Avatar of spicykvnt


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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

"Corrosive.. Y-yes, something like that," Hannah stammered out, blinking widely up at Dr Geoffrey with an unintentionally wry smile. "But it sho-shouldn't be too bad to turn it off.. This is an emergency, I c-can start again," she added - her eyes darting this way and that to observe the clear chaos.

"I'll escort you to the lab, Dr," came a voice from the group with them. She didn't recognise the man, but he at least was not the same one who'd insulted her earlier. Hannah nodded appreciatively before wasting no time in setting off in the direction. The guardsman stayed at her side, remained silent and focused all the same. The Dr moved faster to keep up with his powerful strides; they were against time, after all.

Moments later, they arrived back at her particular lab. One of the lights in the ceiling had blown, and an overall gloom fell into the usually clean white space. It was like the careful curated inside of a museum display. Everything in a precise place with enough space between objects that they did not touch. A warmth too, lingered. The guardsman felt it immediately, but Hannah just made her way to the machine without any hesitation.

"It's warm in here," he commented, the first thing he'd said since his offering. Still, he maintained a protective posture in the doorway, ready and waiting for a disturbance of any kind.

"I don't notice it so much," Hannah replied with a smile aimed at the back of him as she tinkered with her experiment.

The guardsman scoffed sardonically. "Wouldn't mind this downstairs. All overly air conditioned," he said with a grunt and a shrug of his shoulders.

"I n-need a particular temperature here, for-" Hannah said, bringing a finger to her lower lip nervously all of a sudden. This was about as much of a casual conversation as she'd had with anyone here before. "I just like the warm," she finished awkwardly, with a quiet trill of a giggle.

"Yeah? All the perks for the top scientists I suppose - us security lot have to be on our toes, never too comfortable," he sighed, glancing over his shoulder to watch the woman as she busied herself. He'd only heard the occasional whisper in the lunch hall that Dr. Russell was weird, shy, awkward. She seemed just fine to him. "You almost done?"

Hannah turned her head back to the guardsman with a nod. "I-I-I have to manually open each compart...ment to d-drain out and contain the elements separately. If they end up mixed together somehow..." she bit down on her lip, a nervous gnaw at the skin before she waved her hands; "kablooey!"

"I can help," he offered, leaving the doorway to close the distance between them. "Just tell me what to press," he said, his motions hurried as he approached her, closer to her side than she was comfortable with.

"Back, get back," Hannah warned, raising her hands above her head, her fingers kept still and motionless within the fabric of the gloves.

"The fuck, woman?" he asked incredulously, but still doing as she asked by maintaining a distance. Before she had a chance to answer, the energy in the building just changed. He could tell. Of course, the deafening sirens were an indicator that things had gone from bad to worse, and instinctively he pushed back at Hannah - standing in front of her as a shield. "We've got trouble Doc, stay behind me and do as I say now, okay?" At the end of it, he looked over his shoulder at her, reassurance painted across his green eyes, and the corners of his mouth tugged upwards into as much of a smile as he could manage.

"O-o-okay..." Hannah answered, before noticing that his hand was placed gently on her shoulder. She felt that touch linger.
Hello everyone! I have been role playing and creative writing for around 15 years and have some GM experience as well. I don't do well in non-fiction worlds, but I can adapt to almost any fiction. My preferred genres are fantasy, sci-fi, anime based/inspire (not using the actual characters), magic, supernatural, and others that are similar. As far as post size, I tend to do better with para and semi-para post types. For group sizes I am open to all kinds but tend to gravitate to small, mid, and 1x1 sizes. I play both male and female but more often use males.

If anyone wants to role play feel free to message and invite me.

Welcome Hodgic! We’re super excited to have you!

We definitely have a wide variety of roleplays here, and you certainly get out what you put in :)

Best to just jump in and try — and if there’s anything I can help with feel free to ask at any time! X
Hello! While it might be my first time on this site it's not my first time writing for fun or roleplaying for that matter. I hope to find some nice threads to join and make new friends. I don't really have any preference of genre when it comes to that, I see myself as pretty flexible when it comes to that. Para mis amigos espanas, espero conocerte pronto.


