Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

D: How am I suppose to kidnap a little kid in a bar!??!!????!!
.-. How am I gonna kidnap lo? He's in a bar and a man wearing a lab coat with giant hands forcefully grabbing a child and running out is obviously not gonna happen.
Thank u banana chicken and I'll get started on the kidnapping of Lo when I get home.
I'm gonna have him cross paths with the ladies (Feon and Ixi) It may get bloody and may not it depends on what the girls say and do when Zeke imcounters them.
>_< Sorry that its long I swear that's only for the introduction!!!!!
Zeke walked through the woods that lead to his castle like home. It was located on the outskirts of the kingdom so people would rarely come by it or even notice it. The surrounding vegetation seeped through the cracks of the castle and twisted and bend making the castle look like a tree house. Zeke wasn't traveling alone. Behind him he was dragging a young woman by her hair. He was using his gauntlets to restraint her and it was completely successful. That was until she reached for a branch and gripped tightly to it not letting go even if her palms started to drip crimson.

Zeke didn't matter if he roughed up his experiments so her doing this was somewhat meaningless. He stopped walking and let his grip of her go. She shakingly attempt to stand and break of into a run but was instantly gripped by the collar and forced against a near by tree. She screamed from the pain that roared through her body as she collided with the tree. Zeke held his giant gauntlet hand over her mouth to silence her and to hold her still.

He pulled out his scaple and lifted up the shirt of the young woman. She was crying and breathing heavily. Zeke brushed the scaple against her skin. She jolted in the pain but stopped instantly when Zeke squeezed her head. Zeke wore an insane look as he began to cut through the soft skin of the young female. She was screaming as loud as she could but it was merely muffles under Zeke's gauntlets. He stopped cutting and laid the scaple on the ground next to him as he moved closer to the young woman's face.

"Shhh it'll all be over soon! Zeke whispered keeping his face close to hers. With his free hand he slowly reached into the woman's now open stomach and moved his hand around as if he was search for something. The pain of this was hectic and she was most likely gonna die from shock. "Damn." Zeke stood letting the woman completely go. She bleed out on the grass and starred up at Zeke. The woman didn't have what Zeke was looking for so the expierment was unsuccessful. He walked away from the now corpse and continued towards his castle. He didn't care if someone found the body and finds his home. Doing that would just gift him with more specimen to practice his work on.

(Note I don't know what those ramaji words mean)

Dr. Zeke Hanzsel



Human Demon Hybrid


These gauntlets greatly increases the strength of its user. They are always worn on the back of Zeke when he's doing something other then combat. When on his back they take the shape of a jetpack. In jetpack form they do posse the ability to fly.

Demonic Abilities
His wounds heal quicker or heal when he wants them to. Damage to his body is not as affective to him as it is to a regular human.

I guess this is the same as Demonic abilities or :P did I do something wrong.

Psychotic and titled as insane. He only does what ever benefits himself. Zeke strives to be the only and best scientist alive so he will be hostile to anyone who titles themself as a scientist.

Chaotic Neutral

Zeke grew up in a family completely devoted to science. Members born into the family was heavily tested on and dissected to further the families studies. On the day of Zeke's birth his family obtained the reminance of a demon and decided to do the impossible. To create a successful human demonic hybrid. The experiment was a success but was kept secret so the media wouldn't be drawn to the family. As Zeke grew up he wore glasses to hide his demonic eye. As usual he turned towards science and only did things to progress his studies. He even dissected himself to see if his structures was altered by his hybird genes. He does have a secret weak spot but that will be reveled in the rp.
Excuse me Mr.Banana Bird may I join but be a local scientist that is out to get
Hmm. I'll tag a long. I rarely do horror rps but since you asked I'll do it.
A man with rainbows streaming from his back zoomed through the booths of the neighboring tribes. He almost looked like nyan cat if you weren't focusing enough to see who's ever piloting the machine that's causing the young man to go so fast. The young man speeding through the festival was known as Jokhem Bars and the instrument attached to his back was known as the dubstep gun. He was wearing it like a back pack so when activated it had somewhat similar properties of a jetpack. And yes as he zipped through the defenseless booths dupstep music was playing.

Jokhem landed in an open area and began to laugh as he looked back and seen all the mayhem he had caused. He had another better to do and he couldn't find his cousin tribe. Him and a few of the other members of Summit attended the festival. Jokhem was happy that he got to fight and meet so many strong people. He was planing on making a band with the finalist if they didn't turn out to be douches. Jokhem walked through the crowds of people playing with his dupstep gun as he searched for anything the peeked his interest. Don't worry his gun was set to party kode instead of lethal so everyone in his surroundings were safe.
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