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Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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I get to write alongside Hillan and Bork? Count me in.

Senna kept one white eyebrow raised as she waited for Irae to realize his mistake, but it was another's voice that chimed in before she could be satisfied. The fairy. She listened to him speak. His voice stood out from the group because it had that signature tone to it like the other fae. She was happy to hear that her soon to be partner in crime was looking out for them. He made a good point, too. If they were caught sneaking up the walls, it would make them easy targets. Especially herself.

It is extremely difficult to dodge an arrow if you cannot hear or see it coming.

Her ears twitched beneath the jingasa when she heard him ruffling through his pockets. Then she heard the forceful placement of what sounded like... nuts? Some kind of woody nature things. She didn't really need to know what it was. What kind of stuff does a fairy keep in their pockets? A fairy that doesn't care about their appearance? She'd only assumed the last bit, because she hadn't heard him once complain about having a "bad hair" day.

Still, the placement of these nuts gave her a good sense of position for the tower's sides. The distance between the two was too small to be the space between the treeline and the battlement. Rowan, who was being quietly helpful to the blind girl, also placed another object further away from the first two. Ah, so there is the treeline.. Senna now had a rough sense of positioning of the battlefield. She smiled with one side of her mouth and gave Rowan a nod to thank him.

He was a decent planner, for a fairy. Also a lot more thoughtful than the other faes. Captain Bradshaw knew how to pick 'em.

The next voice to speak was strong. Morag, of course, wanted to know if the information came from a good source. Like any mercenary would; even if the payment was enough to deal with these numbers. Senna turned her head towards the Captain and awaited his answer. She was just as curious, even if she knew that Adam wouldn't pick a fight that didn't pay well enough.

Again, she didn't hear the voice she expected. This time it was Lulian, and his words made Senna furrow her brows. Does this guy like to play the hero, or does he just want to help the rest of us out by drawing the fire? She thought in response. She took a breath through her nose to keep herself from pointing out the risk to his magnificent life if he were to pose as bait. Ceri, ever the excited one for going into a fight, agreed with Lulian. Senna wasn't exactly bothered with the idea, but it left Lulian with a higher risk of getting himself killed. The team needed his experience and skills for most missions. How could he just throw himself at danger like that?

When it seemed like each mercenary had gotten their word in, Senna finally heard the Captain speak. She grinned when she heard him say '500 monas each' and was suddenly ready for any plan the group decided to go through with. Lulian can patch himself up with only a fraction of that payment.

Thankfully, Adam completely shot down Lulian's plan to become a worm on a hook and even stated the exact reasons Senna was against it. See, I don't have to say a word because our Captain says it for me. She nodded in agreement with Adam's words so the group would know how she felt about it.

Right after Bradshaw finished, Amelia piped in to suggest a new idea. A merchant caravan, hm? How can we guarantee that they'll try to rob it? As greedy as they might be, they still have a whole, fully stocked Nepharie tower under their control.

There was a moment of silence. Senna assumed that the group was either nodding their heads or shaking them in disapproval. Or the Captain had a deeply thoughtful look on his face as he mulled everyone's suggestions over.

"That sounds sensible."

Looks like Lulian gets to play the fool. Caravan and all. She shrugged in response to Adam's question. 500 monas to climb a tower and kick some bandit ass? I'm fine with anything at this point.

From the direction of Rowan, Senna heard the scratching of nails against rough skin and she grimaced. Is he picking at a scab? He then huffed, and she heard him shuffle around in his seat. Most likely to be more visible within the large chairs. Senna never really cared if the group could see her. They could be staring at her hat, for all she knew. Height wasn't something to worry about unless it was a judge of how hard and how high she should hit someone. And to be honest, there were four squats to four taller mercenaries in this company. An even amount of height differences, and without outnumbering either of the height ranges.

"Does the camp have hooks and ropes for the climbing team?"

Senna grinned once more. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Rowan?"

"I've always wanted a grappling hook. They're just hard to come by unless you know someone that can make one." She would have made one herself a long time ago, but tying intricate knots is also hard to do without seeing where the rope was going.

