Full Name: Maria Isabella Elia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Major: Photography
Behavior: Maria is generally a very kind, spirited young woman. An ambivert, Maria shows the hypersensitivity of an introvert, but also the domineering attitude of extroverts. She thrives in social situations, but doesn’t mind being alone for a while. After an especially long day of interactions, Maria loves to sit in her room, play music, and relax as she goes over her pictures for the day.
As a photographer, she is always looking around for the next perfect shot. She has her head in the clouds and an adventurous spirit. She is good company, if the company loves road trips and enjoying the little things in life.
Maria’s kind-natured spirit is reflected by her sensitivity to others. She’s empathetic and very protective of those she cares for. While bullies or potential threats may scare her, she will stand up against those threats in order to protect her friends and family. This said, she often forgets to consider her own safety.
When it comes to meeting new people, Maria likes to rely on the vibes that people give off as a way of judging their character. So, she won’t be too quick to judge someone by what they’ve done. She’ll normally just hope for the best in them, no matter how scary they might be. The only exception for this would be if they gave off a strong vibe that emanates the potential evil within them. Overall, though, Maria is an accepting and genuine human being.
A Bit About Yourself: Maria is passionate about photography. It is rare that she will be seen without a camera on her somewhere. She particularly loves to photograph nature, and people in their rarest forms. Maria lives a block or two away from the college, in a townhouse with a few roommates. Her
apartment is open and welcoming, with a great view of the a little garden park below. She is originally from Colorado, so she is a ways from home.
Hobbies/Other: Maria runs a popular Instragram, with a few thousand followers. She also is in love with astronomy. She loves to capture long exposure images of the stars. Maria even owns a nice computerized telescope to help her viewing.