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Tentative tag here so I can find it later
<Snipped quote by Katakuri>

If it's at all relevant to anyone's characters, my dude is dying. Like, literally dying. He's cursed and will continue to grow weaker and sicker until he passes away one day, possibly during the course of the RP, if I decide I'm ready to move on to another character.

So, there's always a potential roleplaying opportunity with doctor-y characters, since he might need medicines or magical painkillers or whatnot from them.

Oh my gnolls gonna be interested. She’s not dying yet but she is getting older and is actively looking to die in battle.
posting here to not lose what little i have

@Tortoise I figure it'll be fine but also just wanted to ask to make sure, is it okay if we have multiple images for our character? I'd like to have that shows my gnolls cute and cuddly face and one that shows their whole dressed for war ensemble
Working on my app piece by piece by the gist of my gnoll is that they’re a former raider of some sort, makes use of a specific school of magic revolving around magnetism, lots of launching metal bits and pieces at people.
Hmm, we got a few fighty types already but I’ll probably go ahead and make another one anyway.
should be good to join, i have some prior commitments to handle but Ill start on a character over the weekend.

I saw we have a character who dislikes Gnolls, which means I am honor-bound to play a crusty hyenaperson lmfao
Tentative interest tag, this is a super cool idea but I'm not sure what my schedule's gonna be lookin' like
figured my situation out and Im going to reply before the weekend, if you guys are cool with me plugging back in
Update on my absence: my housing situation has changed for the worse and I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing about it. I’m hoping I’ll have found a place by Wednesday but if not I’ll likely have to drop

Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen!
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