Avatar of SilverPaw


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Guess it's time to kill some... time... by searching completely subjective and highly un-asked for theme music for everyones character. Wooh.

Impressive, I can barely be bothered with a theme song when they're a requirement for the CS.

This is a writing exercise I used to do and decided to bring it back. Figured I would go ahead and post it since I have nothing to do at the moment. These are opinions Hikari has of the cast using OOC information. This is meta-gaming and should be taken with a grain of salt as it has no reflection on how Hikari will interact IC. It’s something to come back to later down the road once relationships have formed, to see the differences between the two.

Heh, fun to see this arrogant bastard's (read fondly) thoughts. Good luck to him on convincing the cast to follow him, I guess :p

Hey, @Zeroth out of curiousity, and because it might(?) be relevant for the exam, any policy on new spell creation? From the manga so far it often seems to be...desperation or need based on the short term, a result of studying/training/inspiration on the long term.

Location: Kikka, by the Coliseum
Interactions: /
Mentions: COLLAB WITH @Zeroth

The coliseum was crowded. Packed, even. Yet, the sight of a clearly suspicous individual walking in the opposite direction of the rest of the crowd drew Solveig's attention. Now, she didn't think acting weirdly was necessarily an indicator of a misdeed but she had time to investigate.

So, Solveig pursued. Sure enough, the guy did something that he might want to keep hidden. She saw him chug down one of those 'miracle potions' - at least she assumed it was one of those. If the officials of Kikka and the overseers of the exam truly felt these potions were a problem, she figured they'd crack down on the sellers.

That said, she'd already followed the guy, and she was curious what mentality led one to consume such a dubious item.

"Hey, there, you're going the wrong way! Are you lost?" she called out first to lower his guard. However, it seemed she'd had the exact opposite effect as what she intended...

"Gyah!" the guy whirled, almost jumping out of the black, fur-hooded jacket he wore. A belt made of chains jingled on his slender waist above pants that looked like they'd seen quite a lot of wear and tear--the hems came a good inch over his ankles and looked like they'd been chewed by dogs. "What--who the hell're--!?"

She then pretended as if she'd only noticed the empty flask he was holding. "Hey...is that one of those supposedly mana-increasing potions?" she questioned, keeping her tone nonjudgemental. "I heard they give you the runs." That was a lie, but she was certain negative affects would be part and parcel of such a concoction. "How do you feel?" she frowned at the youth in concern. It might be a deserved consequence for a gullible fool, but...His actions should be met with a punishment but aside from revealing him to a guard or official if need be, she didn't want anything too bad to happen to him.

The young man grumbled something that sounded like a few choice curse words under his breath.

"None of your business, Miss Priss! Some of us weren't born with silver spoons up our asses!" He threw the now-empty bottle up with a long, looping arm, casting it out of sight over the edge of a roof above the alley. Still glaring at Solveig, his creepy smile now replaced with a long, sullen frown, he shoved his hands in his pockets. "What, you gonna report me or somethin'? You can't prove nothin', so lemme alone!" Though his shoulders were hunched, a slight uptick in magical aura moved in slow circles around his feet--it had a green, translucent color, and moved like a thick liquid.

Despite this posture, however, as he shifted his weight his feet were pointing away from Solveig. He took one very small, calculated step backwards, though he was still craning his neck like an animal that wanted to make himself look bigger.

"It's true I can't prove anything," she said even as she stared at the obvious affect of the potion. Even if it dissipated or whatever, wouldn't the examiners notice something odd? "Besides, I don't even know if it's the kind of thing that'd get you disqualified." Still, that didn't mean she approved. "I won't stop you from leaving," she told him, noticing his movements. Solveig did make sure to take note of the number on his badge just in case.

"I ain't runnin' from you!" the man snapped, a look of shame flickering across his face before being replaced by anger. His deep set eyes glared at her from behind the shadows of his hair. "But, you--you're wastin' my time! I gotta get to the exam! So just--you go your way and I go mine, yeah!? Get outta my face!"

"I can do that, but if you don't mind answering...If you don't think you can win without a potion like that, what makes you think you can win with it? And what would you do if by some chance you did pass? Keep doping for the rest of your career? What kind of a life would it be?" She wasn't chastising as much as she was expressing her regret. It was unfortunate that he thought he needed a 'miracle' potion.

"Who says I couldn't win either way?!" He snarled again, this time clenching his fists. "All I want is a little extra security--you wanna lecture me on hard work or somethin', too!? Like I didn't try hard enough?" He pointed an accusing finger at her. "You got no idea! Casting a single spell doesn't leave people like you outta breath! How many years did you have to train before your grimoire unlocked your second spell? It took me three! I'm 18, already a man--but all that means is that it takes me a little longer!"

He looked down at the ground, running one hand through his frizzy locks and giving them an even more untamed appearance. His expression faltered for a moment. His voice was shaky.

"Once I'm an actual Magic Knight, I'll be able to live and work somewhere better--somewhere with resources, the kind people like you take for granted! Then my training will pay off more, I'll get stronger faster! I'll catch up--and then surpass ALL of you! All I need, right now, is a little nudge over this hump!"

