Avatar of Skai


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5 yrs ago
Wraith smells like beans
7 yrs ago
Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

Most Recent Posts

I was waiting for Marxy, but I think I'll just move it along so that she gets back on the ship.
Ur mom.
Just added my shit to the collab.
I'll work on it this weekend. I have a Calc exam tomorrow I need to focus on.
We should just collab the post instead of add our own sections to that post. @NefariusDestiny
@Akayaofthemoon Go to the doctor! They work miracles.
@Akayaofthemoon I feel u. I've had an upper respiratory infection for a week now and all they could give me was an inhaler for the coughing. I can't even speak well. I sound like a mouse
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