Welcome to RPG! We’re super happy to have you here! :)

Looking forward to seeing you around, and if you’re looking for friends try hopping into the RPG discord some time :)
In ayooo 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
hi everyone! i'm copacetic, you can call me copa if you want. i've been roleplaying for quite some time now and have been looking for a new place to go. i can't wait to see what this site holds for me!

Welcome friend!

What kind of roleplays do you like to join? We have a little something for everyone here, so you’re sure to enjoy yourself.

It’s great to meet you x
The Merlin?!

Welcome to RPG friend!

As a moderator here, I’m trying to keep the bots at bay, (although the rest of the team is far more efficient at that).

I think a lot of us can be slow; I’ve just had a jam packed 4-5 weeks and am only just getting back into the thick of things, so don’t worry too much!

What are some of your RP ideas? :)

And if you’ve any other questions, or need any help with the site —- I’m more than happy to help!
In Sup 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I'm new here. Hope we all get along.

Welcome to RPG! :)

In Heya 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Recently been getting the itch for RP, and figured Gaia probs wasn't the place the to go back to. Call me Mishrael. I love fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural, so on and so forth. So long as it's not super cliche romances (because romance can be done well) or slice-of-life (because let's be honest I'm here for some good ol' fashioned escapism) I'm good.

My RP by post experience is largely relegated to Gaia, because the white background was just so awesome for post editing, and I generally rp'ed in semi-lit to adv. lit RPs, though if I'm being honest I was only ever in maybe two or three semi-lit RPs (I imagine this equates to moderate to advance RPs here on this forum).

I love world-building, character development, and collaborating with others. I'm not super keen on 1x1s and prefer group RP, and I probably won't seriously consider an RP that requires players to fill specific roles (Kingdom RPs or Fandom RPs I feel tend to be the worst offenders in this particular area), I like a bit more creative freedom to not only design my characters but develop them without having to shoehorn in a pre-concieved part of the character. Nothing really against it -- people that like those kinds of restrictions and think of them as creative challenges, great! It's just not my scene.

Hello Mishrael, it's great to meet you!

I'm Stormflyx but most people call me Storm or Stormy.

I think quite a few of us on here have used Gaia before, myself included when I was a lot younger than I am now hehehe. <:

I'm sure there will be something you can find on our site if you just have a good enough luck. I'm mostly a fandom roleplayer myself, and play Elder Scrolls games but I think they offer a lot of freedom in terms of developing and creating a character - and really pushing out something fun and creative with the source material.

Who would you say would be your favourite character that you've ever written, and why?

Looking forward to seeing you around!
Well met everyone!

I've been roleplaying on the web for a while now, and my search for new adventuring grounds has brought me here. I had been meaning to sign up on this site for some time, but life kept getting in the way with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Now, though, it looks like things have quieted down enough for me to start writing again! As you might have guessed, fantasy is my bread and butter, but I like to try out different things from time to time, and this site looks like it has enough to offer to sate even my most bizarre whims.

I'm looking forward to having a good time with plenty of you here!

Hey I know exactly how you feel about that life thing - it sucks when it can start getting in our way, but that's part of the journey is overcoming the ebbs and flows :>

I'm super glad you're here!

I'm also sure that your whims are not so bizarre that you couldn't find a partner or a group on here.

Happy to chat anytime, friend! x
I am Sade. I am an old roleplayer who is just here looking for something to fill the boredom of the Covid period. I was sent here by Mobius, if anyone knows them, they suggested the site to me.

I'm big on comic books and old anime, rurouni kenshin and gundam are big favorites. I have also been practicing art in my off time, if anyone is interested in seeing some I am more than happy to show some sketches.

Hello and WELCOME!

I've seen you in and around the discord a little bit!

We have a great community of artists on RPG, so definitely share some of your work -- I'd love to see it, we have a specific art channel in the Discord that you can fill up with your work! :)

Welcome again, friend! x
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