Avatar of spicykvnt


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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Two lovely characters indeed!

Raznog feels like such a change of pace both for you, and for a character in an Elder Scrolls rp in general. It’s a very unique look at an underplayed race in my opinion that will be fascinating to explore. He’s had what I call the “ASMR” life, in that reading his history was delightful and supper relaxing so yeah - a real change of pace that’s only made even nicer with the addition of his companion.

It would be easy to brush off Shazali as a character thats, well, half of a character —- and that’s really the point of her story, is that she’s a whole character, just in a tiny body but still as special and worthy as anyone else and you’ve done very well to show and display that through her story, her struggles, and finally the acceptance she found with Raz.

If I have to nitpick, it’s the amount of spells Shazali has — I had asked Hank to lower down to 7 so it would feel only fair to ask the same — but perhaps this is just an arbitrary number and worth and discussion in the server.

I would say I’m disappointed not to see a personality section but I feel like you’ve woven each of those through appearance and history anyway.

Anyway, happy for you to move the sheets over.
Hello! I am helloworld9174. My fandoms are Total Drama, Sonic, Pokemon, and MLP! I also like to roleplay crossovers and as my ocs. Don't be afraid to suggest some roleplay ideas, I usually draw a blank when thinking about roleplay plots. All styles of roleplay are welcome. If you have any further questions, just ask! :)

Welcome beautiful!

Hoping that you find what you're looking for here! If you need any help at all, just ask! :)
Hi there my name is Daxton. I decided to join this forum because I would like to find some roleplaying partners. I'm kind of a shy person when it comes to communicating online in big groups. I might not make the first contact but I do like to talk about the fantasy and fandoms I love.

I got into roleplaying one-on-one with a friend of mine using fandoms like bleach, ouran high school host club, and beyblade about 10 years ago. I have been into dungeons and dragons for about 4 years and played in 5 different campaigns. Roleplaying has just kind of become a big part of my life and would like to find others to roleplay with.

I enjoy one-on-one roleplaying with characters over chat. Big group roleplays have always seemed to fall apart on me but I never mind them. I prefer fantasy roleplay over any. We can play in fandom world like homestuck, Harry Potter, Bleach or 3ven work to create our own fantasy world.

I used to have a lot of hobbies. I played video games, listened to podcasts, playing dungeons and dragons, and reading books. Right now I'm in the hospital recovering from Pneumonia. Honestly I'm looking for more people to talk to. I just finished binge watching supernatural so I'm a little obsessed over that at the moment.

If you want to find my on most platforms my handle is Ragemode138

Welcome to the Guild, Daxton!

It's awesome to have you here - and speaking as someone who has made some wonderful friends here, you've certainly come to an amazing place to achieve that!

If it's chatting that you like, you should swing by into the RPG Discord for sure :) Would love to see you there.

There are lots of roleplays here, and don't be afraid to dip your toes into anything that tickles your fancy - you can even put up your own interest check in the 1x1 forum here

Looking forward to seeing you, and as Legend said, hoping that you have a speedy recovery <3

If you need anything at all, please feel free to DM me - for help, or even just a chat x

Feedback Hour

Keeping it simple here, always happy to discuss in the Server any issues or ideas etc etc.....
It's v. late so I'll post the first two and I shall be working on the rest tomorrow :)

@Spoopy Scary


My degree is in journalism and I'm not a news anchor yet sadly :D

Accountants are always required, everywhere, all the time! I'm sure you'll do just fine when things start to open up again. In the meantime, you could try freelance accounting from home for small businesses!
I would like to leave some feedback soon, but my two votes are for

1. Dreams
2. Metamorphosis

I picked Dreams because I actually had started an entry of my own and it had a similar theme. Something about it's lovely simplicity but very real, vulnerable, and relatable message tugged at my heartstrings a bit.

Metamorphosis I picked because when I read all of the entries, this one stuck around the longest - both the lovely way it was presented, and the gorgeous language.

Well done to all!

Right now I'm listening to some of my character playlists to help me with my art project.

The current song is Rue's Farewell by James Newton Howard from the Hunger Games soundtrack :)
So I had an account in the past but due some pretty aggressive clean up I have lost that info and the email it was attached to lol. So I made this new one!

I am interested in 1x1 pairings and small group settings (high-casual to advanced).

For 1x1's I really enjoy romance stories and pref FxF but don't mind FxM (though I can play both male and female characters I have a lean towards playing female characters). Romance by no means needs to be the sole or prominent topic; I just enjoy the story more with that element.

For group settings I am far more open to ideas and topics. I love fantasy, fiction, dark, realism, etc. If it's an interesting story the genre hardly matters.

Uhmm...... Yeah! If you have any questions feel free to ask! Though I try to keep RL and RP separate I might refuse to answer, though I won't be mad no matter the question! ^-^

Welcome back to the Guild, beautiful!

Whatever it is that you're looking for, I'm sure you'll find. We have a fantastic and active, helpful community here :)
Hi all! I’m new to the guild but not new to role playing! I’ve been role playing for years on and off and would love to create some stories with you! I am interred in darker themes and love long detailed posts and plot development! Hoping to explore more soon!

Welcome beautiful!

I know that I definitely also love long detailed posts and plot development. If that's your bag, advanced section is for you! Don't be afraid to dip your toes in - heck, dive right in! :)

Super happy that you're here!

If you need any help with anything at all, reach out to anyone <3
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