Location: Kikka, in the Coliseum Interactions: / Mentions: / |
The first pair of tests done and over with, the testing grounds were leveled flat. Brooms were passed out, and assuming it would be simple flying test, Solveig thought this might be boring. Upon receiving her broom, she set it into flight mode with a mere curl of her finger, a near invisible tendril of magic released into the implement. She hopped onto the broom, standing on the handle, positioning herself with the right foot in front, the left to the back, the right side of her body facing forwards.
She perked up when she heard the rest of the rules, a sharp smile creeping onto her face. She withdrew her arming sword from its sheath while her broom floated a few feet above the ground. She was still behind the line, of course, but ready to take off. Several participants moved away from her, and a few gave her what they thought were stealthy side-eyes.
Given the rules, this was going to be a free-for-all battle royale where 350 participants would fight it out to catch and keep 100 flying objects – which Sol named Angel Spheres. Anything but killing was a go.
It would be pure incarnate chaos.
Again, Solveig made use of the same spell she had in the first trial. This time, however, she fed it her own magic until she formed a dozen or so flaming whips. They varied in length, but each was about as thick as a finger. She wrapped a bunch around her sword – which did at least have a basic heat resistance enchantment – to give it a burning edge. Another group formed a small floating circle in front of her broom. The last of the bunch curled into a larger floating circle by her left arm – a mock ‘shield’ which rather than blocking would be used to fend off any potential attacks with blazing force.
She was ready just as the signal was given.
On the command of ‘GO’, she blasted off into the air, eyes affixed on the chest of Angel Spheres which were released at the same time. She chose one ball to keep track of, and pursued it with a single-minded focus.
Despite most of her attention being on her target, part of her awareness was on the turbulent surroundings.
When a hail of arrows rained overhead, she slashed a path through with a blazing sword.
When a localized storm was formed, her ball getting caught up into it, she braced herself, and charged right in. Her flames flickered and hissed and their glow might have diminished a tad, but none died.
When the ball took a sharp turn, she drifted through the air with grace born due to her tight magical control. When it dived, she dived, when it flew straight up, she grabbed onto the broom handle with one hand and veered right up after it.
One opponent sent chains launching at her target, aiming to restrain it. The flames from the smaller circular field in front of her broom suddenly erupted outwards, tendrils of fire lurching forward to intercept the chains.
One person managed to catapult themselves at her. She caught sight of them from the corner of her eye. When they nearly hurtled into her side, she nudged her broom upwards, laid her palms on her cannonballing opponent, and vaulted over them, her broom still sticking to her feet. As she pushed off the reckless person’s back, she sent a gust of flame into them, destabilizing them enough so they’d not pose a problem in the next few seconds.
Which was enough time for Solveig to finally make her final push. She closed in on her angel sphere. She was parallel to it. She whipped her left hand out, snatching the ball from the air.
As soon as she captured her target, she cast her Dragon Scales spell, covering her left fist, wrist, and forearm in a layer of bright, mostly see-through scales. She still had her blazing whips active, ready to attack any offender who'd aim for
her sphere.
With her target secure, she could now easily oversee the whole battlefield, cruising above the havoc and weaving by sudden outbursts of magic.
Sol didn’t see anyone that’d pose a challenge to her – or rather, there weren’t all that many who’d
want to or had a reason for it.
She supposed until such a time that a stronger individual, or a coordinated group attack came her way, all she had to do was…
Wait. Fly, fend off direct attacks, avoid stray spells, but mostly wait.