Yeah, having everyone in the same city or at least same state would streamline the game but tbh at least the map isn't as big as it was in the OG game where you could put your characters anywhere in the world.
Also, they have a rigorous application process, which includes but is not limited to:
- Cleaning the guns and sharpening the swords - Learning how to make arrows for Leo - Not touching any of Ted's stuff - Listening to Dave play the trumpet for two hours - Having dinner at the pizza parlor a block away from the office - Listening to a drunken Dave ramble on about that one job with the demon whale - Wanting to forget about the job with the demon whale
Magic users be gay, here's a monster hunter that may or may not owe most of his personality to Dante.
"We got a job, eh? Well, those pizzas and trumpet lessons ain't gonna pay for themselves." -----Basic Information----- Alias: N/A Name: David O'Rinn Origin City: Seward, Nebraska ("Not like it matters much anymore, place was swallowed up by the Scar a while ago.") Hometown: Hub City, Illinois ("Home, sweet home. High population density, soaring crime rate, and technically under martial law. I love it.") Sex: Male Age: 26 Birth Date: September 24th, 1994
Race: Human (Caucasian) Height: 5'11 Weight: 171 pounds Costumed Appearance: N/A Civilian Appearance: David stands at an average height of 5'11, with an athletic build that compromises between strength and agility. His fair skinned face is rough and houses a beard, a sign of his fearsome occupation, and he has short brown hair and similarly brown eyes. He has an assortment of scars throughout his body, the most notable being one across his forehead he got during his first year as a hunter. In terms of clothing, more often than not David finds himself wearing a brown leather jacket over a plain grey t-shirt, brown cargo pants, and black steel-toed boots. Icon: A stylized revolver chamber, the logo of his shop. Costumed Personality: N/A Civilian Personality: "Phew. You look like you just got your ass handed to ya." To hear of David's past, one probably expects him to be all broody and angry about everything. Then you see him using his sword as an air guitar after cutting off an imp's head with it. That's when you realize what kind of person David is. To put it simply, David is a bombastic guy with a flair for the theatrical trying to have the time of his life. Though he's not stupid, most might think he is due to how he acts. He can't take himself or the world around him seriously to save his life, and when he does stop goofing around it's usually a sign that shit just got real.
That isn't to say that that's all there is to David. He hides it well beneath his goofy facade, but he's rather depressed due to the disappearance of his father, death of his mother, and the destruction of his home town. He also has quite a vicious streak, prone to toying with and taunting his enemies and then violently dispatching them once he's gotten bored. The parts hidden beneath his surface aren't all bad, however; he has a strong sense of justice, seeking to defend the weak, and he cares for his friends as though they're his family. Civilian Occupation: Business owner, monster hunter, occasional gambler, trumpeter when all else fails ("What can I say? I'm a renaissance man.")
-Powers: Enchantments David doesn't have any magical abilities; however, he does know a wizard or two, and they agreed to enchant his weapons for him. His main weapons are blessed with elemental properties and are hardened to be nigh unbreakable. His guns pack a little something extra as well, a simple rune carved into their action along with one sewn into the inside of David's coat. The gist of it is that as long as David has the appropriate ammunition held in his coat, he is able to keep firing without having to reload, the bullets appearing in the chamber as the gun is about to fire.
-Gadgets: The Desperado - A camper van that David bought early in his career. It's been decked out in armor, with his and Leo's shop's logo painted in black on the side. Used for long hauls where they might be away from home for anywhere from a few days to weeks. David also jokingly refers to it by other names, most notably the "Mystery Machine".
The Highwayman - A beautiful dealer of death that Dave and Leo have been fixing up. Currently hidden under a tarp in their garage. When it's done, they'll be using it for ramming right into crowds full of abominations and cultists.
Standard Gear
"The Wiffle Bat" - A one-handed longsword made of steel, with a rather ornate design and runes carved into the blade. Gifted to David by the witch who enchanted his weaponry, it has since stayed in a scabbard on his back. To pack more of a punch, it is enchanted with elemental properties: more specifically, lightning.
"Frost and Flame" - A pair of Glock 17s, one blue and the other red. The first weapons David bought, they are on his person at all times, carried in holsters on his hips. Like the Wiffle Bat, they are enchanted with elemental properties: Frost fires bullets imbued with ice, Flame with fire.
"Backscratcher" - A combat knife. Carried in a sheath on David's left boot. Also enchanted with elemental properties: in this case, nature.
Grenades - Nothing special here. Just a shitload of regular grenades. What? Anything will get messed up by an explosion.
Expanded Gear
Shotgun - A simple shotgun, more specifically a stockless Remington 870. Not enchanted, but a buckshot's capable of stopping even the most stubborn of monsters in their tracks.
Submachine Gun - A simple SMG, more specifically an MP5. Not enchanted, but a stream of bullets can put down the weaker monsters and irritate the stronger ones.
Assault Rifle - A simple assault rifle, more specifically an AR-15. Not enchanted, but it packs high power and shoots fast; just how Dave likes his guns.
