Full Name: Thomas Strangelove
Age: Looks 23, but is really about 1000 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Major: History
Behavior: Thomas is pretty much the typical stereotype for a frat boy. The one thing is, he’s a vampire. After spending almost a thousand years on Earth, Thomas has learned many things about humans. Mostly things that have driven him to be carefree and cynical about life.
Thomas generally gives off a laid back, snarky, yet charming attitude. He enjoys sitting back and watching drama unfold, but only after he’s caused a little drama himself. He thrives on social atmospheres and gossip, finding it much more entertaining than the boring regular issues like taxes and such. He’s a huge flirt, as well, and finds it easy to get any human girl into bed.
Overall, Thomas is a trouble maker, cocky, confident, and mysterious.
A Bit About Yourself: Thomas enjoys parties, nightlife, and sleeping in until 1. He is part of the college’s oldest frat, which has been around since before the ages of the Night Garden. The frat stays away from the club, but this year they decided that one of their members should join to be in the inner circle of what is going on with other monsters. Thomas volunteered, so here he is.
As an almost adult, Thomas only feeds three times a year, but that doesn’t stop him from having little snacks. His hunger is worse than usual.
Hobbies/Other: Thomas doesn’t do much, other than the frat. He does like causing trouble on campus. His main hobby is figuring out how to manipulate people. He’s gotten much better at it since he was a human teenager, but these new generations are hard to get under his thumb, with all of the technology available. Oh, and he doesn’t sparkle in the sun, but often wears clothes that cover his body to keep the sun from burning him. (This doesn’t stop him from being social, though. Just... no pool parties until the sun goes down.)