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I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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Eli moved quietly through the tunnels, but her attention was focused on her friends. Everyone was on edge. It was like that from the start of course. Now it just felt like all of the nerves and existential crises the group had faced long before they entered the sewers had built up. She could feel it in the atmosphere around them like static electricity.

Yet as the group continued to walk and nothing but the sound of the distant running water echoed within the walls, the atmosphere stagnated until it felt relatively comfortable again. Eli could have jumped with joy when she saw the door to the Spire tunnel illuminate before them. This was it. Frightening misstep behind them, they had made it to their second to last destination. Or was it their third to last? Or their third and last destination because they were going to come back through the same door?

Eli stared at the door. Her heart beat faster. Behind this door, there really was no coming back. At least, she wouldn’t be coming back the same. So many secrets, lies, and gut-wrenching truths were waiting behind it. The door swung open. It felt as if Eli was going to be sucked out into the open space before them. She’d spotted an edge of one of these tunnels before, years ago. She’d forgotten how clear the glass was. As if it wasn’t there at all. The bridge was one long ladder to The Spire. Just bars floating in a perfect line between the two worlds on The Promise.

Eli woke from this momentary daze as soon as Archie stepped through the threshold. She stepped forward, going the extra step ahead of Lynn until she was at the door herself. The first door shut before she could follow him inside. She should have gone first. If this… if this was a trap, she should have taken the first hit. Archie could handle it, of course, but she was the reason he was down here. She anxiously watched as the outer door slid open. Archie Anderson was weightless, but he didn’t float off into space. He made it to the other side. No alarms, and no sudden swarm of officers. Were they really going to board The Spire without getting caught? Eli glanced at Packet. Cara really was on their side.

”Fucking boat farmer.” Eli smirked softly.

Eli could have gone second, but she decided to stay behind. She needed just one more moment before she could step into that void. She leant against the frame of the door instead, watching the others slowly pass through to the other side. By the time it was her turn, she hadn’t even realized that she was the last one to go.

“Oh- Uh…” She took a deep breath and stood before the doors. Her head turned to Packet. “Thank you, Packet. For everything.” She cleared her throat and looked out again. Her friends were waiting for her at the other side. Funny, how I’m the most reluctant to go… She thought to herself. She softly murmured one last thing before she stepped into the chamber.

“Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.”

Eli pressed the button on the pad. The second door opened, and she felt as if the air had left her lungs. Quickly, she realized that she could still breathe. She pushed off of the ground with her tiptoes and propelled herself towards the nearest ladder rung. She climbed, and as she slowly made her way to join her friends she looked out of that crystal clear glass and into space. The darkness was so deep, and so wide. It was split into a crescent moon around the big blue Earth beneath them. It was beautiful, the view.

“Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.” Eli whispered.

After what felt like ages, Eli found herself at the other end. She looked at each of her friends, and then turned herself around just in time to catch Packet closing the door on the other end. She looked back, took another breath, and nodded. “Welcome to The Spire, guys.”

Lyss was… lost.

Even though she’d desperately wanted to sleep off the pain in her shoulder, she stayed with the group. Only because she wasn’t sure if she could make it to the hotel room by herself. She didn’t want to go to the hospital with the DENs and Claudette. Not in Miami. Not where the Dollhouse or her old partners could look her up. So, she let Herik put a makeshift bandage over the wound until Helena would be able to patch her up nicely. She was just about to ask about Claudette when they delivered the news.

Claudette was… gone.

The world blurred around her. She could only hear her heart beat and feel the pain in her shoulder and now in her chest. Claudette… didn’t make it? Lyss could have helped her too. They all could have. Instead, she’d reacted in defense. She’d still done the Coven right. No one else was killed. And yet their leader was dead. Lyss could hear the others’ muffled voices. Even though she couldn’t understand them she knew they felt the same. The devastation. The weight of the guilt on their chests. None of them were to blame except for the Dollhouse and Kimberly. Lyss wanted to tell them that, but she could barely breathe. Was it the loss of blood, or the loss of her closest sister?