"Shit, you're right."

Steam would have been shooting out of Lyss's ears if this was a cartoonish reality. Lyss glared at the vampires as Frederick told them to cool it, and when the girls knocked the other two vamps out cold she felt like they'd been taught a good lesson by this.

"Sorry doesn't get my friends back, does it?"

Madison was completely right. Lyss felt her stomach twist, and the shame of letting those girls get sacrificed turned her usually pale face red. How could I have let that happen? She thought bitterly. The shame she felt for losing this battle made it hard to be surprised when the Jaws manifested in a different way than usual.

Lyss looked at the three headed appearance of the apparition. His presence felt stronger than she'd ever felt. The look on Madison's face meant that this had never happened before.

"... And we all suffer."

Lyss's stomach twisted even further. Into a knot that she felt only alcohol could unravel. It was all her fault. She'd told Blake fucking Schmidt about The Outsider, and he used his power and wealth to find the music box. Why didn't she see it coming? Why did she think an ancient spirit would scare him into staying away from it? All Blake heard was "ancient power" and his god complex did the rest.

She was going to kill Blake Schmidt.

She turned to the last conscious Vampire, her eyes fierce and almost ablaze with anger. She opened her mouth to speak, but flinched when the crash was heard upstairs. Whose reinforcements? Ours or theirs? Will he still attack? She pressed her lips together for a moment. I can't let him walk away from this without giving us answers first.

She reached down beside her and picked up the riding crop again. It wouldn't do much harm to his arms or cheek, but it would sting enough. She whacked him across the shoulder first.

"If you want to save any fucking ounce of morals you have after today, you're going to tell me exactly how Blake Schmidt found the music box that contained the Outsider." She whacked him again. "Now!"

"It was Blake Schmidt! He made a deal with the Outsider!"

Lyss froze in her steps, the riding crop dropping to the floor. She felt her breath hitch in her throat. Anger boiled up inside of her like a volcano about to erupt, but the chills that were sent down her back when she heard the Outsider's name cooled the anger and froze it in place. No... No, no no. She stared at the vampire at a loss for words. How did he...? Where did he find it? It can't be true.

She was broken out of her stupor by the flash of orange light. Her arm came up to cover her eyes and she shut her eyes tightly. When the light had faded and she opened them again, the strippers were gone. "No... You didn't... I..." She felt her hands begin to shake as she lowered her arm.

Everything was fuzzy. Her heart felt like it had dropped into her stomach and was being eaten by the acid within. So many girls... gone. Madison's colleagues, friends. The Outsider had gotten her sacrifice. Twelve girls... Just twelve. She still needs eight more. As devastated as she was, she felt determination rising within her. Her shaky hands clenched into fists, and the rage within her began to crack the layer of fear that was holding it back. Her eyes became ice cold, and she looked at the tall vampire and gave him one of the coldest stares she'd ever given. "You haven't won yet, bastard." Her voice shook with the emotions swirling around inside of her.

"If you continue to do the Outsider's bidding, she will rise. At full strength, she will annihilate anything in her path. Including you." She took a step towards him, unafraid of any blows he might send her way. "Your drugs, your family of bloodsuckers, and your life are worthless to her. Even Blake fucking Schmidt won't survive it."

"Do you really want that? Whatever you're getting paid, it won't matter. All that money, and all that power you will be given, will be taken away from you the moment she gets bored. She will destroy you and all that there is in this world..."

"...and you won't be able to stop her."

As Lyss tried to avoid looking at the horrible and naked bat, she was glad that at least Madison was there with her Jaws to help. Now, all that left was Izzy helping the bound girls, and Lyss was stuck fighting the biggest guy in the room. Thankfully he was fully clothed.

"Fuck you, Dyke!"

Lyss gripped the riding crop tightly and put her left foot behind her. If he charged, she'd have to use his weight against him. Maybe a slap to the nose with the crop to make him hurt, and then an attempt to trip him over his big stupid feet to get him off balance. She was just about to go through with the maneuver when she saw him reach behind his back. Fuck.

