offered to help him get up, and if necessary, to support him afterwards.

The walk to the Inn was somewhat awkward, especially as they had to conceal SaDiablo at the very least. It wouldn’t be good for Fatima to be seen as weak either, so they had to deal with that as well. It was quite the relief when they finally arrived at their private rooms in the inn, even if this did expose Faeril to SaDiablo.

“I am afraid the Prince insisted to come along,” Jandar offered as an explanation to Mikhail, Faeril, and the rest of them. “I would suggest you two sort your differences soonish, otherwise Alice might send someone for her servant…or to insist on that lunch we’d been invited to. If at all possible, I’d really rather avoid that, and the best way to do it is to get out of here.” The Warlord explained, urging the two Widows – and wasn’t that still a hard to believe concept? – to get what they had to do over with.
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