When the initial shock wore off, the others’ voices became coherent. Who was going to take care of Kimberly? Were Penny or Isla in on this? They knew her well. Was Kimberly really capable of this when she also wanted the cure for Annabelle? It wasn’t adding up. This entire day… it didn’t make sense. Lyss should have never come back to Miami.

Madison. She didn’t believe it was really Walton. Lyss still trusted Madison. Madison and Claudette were close to. Lyss slowly raised her eyes to look at Madison for reasoning, but she saw her activate the Jaws. Her head turned towards the source of panic. It was the girl that was with Babylon, and then the man that was about to attack when Herik stepped in.

Lyss gripped her shoulder tighter and moved to stand, but she found her legs were too wobbly to hold her weight. She narrowed her eyes at the two Dollhouse members. What the fuck did they want? She looked around, but there was no sign of Babylon. Her presence wasn’t in her range, either.

She wasn’t in any state to demand answers, but she was thankful that Emily and Madison stepped up for her. Demands were made, explanatory monologues were given, and-

Lyss froze. Kimberly Walton sold empty bodies to the Dollhouse? Her blood began to boil. Of all the times she hadn’t heard about the Dollhouse, she had heard of those who sold the soulless to apparitions. It was much harder to capture and sell apparitions if they were finding meat suits to hide in. The bodies made them harder to seal inside of an object. So, Lyss always kept tabs on that part of the market.

To hear that Kimberly Walton, famed ghost hunter, had been a major player either during Lyss’s time in the market or before shocked her. Walton was much more dangerous than she let on. Hell, at least Lyss never sold a soulless for her own greed. She’d never stoop that low. Even if Walton had a “change of heart” she was still capable of the worst kind of evil.

“They’re going to come for you all…”

Lyss frowned. This wasn’t good. The Coven was supposed to stay far away from the black market. They were her safe haven, and now they were mixed up in the market’s business. The only one who understood her was gone. Would the others treat her with the same respect as Claudette if she spoke up now? She couldn’t explain her history with the market with two members of the Dollhouse -especially not with the DENS- around. And now this Johnny Bravo dickwad wanted them to assassinate three of the markets top potion kingpins?

No. Hell no.

“If you want three of the markets top dealers to disappear, you’ll want to work with the DENs for that. Not us.” She hissed suddenly. Her eyes were staring at Johnny with the anger and grief that was mixing around inside of her. “We’ve already lost one of our own because of the market. I will not stand to lose another.”

She turned her head to look at the others. “If we go back and “remove” those dealers from the market, we’ll have a target on our back for the rest of our lives.” She already had one of her own targets from the market. Why make hers bigger? Why give the other girls one of their own? “We shouldn’t get any more involved with the market. I know we need those potions, but we’ll have to find another way.”

She looked at the members of the DENs now, and then to Johnny. “The DENs should arrest the three leaders of the Dollhouse, confiscate the potions as evidence, and then slip us what we need to fight Annabelle and cure our own as a contract of silence. You, Johnny, and your friend there, should be there to assist them with this and then deliver us what we need. This will be your way of gaining immunity, because the DENs could arrest you right here and now for affiliating with the market.”

“At least, that’s how I’m seeing things right now. I think I got it all down correctly.”


“Release me.”

Lyss’s attention moved to the asshole who’d knifed her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. For a second, she was completely caught off guard by how stupid he really was. He hasn’t noticed that he’s free now? She thought bitterly as her hand tightened on her shoulder. Stupid fu-

Her thought was interrupted by a sudden voice behind her. Lyss froze in place. She half expected another knife to go through her from behind. She braced herself. Her eyes began to close. She was expecting death, or for whoever it was to throw her across the room. Either way, she was ready to take it.