A gun. Why didn't she expect these assholes to be carrying more than just a straw to drink their blood from? She felt her blood run cold when he aimed it her way. While she was thankful that he didn't aim it at Izzy, she was now stuck in a compromised position. Her stance faltered, and her face expressed her loss of thought for a moment as she stared at the barrel of the pistol. For one extremely brief moment, Lyss didn't know what to do. Save the girls, ruin the sigils, stop them from doing anymore harm- gun...?

Flames erupted between the two and Lyss was given a moment to breathe as she thought there was a silver lining to the situation. But, the vamp and the witches were soon reminded that they were indoors, and that sprinklers existed. Lyss lowered the riding crop as the water poured down from above. Her eyes moved to the sigils on the walls in the hopes that the water would wash the fresh paint away. Please, please, work.

The vamp pulled his phone out while Lyss felt her hair and clothes become drenched in water. "Pa! We need backup." We're outnumbered already. She stepped forwards as the vamp kicked out at Izzy's head. Her rage at the sight of the vamp even attempting to hurt one of the girls engulfed her mind, but when he aimed the gun at her head and clicked Lyss was lost to fear once more.

Nothing happened. Empty chamber She thought, and relief flood through her. She gripped the riding crop again and brought it up beside her head like she would have with her bat. She heard Taylor to her left, but as much as she knew they needed backup, she needed to take care of the unarmed vamp in front of her first. With a forceful swing, Lyss stepped forwards and drove the riding crop against the vamp's nose. She then stepped backwards and sent her left foot's heel right into his nuts.

Maya screamed nearby, and Lyss was knocked back against the wall from the blasts. Her ears rung, and she looked over at the vamp just to make sure that he was hurting too.

"Taylor, go upstairs and get the DENs agents!" She shouted. "Call the others while you're up there. Just get yourself out of here." She backed away from the vamp and brought the crop against the wall as she did. She drug it across the wet paint and smeared as many sigils as she could with the time she had before the vamp retaliated. It wasn't going to be a fair fight. He had the strength and the speed to take her out, but if she could hold him off long enough for the DENs and the other Coven girls to get there it would be worth it.

"Who are you trying to summon, big guy? Who put you up to this?" She asked, her hand gesturing for Taylor to be on her way. "There's no way your dumb-ass boss would know of these sigils. Do you even know who you're summoning? They're probably going to eat you, too."

As a farmer would rise, Senna rose with the birds. Not that it was some primal instinct to do so, but because of the noise. Back in the caves, there was no sort of sound but the echos of the elders. Those who'd grown to rise with the sun, because that meant it was time to tend the crops. While at first it was hard for Senna to adjust to the life of the beings above ground, now that she'd been out of the caves for years she thought herself just like the elders.

So, when the early birds began to look for their worms, Senna rose as well. For the first few moments of the morning, Senna sat outside of her tent to enjoy the dark. The cool breeze touched her skin, and she felt her hair rustling against her ears and the leaves of the trees against their branches. The chirping of the birds illuminated the surrounding tents in soft vibrations. She could just so slightly hear her comrades awakening too.

The air began to warm, and Senna knew it was time for the sun to rise. Which meant it was time for Senna to grab her coverings. A soft sigh, and then her body moves into the tent. She pulls on her cloak first, her gloves and their wrappings next, slips her feet into her boots, and ties her jingasa over her head to finish her morning routine. By the time she makes it out of the tent, she can feel the heat of the sun against her cloak.

The crackle of the fire brings the smell of breakfast her way, and she uses the scent to guide her to Emrys. "Morning, Emrys." She said as her hands reach for the bowl she knew he would offer. While he usually brought the meals to them in the tent, Senna preferred not to make him walk all that way from the cauldron. As easy as it would be to walk with sight, Senna was sure even the abled grew tired of it. She gives Emrys a nod before she turns. With extreme caution, Senna allows the wandering feet and morning greetings to show the path to the meeting tent.

