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This fucking country, how the hell did people manage to live here? The schizophrenic weather that jumped wildly from blazing heat and bone dry to merely hot and wet enough to drown standing up, the snakes and bugs that swam through the mud and up your ass, the lack of infrastructure in the pits that most of these rice farm fucks called home, it was like going back into the medieval age. You couldn't step off the path to go piss without stumbling into a dead water buffalo or failed rice paddy, not to mention the tiger traps and landmines left as little go-fuck-yourselves by the VC. No wonder Má had gotten out as soon as she was able to. And now Miracle was here, the stupid white-washed daughter who had decided to pick up a gun to win her father's love. Who knew if it worked, Dad hadn't been especially responsive when she told him the news. He had just grunted and sank into his armchair with his usual five PM beer and back pain, looking down his nose at the tiny little mongrel who refused to tame her choppy hair. It was a signature look of his, he had given it to her when the police dropped her off stumbling and throwing up on herself and when she announced proudly that she had won her boxing match by TKO.

He was sizing her up, trying to figure out if she had the balls to keep going. "Really? Good luck then." He hadn't said she'd need it but it was definitely implied. And it turned out he was right. Boot camp had been relatively simple, getting screamed at and doing intense physical labor wasn't new. But six months into her deployment and she was seriously regretting her decisions. Every patrol that came under fire frayed her sanity a little more, every time some gook with a Jap made mortar opened up on the firebase she wanted to screamed. And each trip down into the suffocating heat of the pitch black rat tunnels made her feel like she was walking directly into Hell. The thought wouldn't leave her even when she was out on R&R, sins real and imagined haunting her as she bet on cockfights or trolled bars for drinks and drugs. Má's favorite priest had warned her that her substance problems would send here there sooner or later, Dad had told her much the same in his off-handed manner when she tried to hint at why she hadn't bought any boys home. Hell was her final destination, the end of the road, and Vietnam was the loading bay.

At least she wasn't out in the shit at the moment. No she was lying on a steel frame cot trying to will her busted fan back into operation with mental power alone and debating whether or not she should bother getting up. The answer was yes, simply because walking would be something different to do. Miracle saw little point in putting on more than her plain white tank top and issue pants, far too hot to wear her full fatigues unless ordered. A single hand scarred and bruised from many a thrown punch, dug into her pocket and produced a cigarette and lighter. Smoking was the probably the least destructive of her vices, Morgan puffing away as she wandered aimlessly.

Within a few minutes she had managed to find herself some company, the sergeant that had been here six months longer, a splotchy skinned Negro grease monkey and two soldiers who she didn't recognize. "Hey, how're you all doing?" Some people were capable of coming up with cool quips and sly entrances on the fly, commanding the room with the power of their presence. Morgan would never be one of them and that was fine with her. The heavy stomping of her boots and her rough tone was as good a greeting as any. "He's counting the artillery going off. That's seventeen." That was her assumption at least, made recklessly without any thought. Just like most of her decisions. The two FNGs set her on edge, Morgan idly tapping her fingers against the pistol holstered at her side. The way they talked and acted suggesting complete novice-hood to the service. Theresa and Linde were either going to learn quick or get themselves killed.

"You know if we're scheduled to go out again soon boss?" Christ she hoped not, if she had to crawl around another fucking tunnel she'd scream.

Tentative interest tag

Ignore this please, made a mistake

Victoria hadn't minded the marching. Two decades of loyal service to the Federation had given her plenty of time to practice getting from point A to B without falling off a bridge or something. She had hadn't enjoyed listening to a pair of perfectly dense soldiers complain about walking and cards and mud and whatever dumb shit came to their minds (such as they were), but they had at least been shut up pretty quick. Besides, sooner or later they would end up under fire and Vicky would get the pleasure of watching them piss themselves. As long as she had her flask she could put up with them and obnoxious tramping of boots and her daughter cooing and whispering to that stupid cat. It was easy once you were used to it: just keep putting one foot in front of the other, try not breath in the clouds of dirt blown up by tanks and trucks, and for the love of God don't stop drinking. That was the most important part.