Out of nowhere, she felt something wrap itself around her waist and pull. She was pulled away from the threat behind her. The movement jostled the knife in her shoulder as she was yanked off to the side of the room.

“Agh!” She shouted mid-saving. Her hand gripped her shoulder like it was about to fall off. It felt like it was. Her right arm fell. The trapping spell was broken and the black energy around Babylon was cut instantly. Lyss could only focus on the pain in her shoulder, and the need to stay standing. She didn’t lose consciousness, but she definitely wished she could.

Stay awake. Get yourself out. There’s nothing else for you here. Her thoughts were muggy and distant, but she remained upright and awake. Her head turned to her saviour. The figure of a lion. Asta. She leaned against the abstraction for support. Herik walked over. He was speaking. She didn’t know what he said to Madison, but she heard him when he told her that she was bleeding too much.

Lyss pressed her lips together. She would have said “no shit” if she had her head on straight. He was right, of course, but there were other things to worry about right now. Like Babylon and her stupid fucking boyfriend Luis. And whoever the “like ya cut” guy was.

She’d have to find Babylon again and finish the job then.

“Alright. Give me one more second.”

She raised her arm one more time, and even though it hurt like hell, she wanted to do this last thing. To protect the rest of the Coven, and to get back at Babylon.

“You want to leave so bad? FINE! Get the fuck away from us.”

That said, Lyss let her black lux flow from her ring one more time. Instead of flowing out like a funnel, this time it exploded from her ring in the form of a bubble. It grew fast. She was using as much energy as she could until she could rest after this. The bubble expanded, blowing past Herik, Penny, the smacker guy, and Madison without a problem. When it hit Babylon and Luis, though, it pushed them with a force equal to a rough shove. Her warding was cruel to the affixed and abscised within range. If they hadn’t moved fast enough, they would probably leave a dent in the wall.

Lyss turned to Herik and, after reluctantly releasing her shoulder, held out her good arm towards him so he could raise her onto the lion. “Let’s get out of here before I faint.”
In 000 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Orange kinda sus

Lyss glared at Luis from where she stood. Her hands continued to grow closer and closer as her trap shrunk. It looked like things were going well, until Luis pulled a knife and threw it directly towards her. She gasped. It was going too fast. She jerked her body to the side to avoid it hitting her heart, and in a second the knife had found her.

Searing hot pain erupted from her shoulder and Lyss cried out. She grit her teeth and closed her eyes. The pain was unbearable, but she couldn’t let Babylon get away. She didn’t care if Luis slipped out, but there was no way in hell she would let that bitch go. Her trap glitched a few times. The barrier around Luis faded and reappeared between him and Babylon. The bitch wearing Ellie’s skin was still trapped, but in her pain Lyss had released Luis.

Her right arm remained stretched out towards Babylon, trembling as she tried to keep the trap working, but the knife was still in her shoulder. Lyss reached for the knife with her left hand and flinched as she felt where the knife had made its mark. It was directly beneath her clavicle, and while it hadn’t found any major organ it was embedded in the muscle. She could feel it in her flesh that the tip had scratched the top of her shoulder blade.

Just as she was about to worry if Luis would attack her again the floor before her erupted in fire. Lyss stepped backwards, clutching her shoulder with her good arm. “Fuck,” she muttered, still grimacing from the pain. Still, she kept the trap in place. “You won’t get away so easily, Babylon!” She shouted over the screams of those trapped in the hellfire. While her voice was still strong, her pain could easily be heard in her tone.

“Madison, I need something to trap her in!” She yelled in the direction of her sister. “We can’t let her get away again!”

The deal was made, the shake of a hand would seal the deal, and just as Lyss had a glimpse of hope that she could help her sisters it was taken away by one individual. The same individual that gave her hope in the first place.


She thought the moment she saw her step through the door with a glock in hand. Lyss knew in a second that this had all been a setup. She’d been playing them this whole time. For what reason? Lyss didn’t have enough time to consider that. The moment Walton took out the cowgirl, Lyss was ready to react.

