Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Reese expression stayed the same as he heard her response to his question. He knew that her would be something like that. Then she bring up a question that was quite easy for him to answer. "It's not lust it's love, true love. But it's obviously one sided. Love that's one sided is weak and I hoped to change that by resurrecting you but I was wrong..." Reese looked at her. "It seems even gods can be greedy doesn't it?" Exhaling and looking off in the distance Reese scratched his neck. "Look I'll...set...you free I can't kill...the mortals I've became attached to. It's what mortals would call inhumane." He clenched his fist. "Trust me though the next time we cross paths I'll be taking your hand....or taking your life..." He ended his statement not turning around continuing to stare in the direction of his city that lied beyond the trees.

Reese thought for a few seconds and cane to a conclusion. "I'll do it but I'll only kill one mortal in exchange for one offspring seems fair enough." His hands briefly caressed his facial hair as he replied to her. He'd honestly do anything for her but killing his race was something he didn't support that much. Reese didn't want to show that he was still hurt about loosing Emma. "How'd you feel if I told you to do the same...?" Reese asked just out of wonder. If she was truly that cold hearted then he was gonna have to keep a tight watch on her.

It is!!! XD Trying my hardest to not make it weirder than it already is!

Reese face remained the same. An unnatural smile on his face even after Cythlla decided to deny his generous demand. "Oh...." He said lightly his eyes closing to form slits. Taking one step Reese vanished....well not exactly more like he moved at an alarming speed and stopped behind Cythlla. Reappearing behind her he firmly gripped both of her shoulders looking down at her. His smile having a more threatening glare to them then a smile should. "That wasn't the right answer." Reese responded his grip on her shoulders tightening. "I gave you life so it shouldn't be to much for you to return the favor.... Oh! I have a better idea how about I snap you like a twig and slowly kill you until I get what I want." Flames seem to be noticeable in Reese's eyes as he said his statement. "After all not many people care for the death of a Goddess that only creates trouble. Heck! That's all I ask of you once I receive what I want you're free to go...." Reese ended with a devilish grin. He did love her so tough love is fair in these types of situations, right?
:D Yay for awkwardness!!!
@Ace of flames01
D: Reese! Nuuuu! WHY YOU DO DIS!!!

Reese watched as the new race was born before his eyes. He was satisfied with what unfolded before him. A grin present on his face through most of what transpired. Though he did crack a frown when he had to watch Emma be devoured by Cythlla. She was really like a daughter to him but sacrifices had to be made in order for him to have his love. Reese smiled as he was acknowledged by her. "Yes! It is I Reese. I go by the God of Destruction now but besides that you've been out for 30 years my love. And I have resurrected you in hopes of procreation." Reese stated a smiled still decorated upon his face.
Reese sat in his room for an unknown amount of hours starting at the Crystal. Basically fantasizing about the time he'll have with Cythlla. Of course the thought of her sanity popped into his head Noe and then but he didn't care. He was determined to fall in love with her no matter what. Before he could return to his fantasies a loud knock gained his attention. The knock was followed by a familiar voice. "Father! Rubie and Emma sent a runner ahead and said they'll be back with the 100 squids within the next hour!" The man outside his home shouted. Reese stood exiting his room making his way to his door. "Thanks for the update Lapis!" He responded opening the door to the male imp that was present at the meeting.

Lapis saluted and was about to exit the premises until he was stopped by Reese. "Lapis! Before you go can you escort 10 of our worst prisoners to the woods south of the city." Lapis nodded and did as he was told not questioning Reese's request even though he was worried. When Lapis was out of view Reese disappeared back into his home changing into his combat clothes putting away his formal attire. Before leaving to the woods he retrieved the Crystal and brung it with him. He arrived in the woods before Lapis did and decided to set up the surroundings like a shrine. The Crystal being the center of the shrine. It wasn't too long that Lapis approached the site accompanied by 10 imps with not so welcoming expressions.

"I want you to let them free and leave the woods..." Lapis was confused about Reese's orders and hesitantly did as he was told. As he unshackled the last of the criminals Reese spoke again. "Please tell Rubie and Emma my location when they reach the city." Lapis nodded one last time before leaving the scene. When he believed that Lapis was far away enough Reese starred at the criminals with an odd smile on his face. Some of the criminals weren't happy about the looks they were getting. Shortly after the brief awkward silence Reese began to spoke. "I have a offer for you criminals..." He caught their attention quickly. "You'll all get your freedom if you kill me." He stated with a smirk. Him killing the criminals in self defense was reasonable and not all suspicious.

There was a short silence while the criminals thought of the offer. Soon they rushed Reese believing numbers will male them victorious in battle against Reese. Too blind by freedom and a hint of blood thirst they weren't aware of the sudden beating that came their way. 3 of them easily being swept of their feet and killed in the blink of an eye. Before one of them could recognize what was happening they were dead. Most of them with holes blown through their torsos'. All that remained was one and he knew there was no escape. Closing his eyes regretting every decision ihe made that led him to the situation he was in now charged towards Reese. Waiting to end his life for a greater purpose Reese stood clenching his fist readying himself to make swiss cheese out of the imp.

Surprisingly to him the imp that changed him was stopped by several arrows that pierced through him like he was paper. As the imp fell to the ground dead the sound of armor raddling slowly approached Reese from behind. A light feminine voice came from the armor that soon stood beside Reese. "F-Father are y-you alright....?" Emma asked her shy tone not fitting the current situation. Reese smiled. "I'm safe my child thanks to you." He patted her head and she smiled at the feel of accomplishment. "Me and Rubie have the 100 Squids Father!" Emma cheerfully shouted showing Reese a large bag stuffed with the 100 squids. "Woah and you carried that here by yourself! You're getting strong!" He complimented her taking the bag from Emma. She saluted and left from the woods leaving Reese. A deep and long awaited breathe escaped Reese's mouth as he piled up the corpse of the criminal imps. He then put the bag of 100 squids next to the corpses and began to worship the Crystal. "NOW ARISE MY BELOVED!"

Just gonna kill 10 criminals of my race. Hey so all I would need is the 100 squids and 10 mortals...is there a way I'd have to have them set up? Like in a circle or something...?
I'm finally home sooooo what did I miss! I see that Archean-kun is back.
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