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On early 20s man.

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"Well, that was one heck of an outburst." Kirsten shook her head as everything returned to normal again. It was a lie if the scene didn't feel depressingly relatable to her, but she tried to distance herself from it. It was up to her to have a perfect evening. Let the Von Kruber widow wallow in her grief, it didn't concern her.

"Oh? I wasn't forcing myself," answered Kirsten when Gepard offered him his handkerchief and told her to not force herself. The gesture was rather fussy, but Kirsten let it slide, again.

"It was fun, yeah, go idea! I will see you at the next banquet."

"Well that settles it then!" Gepard replied her in excitement.

For changing the topic. Gepard changed the topic about today's capital since his soldiering took his time and he spent on Hdur during recalled and capital's lock down. He was informed by his mother about some news about the capital. But he wanted to know her more, so, he started to speak again.

"So, tell me, what has house delving been up to lately? It's already been a year since I've been back here in the capital, and I know your family is very important. Your brothers have important military and naval positions, so what about you Ms Kirsten, what do you do?" Gepard continued with a gentle smile.
The dancing goes on, the music was amped temporally and now returning to its slow melodies. Kirsten already lost count of how many twirls and harmonious cortes she did, but she was ready to do more.

Or perhaps a breather would do. Sweats were already formed on her forehead, and she tried to dampen the fatigue by humming the music. Dancing was almost like a swordplay, one step forward, two steps back, remember your footwork, easy your body, and let he music guide the movement. She looked at Gepard, and the two smiled at each other, enjoying the mellowing tune until Kirsten talked to him.

"Not too shabby aren't you, Gepard York? It's been a while since feel this worked up."

Gepard loved the sound of her humming. It was an even, and beautiful sound. He accepted her commendation with gentle and warm smile, told her that 'perhaps they could dance again some time', then took greater care with her fatigue. He guided her back to her seat as the dance concluded, then remarked to himself how fond of her he could already feel himself becoming. He really hoped she would take him up on his offer tonight. Or any other night. Perhaps... whenever she wished.
Kirsten adjusted her glass as she made her decision. Gepard was not sure if she confirmed or denied his offer until her paltry smile escaped her lips (and surprisingly) his offered hand accepted hers, and was put it onto her waist. He smiled with satisfaction, feeling she was being serious, and not just leading him on; a gesture that she wanted him to lead her out, and on to the dance floor.

They strolled like a couple onto the dance floor, where they joined in and took their positions. Gepard recognized the music immediately, and responded with muscle memory to the beat, adapting the moves as he went. He put geat care with his partner-- a gentle touch on the waist accompanied well-placed steps, supporting her movement in a smooth and energetic twirl that seemed to come without effort.

The York family often practiced dancing at home, as part of their lessons to their children: It was a part of Gepard’s life. Dance and meter were taught right alongside his martial training, and had continued even during his soldiering. He was known to break into dances at times to relieve himself of the stresses of trying and difficult times when stationed on the front lines.
"If I mistook on it, then I'm very sorry.

I'm Gepard York, son of Thomas York. It's been so long already I attend this kind of event. I just went back home on Hdur from the border line.

So, would you like to dance with me? The music is just started and the night still young. You look like a woman that wants to dance.
" Gepard said. He a smile and keep his gentle tone. He offered an invitation to dance with her.


Despite Linceleste rejected by the bear, she kept browsing someone. People have perversion mind to woman are afraid to look on her. There was a fearless and fearful mother who kept watching on her. As those people caught the mothers eyes, their soul might descended to hell.

Linceste accepted the offer to dance from someone who was son of noble and also enrolled to the same school as it was their first encounter. Romance not yet on her mind, she still wanted to fun while being a teenager.
Linceleste waved on brother with a smile and off to seek out the dance floor. She is heading to Cedar.

Gepard has been on soldiering for so long, he only spend his off on duty to his family. A long years of an experienced of blood, sweat and tears. A nobody who has an rank of a lieutenant that held border line and lost of his men. A soldier who just doing his job for the sake of the country and to protect his family and close people back home. It is been so long since he attended this kind of event, he was just a boy back then. He maintain his posture and started to look for dance party.

Upon looking, he saw the beautiful young woman on the white dress alone on her place. He proceed to approached her with a confident, fearless in the inside against for those watchful eyes.

