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Oh joy, trench clearing duty. The shitty job that the piece-of-shit-Captain assigned to those stupid, disposable or psychotic enough to be good at it. Victoria wasn't surprised that this sort of work fell on her shoulders, she had done her best to prove herself as overburdened with those qualities and with her having found those battleplans, well...someone must have taken note of her dutiful can-do attitude. Wow, she was so proud she could just fucking puke.

The Oceanic was passing the time before the raid with art, scribbling on the torn off piece of paper that had been her focus for the past little bit. An amorphous blob of a blanket with an unshaven face peering out, a stupid little helmet perched atop and a few motion lines to denote shivering and she had a fairly accurate picture of Jean the Coward. In the interest of fairness she matched it with a caricature of herself, all sharp teeth and crazy eyes with gnarled claws for fingers. Victoria the Mad Rat and Jean the Frightened Mouse, a comedy duo worthy of vaudeville.

The Midget spoke and reminded her that she was among other poor bastards, Victoria setting down her well-chewed pencil to begin going through her kit. "Carbine, pistol, knife, shovel..." She laid them out one by one on the table, well-worn instruments ready and waiting to be put to use. "My armor and ammo obviously and something I like to cook up myself."

She finished the rest of her bottle in one quick gulp, cheap wine that she had been nursing the past two days. Out from her pack came the greasy jam tin filled with lamp oil and turpentine, the mixture freehand poured into the bottle with nary a drop spilled. Soap was next, a greyish lump produced from a pocket and shaved until a small pile of slivers formed.

"Burns 'em right out."

Was she looking forward to seeing it in action as much as her manic grin would suggest? No. Yes. Maybe? It was hard to tell how much of her thirst for violence was acting and how much was genuine, her mind cracking in too many places to keep track. Just keep playing the gangster turned soldier, the woman who belonged on the battlefield and hope no one called her out as the frightened child she was, that was her mission.

In an example of the infinite wisdom bestowed upon the upper echelons someone had assigned a sniper to a trench raid in the evening. Alex was a good shot, a damn good shot, but even he would be limited by both dusk and the constraints of space. Trying to take potshots from across No Man's Land with the sun down would result in friendly fire as often it did an enemy killed and it wasn't like his scoped rifle was designed with close-quarters combat in mind.

So what did that leave him with? The Turner-Cable, a gift from his father that had been more symbolic than anything. His saber, a straight pattern made for stabbing and so infinitely more useful in tight trenches than the Europan models that necessitated wide swings. And Valkur, a hulking brute with sharp teeth and hatred for mankind restrained by nothing more than Alex's force of will. Absolute barbarism personified in the form of three items, the industrial scale slaughter of the conflict embodied by beast, blade and bullet.

"Valkur can handle whatever the Imps can throw at him, I'm just going to follow behind and put the stragglers out of their misery." He smiled at his own bravado, amusing himself at the thought of the enemy fleeing for the hills chased by his monstrous hound. "But seriously, usually I'd be providing you overwatch but I doubt that's feasible under the circumstances."

He could feel his grin becoming bitter, the consummate professional allowing himself the slightest curl of his lip before removing the expression entirely like a good little tin soldier. "We'll make it work." It was his duty to be an example for his juniors, no bellyaching could be heard coming out of his mouth. "The raid itself doesn't worry me too much, the real trouble's going to be getting back to our lines with a couple prisoners in tow."

Alex's only show of nervousness was lighting up a cigar, sweetly addictive smoke sucked into his lungs like some kind of improper savage. Little violations of decorum like that were how he stayed sane, the weight of the smoke brought deep into his body where it would hopefully be absorbed faster.

From the moment she had kicked the door open Ekaterine had her shotgun trained on that abominable "Ryan" character, ready and waiting for the moment she could unload on the sly bastard. Her comrades from the other churches were soft, willing to give quarter when nothing but prompt destruction should have been offered. While it was true that there was goodness in offering tolerance to a foe in hopes that they surrendered intolerance was often the required trait. She had offered no quarter during her careers as a soldier of both God and the Red Army because her enemies had never deserved any.

But in the interest of preserving her relationship with her softer coworkers Ekaterine had restrained herself. She listened and scowled as the snake simpered and acted the part of the charmer, watched her brothers waste their breath on the scum in an effort everyone there knew would be futile. All the way that damned armor kept playing, profaning a fine instrument with its twisted touch.

