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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec continues muttering several things he should have done to the giant plant...until he stops. He spots a little hobbit hole...and within it who else but rhona. He makes several mental notes so he can teleport back here in the future. Then he continues standing there, just happy to see her in a different spot. He slowly trudges forward and with a deep breath he knocks on the edge on the entrance. Most likely leon is going to try to kill him. This means he needs to be prepped....or...maybe catch him off guard and not fight. He could always teleport out of there if he has to....plan b it is.
He stands there drenched with his head facing downward a bit, his hands clasped in front of him. He really hope rhona will be happy enough to see him to save him....he has no idea if his soul if he even has one would end up among the remaining traumatized souls or not...and now would be a terrible time to find out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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@Ace of flames01

Landon's abs quivered as her hand ran along them. He wanted everything she was giving, and his pants showed this clearly. He remained motionless as she licked his neck and nibbled his ear. She was good at what she did, and even his mind was almost gone. He took in every word that she whispered next. Fine. He was ready to give in to his lust. She turned him around and gave him a passionate kiss. He kissed her back a little in reaction, before she let him go. He fell on his back in shock as his senses returned to him in a flood. He looked up to her as she seductively invited him into a dark portal. He could think again. For some reason he had an overwhelming desire for her though. He quickly came up with an idea while he stood back to his feet. It was rather risky, but even the strongest of lusts could be overcome once fulfilled. He followed her into the dark portal, ready for what was to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Out of the 2 of them, Leon is the first to wake up. His eyes snap open and he jolts up to see none other than Alec at the entrance of their shelter as a flash of lightning creates a silhouette around Alec. Leon grits his teeth and his eyes glow a bright blue. He gently nudges Rhona awake."Rhona... Rhona! Wake up! You have ta get out of here now!" Leon said.

Rhona jolted awake. "What?! What's going on?!"

"There is no time! You must run!"


"Go!" Leon yelled. Startled, Rhona nodded and teleported away as instructed. She didn't understand what was happening but she obeyed Leon regardless.

Once Rhona had left, Leon stood up and faced Alec, his eyes narrowed and were glowing a bright blue. "I warned you to never see her again, Alec! You need to leave! NOW!" He roared, his booming voice mixed with the loud echo of thunder.



Shone-Lee smiled as Landon followed her into the portal. Little did he know that once he fulfilled his desires, he would become her slave and would forever more crave her body. Of course, this was something that she was about to give up her body so easily. She had planned to have a little fun with her "toy" before turning him into a mindless slave. "Your such a naughty boy, aren't you? You think you are just going to have your way with me and then leave so soon? No, no, my dear. We have just begun." She said, her voice was like a drug, as she closed the portal behind her and let a few of her abominations slip through just before it closed. She knew Landon wanted her, but he was going to have to earn it first. And Shone-Lee was going to properly break him before she let him succumb to Lust and madness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec reaches for rhona...until she teleports then his arm goes back to his side. he slowly meets leon gaze and braves himself. "no" he feels determined. His face showing just as much with his jaw being clenched. If one were to look close enough one would see that every inch of alec is tensed. Bracing for an attack, for some form of light to wipe him out. He can't help but wonder if some monstrous form of him would return...to continue the ruling of the egyptian underworld since he has no child of his own. Even with that in mind his eyes never leave Leon's. His arms casually...yet tensed at his sides.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Small bolts of lightning could be seen emanating from Leon's arms and the electricity could be heard whirring through the air as it tried to ground itself. However, with a sigh, Leon calmed down and shrugged."What can I say? I warned ya." Leon said. Suddenly, with blinding speed, Leon's eyes brightly glowed a bright blue as he uppercut Alec's stomach, sending billions upon billions of volts of electricity surging through Alec's body, sending him flying out of the hobbit hole and into the rainy moor. Leon, however, did not stop there. He climbed out of the hole and into the moor with a quick stride. He got on top of Alec and repeatedly punched Alec's in the face, sending more electricity through his body. Leon then gets up and grabs Alec by the collar, lifting him a few feet off of the ground. He raised his fist, at the ready, as another bright flash lightning silhouetted the 2 gods, followed by another deafening BOOM of thunder. "Last chance, lad. LEAVE. " He warned, his eyes were narrowed showing complete and utter rage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
every physical hit hurt. And hurt badly. However, when he was hit with the voltage instead of that hurting...he...absorbed it. It seems that his energy eating can go to something like volts of electricity as well since it is coming from a god..probably interesting. Either way, when he is lifted up he turns his head and spits out a bit of golden blood from the multiple punches and from soaring through the air and landing on the ground with such force. He will probably have a lot of bruises from this. His god form takes over, allowing from his feet to touch the ground. Since he has no 'collar' in this form Leon would be gripping fur on Alec's chest. "I am not leaving" His eyes pierce leon's.