"My apology, Miss. May I interrupt your loneliness?" Gepard gently greet to spoke to Kirsten. He made a gentle bow to her to greet. A warm smile on her to accompany her loneliness on this soiree.
As the wife and husband retreated back to their seats. Gepard gave her mother a disappointment facial expression.

"I thought we just here for the business and to have fun along with the people here. There are King's guests, you know it could hurt father's plan and reputation due to this attention seek you committed by insulting their being.

Think about afterwards, mother. Our Linceste having a gossips behind her back once she go on the dance floor and also to her schooling because what you had done.

I met that Mr. Cedar along with Linceste yesterday. He was polite and a gentleman."
He said to his mother once they had seated, remained his voice lower as it only heard by their family members only. He doesn't have an anger tone and facial but a serious face and neutral tone of voice.

Linceste on the other hand was like a sad princess. She doesn't like to be talk back because of their mother's attention seeking. She love her mother and she appreciate the things she gave it to her but she prefer to be a normal person without a haughty on social level and a racism behavior.
Upon hearing it from the elf inn owner. Her hope was vanished. A felt of sadness but she kept remind calm and polite. She couldn't able fo return tomorrow so as her big brother. She look on her brother and Gepard shook his slowly. A sign of defeat.

"We shall try to come back tomorrow. Bye, Mister Baker." Lynx said as she gave him a sweet smile and a little wave to him. Gepard nooded to the an elven owner.


"I forget to bring breads for breakfast....Heheheh..."


A huge sighed has been released by the big brother as they stopped in the middle route to their home. They are no choice but to go back again since Gepard promised Lynx that they having a stew for breakfast along with Baker's breed as also for the bread pudding she likes.

A moment of re-tracked to the Baker's in. Lynx was the one who entered first then followed by her big brother Gepard.

"Good evening again, Mister Baker." Said by Lynx with a face of embarrassment and his brother with a disapointment face on her.
After waitress happily left their table. A smug face has been seen from Lynx.

"Not bad but still you suck at dealing with women, my dear big brother."


"Father will be lonely when we move to Rascade. You must give him a grand child so he won't be feel lonely!"

"Father will arrange marriage agreement for me, though."

"No! He is not the who decide. Love will be settled their feelings from each other . Your future will be boring if you follow that path. When we arrive on Rascade, you should start finding one! I wanted to have a big sister!


"Anyway. Thank you for spending time with me for a whole day. Soon or later, will be been busy once we move to Rascade."

After their conversation, the two siblings proceeded to leave. Lynx waved for the farewell while Gepard nodded to them. Lynx noticed the boy from the carriage once they went out from the inn. She gave him a sweet smile and waved for a farewell then proceed to their horse. The siblings shared for a one horse. Gepard helped Lynx to get into the saddle before him. Soon they departed from

"You know. Big brother. Those unusual guests are quite interesting line up. They have a bear who can talk, an beautiful elf at the terrace before, a creepy black robe deadman. Those on the carriage, I sensed an orcish signature, an adult and young human's just like my age and a vampire's. I wonder what they came from."

"Who knows. But I guess there chapter is going to end. They seemed went through a hard ventured."

The siblings left the area, proceeding to their thirty minutes walk home with a horse.
First, at the table where the York siblings were, he placed two bowls and ladled out two equal portions of greasy stew into them.

"Hello there, Little miss Lynx. Pretty as usual. And Young Master Gepard, how is it going? Thanks for waiting, but so sorry, we are running out of soup, not even the bones, nor a strand of cabbage left, so I guess stew will do? Feel free to ask Nina to take it away if you don't like it. It's on the house!"

"It's okay Mister Baker. I'll take the stew. Lynx gave the elf owner a smile.

The elf appreciated it and left their table to take his job and others. Lynx nodded on Gepard, so he did the same. She put her two hands together to start a prayer that meant for thanking the grace they have on the table. The siblings later ended the prayer with synchronized hand movements by the two. The siblings went silent as they don't talk while eating, their dinning etiquette is recognizable to be a noble way. As they ended, they thanked the grace once more and cleaned their table and sort the bowls, plates and utensils properly.

"Nina." Gepard called out the waitress to pay their tab. "Everytime I go to this facility and keep seeing you a hard working one. It always makes me joy. Please, take this with you." Give her a tip and a warm smile. Not too overboard with or it will ended up like a charming spell due to his looks.
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