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Hm, fair. Buut: a noble guy is an under-represented group since we have none XD Though this convo also made me wonder just what the noble-commoner ratio *within* the magic knights is.
Still making my character, but, would you guys like to see an upbeat type character, or something different.

im also looking into a making character here (the naive type)... mostly just lurking and reading the story so far.

As it happens, my plan is also a cheerful person from the boonies because I noticed how generally moody the current crowd looked lol

If any of you feel like filling up the 'there's fewer of that type' quota, there's also relatively few nobles among the PCs right now XD

Also, Solveig: "What do you mean moody? My backstory doesn't define me.
...Yeah, my family kinda is, though."
<Snipped quote by Remram>

I love meathead activities

It was fun :D Blood for the combat junkies and muscles for whoever wants to ogle? I see what you're doing XD
I'd just like to clarify somehting, since Camilla's performance has been brought up twice now.

Camilla's performance was anything but impressive. In fact, it would be more accurate to say it was staggeringly mediocre. At least as far as the floating tile target-portion is concerned. Camilla didn't destroy particularly many of her targets, nor was her control and use of the magic bullet anything to write home about, it was actually not that good at all, seeing as she hadn't done or used that sort of spell and maigc in (most likely) several years.

Where the pillar test is concerne,d I suppose you could call it "impressive". But really, there're likely plenty other applicants and candidates who could do the same level of damage as she did, if not more. Do recall that CAmilla's got an issue with people whore' "try-hards" or "ambitious", and as such she wouldn't exactly put any significant effort into her own actions - even for something as (supposedly) important as the Magic Knight Exam.

Now, if anyones characters are remarking on her being impressive for pacing herself or not using needless amounts of mana to cast her spells, that's fine. If someone picks up that she doesn't seem to be going all out or even trying to put on a good show, that's also fine. But her actual practical performance has been anything but noteworthy.

... But perhaps people are just noticing her because of... Certain anatomical reasons... xD

It's also the whole PC-focused narrative. We haven't yet seen NPCs perform, and since the players are usually more interested in other players and their characters...Well, that, and you can always write it off as 'this person considered it impressive bc xyz'

Location: Kikka, in the Coliseum
Interactions: /
Mentions: /

Solveig was, due to her detour, unfortunately at the tail end of the crowd. However, they all had to crane their heads up, front row or back row, because the captains were all up above on the balconies. The nine magic knight captains, in the flesh! Sol cheered, caught up in the fervor of the crowd, her own excitement expressed in each shout, clap, whistle, and foot stomp.

Each of the captains had their own charm, and they all oozed power. While she respected them all, her heart was set on two squads. The Golden Dawn, because it had been they who had come to the rescue when her home city’s defenses had faltered. The Crimson Lions because it was somewhat of a family tradition, and she knew her father greatly respected the captain (though he also saw him as a rival), while she in turn admired her father.

That last captain was the truest surprise, however. An elf! Solveig’s intrigue was piqued, and the Black Bulls suddenly became one of the tops squads to look out for.

This was all for later, however! First, she had to do her very best. Only at the end of the exam would she see whose interest she had aroused.

The captains’ introductions over with, the exam began. Officials came in to cast protective spells, set up their first test, and explain the rules.

During the first round of participants called forth, Solveig intensely watched the competition, observing how they approached the tasks, what spells they used, and how well they did.

However, there were altogether so many people, she could only really memorize those who stood out.

Besides, just standing there and watching wasn’t only making her antsy, it was inefficient too. It occurred to the young noble that no one had said that they couldn’t prepare themselves before being called upon.

“Flammea Fluenta,” she intoned. The spell started off as just a few strands of flame flickering into existence, attached to her at one end, freely floating at the other. It made it seem as if searing red ribbons had been tied to her, gently swaying in the breeze.

With this great mass of people casting spells, freely expending their mana, the atmosphere was soon over-charged with magical excess. It stoked her flames much like a rainfall of oil would to a wildfire.

As time progressed, the flames grew and multiplied. Soon, it was as if blazing crimson feathers had sprouted from her, cascading down her back, and enveloping her in a searing shroud. Some of the more easily spooked participants had edged away from her. While the molten mantle might give the illusion that she and all those in her vicinity were at risk of being consumed by an igneous eruption, that was the farthest thing from the truth. She had the magic completely under control.

Granted, she sported a manic grin, and might have cackled once or twice. She was riding the most powerful high of highs ever, adrenaline coursing through her veins, mana flowing all around her.

There was

so much


Was this how those immensely blessed by mana felt all the time?

No wonder some of them went bonkers.

Despite there being several testing stations, it still took long minutes before Solveig was called upon. By the time she was, she was a walking inferno, and even one of the officials gave her a strange look.

She paid it no mind, however, and approached the testing station. During the countdown to the starting time, she took a deep breath, and focused.

On the mark of, “Start!” she immediately unleashed the fire gathered around her in one great torrent. It twisted, it turned, it roared as it veritably ate through the tiles. The first few floating targets were destroyed completely.

