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13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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The sound of loud and obnoxious dance music overwhelmed the entire mansion that inhabited the small moon of Skaia. It was a mansion owned by a very wealthy man named Skarrsgard, and took up the amount of space as two White Houses from the American capitol on planet Terra. The area around the mansion was covered in luminescent bushes, flowers, and other botanical life that could survive on the moon’s surface. A large force field surrounded the large mansion and its gardens, trapping varying gases that could sustain the wildlife and all of the organisms inside of it. A small base was at the end of the long, oblong bubble that encased the large part of land on the moon. It resembled an incredibly large parking deck and was equipped with a large airlock system that allowed ships and other various vehicles into the air-conditioned and breathable atmosphere within the dome.

Inside of the mansion, the lights cast long, dark shadows across the many rooms, hallways, and staircases. It resembled a hot, thumpin’ dance club from Sector 69 in the Andromeda Galaxy, which was apparently a hot party spot during this stardate and time. Rooms were blue, purple, red, orange, green, and basically every color of the visible spectrum. Each room had a specific theme according to its color. For example, the dance rooms were gold and purple for wealth and passion, while the bedrooms were either blue or red, for love and… other intimate reasons.

The people attending the party were rich elitists, diplomats, friends of the son whose father owned the mansion, or friends of the friends of the wealthy son. Haven happened to be a friend of the friend of the son, and was tagging along to this hype party because she hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in a week. This was due to the fact that Haven had been travelling all week to visit a few friends from her secondary school back on Estellos. The luxury space-cruise hadn’t been completely awful, but unfortunately it was a “dry cruise”, which meant that Haven had to deal with rich snobs sober.

Haven was dressed in a black dress that resembled space itself and black, three-inch heels to pair with the simple, flashy dress. Her long, blonde hair was draped across her shoulders in long, loose waves. Her makeup was simple, with only simple eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick that only highlighted her already pink lips.

At the moment, Haven was in the main dance room that was flashing all of the colors of the rainbow, wonderfully intoxicated and buzzed from a cigarette at the same time. She stumbled through the crowd of dancing figures, the flashing light screwing with her vision. The drunk girl could only hold onto her friend’s tan hand with all of her might so that she wouldn’t get lost in the large mansion. They came to a halt at the bar in the far right side of the room. Haven looked around at the large room, stumbling a bit into her friend. Her friend, Lina, had invited her to the party. Lina turned to Haven and leant in towards her ear, yelling into Haven’s ear so that she would be heard. “Let’s take more shots!” She slurred, turning to the bartender and raising four fingers. “We want shots!”

Haven turned her head to see Lina shoving a shot in her direction and grabbed it before it could spill on her outfit. They both shouted a countdown before lifting the full shot glasses to their lips and tossing back the alcohol. The alcohol burnt her throat, but Haven enjoyed it. After another shot, Haven found herself being pulled through the moving crowd once more. “Let’s dance!” Haven heard Lina yell at her. Her eyes were locked on Lina’s hand, feeling as if it was sticking out of a mass of grinding and jumping bodies. Suddenly, the sensation of Lina’s hand holding hers was gone, and the flashing lights seemed to consume Haven’s mind.







Haven blinked and looked around at her surroundings. She was in a hallway lit with a green light and had no clue where she was in the large mansion, or how she had gotten here. “Lina?” She called out in the hallway, turning around and around slowly as she looked for her friend. The disoriented girl stumbled towards the nearest room. She opened it to find a dark room, but as soon as the door shut behind her Haven found herself being illuminated in a soft purple light.

“Wha…?” She asked as the room revealed itself to her. It was filled with showcases that illuminated different highly expensive items throughout the room. The walls were covered in showcases, and five tall, thin showcases stood in a circle towards the middle of the room. There were large gems, metallic objects, and other expensive items one could procure through auctions. The room looked like an expensive museum. “This… this is crazy,” Haven murmured, stepping towards the nearest showcase in the middle of the room. She gripped the edges of the showcase to keep herself standing as she leant closer to the glass so that she could see the object illuminated in white light. Her blurry vision cleared after a few blinks and a small, gold crystal was revealed. “Neat.”

Haven pulled back to look around at the rest of the objects in the room, pressing her hand against the glass to keep herself steady. “That’s soo weird,” she thought out loud. Every object in the room was either large enough to be expensive or rare enough to be insanely expensive. So, why was this tiny little crystal sitting in one of the most obvious showcases in the room?

Suddenly, Haven felt something cold and hard in the palm of her hand, instead of the cool glass that she had been using as a crutch. She turned her head to look down at her hand and realized that the glass to the showcase was broken, and the crystal was now in her hand. “The fu…” She started, but was interrupted as a strong voice resounded in the room.

”I have found you after all of these years…”

Haven gasped, stumbling backwards and trying to drop the crystal that seemed to buzz in her hand. Her grip on the crystal would not budge, though. What is going on?

”I have much to teach you, but first…”

Haven felt frightened sober and backed towards the door, her head whipping around to see where this mysterious voice was coming from. It wasn’t from the speakers, because the music was still pounding throughout the mansion. Was it the security? Had she triggered a security breach?

”We have to become familiar with each other.”

Suddenly, the gold crystal began to grow warmer. It stretched and molded into the shape of a dagger before becoming one with a bright, gold flash. Haven cried out in fright, dropping the dagger to see that her hand had been cut. Before she could move another inch, though, her vision was consumed with gold light. The once buzzed and intoxicated feeling that blurred her senses was now a large rush coursing throughout her mind and body. Her body stiffened and she raised herself onto her tiptoes. Gold light poured out of her eyes, mouth, and the cut on her hand.

Then, everything went black…
Working on a post tonight.
Happy New Year, guys! Here's to another couple of months of writing the wrong date!
Happy New Year, guys! Here's to another couple of months of writing the wrong date!
My post will be up in 2016.
@Jones Sparrow May I join the collab between you and BoomLover since my character is in there, too? I can definitely do something tomorrow, but if it will be a time inconvenience then I can make my own post.
@boomlover What happened to your collab with @Jones Sparrow??
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