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Indeed. But also, scouting is always useful, especially in a new environment, which is part of why I took it (the other main part is that it's the kind of thing I wanna do).
Exploration should be right up Mint and co.'s alley.
Jandar Varan

No matter how much Jandar exchanged words with SaDiablo, he couldn’t convince the man to his thinking. Of course, the same went to SaDiablo; the Warlord disagreed with the Prince even if he (partially) understood him. The man had been King of Dhemlan for a thousand years. To be blackmailed with his people’s wellbeing and lives…it was perhaps the one and only thing that could make him impotent. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be willing to recognize that Dorothea operated on the scale of a whole Realm – or perhaps the notion was still so unnatural to SaDiablo that he couldn’t quite grasp her influence.

But no, that did not quite seem right. Jandar was sure he understood, but was likely willing submit to the woman purely for the sake of his former Province. It was exactly how a Ruler should act; concerning themselves only with their ruled nation, dismissing those ruled by others as less valuable. Yet, Dorothea had changed the rules – at the same time, she might be one of the rare ones with the ability to see the larger picture. Jandar begrudgingly respected that point, even if the fact that the wile woman used her ability for evil made him loath her all the more.

“As you will, Prince,” he conceded, with a sigh. “I still believe that the crumbling of a nation and culture is you spoke of is already a long ongoing process, but it seems we will have to agree to disagree as to which crime it is more despicable to let happen; the corruption of Terreile or the destruction of Dhemlan,” he concluded, though with a clear point as to which he considered the worse choice.

After SaDiablo departed for his rest, there was some light chatter about the others, but Jandar had something else on the mind. Seeing as the black jeweled man had no intention to be brought along, how could they cross into Kaeleer – and should they? He considered consulting on this matter with the others, but perhaps an outsider’s perspective was required, which was why he was pondering on involving the very priestess who’d made her ‘request’ to bring SaDiablo with them in the first place.

The Warlord shifted on his feet, and was about to open his mouth when Mikhail made his appearance and proclaimed an unthinkable thing. “W-what?” Jandar sputtered, coughing. He was caught entirely unaware, especially because he’d not even been thinking of Faeril or Bellinar or anything like that. Mikhail’s revelation was a shock. “You…you didn’t kill him, did you,” it was more so a statement rather than a question. “Was it because of who else was there?” he wondered. “Or…?” he trailed off, glancing at the remaining Eyrien brothers. This was something that should be left up to pair of them, while the rest could support them.

“Mikahil, can the rest of you do this without me? I’d like to try and secure a path to Kaeleer, even without SaDiablo’s agreement. I shall head to the priestess and negotiate. But do tell me the location, so I can rejoin you as soon as I can,” he said. “Oh, the boy and the dog should perhaps head with me, and our Lady might be safer with me than accompanying you on your raid,” he suggested.

However, on most of these points, Jandar was willing to reconsider; he did believe that they needed an escape route, however. With all the trouble they’ve been causing and the sort of attention they already had on them, what they most needed was an easy way for them all to disappear and not be found.
I would say that would probably include parchment or paper and ink + quill. The compass can be brought along just fine but its not an artefact. No one is bringing an artefact since its supposed to be a legendary work of craft shared by all the gobbos and not taken by anyone person. Unless you would really want to just have a legendary quality compass instead of a legendary quality weapon or crown or something.

Oh, yeah, that works for supplies. I didn't really know what the artefact was supposed to be tbh. So a good weapon should be fine...Actually is this something we vote on or you pick for us?
So, about those extra supplies, I was thinking some stuff for map making, maybe. And a compass for an artefact to go with that. Sounds good?

What are the initial supplies we get btw?
Haah, I really dislike naming things. But it's done.

Awesome! Got an character idea?

I still need to decide on what I prefer. Trading, perhaps, though probably not with a focus on that from the get go due to a lack of resources. Construction, so as to eventually make a maze city? Nothing concrete yet atm, will decide when I get to writing.

Edit: I do agree it depends on the scenario, to an extent
Interested, and I believe I'll also go with freed slaves.
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