With one last, hateful look at Solveig, he turned and headed out of the other end of the alley. But she could see, as he rounded the corner, that he broke into a run towards the coliseum down the other road.

Solveig watched the stranger leave, then departed for the coliseum herself. She was kind of curious to see how this guy would do now. But because she did want to find out if the adverse affects of an artificial mana enhancer were too severe to ignore, she approached the neareast free official. "Say, I thought I saw someone using one of those shady mana increasing potions. Any chance those could have a life-threatening, maiming, or other permanent negative effect?"

The official looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then craned his head down the street. The vendor yelling about his "miracle potions" was still at it, though even fewer than before were paying him any attention.

"What, that guy? He's done this before--last year it was some watered down hooch with a little food dye or something, they tell me. The worst it'll do is make someone puke, I guess...but, what're ya gonna do?" He sighed and went back to his clipboard and paperwork. It looked like the line in front of his tent had all received their badges and moved on, so it must be close to starting time. "Fools and their money are easily parted..."

The man's words placated her. "If you're sure. Maybe give the guards and the infirmary a headsup in case something weird happens." Really, though, this little detour had taken more time than she'd thought. Seeing how almost all the contestants had proceeded onwards, an eager glint entered Solveig's eyes.

"Thank you! I have to go now!" she exclaimed, and took off at a run. She didn't need to hurry to be in time; the excitement mounting within her was simply uncontainable, and didn't lend itself to moving at a steady, sedate pace. Her focus was now entirely on the challenges she'd soon meet with, any and all thoughts of potions, cheating, and even her most recent acquaintance were all summarily shoved into the back of her mind.
Solveg: *thinks to herself that people are making friends and enemies*

Also Solveg: *watches a noble try to scare a commoner with her magic* This is fine.

That particular event for her falls under 'posturing' XD Someone showed off magic, didn't actually attack, left promptly :p
Is it really a good idea to train with fire while iinside a carriage!? That... That doesn't seem like something OSHA'd be okay with. o_o;

I did like how Sol thinks this is a tournament you can win, rather than an eaxm though. Made me churtle. :P

I mean...The things I've seen the kids do with their magic in the manga..And I'm not even that far into it XD Also, she doesn't think it winnable exactly but close enough, yeah XP
Trying to decide on the place name was such a pain in the butt. Using name generators led me to just picking something that exist in real life. If anyone's got better sounding suggestions (that I prefer), I'm open XD

Location: Kikka, by the Coliseum
Interactions: /
Mentions: /

The steady drum of the carriage as it rolled along the gravely road, its gentle rattling, and the echoing hoofbeats of the horses could have easily lulled some to sleep. Yet all the occupants of this particular vehicle were awake and alert, the youngest two playfully active.

“Hey, Sol, I’m good to go again!” Rhys chirped. Her cousin was 14 years old, on the tall and slender side. His shiny champagne hair fell in straight locks past his ears, framing his delicate face. His fringe fell into his bright blue eyes at times, though he didn’t seem to mind. He wore a tailored suit, and his demeanour was usually sedate and studious.

He was cheerful around her, though, since they’d bonded fiercely after that fateful day when a demon had been unleashed upon their home.

“Oh, yeah?” Solveig smirked. She’d been practicing with one of the two guards – a pair of mages working for the von Brandts – who sat beside them. Neither her father nor Rhys’s parents could make it today, unfortunately. Neither of them minded, either, because they knew how busy they were.

“Let’s switch it up then.”

Franklin, a man using metal magic had been firing different sized projectiles at her at varying speeds, made of materials with differing melting points. Solveig had been holding a compact ball of flame between her hands, aiming to intercept and annihilate the attacks before they got to her. She’d been encouraging her flames to actively eat at the opponent’s magic, though this wasn’t working out as well as she’d like. One of her spells did feed passively on magic, but she knew the efficiency of it could still be improved by leaps and bounds.

Chelsea, a mist mage sitting next to her watched the proceedings with a dissatisfied frown. She’d intervened when necessary, but to Solveig’s pride, she hadn’t needed to do so more than twice throughout the entire journey.

Inhaling, she closed her eyes, transforming the fire ball into a long fiery snake which curled around her neck. It wouldn’t burn her, of course. She held out her hands in front of her in a basic open-palmed defensive posture. “Go!”

Rhys didn’t immediately fire. He waited. He ignited his flames. The hiss of his magic made her tense up briefly. He waited some more. Then, in a swift flaming strike, he sent the magic toward her. Solveig formed scales around a part of her palm, fending off the attack successfully. Practicing reflexes, defense, and using two spells at once, even if one of them was passive, took a lot of concentration.

Even so, this went on for a while.

Around the time Sol was starting to sweat buckets, grimacing so hard one could uncharitably compare her to someone in the middle of a particularly hazardous nature’s call, Chelsea interrupted. Politely, of course, but with a no-nonsense attitude as was her wont. “My lady. You must stop now, and rest. Else, you will be low on mana reserves by the time of the tournament.”

“She’s got you there, cous,” Rhys chuckled.

