Avatar of Skai


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5 yrs ago
Wraith smells like beans
7 yrs ago
Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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I miss you guys. :c
I'm interested as a thrill-seeking rebellious twenty something genuinely interested in space, with street-moreso space-smarts to go with it. Shall I start on a bio?

She could offer up her knowledge of space as the crew's new scientist? I don't think I saw a character like that in the list.

She could also function as a balance to the weapons as someone who likes to think/talk her way out of things.
I'm interested as a thrill-seeking rebellious twenty something genuinely interested in space, with street-moreso space-smarts to go with it.

Putting this in OOC.
There could be those who chose to stay on Earth, or underneath the surface, and those who chose to leave through space travel? The two groups could clash or rejoin on the surface.
A warrior cats RP sounds fun. I miss reading Warriors books. Never got to the series about the three cats, though. Firestar all the way <3
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