Getting up at Go Fuck Yourself o'clock was honestly completely fine. She hadn't regularly slept a full night since the first war so this was entirely normal. Wake up, get dressed, scream at the people who were still trying to sleep and then get into formation. Easy. She didn't even have to do anything except listen to her boss read off the list of bullshit regulations and let her know she heard them loud and clear. "Eat shit, cunt." Spoken like a professional soldier. The words were harsh but her tone was light, a rare smile stretched across her slashed up face. Maxi was probably the only officer in existence that wasn't brain-dead. In a strange way she reminded Vicky of herself in her younger years.

This of course meant that she was probably as intelligent as a cow, but that was just how kids were.

Really she found most parts of army life more or less agreeable, able to be endured for the sake of a paycheck and a pension. Today though she'd be dealing with the parts that weren't: the food and the officer corp. Vicky had grown up mixing sawdust in with old flour and helping her mom cook meat she had managed to buy when a draft horse needed to be put down. She prided herself on being able to turn ingredients of little-to-no quality into food that was actually pretty good! Or at the very least, edible. And that's was made the slop being served to her so insulting. All the fucking money the Feds were taking out of her paycheck as taxes and they couldn't afford a half-way decent cook?

It was the fault of those goddamn bigwigs roaming about, fat old fucks whose idea of intensity was a rousing day at the horse races with their wives and mistresses. It was their fault that the food was awful, tightfisted cunts who couldn't bear to approve a penny more of pay raise unless it went directly into their own pockets. The best and brightest of Vinland, Francia, Edinburgh and the other shitholes that made up this proud alliance. Just being near them pissed her off to no end, and she dealt that anger with the same way she dealt with all her problems.

Another heavy gulp of cheap whiskey helped prepare her stomach for mouthfuls of rubbery eggs and nearly curdled milk as she sidled up to some of her fellow Rangers trying to harass Maxi. "Hate to break it to you, but whatever it is will be awful." Rosie and Paloma were already at their routine of being too cheery for the morning, but that was preferable to Yori's permanent case of bitch face. Could he make any expression besides a grimace?"Watch it there Yori, you put any more sunshine in that famous smile of yours and people might actually think you're happy to be alive!"

He always looked as if he couldn't decide whether he was more disgusted with himself or his comrades.

Me too kid. Me fuckin' too.


Not for the first time Elizabeth was bemoaning her decision to sign up and fight her way through the Ranger selection process. Her hare-brain attempt at showing her mother that she was capable was turning out to be a dismal failure, Victoria having made little notice of her making it through sniper school or being placed in her unit. If anything she had seemed upset, like she couldn't believe Liz had managed it and wished she hadn't. It hadn't been good enough, just like everything else. Liz spent most of her time away from her now, unable to figure what she should or even could do to try and make up for her existence. It was the same today, the younger White slipping away from her mother's spot in the convoy. Best for both of them that they didn't talk too much.

She was good at that sort of thing, quietly fading into the background and disappearing before she could attract too much adverse attention. It was a skill she had picked up from dealing with a family of drunks and never quite fitting in with her peers, Liz carefully backtracking through the convoy until she spotted at least a couple of familiar faces. One of her mother's old comrades who she didn't really know, and her aunt! The sight of Mrs. Godfrey could usually cheer her up, but she had to be careful around her. She was motherly almost to the point of smothering, such a far cry from Vicky that it was almost a shock to the system. There was such a thing as being too affectionate after all.

"Hello Auntie."

Her voice was a near whisper, Liz keeping her eyes on the road ahead of her as she wrapped an arm around the shorter woman. "You doing okay?" The question had been addressed to Diana but answered by someone else entirely, a gentle "Mraow?" echoing out from the confines of her jacket. There was visible bulge moving from within the garment, climbing up from her stomach and along her ribs it popped out at her collar, Soot making his presence known with another curious meow. "Soot says hi as well." She giggled, a musical noise quickly cut short as if out of habit.
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