Then a third party had burst in, a stranger babbling in Russian who had presumably been the one firing shots. He had come alone? An idiot then, soft in the skull and in need of a babysitter. "Yes he is." Her frown only deepened as she regarded the idiot in the cassock. Another Catholic, perhaps drunk on sacrificial wine. "Вы придурок! Ты пытаешься быть убитым?" There was little time for her fire off any other sort of rebuke, Ryan simply dematerializing before more of the Devil's minions rushed in.

The time for parley had ended, now was the moment of decisive action. As the Satanists charged Ekaterine simply howled, channeling all her fury into a scream that could match anything produced by man or demon. The sound was harsh, hateful, as hard on her throat as it was on the enemy's ears and as Satan's whores got closer to her with their overwrought gardening implements it died down into unhinged laughter.

They wore armor and so thought that they had an advantage but were sorely disappointed, the first hook slicing through her robe but bouncing harmlessly off the steel breastplate she wore underneath. Stepping back to avoid the second blow the Stravaphore raised her weapon and fired in one fluid motion, an explosion of holy powder blasting the fool who had swung for her chest.

He was injured but not out, the physical protection provide by his infernal armor not enough to defend him from the Lord's hate that the pellets had been imbued with. Ekaterine racked the pump and fired again, burning a hole through her victim before getting interrupted by yet another cultist. That attack too did little, the impact unpleasant in the extreme but causing her nothing more than bruises.

Defended by her faith she was free to press the advantage, swinging her weapon around to stab right through a chink in the billhook wielder's armor, his cry of pain drowned out by her triumphant shriek.

"Kill them slowly my brothers! Let them suffer on Earth before being kicked back to their master!"

Yu's incense was intoxicating, its smell as empowering to her as it was sickening to the enemy. It cloud all thoughts except those of violence, removed any words from her vocabulary except maim, smite and kill. Putting all her weight into the butt of her shotgun Ekaterine drove the Satanist into the ground, his dying gurgles much more beautiful to her ears than the concerto that had been playing earlier.

The fight ended as abruptly as it began, the devils shredded by lead and mulched under car tires as they deserved. The sights, the sounds the sheer rush of adrenaline always lifted Ekaterine's spirits and this time was no different. She hummed to her herself as the car pulled up to the Castillian mansion, fingers working shells into her shotgun to replace the ones she had spent. Three blasts fired meant that she had fifty-seven more to go. Would it be enough to see her through this next test? Perhaps it would and perhaps it wouldn't. There were still her pistol, bottles and boots after that, each a more than serviceable weapon against Hell's legions.

Father Alistair returned the Abbess's Makarov and Ekaterine took it with a smile, nodding as he complimented the weapon. "You used it well. It might be worth looking into acquiring a firearm of your own, I'm sure the Holy See has something it's arsenal." There was no way the Papal Guards still only used halberds right?

The plan was simple enough, no different from the house-to-house fighting she had taken part in during the battle for Stalingrad. Go in, shoot every last monster they found and then leave to lick their wounds and let someone else handle the cleanup. The CIA spooks and FBI men in black were cold-hearted imperialists but at least they had the budget for burn crews.

It felt to the Mother to deal with the door and she did in her usual no nonsense way. Alien geometry and intricate ivory carvings meant little when one could simply kick it in. The interior of the structure was almost baffling in its ostentatiousness, thick rugs and ornate furniture that would have been unthinkable to a girl growing up on a Georgian farm. There had been some truth then to the Soviet's propaganda if Americans could live fill their homes with so much useless stuff while their countrymen starved.

The song being played had a name but whatever it was passed through one ear and out the other. It was information totally superfluous to the work at the hand. They were at the door to the dining room and whoever or whatever was inside it needed to die. Ekaterine took her shotgun in hand and kicked in yet another door.

The sound of demons was perhaps unexpected but it certainly wasn't unwelcome. If the devils were already seeking to throw themselves in the path of God's executioners then she would not begrudge the chance to die violently. As hellish shrieks howled out in the night Ekaterine answered with one of her own, a fury filled roar that made her sound more beast than woman. This was not the time for love nor mercy, she would embody only the virtue of hateful justice.

"Now is the time for action my brothers! Now is the time to unleash the Lord's wrath! Drive them into the ground so that their rotten entrails maybe swallowed by the earth!" The zeal in her soul and fire in her belly was evident for all to see, the usually serene look she wore replaced by a feral grin. This was what she was good at! This was her calling! This was righteous.

As the driver shot one rider and Alistair grappled with another Ekaterine pumped her shotgun and kicked the passenger door open to deal with the creatures attempting to ram them off the road. The first blast split one of their heads into foul chunks, splattering the road with its lifeforce as it flopped over like a bag of wet cement. The second hit the other "centaur" square in the chest, the holy load burning a hole through its blackened heart and out through its back.