Meanwhile, a plantoid eats a deer. Very productive day for it.
Side note, all plantoids shift from respiration to photosynthesis. Thus, making the quality of air around them much higher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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"Fine. So be it. " Leon replied rearing his fist back. This next blow contained so many volts of electricity that it would kill Alec. However, before he could land the punch, Rhona appeared behind Leon and held him back with all of her might.

" That's enough, brother!" Rhona said. Startled, Leon released Alec and Rhona stepped in front of him with, for the first time in her life, a cold and emotionless look in her eyes.

Rhona suddenly then slaped Alec across the cheek. "Don't ever come near me or my brother again! Do you hear me?!" Alec reached out his hand out to her only to be slaped away, the same hand she held so tenderly all those years ago. "Don't touch me!"

Rhona looked down as she tried to hide her tears behind her hair. " I hate you... I hate you, understand?! I-if you ever come near me or my brother again I... I-I'll kill you! Understand?! " She yelled. Each word, each syllable stabbed at Rhona's heart but she continued regardless. She clentched her fists and turned to Leon. "Let's go..." She murmered.

"But Rhona... He-" Leon started.

"Leave him. Please, brother... He's not worth the trouble... Let's just go." Rhona said then teleported away once more, Leon following close behind as he shot one final look at Alec.

On the other side, Rhona finally broke down and cried, hugging herself tightly. Leon, sensing her pain, knew that she said all of that to save Alec. He knew that it was hard and painful for her to say such things but he was proud of her for being so strong and so brave. He hugged her tightly, comforting her. "I'm sorry...! I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry...! Please forgive me...!" Rhona cried to herself, her voice was muffled as she barried her face into Leon's chest, hugging him back.

"It's alright, lass... It's alright... I know ya didn't mean it... And I am sure he will forgive ya... You were so strong, Rhona... I am very proud of you... " Leon murmered softly as he gently pet her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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@Ace of flames01

Landon was slightly confused at her comment. As he figured it out, he chuckled to himself. She was still trying to be seductive, but was evidently bad when it came down to it. It sounded like most of her targets left her after getting what they wanted. She was afraid Landon would leave her after satiating his desire, which was true. He wasn't one of the weak mortals she probably prowled on daily for satisfaction.

He wasn't new to the emotion lust, and he knew how to use it well. Now that he accepted her lust, madness was no longer a question. He merely had to have sex with her now, but it seemed like she was going to try to get some more out of him. She had an upper hand, depending on her request, it was going to be hard to resist her. She was going to need to play it carefully. He decided to play back with her a little bit. "Why would I ever want to leave you? Of course we're just beginning. Where would you like to begin?" He asked as he came up and gave her a kiss on the neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Alec's god form melts away as he collapses to his knees. With the both of them gone he starts coughing spitting up more blood before simply remaining there, tears streaming. He then slowly stands, stumbles, falls, then stands again. His face bruising a bit from sustaining so much punching. He teleports to Audrey and stands there staring at the plant. "You look tenderized" Alec fixes an empty hollow gaze at the plant. "Eat me" Audrey is taken aback. "I can't eat you...look at you" Alec doesn't respond. "Just do it" Audrey simply puts a vine over Alec's face. "Shush your mouth cuz crazy be coming out of it....and I don't do crazy" Alec sighs, his shoulder s falling. He shuffles a bit before teleporting to the underworld. Once there he sits among the traumatized souls. He seems statuesque there, as if a piece of him is gone. Kneeling he grasps a spear and holds it to his chest shaking tears streaming. After a few seconds he tosses it aside, causing it to go through several of the souls. He balls up his fists and hits the ground before remaining there, on his knees with his arms outstretched in a sort of downward dog. He couldn't let his own race down by dying....he had to continue to exist for them if nothing else. The souls seem quiet...causing for an eerie silence through this realm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Shone-Lee smiles at Landon's advances then laughs."Oh my, so naughty. You're a virgin aren't you? Yet you tried to make the first move, how bold... And how utterly disappointing." She replied, practically hitting the nail on the head, her expression suddenly turned cold. She placed one hand on the back of his head and licked his neck then proceeded to kiss him passionately, then her other hand slowly made it's way down Landon's torso and towards his groin. However, this time her actions were brief and not as aggressive as before, as if she were teasing him and not taking him seriously. She backed away a bit and lifted his chin then smirked. "How cute. Yet boring. I'm losing interest already. Such a shame."

Her actions, her voice, even her scent, was like a drug, only leaving Landon wanting more. For Shone-Lee, however, Landon was nothing more than a toy at her disposal; should she get bored of him, she would just throw him away like the rest of her victims.

Shone-Lee sits on her throne at the end of the hall and crosses her legs, then rests her head on one of her hands and smiles. "Alright. You may leave, dear. I've lost interest and am done playing with you." She said snapping her fingers, creating a portal that lead to Nexsus directly under Landon's feet. Landon fell through the portal, before he could protest, and landed on his butt.