But then, as more and more tiles appeared, or when they floated into positions out of reach of the first stream of fire, Solveig split it off. First one, then two, then three long, violent, serpentine streaks of flame were dancing around the testing station. She directed each stream in a complex winding pattern, covering as much of the area as possible while also actively redirecting them when necessary to hit the tiles. While she did aim for the bulls-eyes, she prioritized swift destruction of as many tiles as possible, so her accuracy was lesser. As soon as one tile was summoned, she’d nudge the closest current, the flames whipping into the tile to crash it to the ground.

One could easily imagine her flame as a multi-headed dragon; a flaming hydra lashing out and biting at its foes.

Well, the spell wasn’t quite at that level, but nevertheless, Solveig destroyed all the tiles created for her during the 1 minute. She had no idea how many tiles she had scored because she’d lost count. The crowd was raucous in its cheering, though, so she figured she must have done pretty damn well!

She merely smiled in the audience’s general direction, still busy keeping the remaining flames under her control.

For the floating platforms, she’d used up about half of the reserve of fire she’d built up during the waiting time. Now, she recalled the currents to her, and they followed her movements to the reinforced column.

Solveig rejoined her multitude of currents into one. Then, without much ado, she sent it charging at the column. The large infernal snake assaulted the base of the column, then immediately wrapped around it. She kept it spinning around and around the lower portion before she directed it to start climbing up and up and up. When it reached the top, the stream of fire was at the end of its life; about as thick as an arm and shorter than its target. Even so, Solveig gathered it, and attacked the ‘head’ of the column with a final gust of flames, giving the target one last push.

A moment passed. A second stretched into infinity. The section of the audience who had been drawn to watching her held their breaths.

Then slowly, creakingly, the column tilted, the thicker upper three-quarters broke off…and toppled to the ground with a resounding thud!

A loud applause followed, and Solveig broke into a grin. She walked up to the felled column, stood onto it with her left leg, and withdrew her sword with her right hand, raising it high into the air. Another round of cheering followed.

Chuckling, Solveig sheathed her blade, and walked off the testing area with one last look at the column. Honestly, it was still mostly intact. The bottom quarter had been thinned significantly, which is why the pillar hadn’t been able to support the remainder of its own weight. Then, there was one narrower winding groove from when her flame had twisted around the column going upwards. At the top, there was about a head-sized chunk missing.

It wouldn’t have killed a demon, but it was what she could do right now.

“Whew,” Solveig exhaled, and began stretching. Several officials were going around, offering glasses of water to those who were done. She gladly accepted one with a heartfelt, “Thank you!”

Perhaps to some, it would look as if she’d ‘wasted’ most of her power on the very first test. In truth, she hadn’t expended all that much mana; most of the magic for that spell had been gathered from her surroundings. Controlling all of that had taken an effort, however, so the short reprieve before the next task was just what she needed.

She relaxed, hanging back, and observed those remaining participants who were called after her. Solveig was smiling softly to herself, feeling accomplished after the first challenge, yet eager for more.

What would be in store for them next?
Impossiblé!? Not a single new post anywhere while I was at work? Are you guys slacking off? Murricans? Are you slacking? We talked about this, 'member? *giving you lot the evil eye*

Patience, patience. The writing process can take time
<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>

Sorry, I meant that each "player" has their own "station," on the two sides, not that literally one person is taking up each entire testing ground at the time! The Officials are constantly replacing the tiles and columns as they're destroyed, so neither section will run out.

Think of it as like, there's an official standing there, the Player walks up, a set of the tiles floats over, and they're replaced as the player destroys them. Some distance away, there's another official, watching over another person, doing the same thing. On the other side, one official might be watching multiple columns, but if somebody's gonna use a big boom spell the officials will clear others out of the way, etc.

Ah, gotcha, gotcha, I misread that, thanks for clarifying! Either way works for me :P
<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>

People are called up one at a time per station, but Players should just post with the assumption that everyone's called in order, they're the only one on the given range at the time, and so forth. We don't need to wait for Official responses in-between posts, and other players can't really interfere in another's test...yet. *ye olde winky face*

So someone like Sol would wait for about 4 hours, oh boy XDXD
Okay so, REALLY LONG POST has been updated! Apologies, I included a TL;DR at the bottom! If anyone's unclear on anything or has other questions, please let me know!

Feel free to do the trials in your own way, within reason of course (nobody should be able to like, completely atomize one of the stone columns or crack the audience barrier, for instance). This is a chance for the characters to really show out if they want to, with the big booms and the pew pews, before they try to test us on things that require actual brainpower/creativity! XD

Does one person go at a time, or are several people lined up? I know there are multiple columns, but would rather check. If there are multiple people and the floating platforms are close enough I suppose 'kill stealing' could happen?
In case it wasn't obvious, those're all "joke" theme songs. :P
I've got a lot of free time on my hands after I get home from work, so I got time to spend on silly stuff like that. xD

Nice collab by the way. :)

Oh, I know, but even that takes effort. Didn't watch/listen to them all, but Solveig's amused me for sure. And thanks!
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