Senna kept one white eyebrow raised as she waited for Irae to realize his mistake, but it was another's voice that chimed in before she could be satisfied. The fairy. She listened to him speak. His voice stood out from the group because it had that signature tone to it like the other fae. She was happy to hear that her soon to be partner in crime was looking out for them. He made a good point, too. If they were caught sneaking up the walls, it would make them easy targets. Especially herself.
It is extremely difficult to dodge an arrow if you cannot hear or see it coming.
Her ears twitched beneath the jingasa when she heard him ruffling through his pockets. Then she heard the forceful placement of what sounded like... nuts? Some kind of woody nature things. She didn't really need to know what it was. What kind of stuff does a fairy keep in their pockets? A fairy that doesn't care about their appearance? She'd only assumed the last bit, because she hadn't heard him once complain about having a "bad hair" day.
Still, the placement of these nuts gave her a good sense of position for the tower's sides. The distance between the two was too small to be the space between the treeline and the battlement. Rowan, who was being quietly helpful to the blind girl, also placed another object further away from the first two. Ah, so there is the treeline.. Senna now had a rough sense of positioning of the battlefield. She smiled with one side of her mouth and gave Rowan a nod to thank him.
He was a decent planner, for a fairy. Also a lot more thoughtful than the other faes. Captain Bradshaw knew how to pick 'em.
The next voice to speak was strong. Morag, of course, wanted to know if the information came from a good source. Like any mercenary would; even if the payment was enough to deal with these numbers. Senna turned her head towards the Captain and awaited his answer. She was just as curious, even if she knew that Adam wouldn't pick a fight that didn't pay well enough.
Again, she didn't hear the voice she expected. This time it was Lulian, and his words made Senna furrow her brows. Does this guy like to play the hero, or does he just want to help the rest of us out by drawing the fire? She thought in response. She took a breath through her nose to keep herself from pointing out the risk to his magnificent life if he were to pose as bait. Ceri, ever the excited one for going into a fight, agreed with Lulian. Senna wasn't exactly bothered with the idea, but it left Lulian with a higher risk of getting himself killed. The team needed his experience and skills for most missions. How could he just throw himself at danger like that?
When it seemed like each mercenary had gotten their word in, Senna finally heard the Captain speak. She grinned when she heard him say '500 monas each' and was suddenly ready for any plan the group decided to go through with. Lulian can patch himself up with only a fraction of that payment.
Thankfully, Adam completely shot down Lulian's plan to become a worm on a hook and even stated the exact reasons Senna was against it. See, I don't have to say a word because our Captain says it for me. She nodded in agreement with Adam's words so the group would know how she felt about it.
Right after Bradshaw finished, Amelia piped in to suggest a new idea. A merchant caravan, hm? How can we guarantee that they'll try to rob it? As greedy as they might be, they still have a whole, fully stocked Nepharie tower under their control.
There was a moment of silence. Senna assumed that the group was either nodding their heads or shaking them in disapproval. Or the Captain had a deeply thoughtful look on his face as he mulled everyone's suggestions over.
"That sounds sensible."
Looks like Lulian gets to play the fool. Caravan and all. She shrugged in response to Adam's question. 500 monas to climb a tower and kick some bandit ass? I'm fine with anything at this point.
From the direction of Rowan, Senna heard the scratching of nails against rough skin and she grimaced. Is he picking at a scab? He then huffed, and she heard him shuffle around in his seat. Most likely to be more visible within the large chairs. Senna never really cared if the group could see her. They could be staring at her hat, for all she knew. Height wasn't something to worry about unless it was a judge of how hard and how high she should hit someone. And to be honest, there were four squats to four taller mercenaries in this company. An even amount of height differences, and without outnumbering either of the height ranges.
"Does the camp have hooks and ropes for the climbing team?"
Senna grinned once more. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Rowan?"
"I've always wanted a grappling hook. They're just hard to come by unless you know someone that can make one." She would have made one herself a long time ago, but tying intricate knots is also hard to do without seeing where the rope was going.