A good first effort but the fight was not over yet. The crunch of metal above meant that one of the creatures had made its way up top while the crack of bone warned her that the driver was in danger. As any compassionate soul would do she prioritized the human over the car, racking her 12 gauge and firing behind the headrest. The spray of blessed buckshot tore off the demon's arm at the elbow before ripping into cursed tendons and muscle. Whatever twisted organs it had in the "human" part of its torso had been reduced to smoking shreds, the pounding of its hooves become erratic as it bled to death standing up.

"Back to Lucifer! Dabrundit tkvens dats’q’evlil sameposhi!"

The slip into her mother tongue was a natural part of the hate Ekaterine felt flowing through her, the higher level functions needed for speaking English temporarily superseded by the duty to slaughter. They hadn't even made it to their destination and already she had three kills to her name? Such a productive hunt made her spirit sing with mad joy.

The request for a firearm shook her out of total mindlessness however, the Mother dropping her shotgun to pull something out of her bag.
"Here Father, eight rounds. Make them count and please be careful with it. It holds a special value to me."

She held extended the Makarov butt first, trusting Alistair to do what was needed with it.
Will work on an app later

"I get that a lot."

She was tall to everyone. Taller than her parents, taller than her siblings and her friends back home and the cunt whose kid she had and all the soldiers in the trenches. Yes Victoria White was fucking tall, a freak of nature not suited to trench warfare so could everyone stop bringing it up all the time? Slouching constantly was bad enough, being reminded of how she looked down on everyone was just unnecessary. It wasn't like she was harping on Cienie's apparent inability to speak the language shared by everyone in B Company.

"Victoria but yes, that's me." She had long ago accepted the fact that people were going to use the diminutive form of her name, making the correction more out for appearance's sake than any belief that the habit would change. "Yeah yeah I know, I'm almost done."

Medical tent of course, the one place she couldn't smoke. But it was too late to back out now. The Oceanic took one last puff of her cigarette before stubbing it out on her belt. If she couldn't finish it now she could at least tuck it behind an ear to relight later. She followed her musical companion and waited awkwardly behind him, regretting the decisions that led her to this point.

You could have just gone back to the trenches but nooooo...

Cienie stuck his head in to bother the nurses while Victoria did her best to not look totally disheveled, managing to at least straighten her cape before Senja started speaking. "Don't dump all your blessings on me, save 'em for someone less lucky." Her smile was cocksure so as to present an aura of supposed untouchability, the same wolfishly arrogant expression she had worn when dealing with rival gangs.

Now just as then her demeanor was composed entirely of bullshit save for the disregard for blessings. There was no room in Victoria's mind for religious dogma or superstitious symbolism. Senja's stick worshipping gimmick was a crux (ha) that was simply incomprehensible for someone as mired in worldly sin as Vicky. But that was. Senja was pleasant enough of a person that her heavenly obsession was more quirky and less disturbing.

A tip of the hat and a chipper "Thanks!" was exchanged for the chair as Victoria took her place among the captive (thanks to injury) audience. "You guys are in for a show let me tell you." Poor bastards. If she had enough to share Vicky probably would have passed around her flask as an apology for the upcoming clatter.

The Isaac Store was one of those things that was definitely not allowed but was simultaneously not worth bothering. Pretty much everyone knew about the little shop and Alex felt no need to break up the fledgling business. As long as Isaac wasn't dealing in narcotics or figuring out a scheme to run men out to see the local whores then no harm no foul. This poker game was just another part of the enlisted man's fight against boredom and as an enlisted man himself Alex was grateful for a break in monotony.

"Thanks Black."

To his knowledge he and the lance corporal had never met before but that didn't stop Alex from using his name nor did it dissuade him taking a seat at the table. Valkur settled his bulk down behind his master so that he could stare intently at the other canine, beady-eyed monster immediately distrustful but not doing anything to provoke the wolf-dog. "Yep. Valkur fell into my hands when his old owner couldn't handle him."

Shell-shock had ruined that medic's nerves until he was unable to cope with such a massive beast. A man laid low by his own dog, it had been embarrassing to witness.

"He's certainly less regal looking than your wolf but you can't go wrong with a dumb lump of muscle." A firm hand kept Valkur in check enough that he made a good load-bearer and that was all that Alex asked from the animal.

"What's the ante right now?"

@FalloutJack @CFProxy @samakama

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