Character History/Origin: David was born to a rather normal family in a small Nebraskan town, though his father was always rather... Odd. He firmly believed in the occult, spending a good chunk of his free time with some weird guys that were into shady stuff. Mostly these shady people consisted of people calling themselves the "Blackroot Coven." Despite this odd attraction, his father loved his wife and son, and always tried to be there for David.
But as the years went by, it became increasingly obvious that his father's interest became an obsession. When David was 14, his father simply disappeared, never to be seen again. David still ponders what happened to him, but considering the people his father associated with and what happened in the following year, David has a pretty good idea.
When the Blackroot Coven tore open the veil and let loose their army of hellspawn and abominations, David was 15. His life fell apart rapidly, his town being destroyed, his mother dying, and all he ever knew being gone forever. Part of him wanted to just give up right there and die, but he had to survive, if only because his mother would want him to. And so, he made his way east, to try and escape the growing expanse of chaos that would later be known as the Shattered Scar.
East he made it, to a refugee camp in Hub City. From there, David had a choice to make: attempt to lead a normal life, or take a stand against this type of injustice. Instead of attempting to pick up the pieces of his life like so many others were doing, David took the latter option. He got a job at a local diner, working days and training in his off time. It started out small, working out in the mornings and evenings, and soon escalated to learning martial arts, then sword fighting, and finally marksmanship.
David trained himself for three years, and when he was 18, he thought he was ready. So he quit his job, used the last of his savings to buy a large van, got his weapons, and started leaving the city to fight monsters. His first year on the job was brutal; he nearly died hundreds of times, and has more than his fair share of scars to prove it. It was clear he had no idea what he was doing, but that didn't stop him, and through sheer luck and force of willpower David lived to see his 19th birthday.
But one thing that David came to realize is that having to constantly replace every sword and knife you busted on a demon's skull was expensive and tedious. Plus, his equipment barely scratched the monsters anyway. That was when Mama came in. She was an old witch, with a vast knowledge of the arcane. She gifted him with an enchanted sword, and enchanted his other weapons as well, seemingly out of charity.
The rest of his early twenties were mostly a blur of relaxing by day, fighting monsters by night. During this time, he met his close friend Leo Cash, a fellow monster hunter trying to get by. The two formed their own team and business, the Outlaws (or, half jokingly and half officially, the Outlaws Supernatural Consultative Services), setting up shop in a used warehouse in the slums of Hub City. Business was slow at first, but after they met a man named Ted who became their handler, everything was smooth sailing.
And now, David is 26, and it's been about eleven years since the Veil was breached and the world became the way it was. Back then, it seemed so hopeless. He was nothing but an angry boy intent on making the Blackroot Coven pay for their wrongdoings. These days? He's just having fun with his best bro, kicking ass and taking names, while making time for his true passion: playing the trumpet.
David is left-handed. David's favorite color is yellow. As much as he loves pizza, his favorite food is actually blueberry pie because his mother made it a lot when he was a kid. Believe it or not, David's a rather competent cook. He just prefers eating out rather than making something at home.
-----Important People-----
Nemesis: Whatever monster he's trying to kill. Allies: Leo Cash - David's partner in crime/best friend/brother from another mother. The two met five years ago and have been strong friends since. Mama - An old witch that enchanted Dave's weaponry for him. He doesn't know her name. A pretty enigmatic sort. Ted - A rather mysterious guy who helped get Dave and Leo's shop on the right track when they first established it. He's sort of their handler, sort of their mission control, but either way he's sort of on the team. Team: The Outlaws/Outlaws Supernatural Consultative Services - Dave and Leo's monster hunting team. Currently consists of just them and Ted.
Okay, gonna level with all of you, I am perfectly fine with having a Discord for just non-sensical OOC ramblings but yeah, all serious discussion should go in the OOC. I'm only worried because in the last game it got to the point where we'd go months without a post in the OOC and oh look last activity there was one of my dumb AU stories no one reads.
Thanks a ton for the feedback, it's given me a lot to think about. First post is always a feeler but I definitely could have done it better. I'll be sure to take your criticism into consideration as I move forward.
I'll offer this here as well since, I think, not everyone is in the Discord:
If anyone here wants me to give them commentary and feedback on their posts, primarily what did and didn't work for me, nothing technical this go-around, then tell me here. I'm currently on the first page of the IC, but I do intend to read everything before the end of the season. Several of you have already told me you'd like said feedback, but to anyone who hasn't, if you'd like me to just tell me if you prefer it privately or publicly. Anyone who doesn't ask for it specifically will not get any feedback. I'll also go back through the posts I've read, which is most of the first page and give feedback on those, and not just future ones.
That said, anyone who has commentary and feedback on my posts, I'd love any of substance you can spare the time to offer. You can do so publicly here or in the Discord, I don't mind. Particularly stuff that put you off, if any.
Give my posts the thrashing of a lifetime right here in the OOC, chief.
An absolute clown with a fixation on faceless men who punch criminals.
Guaranteed to flake out of RPs at least 99% of the time.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">An absolute clown with a fixation on faceless men who punch criminals. <br><br>Guaranteed to flake out of RPs at least 99% of the time.</div>