Hm, fair. Buut: a noble guy is an under-represented group since we have none XD Though this convo also made me wonder just what the noble-commoner ratio *within* the magic knights is.
Still making my character, but, would you guys like to see an upbeat type character, or something different.
im also looking into a making character here (the naive type)... mostly just lurking and reading the story so far.
As it happens, my plan is also a cheerful person from the boonies because I noticed how generally moody the current crowd looked lol
<Snipped quote by Remram>
I love meathead activities
I'd just like to clarify somehting, since Camilla's performance has been brought up twice now.
Camilla's performance was anything but impressive. In fact, it would be more accurate to say it was staggeringly mediocre. At least as far as the floating tile target-portion is concerned. Camilla didn't destroy particularly many of her targets, nor was her control and use of the magic bullet anything to write home about, it was actually not that good at all, seeing as she hadn't done or used that sort of spell and maigc in (most likely) several years.
Where the pillar test is concerne,d I suppose you could call it "impressive". But really, there're likely plenty other applicants and candidates who could do the same level of damage as she did, if not more. Do recall that CAmilla's got an issue with people whore' "try-hards" or "ambitious", and as such she wouldn't exactly put any significant effort into her own actions - even for something as (supposedly) important as the Magic Knight Exam.
Now, if anyones characters are remarking on her being impressive for pacing herself or not using needless amounts of mana to cast her spells, that's fine. If someone picks up that she doesn't seem to be going all out or even trying to put on a good show, that's also fine. But her actual practical performance has been anything but noteworthy.
... But perhaps people are just noticing her because of... Certain anatomical reasons... xD
![]() | ![]() Location: Kikka, in the Coliseum Interactions: / Mentions: / |
Impossiblé!? Not a single new post anywhere while I was at work? Are you guys slacking off? Murricans? Are you slacking? We talked about this, 'member? *giving you lot the evil eye*
<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>
Sorry, I meant that each "player" has their own "station," on the two sides, not that literally one person is taking up each entire testing ground at the time! The Officials are constantly replacing the tiles and columns as they're destroyed, so neither section will run out.
Think of it as like, there's an official standing there, the Player walks up, a set of the tiles floats over, and they're replaced as the player destroys them. Some distance away, there's another official, watching over another person, doing the same thing. On the other side, one official might be watching multiple columns, but if somebody's gonna use a big boom spell the officials will clear others out of the way, etc.
<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>
People are called up one at a time per station, but Players should just post with the assumption that everyone's called in order, they're the only one on the given range at the time, and so forth. We don't need to wait for Official responses in-between posts, and other players can't really interfere in another's test...yet. *ye olde winky face*
Okay so, REALLY LONG POST has been updated! Apologies, I included a TL;DR at the bottom! If anyone's unclear on anything or has other questions, please let me know!
Feel free to do the trials in your own way, within reason of course (nobody should be able to like, completely atomize one of the stone columns or crack the audience barrier, for instance). This is a chance for the characters to really show out if they want to, with the big booms and the pew pews, before they try to test us on things that require actual brainpower/creativity! XD
In case it wasn't obvious, those're all "joke" theme songs. :P
I've got a lot of free time on my hands after I get home from work, so I got time to spend on silly stuff like that. xD
Nice collab by the way. :)