Meanwhile, Shone-Lee sat on her throne and smirked. Her spell had taken full effect on Landon and he didn't even know it. He would constantly be haunted by illusions of her, both in his dreams and the waking world. With each dirty illusion that would creep into his mind, his lust would grow stronger. Eventually, his Lust would drive him to insanity and would lead him back to Shone-Lee. Where he would become a mindless slave forced to do her bidding and to be drived soley on the thing that lead him to his own insanity. All the while, she would watch him suffer with true delight from her throne.

"I may have lost interest in him but he has certainly not lost interest in me. He'll be back and next time it will be of his own desires, when he is on the brink of madness. Until then... In his dreams... And in the waking world he will be haunted.. By me. Slowly and painfully driving him into madness as his sexual desires consume him." She then laughed and opened multiple small portals, where all of the male, and a few female, merged came into view. "Now... Which toy should I play with next?"



After an hour or so of crying, Rhona had tired herself out and had fallen asleep. Leon carried her in his arms as he entered the ruins of a village. The rain had finally subsided and the sunlight once again poked out through the clouds, as if it were responding to Rhona falling asleep. Leon sighed. If he didn't have so much pride and was honest with himself for a moment, he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried even a little about Alec. Even he knew that what Rhona said was pretty harsh... Even if she didn't mean it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

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"Well, I guess I should've seen that coming", said Claire with a light chuckle.

"But, I'm not going like this. People know how I look already, so I have to go in disguise."

Claire placed a hand on her headphones. When she touched it, a small spark went off from a strange, magical reaction from contact. Her headphones began bringing some music to life.

A large cloud of darkness surrounded Claire's body. It was fluffy and smoothly flowing at first, but then contracted quickly, almost looking as it was trying to crush her. A few smalls orbs of light floated around the mass of darkness, before embedding themselves into it, and sinking inside. Within moments, the blob began to wriggle strangely. When it was done, it had created Claire's
, clothes and all.

"Built-in mystical headphones. How many times can I thank Yuki?" said Claire to herself.

She turned to Xoxi and Cia, and smiled at them with her new, sharp-tooth smile.

"Two things. First, dudette that I've never seen before. Nice to meet ya. Name's Claire. What's yours? Secondly, hey Cia, want me to do yo next?"

She said it that way on purpose. She meant whether or not CIA wanted a disguise, but worded it weirdly just to mess with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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Xoxi bowed before explaining herself to Claire and Cia.

"Xoxi's the name, master thief's the game. I've stolen deeds to houses, did some jailbreaking, even stole back someone's sister once. That last one got a little bloody though, had to paralyze someone for life because he saw me and aimed a rifle at my head. If you need something answered lemme know and I will answer. Other than that, we're heading to Canada, since the attractive lady wants to go and I kinda wanna see snow again."

Xoxi turns to Claire and pats her head.

"You're almost as intimidating as the plantoid which ate my father! Ask a question about that and you lose your throat by the way."

Gyro patted Cia's head, as he was still up there on it. Xoxi picks him up and puts him in front of the portal going to Britain.

"Gyro. Set up the nation for me, would ya? I'm gonna show these people the world."

Gyro nods and scurries through, ready to start raising a nation from rags to riches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese thought for a few seconds and cane to a conclusion. "I'll do it but I'll only kill one mortal in exchange for one offspring seems fair enough." His hands briefly caressed his facial hair as he replied to her. He'd honestly do anything for her but killing his race was something he didn't support that much. Reese didn't want to show that he was still hurt about loosing Emma. "How'd you feel if I told you to do the same...?" Reese asked just out of wonder. If she was truly that cold hearted then he was gonna have to keep a tight watch on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Landon was quite ready to quit playing her game. She could tease and taunt all she wanted, but he knew what he was doing, well for the most part. It would be his first time since losing his arm. It had been a while for him actually. He began walking towards her with the intention to end the foreplay, when she decided to dismiss him back to the Arctic Circle. He was caught off guard and couldn't avoid the hole, but he landed fine as his feet imprinted in the soft snow below. She certainly was smart and this wasn't a situation he was prepared for.

He knew the lust would linger until satisfied, and only she could fully satisfy it. He hoped she would give him an ultimatum that he could use to fight the lust, but there was nothing there. She merely dropped him because she was bored and that wasn't acceptable. There was no time or actions that gave any relief from the lust either. She was smart to leave it linger within him until he was driven mad. His only hope was that she would return before he was completely mad. He couldn't leave it completely up to luck. He would search her out as well. He thought about the chance that she might be watching him even then. He couldn't sense any peeping eyes right now, but that would have been very different if she tried to watch him while he was in his realm. He hoped he might be able to catch her then as well. Fortunately her realm was very dark and that should make things easier for him.