Her feet barely make a sound as she slips into the tent, but she clicks her tongue twice. Once to let Adam know she was inside, and a second time to let her know where her chair sat at the table this morning. She'd learned quickly not to expect the chair or table to be in the same place twice. Her bowl slides onto the table first before she climbs into the chair, and once she's comfortable she places the beans in her lap.

By the time Captain Bradshaw speaks, Senna has finished her breakfast. To get more comfortable in her seat, she sets the bowl onto the table again and rests a foot on the base of the seat. Her elbow is propped on her knee as she turns her head in the direction of Adam's voice.

Highwaymen. The usual "bandit punkery" was an apt term for them. A kill order, too? These guys must have really pissed off the Nepharie. Although, she wasn't surprised. While darklings usually cherished life, it wasn't the same above ground. Senna frowned lightly when a map was mentioned. She assumed the swish of movement from Adam was his way of gesturing to the item, but Senna (obviously) thought that maps were useless. Even if someone took the time to describe them to her, she often found the terrain to be different than it was drawn.

"Each square upon the map is roughly fifty feet..."

Senna listened and took note of any descriptions made. Eight guards outside, one captain in the tower. Another four with arrows up above. Senna smirked. Ceri can take them out for us. Or I could climb up when nobody's looking and give them a surprise greeting. She heard Amelia snort and her smirk grew wider. This should be a piece of cake.

The Priest's voice piped up to her left, and Senna nodded in agreement with what he had to say. "It's no longer than two-hundred yards..." Senna smiled. Thank Gallor someone here knows how to explain distance. Squares were helpful, sure, but they meant nothing if Senna had no idea how many squares there were.

"Those with the ability to fly... while the ground troops enter the tower from the ground." Why weren't we given the ability of flight? "Any arguements?"

Senna's ears perked up for a moment as she waited for someone to pipe in, but she had a question of her own. "I'm assuming I'm a part of the group that enters from the top, correct?" There was an obvious answer to it, but the question itself had the slight implication that Irae assumed she could fly.

Lyss was too focused on taking each step than to worry about the girl's bickering. Her vision was off, thanks to the liquor. She almost tripped on the last step, but what the girls saw in the basement was much more important than feeling embarrassed about her balance problems. Lyss stared at the scene before her, the bright sigils standing out like neon lights at a bar. She looked at them all, and in her gut she knew that this was a ritualistic sacrifice in the making.

Her eyes moved over the bound and gagged girls, their faces begging for help but also warning the girls to run. Then her eyes moved to the dead bodyguard, his body pale and lifeless. As if all blood was drained from his body. She finally looked a the three men and felt her blood boil. She was still scared. These sigils were powerful not the average sacrificial scribblings. There was something much, much more ominous to this situation, but the vampires were behind it?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked as she felt Madison's Jaws come to life. She lowered her riding crop and her eyes glared at the three bloodsuckers. "These fuckers are from the Greenwood Trash Island." She practically spit in their direction.

"Who the fuck put you up to this?"

She stepped over towards the side of the room and held the riding crop high with both hands. "Y'know what, I don't give a fuck. If you touch any of these girls, or activate one fucking sigil, you're going to regret it." In her anger, she forgot the state of her inebriation and tripped on her own foot. "Shit." She muttered before quickly moving into a stance that would improve her balance. "Maya, Madison, knock 'em out for me."

I need to ruin these sigils before they can touch them.

"... The fuck?"

Oh no. Madison definitely wasn't happy to see them. Lyss glanced up at her, but as she realized that Madison still wasn't completely covered she kept her eyes locked on Madison's. She found herself flushing with slight embarrassment as Madison questioned them. Then she wondered why she was flushing in the first place. It's embarrassing that we saw Madison dance, even if I was cheering her on, but why am I blushing? Was it because Madison was mad? Or was it because she was pleading with them not to tell the others? Lyss definitely wasn't going to say a word about this after tonight.

"I don't snitch unless really really necessary like someone-just-got-murdered necessary."