Groaning, Solveig opened her eyes, and leaned back into the carriage seat with a loud exhale. “Fine,” she whined only slightly. She knew this was the most sensible course of action, she’d just got caught up in the practice too much. With a sigh, she allowed her magic to dissipate.

If only she knew of a way to absorb it back into her body–!

“Khm,” the mist mage coughed politely.

“Oh, come on, I wasn’t doing anything,” she complained jokingly. “Are you sure you aren’t a mind mage?”

“Very sure,” Chelsea retorted dryly. “I merely know you well enough,” there was a tiny smile there, a crack to her otherwise humorless self.

Solveig conceded with a nod and a smile, then turned to Rhys. “C’mon then, tell me the latest on Kikka,” she urged.

She’d been to the city before, and knew the generalities, but her cousin was the one who was practically obsessed with this stuff. So, she leaned against the backrest, relaxed, and let Rhys’s voice wash over her as he enthused over facts, rumours, mercantile deals, and other information.

And thus, their journey to Kikka passed.

The line of carriages in front of them at the mouth of the city brought the final stretch of the journey to a slow trundle. Solveig was itching to go out, and walk the rest of the way, but stayed put for the sake of sticking together until they made it to their lodgings, at the very least.

Minutes later, they were finally parked in front of an in.

“Whew,” Solveig stood up, picked up her sheathed sword, and jumped out of the vehicle. She belted the blade at her hip. It was a practice blade, crafted from steel, its edges blunt; it would still hurt to be hit with it, but it wouldn’t kill anyone unless she aimed to crush their neck. Which she wouldn’t, obviously.

With her outfit, Sol could pass for a guard or mercenary herself, but the von Brandt family crest engraved into her breastplate loudly proclaimed her status to all who cared to notice. She stretched thoroughly once outside; the metal parts of her armour were few and light enough to allow for easy maneuverability.

“Joann, William, Samuel,” she called to the three other guards who’d accompanied them; two on horseback, one on a broom. “I have a favour…” she grinned, a devious sparkle in her eyes.

A short back and forth later, she’d convinced the three to go intel gathering in the city rather than guard her and Rhys.

If there were any ill-intentioned folk out there who wanted to make an impact…An event like today’s could be used by them either as a distraction or to cause mayhem.

She knew her family’s three guards were barely a droplet in a sea of people, numerous of them Kikka’s guards. Yet, they might uncover something. One never knew.

The four of them stopped by a stall for snacks. Solveig had some heavenly satay, while Rhys took grilled veggies. They shared with each other, and the guards had their own meal as well.

When it came time for them to separate, Solveig cheekily claimed, “Watch me win out there.”

There wasn’t any winning per se. Some viewed being selected as a win. However, it was only the start when you were. For her, she’d simply do all she could to come out on top of whatever challenge was set in front of her.

As she waited in one of the lines, Sol marveled at all the people. Some were fighting, some were flirting, some were posturing, some were making new friends, and others, new enmities.

As for herself, it was enough for her to watch, at least for now. In time, it was her turn to receive a badge. “Name, age, birth town?” the bored official droned out without even looking up.

Nonetheless, Solveig smiled at him. “Solveig von Brandt, 16, Zagros.” He gave her a slightly startled look. Her smile didn’t falter, and he handed her a badge. “Number 230,” he informed her. She pinned it to her belt, and proceeded onwards.
<Snipped quote by Zeroth>

Let's say he was arrested and then she lost touch with him. I don't know how the Clover Kingdom would deal with a crime like that.
Also, fixed missing height and weight on the sheet.

Oh, hey, and a fellow demon victim!

《 Level 1 Tamer 》
Location: Ruined Inn

These zombies were clearly not the mindless corpses you’d see in movies. Bianca easily crushed the one she’d been aiming for. But the remaining ones spread out, intent on surrounding them to deal with them.

Sora avoided the first lunge, his new agile body allowing him to dance out of the way of the attacks. Sephily shouted out nervously, warning them about the obvious. “Trip them up with the staff,” he suggested. Then, the attack from the undead commenced.

“Bianca, charge!” he was sure he didn’t need to tell her. He trusted she’d break the encirclement for them. Following her lead, Sora focused on the zombie closest to her.

His shout had alerted the enemies to him, but he used it to his advantage. Twisting and weaving out of the position he’d been in, he aimed to get behind his target’s back. As soon as an opportunity presented itself, he swiftly stabbed into its neck! Bringing his other arm around the thing’s shoulders, he worked to sever the head from the neck.

He was ready to lunge back and away at any moment, wary of being injured by the rusted, grimy metal. Last thing he needed was getting an infection, or the fantasy-equivalent of tetanus.

Would his modern-day vaccines protect him from such a hazard?

No time for speculating! It was zombie-killing time. Or at least, surviving time.

@VitaVitaAR @RolePlayerRoxas @Aku the Samurai @PKMNB0Y
Behold knaves, I doth hath taken first place! Revel in my glory, you filthy peons, Myup-myup-myup-myup~!

And just after saying how you've had troubles with the CS? Nice turnaround, hehe
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