Solveig von Brandt | |
![]() | 16 | 170 cm & 60 kg | she/her | "Improve, day by day, month by month, year by year. The only one you need to overcome…is yourself." PERSONALITY: | Driven | Inspiring | Conventional | One-track | Competitive | Spirited | | Solveig enjoys training, both physical and magical. Though she claims all she wishes is to become the best version of herself, she is a feisty opponent who enjoys contests and is given to rivalries. Even deeper runs her desire to protect, however, a past tragedy of loss haunting her. Despite that – maybe because of it – she is kind, supportive, and optimistic. In casual situations, she is usually sporting a warm, kindly smile. Yet, her ferocious manner of fighting belies any notions of her being easy going. | MAGIC: | Ignis Draconis Magia [Fire Dragon's Magic]: Calling upon powers of the legendary fantastical creature, the user can conjure and manipulate flames, self-enhance their abilities, and use transformation magic (i.e. shapeshifting). A derivative of fire magic which offers more versatility, but is difficult to master. | SPELLS:
GOALS & FEARS: | Solveig’s goal is to become one of the greatest Magic Knights, because she wishes to protect her home and her loved ones. She wishes to inherit the lands her father rules over, and to prove to him that she is capable of not only surviving but thriving. She strives to eliminate Devils and Devil Cults. She will not abide any who wish her family ill. | | Sol has already lost her mother. More so than not being able to prove herself to her father, she fears losing him. Solveig is also afraid that if she becomes too badly injured – or worse, dies – she will be leaving him behind, all alone. She knows it would break him. She still has traumatic memories of the demon which had attacked her home. | ............................................................................. | Solveig was born on the very southern tip of the noble realm, with the von Brandt family overseeing a small territory which extends into the common realm. While theirs is perhaps not as historied a legacy as the more central nobles, nor as rich, the von Brandts have established themselves as a respectable militaristic family, and have held some renown since about two centuries ago. A relatively recent lord – Solveig’s grand-grandfather – had met with success in mercantile business, as he’d established a reliable transportation and mercenary network. However, with the ups came the lows. Outbreaks of rebellion, strife, banditry, and the rise of Devil worshipping made for a busy time. Whether hired by commoners or nobles, or ordered on missions by the crown, the von Brandts answered the call to duty. On the one hand, this gave the family a chance to earn more fame. On the other, it exposed them to retaliatory attacks, assassinations, and made their family members prone to a shorter life span. When Solveig was born, her family was doing well, but with their numbers in a slight decline. Her paternal grandparents had taken over the business side of the family, having retired from the military. Her maternal grandparents were both commoners; her grandmother a retired adventurer who’d explored many a dungeon, and her grandfather a master jeweler. Her father Cináed had earned glory as one of the best duelists in his youth, and operates as a Magic Knight to this day. Sol has always admired him, though she didn’t see him much, as he was often away for work. In contrast, her mother Belinda, had taken an extended break from her Magic Knight duties to look after her. Many of the stauncher nobles had criticized her father for having married a commoner. These same people denounced Bel’s decision to focus on rearing her daughter. Her parents never paid mind to the stigma, however, and Sol wasn’t affected by these tensions in her younger years. If only those carefree, loving, blissful years had lasted. When Solveig was but 5 years of age, disaster struck. A Demon Cult targeted her family and her town at a time when both her father and uncle, the most powerful of the living von Brandts, were too far away to do anything about it. Houses were destroyed, stores ravaged, the streets strewn with corpses. Even so, the family’s reputation was not for nothing. Those present in the town put on a valiant fight, and prevailed. All things considered, it could have been much worse than it had been. And yet… And yet, Sol’s mother had died protecting her. That day, Solveig’s world as she knew it came crashing down. To this day, she still has nightmares. Of the screams. The scent of iron. The warm crimson lifeblood spilled, the reign of chaos and destruction. It was a horrific, terrifying event, and it made a mark on Sol’s very soul. Yet, as deathly frightened as she’d been, she determined that she’d never let anything like that happen again. And so, Solveig trained. She convinced her father, begged her uncle, roped in her cousin, hounded soldiers and guards, and finally received official tutoring. After her mother’s death, Cináed became emotionally distant and harsh, his words often cutting, his spartan training unyielding. Even as their spars left her beyond exhausted, at times even injured, Sol appreciated the lessons with her father the most, and has eagerly emulated his combat style. The type of grimoire she received was slightly odd, as it pertained to a fantastical creature, yet it was fire-based magic, a trademark of the father’s side of her family. Applying for the Magic Knight Entrance Exams now that she can is the most obvious, natural thing in the world for Solveig to do. |