Lyss nodded, her hand raising to point at Quinn because she made a good point. Did I just agree with Quinn??

And then she heard a scream.

Lyss flinched, her head whipping to face in the direction of the sound. "Someone-just-got-murdered necessary." She could already feel her heart beating faster. That wasn't just an ordinary "grabby man grabbed me at a strip club" scream. That was... on a whole different level of fear. "You do have bouncers that protect the backstage, right?" She asked, slowly looking back at Madison. "I didn't happen to see any when we came back."

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Am I fit to fight right now? Lyss's head was a blur of strategies and fear. Why didn't I at least bring some mace with me? She moved her sluggish head around the room and spotted the various props that the strippers used. Without hesitation, and a little bit of a rush to her step that she usually didn't have, Lyss grabbed a pair of fake handcuffs and the police baton prop. Except, the prop was completely plastic and wouldn't hurt a fly. Lyss frowned and dropped the baton, and in her fear she grabbed the closest actually painful item to her. A riding crop.

"Come on, girls. We gotta go help her, no matter how drunk," or scared, why am I scared?? "we are."

Despite the extra tight and nervous grip she had on the crop, she made her way towards the backroom with a determination in her step. She'd been scared before. Just as helpless as the scream had sounded. She could overcome it. She stopped at the doorway and took a deep breath before peeking around it to see a set of stairs descending into a dimly lit room. Oh, fuck, a basement. Why is it always a basement? She swallowed. Okay, Lyss. You've got this. It's probably just some drunk that wandered back here before Madison came back. Piece of cake, right? She released her breath slowly through her mouth and began to descend the stairs.

"You already knew my name but you guys just love me that much."

Lyss furrowed her brows, her eyes glancing back towards the DENs agents. Thankfully they hadn't noticed them yet. She turned to Quinn and honest to satan really hadn't known her by any name but Sin until now. At least she wouldn't have to call her that anymore. "You mean the ones that had me tazed?" Lyss nodded. She could still remember the threats Meifeng had made to the Coven. The feeling of their esteemed leader's hand whipping her across the cheek. As much as Max liked to say Meifeng wasn't as cruel as her actions that day, Lyss still wasn't comfortable around her.

Lyss began to shrink away as Quinn moved towards her, but the liquor made her slow. She stood still, uncomfortably looking down at Quinn as she was engulfed in her arms. Why did I give her the fucking whiskey? She raised her hands up a little as Quinn made her comments about slapping ass. While she was sure that Quinn wouldn't touch her any further without permission, Lyss didn't want anyone touching her. Or... did she? Certainly not by any of the Coven members, but the smell of sweat and her thirst...

Quinn was suddenly pulled away from her, and Lyss felt like she had room to breathe again. She took a deep breath, smoothed out her top, and nodded to Taylor. Madison had finished her dance, collected her clothes and money, and was headed backstage. Now was the time to get back there. She nudged Maya and began to make her way towards the entrance to the back. As she passed Taylor, she murmured a "Thanks,"before continuing on.

The door, whom Lyss assumed was normally guarded, surprisingly had no bouncer in sight. Lyss normally would have been concerned by this, but at the time it was a blessing. Anything to get away from the smell. Away from the DENs. If they wanted to keep drinking, and Lyss desperately wanted to, she wanted to go somewhere else. "I miss Miami bars," she muttered to no one in particular.

She lead the group down a short hall until she came to the official backstage lounge for the girls. Assuming Madison was still getting dressed, Lyss knocked on the frame of the empty doorway before stepping inside. "Madison? Are you up for some visitors?" She said with a sheepish smile and her eyes averted in case Madison was still naked. It was definitely awkward to have just seen a Coven member shake her ass on stage, but she still wanted to support Madison. "The girls and I came out for drinks, but I didn't expect to see you onstage. Does the crowd usually go that wild?"

Am I too drunk for this, or not drunk enough? She thought, her mind going back to the whiskey she'd handed over to Quinn. Either way, Lyss was drunk enough to forget how she'd usually approach this kind of situation.
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