"Wait... I'm fired?"
"No, you've been 'Let go... Nya~'"
To his credit, Duncan wasn't even that mad... or at least, he didn't look so as he stood there in the foyer of the Crusch Manor, completely stonefaced as one of the Maids stood before him and dictated the letter Felix had left before leaving on some adventure or another with his Master. Nearly a month in this world had numbed somewhat to the labyrinthine twists and turns his life seemed to take these days, and frankly this one was pretty par for the course.
"...He actually bothered to write out 'Nya~'?" Duncan asked after a moment, though he damn well knew the answer.
"He also drew two broken hearts and a sad cat-face." The Maid deadpanned in response, face blank and clearly hardened by years of dealing with Sir Argyle's whimsy.
"Seems about right."
Another beat of silence passed as the two stared eachother down, until the maid adjusted her glasses and cleared her throat
"Would you care to join us for lunch?"
"Hm? Oh, yes. Wouldn't mind that at all."
'Jesus Christ those ladies know how to cook...' Duncan couldn't help but think as he patted his armor-clad belly, letting out a little belch as he made his way through the Town Bazaar on the way back to the Crescent Moon, armour clicking rhythmically as he went.
It'd been an odd couple of weeks for the bald man; being abruptly farted into this Medieval Fantasy Land, getting
Blown Up, getting smacked in the face with some Cat-femboy's
big, frozen balls and then being hired on and sent out on a mission to
kill demons at the behest of said Cat-femboy and then coming back to find out that the apparently well-paid position he'd been promised as the bodyguard to a
Royal Knight in service to a Noblewoman with, without a doubt, the most
hilariously innuendo-filled name he'd ever goddamn heard was no longer on the table because the two were out mucking about the countryside somewhere.
All in all, a shitshow.
...But hey, Felix was kind enough to leave him a fist-sized purse of coin for his trouble, and thanks to Crusch's maids, he had enough packed meals in his ruck to last a week. So it wasn't so bad.
His train of thought was abruptly derailed as a dog-sized bipedial lizard thing (which he
refused to call a dragon) abruptly jumped through the space between his legs, and he had to quickly dodge out of the way of the trio of giggling animal-eared children that went chasing after it.
"...Huh." The Canuck toned after after a second's silence, scratching the back of his head at the sight, somewhat surprised how he wasn't so surprised about it as he'd usually be... in fact, he was kinda smirking a little.
His senses then shifted from the mischievous little rascals to the bazaar around him; casually glancing over the blacksmiths hard at work, merchants enthusiastically plying their wares, performers singing and dancing in the square as the smells of oh-so-many foods alien to him found their way into his nostrils. He even glanced down at himself, garbed in his leather armour and new (to him, anyway) matte-green-painted steel cuirass, helmet and arm/shin guards he'd looted off a bandit's corpse after a whole gaggle of them had the hilariously unfortunate idea to try and ambush the party on the way back from Laab (particularly when Vesta loudly declared that she was having
none of their shit).
A stray thought occurred to him as he took in his surroundings-
'Oh dear God, I'm going native, aren't I? Snorting indignantly, he put his helmet back on and dismissed the thought as he carried on his merry way. The faceguard concealing the little smile that weaved it's way across his features.
Finally arriving at the Crescent Moon, waving a quick greeting to Yoshi and dropping a few coins and some candy-coated appa-bits he picked up on the way over into the hands of a young, cat-eared kid that looked like she was going to faint from fright at the sight of him even as she tried to take his order, Duncan headed up the stairs and toward the balcony... only to find Avery dangling off the railing in a... very
Avery-like fashion.
'Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...' The green-clad ex-mountie announced internally with a bit of humour as he set down his ruck, helmet and club and made his way over to the railing holding a bag of the previously-mentioned sweets
'...My best friend.' They were an odd pair, for sure, exact and total opposites in many ways in fact. But
killing demons has a funny way of bringing people together and, to be honest, if Duncan didn't have someone to bounce terrible jokes back and forth with (and occasionally, play big brother to) these past four weeks, he'd've probably strangled half the party to death... or, well, Atisha at least.
"Rev, you do realize that if you fell and cracked your head open, you're boss would kick the ever-loving shit outta me, right?" Duncan asked rhetorically and with a bit of mirth as he leaned over the railing slightly and dangled the bag of sweets in front of the younger man's face
"Sorry for the wait. Long story short; apparently I don't work for a cat-boy in a dress anymore."A small smirk broke across his face as he continued.
"Ready to go find out just what the hell those bandits had marked out in their maps?"