He began to brainstorm on ways to cope with lust within him. Fighting it would only lead to the losing war he faced before, and now accepting it would drive him mad in her absence. He was going to need to walk a very careful line to fight this curse, and even then it would still grow quickly. There was something else he thought about that could help with his predicament as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cia was still angry, a few of the Kree came at her only to find them selves annihilated by a beam of light. She was furious it seems. Though it seems that Landon was no where to be found. "Where is he!?!?" Cia shouted as she looked around, her eyes still giving off green smoke. If she ever found this woman Cia would do far more than just kill her, she would torture her. This was a goddess of Jealousy. If someone didn't try to calm her down soon though she would go berserk.

Although Cia wanted to kill this woman she also wanted to see Landon safe, so long as he was safe she would be satisfied for now.

Cythlla looked at him. She wanted to give him no offspring at all truth be told. When he asked her if she would kill her own race she gave a toothy grin. The Inklings looked up at Cythlla with fear in their eyes. Cythlla walked up to Reese and whispered in his ear. "If it were for someone I really loved, I would kill all of them." Cythlla whispered with a grin on her face. "Wouldn't that be fun. However, don't you think that such a thing as offspring is more meaningful when both parties are in agreement?" Cythlla asked. At the very least she would try to make this fair, he would have to woo her if he wanted it to be meaningful. "Don't you believe that be more meaningful? Or are these feelings of yours just pure bodily lust?" Cythlla asked, her expression becoming one of disappointment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese expression stayed the same as he heard her response to his question. He knew that her would be something like that. Then she bring up a question that was quite easy for him to answer. "It's not lust it's love, true love. But it's obviously one sided. Love that's one sided is weak and I hoped to change that by resurrecting you but I was wrong..." Reese looked at her. "It seems even gods can be greedy doesn't it?" Exhaling and looking off in the distance Reese scratched his neck. "Look I'll...set...you free I can't kill...the mortals I've became attached to. It's what mortals would call inhumane." He clenched his fist. "Trust me though the next time we cross paths I'll be taking your hand....or taking your life..." He ended his statement not turning around continuing to stare in the direction of his city that lied beyond the trees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Shone-Lee watched Landon for a few moments as he was already showing signs of struggle. The illusions had already taken a hold of his mind. One by one his dirty desires presented itself. She laughed as she enjoyed watching him suffer. However, suddenly something caught her eye. A young, fairly handsome, god who was currently suicidal and vulnerable. Shone-Lee was familiar with this god as he had piqued her interests before. A god of death, spirits... And love. "A god of love with a broken heart. How sad, yet interesting. Perhaps he will provide me with some entertainment." She said mockingly.

Shone-Lee snapped her fingers, then teleported right in front of Alec. She lifted his head and smiled. "The girl that you care for so deeply hates you, how horrible. What does it matter? You did nothing wrong. She does not deserve you." She replied. She then embraced him, burying his face in her chest. "She could never love you like I could. If you want... I could provide you with the love that you so rightfully deserve. " Her words were like a siren's song to him-- hard to resist-- as she kissed him passionately. " Come with me." she whispered sweetly into his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec finds himself surprised that there is a goddess in the underworld. His shock lasts only a minute as she kisses him causing his mind to reel from it. He feels his mind give for a second and then...a different side takes over. With a smile he stands his own power seeming to be activated by her. This side of him decides to play victim. The only evidence of this side of him activating is his eyes changing to a pink color. He raises his head to meet her eyes. "you...could?" his voice also sounds different, even with the vulnerability in his voice it sounds velvety. This should be a most interesting encounter indeed. Especially since this side of him has never been brought out...probably would have if venus had more of a hand in raising him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Shone-Lee had noticed the sudden change in Alec's behavior and appearance. "How interesting. This is going to fun. Let's see how long you can amuse me." She thought silently, smiling.

"But of course, my dear. I can make all of your pain disappear. I can make you forget about the cheeky little bitch that broke your poor heart, my little love God." She whispered into his ear then slowly licked his neck, sending more shivers down his spine. However, this was nothing more than a tease.

Shone-Lee stood up and turned around then snapped her fingers, opening another dark and mysterious portal. She looked over her shoulder, down at Alec with a intoxicating look in her eyes, and smiled, then gestured for him to follow with her finger before walking through the portal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec watches her go through his eyes like puppy dog eyes. Huge and round. Until she turns her back, thats when he stands and a rather feral smile spreads across his face. His skin seems to have taken on a light golden dusting as well making his skin shimmer slightly. His other side taking over his appearance as well as his mind. As if it was finally awakened fully. He steps through the portal and seems to go back to playing a part. "please...help me forget" his pleading is only a bit convincing. He seems to be completely ignoring his surroundings instead focusing on her. His eyes going back to their large puppy dog likely hood.
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