“I knew you bitches were trouble!”

Lyss saw him reach for his pistol and reacted purely out of instinct. The first thing she could think of was to duck. She slid down and into the best crouching position she could make to put the coffee table between herself and the bullets. She heard Claudette’s scream, raw and full of terror, and grimaced as she covered her neck and head.

Just when she imagined that a bullet would bite her next, she heard the crunching of metal and peeked her head out from behind the table. The Jaws. Madison. Thank satan she came along. First the gun was taken out, and then Luis’s throat was ripped out.

Lyss pushed herself to her feet and nodded a thanks to Madison, but it seemed that the victory was short lived. She watched in awe as his throat regenerated within seconds. A healer!? Honestly, they should have fucking known. Lyss raised her hands, prepping to use her abstraction, but Luis recovered faster than she expected.

He made it to Madison before Lyss could charge her ring up with energy. The force of his fist against the bones of the Jaws shocked Lyss. She took a few steps away. This was going to have to be Madison’s fight. Lyss knew that there was nothing she could do for her.

She turned to go to Claudette. She needed to stop the bleeding. The bullet must have gone through her wrists main veins, because the blood was oozing out of her.

“Get her, she’s the biggest threat here!”

Lyss stopped in place. She’d forgotten about tweedledee and tweedledum. She looked towards them with a glare. Her hands rose and she aimed them towards the two apparitions, towards her old Coven sisters, but the other bitch, not Babylon, aimed her bones towards her and let them fly.

She wouldn’t have enough time to dodge. Did she have enough time to grab something to put in front of her? Damn, Babylon’s grin was sinister. Fuck, fuck. Lyss thought in a panic, and just before she dropped to the floor for a second time that night Penny flew in front of her and took the bones for her.


She stared at the woman before her. Why would she? For me? Wasn’t she friends with Kimberly Walton? Did she know that this was Walton’s plan all along, or did Kim keep her in the dark too? She was extremely concerned at first, until she noticed that the bones hadn’t pierced through her. Until she saw the bones pull themselves from Penny’s skin and float in the air before them.

Lyss felt a wave of relief pass through her before she could finally do something to help the current situation. She held up her arms once more, palms outstretched, and allowed whoever or whatever came from Molly take her before activating her abstraction.

If she timed it right, the bones and coins would hit the Babylon and the dreadlocked abscised with her. If she focused just enough, maybe she could trap Babylon and the dreadlocked bitch. Or someone much more dangerous too.

The black light began to emit from her ring. It quickly made its way towards Babylon first, engulfing her in it’s opaque bubble, but instead of heading towards Babylon’s other friend it crawled its way over to Luis. Lyss grit her teeth. The trap was working, but it took extra effort to keep Babylon within the barrier as she stretched it.

If she managed to trap them both, she intended to put Babylon and Luis in the smallest trap possible. If they didn’t have enough space to move, it would reduce their chances of attacking the barrier. Which meant that Lyss would not feel their anger against her field of black lux energy and she could hold them long enough to get the girls out.

Lyss could feel her cast stretching to its limits, but she held on tightly. It wrapped itself around Luis, and just as Lyss adjusted to trapping both apparitions she took a step backwards and pulled her arm back. The trap pulled Luis with it and away from Madison, who had practically gone through the flooring by now.

“We came here to make a deal, Luis! We have nothing to do with Walton showing up here.” She shouted. It was the truth. Lyss was already frustrated enough that they weren’t likely to get any potions now, but to be left to deal with Kimberly’s chaos? She wouldn’t stand for it. At this point, her anger was enough to fuel her strength.

Lyss opened her palms as if a ball laid between her hands. She was mimicking the exterior of the trap. Her palms slowly began to press inward, and the trap around Babylon and Luis began to shrink inch by inch. The smaller the trap, the easier it would be to keep them inside. It would require much less energy too. She just had to keep her focus.
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